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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Harmful intellectuals + 2 more


Harmful intellectuals

As Baba has told us on numerous occasions, human life is trifarious: physical, psychic, and spiritual. And one key aspect of human dharma is vistara, or expansion. So by their very nature, human beings have the desire to expand their current boundaries - in all spheres of life. That means: they accumulate physical strength; they accumulate psychic wealth; and, they accumulate spiritual wealth.

Root problem: lack of desire to serve

The problem comes when one accumulates those qualities without having any desire to serve others. In that case, that individual will wreak havoc on the society; they will exploit others rapaciously. Here we examine how that takes shape in the three spheres of life.

(a) Physical realm:  If one gains tremendous physical might - and they lack any service mentality - then they will use their strength to physically attack others and / or exploit them financially etc. 

(b) Psychic realm: If one has accumulated psychic wealth but has no inclination to serve they will befool, cheat, inject dogmas, and take advantage of others on the intellectual plane. 

(c) Spiritual realm: If one is devoid of any service motive and the person has accumulated spiritual wealth, they will swindle, deceive, and harm others in that arena. 

The operative factor is that when anyone lacks empathy for others and has no desire to serve, then they will use whatever talents they have to exploit the society. Such persons are extremely dangerous.

Solution: cultivate bhakti

The answer to this horrific situation is to bring these people onto the path of bhakti. As they cultivate their innate love for Parama Purusa, then naturally they will gradually look upon all of creation with that same amount of love, and they will have the desire to help others. In this following letter, we examine this phenomenon on the intellectual level. 

Materialistic, greedy people collect huge wealth. And if they utterly lack any service mentality, such persons become veritable demons and harm others with their powers  money. They use their advancement to exploit the common people. Bearing this in mind, kindly read the following. 

Real life examples: how they deceive and misguide

Here are some real-life practical examples how those in power leverage their accumulated might and wealth to harm and misguide others. 

(A) Politicians: A clear example of this in political life is how Trump befooled and inspired hundreds of people to charge and storm the Capitol on 06 January 2021. At Trump’s urging, those rioters behaved in ways that went far beyond their normal daily actions and they were caught on camera engaging in all kinds of heinous crimes. Now many of them have been prosecuted and jailed and they woefully lament their behaviour from that day. Yet now they have a police charge sheet and a lost career. And this all happened as they were played and motivated and ultimately harmed by Trump’s devious agenda.

(B) AMPS Wts: Then we look no further than our own AMPS to see how cunning priests befool and misguide others. Certain top Wts hold a particular agenda that the dogma of mahaprayan (MPD) must be celebrated in Tiljala etc, or that the organisation (AMPS) is more important than the ideology (AM), so if the organisation is promoting something that is contrary to AM ideals, still one should follow the chain of organisation command and contraven that ideological guideline. In this scenario, it is those cunning Wts who are blameworthy for pushing their myopic and dogmatic agenda. 

(C) Religious Priests: Similarly, in Pakistan, the Islamic mullahs (priests) are completely against polio vaccine and spread their conspiracy theories that the polio vaccine will make those children impotent, i.e. unable to have babies. Those Muslim clerics have regularly goaded terrorsts to attack those polio clinics where over there years, and as recently as a few days ago they murdered people working at those polio clinics. For this reason, polio remains a dangerous disease in Pakistan, whereas in other parts of the globe it has essentially been eliminated. This is all due to the harmful and dogmatic agenda of those Islamic clerics. 

(D) There is no heaven or hell, yet the world over in various religious congregations, priests preach the dogma of heaven and hell. Likewise, Lord Buddha never advocated idol worship (murti puja) but now those Buddhist monks have indoctrinated followers into worshipping idols and all sorts of deities. 

Our duty

As aspirants, our ethic is to lead a life based on service and sacrifice; everything we do must be imbibed with those principles. That means that whatever knowledge we gain in the intellectual sphere must be used in service to and for the welfare of others. Where this ideal is absent or where the motive is something else then such persons will become dangerous.

And this theorem of advancing in order to help others applies to the spiritual sphere as well. Those who pursue spiritual gain devoid of any service mentality will become a threat to society. 

Problem creators: jinanis & politicians

To begin, let’s qualify two terms.

