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Friday, February 2, 2024

Newsletter story + 4 more

Newsletter story


During Emergency, when Baba was in jail, the mood in our AMPS was a bit sullen. There were court cases, controversies, tales of scandal, and quite a bit of intrigue. Spiritually, margiis were managing alright, by His grace, but in the social sphere things were a bit gloomy. People were hesitant to do pracara or go out in public and mention the name: Ananda Marga. Our train was moving slowly.

Baba, the all-knowing Parama Purusa, knew the perfect remedy. While fasting in jail, Baba forcefully declared, "I need newsletters; that will be my food." Baba's dynamic proclamation set the wheels of our AMPS in motion. Immediately, word spread how Baba wanted to hear news about what was happening in AMPS around the globe and that this would be His food.

Certainly, in His mind's eye, all-knowing Baba was aware about each and every thought, word and deed so His declaration for newsletters was more of a strategy for rejuvenating everyone. And indeed how well it worked.

Very positive effect

The effect of Baba's call was very dramatic. Ananda Margiis from around the world jumped into action. Each district and locale realised that they needed to create a newsletter. And to write a newsletter they needed something to write about. In order to have something to write about they needed to do something. This was the way it worked.

So margiis began vigorously involving themselves in all kinds of social service projects and good deeds. Once done, then they would write and print that news and mail it to Baba and that would be His food. Everyone became quite active; all were feeling blissful. Everyone was vigilant to write news that was accurate and true. Nobody wanted to give Baba bad food, and we all knew that the omniscient Parama Purusa Baba knew what was true or not. So the social service endeavors were done with full feeling and accurately reported.

Then the various units thought that since we are printing news for Baba, why not print more copies and send it to other units and regions as well. This created a whole network of newsletters. No longer were various margiis or units sitting alone in isolation worried about the fate of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Now the scene was abuzz with news coming in all kinds of directions. Margiis were more active than ever: schools, pracara, talks, mass feeding, clothing distribution, university seminars etc. And when one unit would read about what another was doing, then they would implement that program in their area as well. Those newsletters had a wonderful domino effect.

By all this activity, our AMPS was growing by leaps and bounds and the sullen skies opened, and everyone had a bright, positive vision, despite the difficulties. And, when Baba was finally cleared of all charges and released from prison, our Ananda Marga society was in full-swing. It was a driving force. This was all His grace and His divine planning - knowing perfectly that in order to turn things in the right direction there needed to be dynamism in the social sphere. And newsletters were the ideal way to get things going. Then people would feel that they are part of some larger movement. This made everyone feel connected, engaged, and hopeful. What worked so beautifully those days will have an equally beneficial effect today.


Baba has given us a great example. Whatever the situation, Baba has already provided us with the pathway to advance. One excellent way to move forward and bring a dynamic flow in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha is by creating newsletters. Baba declared this to be His food, and today such newsletters will be the staple for creating and building our AMPS family.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Newsletter overview

A newsletter - whether it be electronic or otherwise - should be true, rational, and unbiased. The first question might be: What type of things are newsworthy. And the answer is anything that tightens the bonds within our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. That means things like births, baby-naming ceremonies, akhanda kiirtan, social service, developments in schools, pracara, deaths, retreats - each and every event can be reported. And there should be truthful  channels, 100%-free from group interest. By sharing all these types of news in a fair and honest manner - on the regional, sectorial, and global level - our whole Ananda Marga family will be benefited.

Actually, every organisation hoping to succeed on this earth keeps their internal structure strong by keeping their members "in the know" and inspired. Whether the organisation be environmental or social, or any other type, newsletters, grassroots sharing, and open and sincere lines of communication are a must.

