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Saturday, September 7, 2019

After global economy fails...


After global economy fails...

Raw materials should be used locally to produce finished goods and create local employment.


As we have seen in this modern era, the US has been very aggressive in taking up military action in the Middle East and globally. Not coincidentally, the US is the top consumer of natural resources and that quota is primarily filled from around the globe.

For this reason the US has built up the biggest army in the world. That way the US can secure raw materials in one of two ways. Either the US makes deals with those foreign leaders and easily gains access to raw materials, or the US goes to war. War results when outside rulers are not cooperative and do not give way to US demands. In that case, the US will try to remove that ruler and insert their own hand-picked stooge. This is their long-standing approach.

France adheres to this same tactic, and verily this is the common trend around the globe. Rich countries exploit poor countries to gain control over their natural resources and raw materials. To avoid this, Prout has given a very meaningful and rational formula. By this way, we can bring back peace and tranquility onto this earth.

The issue of energy is of great concern around the globe. All want to create a renewable, sustainable energy policy. Yet in the practical sphere, for various reasons it has not taken shape on the societal level. The teachings of Prout offer some important solutions, and outline key underlying cause(s). As Proutists, we should be keenly aware of our Proutistic outlook.

Identifying the problem: rampant exploitation of resources

As with any problem, it is needed to identify the root cause.

Prout philosophy states, "According to PROUT, economic exploitation involves the unrestricted plunder of the physical and psychic labour of a particular community together with the natural resources in their local area." (1)

So materialistic economic policies and programs have led to the rampant destruction and manipulation of natural resources. This has severely threatened the earth's ecological balance and led to an environmental crisis.

To date, there has been an unrelenting push to scour the earth's natural resources for maximum economic gain. With money as the main priority, sound environmental policies have either been absent or overlooked.

Due to this type of economic exploitation and plunder, the globe now finds itself in various crises. Prout teachings offer numerous solutions to this dire problem.

Natural resources used locally

One key principle is that each and every area or district should be developed using their own natural resources. Countries should not depend upon raw materials etc from other outside regions.

Prout philosophy says, "In a healthy economy raw materials should come from the local area. Industries which are based on imported raw materials are always weak industries, sick industries. A sick economy depends upon raw materials from outside - it depends upon import. For example, the Barauni Oil Refinery in Bihar is a sick industry because it depends upon crude oil from Assam. If there is any disturbance in Assam or if India is balkanized, then the refinery will have to close down. The establishment of this refinery was a foolish act. It does not represent a healthy economic structure. It is a sick industry, a foolish industry, a stupid industry!" (2)

The guiding approach is that raw materials and natural resources should be used locally. They should not be exported. Those economies that depend upon imported raw materials are weak. Relying on various raw materials from afar is a misguided way to build up one's economy. Yet that has been the prevailing approach around the world. Rare is the case where an economy wholly depends upon their own local resources.

The Proutistic response is that each and every land should be developed using their own natural resources. There are practical solutions for each and every area to create their own fuel. Here following is one such approach.

Prout philosophy guides us, "Many healthy industries based on local raw materials can be developed. For example, high-quality concentrated alcohol fuel can be produced from sugar beet and sugar cane. Concentrated alcohol can replace fossil fuels, as the stock of crude oil is fast diminishing." (3)

Further down in this email is a listing of Proutistic solutions for how cities, states, and countries can develop their own energy.

There is plenty for all

First it should be recognised that there are sufficient natural resources for all. By a careful, thought out approach we as a humanity will realise that all that is needed has been provided. To date, human error has been the cause of shortages in resources.

Prout guides us, "If there were maximum utilization and rational distribution of all natural resources, pressing socio-economic problems could be easily solved. It is a law of nature that a mother is provided with sufficient breast milk to feed her newly born baby. In the same way nature has generously provided sufficient resources to meet the food and other essential requirements of all human beings. People need to utilize these natural resources in a proper way. Shortages of food or space cannot be blamed on nature. These problems are essentially the results of the mistakes made by human beings." (4)

So the ecological and economic crisis of today is not due to a lack of resources but rather stems from the misutilisation and misappropriation of those resources. Each and every area has the requisite raw materials for building a healthy social order.

Prout philosophy states, "Nature has been kind enough to provide abundant natural resources to every region of this earth." (5)

As a case in point, even the economically impoverished region of Rarh has all the energy resources it needs.

Prout philosophy states, "In Ra'r'h there are extensive deposits of coal, coal gas and natural gas." (6)

By all this it is quite evident that one need got to other countries and rob them of their raw materials. If we remember His guidelines and look carefully, then we will find that in each and every land, there are sufficient natural resources to meet the requirements of that area.

Energy should be a not-for-profit industry

Here Prout teachings give more insight into and significant solutions for the world.