#1: Jinanis: This refers to those cunning persons with above-average intellect who use their psychic faculty to exploit others physically, psychically, or spiritually - i.e. in one or all of these ways. Such persons are cunning intellectuals and that is what is meant by the term jinanis (i.e. priests, rabbis, mullahs, Buddhist lamas, talk show hosts, communal writers, as well as some Wts) in this letter. In contrast, if anyone uses their developed intellect for the common good or universal welfare, they do not fall in this category.

#2: Politicians: Here in this letter politicians are those who use their grandiloquence, knowledge, money, and tactics to befool others. They want power to advance their own selfish agenda. Externally they say they are going to serve, but internally they have their own devious plan. That is what is meant by politicians in this letter.

These two types of people are very powerful in society and use power to misguide and harm others. In result, society suffers a lot. Ordinary citizens are unable to recognise such exploiters. Because these politicians and cunning intellectuals are bankrupt in the field of bhakti. And when they have a lot of power and high social status and no conscience, the common people cannot see through this sheen of duplicity and malevolence. To identify such cunning intellectuals and politicians who are devoid of bhakti, a requisite degree of socio-economico-political consciousness is needed.

So this letter addresses how and why Ananda Marga philosophy does not support such persons.


Why is Ananda Marga philosophy against such cunning intellectuals and politicians.

a) they create dogmas;
b) they inject psychic diseases (inferiority complex etc) to exploit people;
c) they rally nations into wars for harmful and selfish reasons;
d) they bring about so much hatred and bloodshed;
e) they commit countless wrongs that harm society.

In Ananda Marga philosophy, cunning intellectuals and politicians who have no bhakti are condemned. This letter examines why Baba strongly condemns these two types of people.

Who causes division & destruction

Each and every land, country, town, and province has its history. And tragically, in all places certain individuals have done terrible harm to society. No region is exempt from this. For example, in Islam, they engaged in forced conversion and killed non-believers and everyone is aware about jihad and mass killings; in India, women were forced to jump to their death on the burning embers if their husband died before them; and in the western world, women were enslaved, stoned to death, and burned alive etc for centuries on end. In all parts of the globe, terrible crimes were done against humanity.

Invariably in each and every place, the common people - women, workers, locals, babies, aborigines, artisans - have suffered and undergone terrible torment and abuse. So much infighting has occurred in and around the globe; and, division and destruction has happened in nearly every nation. Is it the fault of the common people, or is there some other contributing factor. This is a burning question, because in order to build up a united humanity, we must be able to identify the reason behind such torment, division, and destruction.
If we look carefully, it is quite evident that there are two types of people who are most responsible for all these problems: (a) politicians & (b) jinanis (i.e. priests, rabbis, mullahs, some wts, Buddhist lamas, talk show hosts, and communal writers).. Time and again, they have done tremendous harm to society due to their own narrow selfish interest. Yet oddly enough, these very same people - politicians and cunning intellectuals who have no bhakti (i.e. priests, rabbis, mullahs, some Wts, Buddhist lamas, talk show hosts, and communal writers) - have garnered much respect in society. But in Ananda Marga teachings, Baba severely warns us about such persons.

Priests, rabbis, mullahs, communal writers, & some Wts misguided millions

Here below Baba clearly states that it was the priest class intellectuals, devoid of bhakti, who imposed the horrific caste system on the society.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The caste system is a creation of the cunning intellectuals of the Medieval Age. In the Vipra Era they wanted to perpetuate their privileged position for their descendants. To achieve this end, those cunning intellectuals wrote thousands of books and compiled thousands of God-centred verses only to show that the caste system is a creation of God. This was a psychological way of infusing the illogical idea [of casteism]." (1)

In the various religions, there are cunning bhakti-less intellectuals (i.e. priests, rabbis, mullahs, some Wts, Buddhist lamas, talk show hosts, and communal writers) who use similar tricks. In the name of their god they exploit the masses. They may proclaim that one should accept their fate as being a shudra, or a slave, or a poor man, as this is the edict of god etc. Here in the next passage Baba shows how it was the bhakti-less intellectuals who duped the people into following wrongful teachings and cheap religious edicts.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The cunning intellectuals of the past imposed the importance of blind faith on the minds of their gullible followers. They told them to obey the teachings, rational or irrational, otherwise there would be no respite from the endless suffering of human life, no other path to take them to the eternal bliss of heaven." (2)

