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Monday, July 15, 2019

Why lottery ruins + 3 more


Why lottery ruins


The exploited, impoverished masses are goaded by the exploiters to purchase lottery tickets. The poor are brainwashed into thinking that by this way they will be able to overcome their poverty and become rich. And when they invariably do not win the lottery and their poverty multiplies, those impoverished people blame themselves for being unlucky. Side by side, the exploited mass believes that the rich are fortunate and that is why they have money. They do not realise that the rich have accumulated wealth by exploiting others.

The poor believe that, “Due to my misfortune and bad luck, I do not have money.” They fail to realise that their poverty is the result of systemic exploitation, low wages, and numerous other tactics implemented by the wealthy. Wherever people are dominated by the idea that the lottery is their ticket out of poverty, it is extremely difficult to raise their awareness about economic exploitation. They fail to understand that exploitation is the driving force behind their poverty because they are engrossed in the notion that they are just unlucky and if a stroke of fortune comes their way then surely they will become rich.

Lottery gives negative message & self-blame

Some lotteries are worth huge sums of money. This gives the notion that societal systems are not founded on rewarding those who work hard and gain success, i.e. meritocracy, rather it is all just due to luck. People rely on the luck of the lottery to enhance their lot in life. A distinct portion of society operates in this way. When people think that chance and good fortune - not hard work and ingenuity - are the cause of one's success or lack thereof, they have fallen into a very dangerous and harmful outlook.

As Baba has discussed in numerous discourses, when one gives way or indulges in a particular propensity, like greed etc, then that propensity increases. That is the theorem: A propensity gets stronger as it is activated. So if a person indulges in greed or anger, than that propensity or vrtti will gain a greater hold over that person. That is the way it goes.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The peculiar nature of these propensities is this: if they are given indulgence, they increase. And they easily come under control with a slight effort; only in the initial stage, one must struggle a little to control them." (1)

With regards to playing the lottery or gambling, as one thinks about winning money, then their desire increases and their greed multiplies. In turn, one will gamble more or buy more lottery tickets. One's psychic pabulum focuses more on money and in so doing the mind becomes stained - degraded. And one's penchant for greed goes on increasing. From beginning to end this is not good for sadhakas.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A person who is greedy for money becomes totally preoccupied with the thought of making money;...." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The mind becomes so infatuated with its crude objects that ultimately it becomes converted into matter. It follows the path of negative pratisaincara." (3)

Sadguru says, "When the tendency towards acquisition in the physical world is extremely strong, people's tendency to assimilate spiritual or intellectual things is usually noticeably weaker. In that condition, their thirst for the material world becomes very intense." (4)

Lottery: the poor loses & indulge more vices

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The present-day materialism has brought humanity to this predicament. Its consequences are dreadful. The irrational thirst for acquisition of material things is termed “greed”; ….. the tendency to acquire the objects of material enjoyment in ever-increasing quantities."
   "So whether in the material world or in the intellectual world, the predominant tendency that makes today's people, both individually and collectively, rush headlong without control, is the instinct of greed. The propensity of greed, if not controlled by rationality, or benevolent intellect, or spiritual practices, will lead to premature death. Nothing can save human beings from this. This instinct of greed has brought the present humanity to such a state that people no longer consider anything as sinful. Rather, they consider the “sin psychology” as a mental weakness, and the worst of sins are being glorified as the height of intellect, not only indirectly, but also openly...Lobhah pápasya hetubhútah [“Greed is the root cause of all sins”]." (5)

So greed / avarice is one of the six internal enemies and part and parcel of avidya maya. The disease behind the lottery and gambling is found in the sadripus because greed for material wealth is one of the six internal enemies. So this penchant for lottery and gambling is embedded deep within the human psyche. If this tendency or enemy of greed is encouraged it will grow and grow. It can swallow one's entire existence where a person even destroys their family and commits suicide - all due to greed.

Encouraging people to participate in lotteries and gambling is extremely dangerous - it can easily ruin their entire existence. Now that we have uncovered the root cause of the problem, we should investigate the treatment as well.

Lotteries enable the powerful politicians and wealthy shareholders to further exploit the masses because instead of demanding an end to socio-economic exploitation etc, the common people just bask in the false hope of winning the lottery and joining the ultra-rich.  Instead of pushing for social change and justice, the sedated masses avoid revolutionary approaches and sit back and play the lottery. By this maneuver of creating lotteries, political leaders maintain the status quo - they are not pressured to respond to social ills.


So wherever lotteries are embraced by the people, Prout can never be established. In order to propagate Prout, the first step is to open the eyes of the common mass. They have to realise the presence of exploitation and give up their bad habit and false hope of lotteries, gambling, and stocks etc. Only then will they be able to understand that capitalist economic exploitation is the cause of their poverty and suffering. Their economic woes are not because of not winning the lottery but due to  extremely low wages.

In Him,

All sorts of gambling including lotteries are forbidden in Ananda Marga as it brings psychic degeneration and creates a whole host of social problems.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 16)
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Cognitive Force and Psychic Practice
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Cognitive Force and Psychic Practice
4. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)
5. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivas Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

All are dancing in joy

"Stabdha ma'navata' ja'galo go ja'galo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0366)


My Parama Purusa, with Your advent, the stunned and dazed humanity has awakened today. Expression has come to its previously dumb mouth. The humankind was sleeping for ages in a deep slumber, submerged in dogma and inertness. The people could not understand what is dharma and adharma, nor could they follow any do's and don'ts or protest against injustices. Now, the human race has become awakened, by Your grace. Those dumb persons, who were unable to talk, have gained the courage to speak out against falsehood and injustice, by Your mercy. The call of supreme refulgence has touched every heart and cast away the cimmerian dark staticity of the new moon night. All are dancing in joy.

On this very day let us all collectively move along the path of brilliant illumination. There is no looking back. In the eastern sky, the early coloured sun awakens, and a brand new era is at our doorstep.

The streaks of light have brought the fragrant flowers into full blossom. The yearning for spirituality arouses in the human psyche, eradicating the doldrums of all lethargy, laziness, ennui, and feelings of emptiness within. Those degrading tendencies have disappeared and are nowhere to be found.

Baba, Parama Purusa, with Your advent, everything has changed...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Benefits of sun bath

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When children are massaged with oil and then bathed in sun-warmed water it increases their vitality. Sun-warmed water is also beneficial for older people, however for older people it is not good if the temperature of the sun-warmed water is greater than the temperature of the body." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 3, Disc: 17

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0366: All are dancing in joy
2. Posting: 
Why lottery ruins
3. IT: Benefits of sun bath
4. Links