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Monday, October 16, 2023

Social rotation + 3 more

Social rotation


Today, money is everything, and tomorrow it will be nothing. Rather, those with huge money will be treated as lowly exploiters. Each era has their own distinct set of values. To see how this works, please continue reading.

The “gold” of each era: power, intellect, & money

In the ksatriyan era, the warrior class was in power. They held all the prestige in society. In that era, army commanders, generals, and those skilled in martial techniques were the most powerful. The slogan of the day was, “Might is right.” And everyone wanted to be viewed as a great fighter because that skill was accepted and respected as the loftiest attainment.

Then, in the vipran age, the cunning intellectuals like mullahs and priests etc garnered the most prestige. They were the ruling class and deemed as the cream of society. The slogan of the day was, “Where there is intellect there is victory.” In the vipran era, the cunning intellectuals held all the power and everyone bowed down to them.

Now in this vaeshyan era, the wealthy are regarded as great and the acquisition of material wealth is viewed as the top most quality of a human being. If a person has wealth, then they are great. That is the defining element of the vaeshyan era. So at present, in this vaeshyan era, everyone follows the ways and preachings of the capitalists.

When the era changes, the values change

In a given era, when extreme exploitation reaches its height, then revolution occurs and the era changes. At present, the vaeshyan exploitation is rolling along to an extreme degree and the shudra revolution is impending. When the era changes then the values also change. As long as the vaeshyan era is in vogue, the value of material acquisition and wealth will reign supreme. It is only after the shudra revolution that this will change. We have to put an end to vaeshyan exploitation and usher in a new era.

Sadly, up til now, from one age to the next, people have failed to realise that none of these mundane qualities - i.e. material wealth, intellect, or might - are lasting. They could not understand that these fleeting trends never bring perfect peace and composure. One will always feel desperate and dissatisfied and think that they need more, i.e. more money, more intellect status, more might. Those who have fallen in this way can never be a proper leader in society. Rather they will always be pawns in the hands of the ruling oppressors, knowingly or unknowingly.


Those who are ideal human beings focus only on the Supreme Goal of human life. They never fall prey to the disease and allurement of the prevailing era. They know that this world is for objective adjustment only. They understand who they are and cultivate their psycho-spiritual growth to attain Parama Purusa and serve others. Those blessed souls never forget that they are the divine child of Parama Purusa. They are the true vanguards and only they can guide the society. They are called sadvipras.

So human values change from age to age. And when Mahasambhuti takes advent a monumental shift occurs. This is known as the transitional period where all aspects of human life undergo a dramatic and revolutionary shift, including the social values. By His grace, the followers of Mahasambhuti help usher in this bright, new era of neo-humanism, and thereby establish sadvipra samaj.

The Propounder of Prout states, “Today I earnestly request all rational, spiritual, moral, fighting people to build a sadvipra society without any further delay. Sadvipras will have to work for all countries, for the all-round liberation of all human beings. The downtrodden people of this persecuted world look to the eastern horizon, eagerly awaiting their advent. Let the blackness of the new-moon night be lifted from the path of the downtrodden. Let the new human beings of a new day wake up to a new sunrise in a new world.” (1)

In Him,
Prakash Singh

Important point:

Some confused people may think that vikranti (counter-evolution) is the strategic tool of the sadvipras, but actually vikranti (counter-evolution) marks the defeat of the revolutionaries. Initially, the revolutionaries were successful in bringing evolution, but the exploiters fought back and destroyed all the revolutionaries, or put them in jail. That is called vikranti.

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Vanii states, “The night of cimmerian darkness is bound to disappear seeing the advent of the dawn. That which is ever-true, which is eternal, is destined to be illuminated with the rise of the crimson dawn. Be ready for the grand ovation to that new crimson dawn in every house. Be prepared physically and mentally, armed with the force of righteousness, for the auspicious moment of the enthronement of the ever-new. Be ready to respond to the supra-cosmic trumpet.” (2)

Beggars for their reputation

Here below Baba points out how those who are just concerned about their own prestige and reputation can never do anything great in this world. To effect proper change, lead the society into a new era, and advance the ideals of dharma one will have to be fearless and ready to take on whatever obstacles arise.