How politicians harm society

With regards to politicians, Baba says that they are the cause of so much infighting and civil war.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Politicians want to accomplish everything through their grandiloquence. By identifying the weaknesses in others and by resorting to bombastic language, they incite one section of people against another so that they can usurp the seat of power and cling to it. Human beings will have to remain vigilant against persons of this type." (3)

For example, former President George W. Bush lied to the American public about weapons of mass destruction in order to capture another country. Mr Bush wanted to go to war for other gains, and thousands and thousands of American youths/soldiers were maimed and killed, and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis were massacred. When the big politicians of the USA invade this or that land, then so much harm is done.

Plus, there are countless instances where a few politicians created communal riots among the masses. Here Baba explicitly warns us about them.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Politicians are of no use to society because they are engaged in the business of mudslinging and nothing else...The motive of the politicians is only to capture power. They befool the public with high-sounding words. Therefore it is necessary that the public should be politically educated, because in that case politicians will not be able to cheat them." (4)

So in order to build up that great human society, we must be careful and pay heed to Baba's words. Otherwise we will not be able to bring peace.

Here it should be noted that common people are incapable of doing such harm. It takes a certain cunningness to dupe, deceive, trick, and exploit. Most people have no such mind to behave in this manner.

Priests, rabbis, mullahs, some Wts, communal writers are the problem

Verily in so many ways Baba goes to great lengths to warn us about the dangers and horrors caused by jinanis (i.e. priests, rabbis, mullahs, Buddhist lamas, some wts, talk show hosts, and communal writers) and politicians.

Because it is not the simplicity of the common people that leads to the suffering of the masses. Rather this is the fertile brain of these two groups of exploiters - cunning intellectuals (i.e. priests, rabbis, mullahs, some Wts Buddhist lamas, talk show hosts, and communal writers) and politicians - that have meted out untold harm to humanity. Such intellectuals and politicians are grossly devoid of bhakti.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is a mere interpolation arising out of the fertile brain of an opportunist Vipra or intellectual, it can never bring real knowledge to people, but will sow seeds of disharmony and dissension in the human society. For instance, the scripture of a certain community states that the earth is fixed and the sun in moving around it. This assertion is of course absolutely wrong scientifically. If an erudite scientist points out this mistake, the orthodox followers of the scriptures will brand him or her an atheist. The scriptures of other communities proclaim that only the followers of their religion are the favourite children of God and others are damned heathens. To kill them is not at all a sin, rather one will attain a permanent place in heaven after their death. Such scriptures are very detrimental to human society." (5)


These types of people - bhakti-less intellectuals (i.e. priests, rabbis, mullahs, some wts, Buddhist lamas, talk show hosts, and communal writers) and politicians - are very powerful in society and they use power to misguide and harm others. In this way, society suffers a lot. Ordinary citizens are unable to recognise such exploiters. Because they have a lot of power and high social status and the common people cannot see through this sheen. To identify such cunning intellectuals and politicians who are utterly devoid of bhakti, a requisite degree of socio-economico-political consciousness is needed.

In Him,

The real colour of these dry jinanis (i.e. priests, rabbis, mullahs, some Wts, Buddhist lamas, talk show hosts, and communal writers) comes when they are in the majority or in power. When they are in the minority, or out of power, they are completely different. Then they try to present themselves in a very appealing way to the public. Some may not understand about the Buddhist lamas. But when those lamas are in power such as in Thailand and Burma their actions are the same as other religious priests.

1. Prout in Nutshell - 5, Discourses on Prout
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
3. Problems of the Day, Point #26
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, Discourses on Prout
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Recipe for making child into perfect man

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "It is meaningless to impart diikśá under five years of age, since at this stage the nerve cells of a human child are undeveloped. Consequently, at age of five, there is no disposition or propensity for intricate types of spiritual practices. But, in absences of initiation of five years of age, there is apprehension of the child going astray. Verily, all the human vices are acquired during the age of five to fifteen years. The child has a great inclination to imitate. It hears abusive words and learns them. The robbers sons turn to be robbers only on account of environmental influence. For this reason, if the child be initiated on attaining five years of age, it can develop into a perfect human being – it will be a perfect man." (1)

1. Táttvika Diipiká (Paiṋcama Parva)