Prout philosophy states, "The local administration will have to supply locally generated power such as solar energy, thermal energy, bio-gas, hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, pneumatic energy, electromagnetic energy and tidal power, or any other power which is easily available locally. The generation of power is a key industry which should be run on a no profit, no loss basis so that the cost of production is minimized and the purchasing capacity of the people is increased. For example, if batteries are produced through cottage industries, power should be supplied on a no profit, no loss basis, but the battery producers will be able to sell their batteries at a rational profit. Here the power that is used to manufacture the batteries is not an industrial commodity but a raw material. The power for such things as transportation, communication, schools, colleges and hospitals should also be supplied on a no profit, no loss basis to maintain social dynamism." (7)

So here above Prout guidelines give some key concepts about the generation and distribution of energy.

1. Local governments have to create their own power.
2. Power can be generated from any number of avenues: hydro, nuclear, tidal, solar etc.
3. This industry must run on a no-profit, no loss basis.

These corporations accumulate huge profits while stripping near and far distant lands of their natural resources. This type of capitalistic plundering and profiteering goes entirely counter to our Proutistic outlook. And that is why the problem is growing today. Whereas as soon as the above Proutistic methods are followed, then that will ease the economic crisis immediately.


As we all know Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has given Prout in the year 1955. And in those days the world was not willing to move in that direction. For one reason or another the leaders and citizens were quite satisfied with the way things were going. The ideas of Prout seemed like a far-away dream. But now only six decades later, huge progress has developed towards adopting Prout. Due to extreme social and economic circumstances, many communities and businesses are consciously or unconsciously moving in that direction. People have been forced to think in that way.

The wave has been created for all His Proutistic guidelines to be implemented. Some are getting established by right thinking Proutists, and other Prout guidelines are taking shape simply because the ways of old are no longer feasible. And this global transition is occurring at a marked rate, i.e. quickly. The speed will only increase exponentially in the coming months and years.

For the implementation of Prout, the psychic seeds and awareness have taken root. The conditions are ripe. And very soon, more and more, we will see the sprouting of Prout in each and every land and community around this globe. As we - as a humanity - continue to search for solutions and alternatives in the escalating economic and environmental crisis, more and more will turn to the ideas of Prout.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Alternative energy sources

Some may think that alternative energy can only be supplied in certain key areas. For example, a few may be thinking that solar power can only be generated in the sunny desert etc, but this is not the case. In these next series of quotes, please find countless solutions and suggestions how alternative energy can be created and found in all the regions of the world. According to Prout teachings, there are innumerable sources of good, useable energy.

Prout philosophy states, "Two types of power can be developed in Bangladesh - power from oceanic tides, and solar energy. Oceanic tides can be harnessed in the Bakargang subdivision of Noakhali district where the Meghana River enters the ocean, and in the Chandpur subdivision of British Tripura district where the Dakatiya River enters the ocean. Many waves and turbulences are created by the impact of these rivers when they enter the Bay of Bengal. Tidal power would be very cheap to harness there. Solar power can also be harnessed, but this source of power is not so developed yet. It will become increasingly important in the future." (8)

So in the above guideline, anyone can understand that tidal and solar energy is important and will play a big role in the future. Here below are more ways for how to generate solar energy.

Prout philosophy states, "There is no need to purchase coal from outside as is being done now. Solar power can also be generated in the plain areas where the land is wavy." (9)

And with His broad based perspective, the Propounder of Prout philosophy has given innumerable ways how to generate energy from a variety of sources.

Prout philosophy states,"Energy and transportation: Until solar energy can be manufactured cheaply, other energy sources can be utilized, like hydroelectricity, coal, thermal power, tidal power, geo-thermal power, wind power and natural gas. All the raw materials necessary for transportation are also available, including rubber, steel, mica, mica chips, mercury, silver, copper, quartz and manganese." (10)

Petroleum also will not be in shortage

And in those areas where there will be continued use of petroleum, Prout philosophy offers these two important guidelines.

Prout philosophy states, "Petroleum can also be recovered from certain types of river valleys. Where the river bed is broad there is a chance of finding petroleum." (11)

Prout philosophy states, "There may be a shortage of petroleum but elements for creating petroleum are available in the world. We will be able to produce synthetic petroleum." (12)

Thus even petroleum will be abundantly available in the near future.

Ideals of Prout

Soont our human existence will become better and better in all the spheres. Only by implementing the aforementioned Proutistic measures on natural resources will there be joy and peace on this earth.

Prout philosophy says, "The progressive availability of the maximum amenities of life will be guaranteed in PROUT, satisfying physical needs. The satisfied physical needs will lessen the physical obstacles which inhibit human progress, and human beings will experience all-round development, especially in the intellectual stratum. Human beings will get the opportunity to develop in the intellectual stratum without any hindrances. The truth of humanity, the veracity of humanity, will go on increasing in different areas of expression....the whole existence of human beings will become effulgent in the attainment of the Supreme." (13)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 19, Economic Exploitation of Bengal
2. Proutist Economics, Bihar
3. Proutist Economics, Bihar
4. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Population Growth & Control
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy
6. Proutist Economics, Economic Self-Sufficiency for Bengal
7. Proutist Economics, Decentralised Economy - 1
8. Proutist Economics, Bangladesh
9. Proutist Economics, Bihar
10. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Parts of the Economy
11. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Geology and Human Civilisation
12. A Few Problems Solved - 8, Rule of Rationality
13. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, Minimum Requirements & Maximum Amenities

== Section 2: Links ==