Essential points to cover

As our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha is an organisation solely for propagating the tenets of dharma, i.e. Ananda Marga ideology; hence, our newsletters should regularly address certain fundamental themes:
(a) Propagating 16 Points and abiding by bhagavad dharma;
(b) Opposing all sorts of sin and injustices;
(c) Highlighting and guiding on aspects of sadhana, service, and sacrifice;
(d) Pointing our AMPS leaders who are committing sin and not following their conduct rules;
(e) Presenting inspiring stories of bhakti, and tales of courage, bravery, righteousness.

Creating a cohesive movement

By implementing Baba's system of organisationally sanctioned newsletters - employing a multi-tier approach - covering local and global events, all will feel more connected and inspired. It will encourage others to implement the ways of Ananda Marga into their own lives and that of their community.

Living alone or in isolation is not good. We are social beings. Having healthy, productive, open newsletters will improve the overall climate and psychology of AMPS. We will realise how many like-minded sadhakas are in our grand Ananda Marga family. Baba has brought us together - and with good reason: To learn and progress with one another as we embark on leading a life dedicated to Him and serving humanity.

With these newsletters, all will feel closer and part of some greater whole. No doubt on the spiritual level we all feel linked with Baba, by His grace. But that social connection is very important for building a strong, cohesive movement. That will give us force. So at the earliest this program should go on - in all units and in all areas. One newsletter will lead to the next and inspire everyone to progress. It will create boundless energy and much zeal.

Human capacity is immense

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When people hesitate and doubt whether they can accomplish something, and if they start to work in that hesitant frame of mind, they can never accomplish that task. But if they plunge into action thinking of their goal with courage, imbued with spiritual inspiration, they are sure to be crowned with success. No action is greater than the human capacity to perform it. Of all the manifold entities in this expressed world, human beings are the most powerful." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Ananda Marga is against all kinds of exploitation, because exploitation always breaks the pace of advancement. These feelings of anti-exploitation have to be given a shape through the medium of social organization. A healthy social outlook has to be adopted. The parasites which live on exploitation do not want that the throes of inactivity should disappear from the society as it is on this filth of stagnancy that they exist and grow. They are like sores on the social body. External application of ointments will not cure this type of sores. So long as the blood affected with the harmful germs of the sore is in the body, the sore will come out again and again. So the best way of treating such sores is to keep them clean by washing and sponging them externally or to apply mild medicines and to increase the supply of fresh blood corpuscles in the body. To increase the blood within, the speed of every limbs and joints has to be increased and do you know on which depends this speed in case of the society? The more is the adjustment between the social body and the elements; – time, place and person, the greater is the speed. The social customs of Ananda Marga have been formed with a view to intensifying the speed to supply fresh blood to the body – to stream fresh spring water into blocked water storages." (2)

Human beings are social beings

Ananda Marga ideology states, A human being is a social being. Social beings cannot lead a secluded life. They need friends. They also want friends. If a person is to live alone in a big town or in a village, he will become insane. His mental equilibrium will be lost because by nature he is a social being. And human philosophy also reflects this human characteristic.” (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Having progressively crossed the different evolutionary stages since the distant past human beings have at last reached the present stage. The journey has not been solitary: People have advanced together in society. Even in the primitive past, humans lived in clans and tribes, for alone they could not easily procure the means of livelihood. An individual who totally shuns collective life finds existence difficult, for humans are essentially social beings. Whenever one thinks of a human being one automatically thinks of the society in which he or she lives. Human existence is thus two-sided – individual existence and collective existence – and as such it has two sets of values: social values and human cardinal principles. The social values of human beings are ascertained on the basis of social responsibilities. As a member of society a person has to discharge certain duties and responsibilities. Those who shoulder great responsibility are naturally accorded due recognition and respect, because the good of all depends upon the proper execution of one's duties.” (4)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 11, Momentum and Attraction
2. Táttvika Diipika - Part 4
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Social Animals and Friends
4. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Which religions think like this?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "At one time people were told that this world is for human enjoyment only, so the existence of all the plants, of all the birds and animals, in the world is intended merely to provide objects of enjoyment for human beings. Their hopes and aspirations, their intense desire to live, their pains and pleasures, their affectionate family or community lives are simply without value. However much a baby goat may wish to live, the main consideration is how much meat that kid carries on its frame. This defective philosophy has made people ruthlessly violent – even more dangerous than blood-thirsty tigers. Tigers kill only to fill their stomachs, to preserve their physical existence; whereas human beings kill animals mostly out of greed. Generally people have resorted to hypocrisy to camouflage this instinct of greed; they have killed animals on the pretext of pleasing the gods, while actually their main motive in doing so was to please their own tongues. These are all the inevitable results of such defective philosophies." (1)