Sadguru Baba says, “According to our philosophy, when consciousness arises in individual life then a person begins to move in accordance with certain instructions, certain guidance. In collective life as well, when this stage comes, those who are well advanced, who understand better, who are more courageous, more firmly established in morality, who are truly righteous, they have to take the lead, to assume the mantle of leadership. In such times those who worry about what others will say or think, or worry about being criticized, and due to this fear hide behind closed doors thinking that if they take action their good name will be tarnished, such people are not true human beings. They are beggars, begging for reputation. They have no manliness; they have lost the courage to move ahead. At that time those who come forward and say – “Let’s go. I’m with you. If trouble comes, let it come. I’ll take it on my shoulders” – such people I have given the name sadvipra.” (3)

Clinging to that rubbish heap

Those spiritual revolutionaries who are ready to respond to His supreme call will never cling to the antiquated, dogmatic ways of old; rather those courageous dharmikas will boldly carry the torch of righteousness, knowing that Parama Purusa is with them and will lead the way.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “This is the way it has been and the way it will always be. However, in collective life at the critical juncture between one great age and another, in this transitional stage of great change, when it becomes impossible for the common man or even ordinary sadvipras to take up the leadership, then Parama Puruśa through his special grace arranges that leadership. At this time on the earth humanity is witnessing such a yuga sandhi. On one side there is the rubbish heap of the past and people are clinging to that rubbish heap because they have not yet been shown the way out. And on the other side, there is the call of the new. Under such conditions what will that Mahásambhúti do who gave guidance to the human race in the past? With courage He will call to human beings and declare: “Give up the rubbish of the past. It can only harm you and lead you to your death. Move ahead. Answer the call of the new. I am with you. There is no reason to be afraid.” (4)

1. Human Society - 2, Shúdra Revolution and Sadvipra Society
2. Ananda Vanii #69
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

One with that Supreme Entity

"Ámi, dhulikańá álor ságare, háráiyá gechi áji bhore, ámi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0576)


In the great ocean of refulgence, I am a tiny particle. Today in this new dawn, I have lost myself in that vast brahmic luminescence. A flash of mystical light came from somewhere, lifted me up, and floated me to some unknown cosmic realm.

That mystical ocean of brilliance made me dance in spiritual intoxication with the rhythm of ebb and flow and moved me to float towards the origin of that illumination. By His grace, my I-feeling along with my mind dissolved and merged completely in that vast sea of bliss. I have become one with that Supreme Entity.

In the past, the small particle was my little form, my minuscule being. I was one ordinary sadhaka. From that shape now I have become formless. I have merged into that infinite Parama Purusa. It was only due to His grace and effulgence that my scattered mind became concentrated and merged into Him. He is love-personified Parama Purusa...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Key fact about eating

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The human body is constituted of innumerable living cells. These cells develop and grow with the help of similar living entities. The nature of your living cells will be formed in accordance with the type of food you take. Ultimately all these together will affect your mind to some extent. If the cells of the human body grow on rotten and bad-smelling food, or on the fresh flesh of animals in which mean tendencies predominate, it is but natural that the mind will have a tendency of meanness. The policy of eating, without due consideration, whatever is available cannot be supported in any case, even though there may not be any question of hiḿsá or ahiḿsá. It should not be your policy to do what you wish. You must perform actions after due thought.” (1)

Note: The types of food you eat affects the mind. If one eats animal flesh, cells are formed in their body from that flesh and those cells have mind. Suppose you ate animal flesh then perhaps one million cells took birth in your body from that flesh food. Those cells have protozoic mind, and that protozoic mind will affect the metazoic mind, and that metazoic mind will in turn affect the human mind. In result that human mind will become tamasika, and it will move towards animality, i.e. towards sleep or sex, or other degrading tendencies etc. In that case, sadhana will be difficult. That is why sadhakas do not eat animal flesh. 

1. A Guide to Human Conduct, Ahimsa

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Perennial Source of energy

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Because each and everybody in this universe gets energy from Parama Purusa, He is the Supreme Source of energy.”

“This earth and all the other planets and satellites of this solar system get their energy from the sun. The sun is the source of their energy. But He is the source of the sun’s energy. And that’s why He is jvalantam.”

“And that’s why I have said that there won’t be any thermal death of this universe. Because He is jvalantam, He is present, and He will be present forever. So there won’t be any shortage of energy in this cosmic system, though there may be a shortage of energy in some particular portion of the earth or the cosmos.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Fear of Him

== Section 3: Links ==

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