Answer: Baba is talking about the Semitic religions. This is done by the semitic religions, i.e. Islam, Judaism, Christianity. The theology of these religions claims said that all the animals are for human consumption and enjoyment. These animals do not have their own independent existential value. Humans can keep or kill them according to their desire. Animals have no intrinsic value or right to exist on their own. According to their theology, God created animals for human use and desire.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Purchased intellectuals befool the people

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Powerful people have exploited sáhityikas [writers/ speakers/ artists] in various ways, taking advantage of their indigence. This has been going on since ancient times. In those days even kings and emperors encouraged court poets, giving them gifts of tax-free properties, and in that way bought their head and their hands. Talented sáhityikas or artists frequently had to do uncongenial jobs under circumstantial pressure for the amusement of their patrons. To satisfy the whims of their licentious patrons, they had to compose obscene poems and sculpt obscene statues and images. To make their patrons’ enemies look contemptible, they had to besmirch their names with scandals and calumnies. To extol the dress, colour, family, caste, class and ancestry of their patrons, they had to resort to lies and fraud and cite the revelations of the gods as substantiation. The same condition has continued even today. With very few exceptions, most sáhityikas belong to the lower stratum of society. In spite of their desire to work independently, most of them have pawned themselves, from the grey matter of their brains to the very tips of their fingers, to particular people and organizations. Even those who appear from their writings to be bold and spirited, have, under circumstantial pressure, become the playthings of political parties.” (1)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba is pointing out how throughout history those in powerful positions have exploited and purchased writers, intellectuals, and artisans etc. Due to pressure of circumstance, those writers and artists had to use their talents to promote the agenda and glories of those in power. Sadly, nowadays, we see a similar trend in our AMPS. Those at the top force the hand of good Wts whereby those good Wts are coerced to publicly praise certain top Wts who are steeped in sin. By this way, those good Wts became agents to cover up the nefarious dealing of their bosses / in-charges etc.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Chief cause of their criminality

According to Prout philosophy, "For the all-round welfare of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish."

"First people should not be retrenched from their livelihood unless alternative employment has been arranged for them."

According to Prout philosophy, “In the Pathan period and at the height of the Mughal empire, Zamindars or landlords were permitted to maintain military forces. This practice was banned at the end of the Mughal period and the start of the British period. As a result, many soldiers from military communities like the Bagadis of Ráŕh and the Cuyárs and Lodhas of Midnapur were retrenched from the armed services. Consequently, they became criminals. Even thirty to forty years ago, members of these communities were still engaged in antisocial activities, but now they have virtually ceased this practice. If these people had been inducted into the military or the police, they would have earned a proper livelihood without being compelled to harm the society. Their destiny would have been quite different.”

“Now you understand the consequences of retrenching people without arranging a suitable alternative livelihood for them.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quality of true Guru

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “One who only punishes a person is not a Guru, and one who only loves is also not a Guru. Rather he or she is an enemy, for excessive love and affection spoils a person. Only one who does both these things is a real Guru. That is why people should be trained with both love and punishment. Where love fails, punishment helps. Medicine is not necessarily always sweet; sometimes bitter medicines are necessary as well. Patients often refuse to swallow bitter medicines; they cry in protest. But the ideal physician will force the patient to swallow the medicine. This is the proper way.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shrávańii Púrńimá

== Section 3: Links ==