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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

True marriage + 2 more

True marriage


The general human tendency is to move from imperfection to perfection. Everyone wants to know what is better. In the world there are various types of tools and measurements to quantify and gauge quality. For instance, to determine the temperature, one may use a thermometer. To make an accurate assessment, just place it in the desired location and get a reading. Similarly, companies keep specialists to test and enhance their products. And in the field of medicine, doctors use all kinds of instruments and machines to measure and test the health and vitality of a particular organ. The goal is to move from imperfection to perfection.

In every field, there is a gauge and that applies to Ananda Marga also. There is a tool to measure who is a solid margii and who is a puffy margii. The fundamentals of Ananda Marga ideology teach us that all humans are one. We have come from one source and all are siblings - kith and kin. Sadly, the present society is in serious turmoil because all kinds of fissiparous tendencies have polluted the human mind. People view differences from one human to the next on the basis of race, caste, gender, religion, nationality, language etc. In result, there is serious distrust and bloody wars among humans.

To permanently overcome all these negative tendencies and bring peace and welfare in the society, Sadguru Baba has given a unique system. That is the revolutionary marriage system. This is the unique gauge to determine who is a veritable Ananda Margii. Those who have performed revolutionary marriages are true Ananda Margiis. And if they entered Ananda Marga after already being married then they will have to arrange for their children, grandchildren, friends, and relatives to be married according to the revolutionary marriage system - not the dogmatic way. These are true Ananda Margiis. And all others are so-so.


The goal of human life is Parama Purusa. To reach that Goal, all kinds of mundane adjustments are needed to exist in the world and do sadhana. In that process there is a need for a peaceful society. This is only possible where humans have genuine love and affection for one another, and do not exploit the weak and downtrodden. This can only come to fruition when people think of other human beings as their own. Revolutionary marriage is the ideal tool to achieve this. Devoid of revolutionary marriages, no matter how much you preach philosophy and all kinds of do’s and don’ts etc to bring unity and end war, it will all be hot air. True Ananda Margiis do something practical and that is revolutionary marriage. Whereas fake ones do not. By this way you can easily reach the conclusion who is real and who is superficial.

In Him,

Note: History bears testimony that in the past also right-thinking people arranged marriages between two fighting or rival groups to end the war forever. That is a proven fact. If any rivalry groups thinking themselves to be enemies start marrying across race, group, or caste etc then their quarrels and bloodshed will vanish in on time. This is a very practical and well-tested formula. And that is what is our revolutionary marriage system preaches. To encourage this there should be a reward - in the form of money or prestige etc - on the political or societal level. The result will be the formation of one human society.

~ In-depth study ~

These following quotes from Baba and see how He strongly opposes this dirty dogma of casteism. The transcription of the original Hindi is noted below for your reference.

(1) Believers of caste & race are atheists

Here following is an English summary of the below Hindi discourse of 31 October ‘79:

Indeed, everyone is brother and sister. No one can is of high or low caste or race. Can the children of one father be of five hundred different castes? Everyone is of one caste; the caste or race of the father is the caste of all the children. Beware of those who believe in the dogma of casteism. Do not get trapped in their ways. Why? Because those who believe in the dogma of casteism, they do not have any reverence for the Supreme Father.

Ma'rgiis-- "Baba, Baba, Baba!!"

Because, if five people are of five different castes, and their father is Parama Purus'a, then what is the caste or race of Parama Purusa? Will He be of five castes? Never. So remember, those who follow casteism, do not believe in the Lord. How can five hundred people of various caste or race, all have the same Father? It means they do not believe in Parama Purus'a. In contrast, those who believe in Parama Purus'a as the Supreme Father do not follow caste dogma. (English summary, मुच्यते भव बन्धनात्‌, Mucyate Bhava Bandhana't, 10/31/79 Kullu, Published: Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 16, Chapter 03)

(2) Either believe in caste or race, or Parama Purusa

Here below is an English summary of one of Baba's teachings on caste or race dogma wherein He claims one cannot be both an adherent of caste dogma as well as a believer in Parama Purusa.

There is one Supreme Father for every living being. So there should not be any feeling of high and low between humans. So many times I have told you that those who believe in the caste system or racism do not believe in Parama Purusa. Why? The sons of one father cannot be of many castes. Those who believe in caste dogma disregard Parama Purusa. Those who believe in the Cosmic Father will never surrender at the altar of caste dogma. Follow one ideal. You cannot keep your feet in two separate boats. Either believe in Parama Purusa or believe in the dogma of casteism. It is impossible to believe in both. (English summary, A'dhya'tmika Sa'dhana' ke Sa'th Ma'nasika Star ka' Samparka, 6/27/80, Saharsa, Published: Subhasita Samgraha, part 14, Chapter 09, S14-09])

One of the key points of building one human society is our revolutionary marriage system which was specially given by Baba. This is an essential way for bringing people together and creating a harmonious society.

As has been clearly seen some so-called, high-profile margii families have resisted Baba's guideline of revolutionary marriages. Instead they have glued themselves to their own caste, race, or community. This has been going on from their generation to generation. Yet, by His below teachings, Baba guides us that revolutionary marriages are needed in order to do AM pracara and build a healthy social order. Without revolutionary marriages, these two aims cannot be achieved. We see then how important they are.

You can decide for yourself the quality of the person who intentionally rejects Baba's teaching and instead arranges caste or racial marriages. One margii has contributed the following teachings by writing a summary in English of Baba's below quotes from Hindi discourses.

(3) Baba: more & more revolutionary marriages

Here following is an English summary of the below Hindi discourse of 08 Jan ‘84:

You will have to struggle against dogma. And not just by saying dogma is bad, no. By your own actions, you will have to show that you reject dogma. I will tell all that we need to create a human society as soon as possible. Everywhere in the world A'nanda Ma'rga praca'ra will have to be done even more strongly. And for this, two things are needed. For creating a society, more and more revolutionary marriages are needed. ... And to those who are guardians and parents, have your sons and daughters do revolutionary marriages and thereby show that you are against dogma. You should fear no one. If your duty is not accomplished by individual effort, then march forward collectively. There is no cause for fear. I am with you. (English summary,  क्रान्तिकारी विवाह, Kra'ntika'rii Viva'ha, Deoghar, 08 Jan 84 General Darshan)

(4) Make society strong by revolutionary marriages

Here following is an English summary of the below Hindi discourse of 14 Jan ‘84. In Baba’s below Hindi teaching, He is speaking out against the dogma of caste or racial marriages.

Get more and more revolutionary marriages done. And, what should brave youths and their parents do? Put an ending to casteism, pulverize it to dust with the force of their blows. Build one human society, and deliver the message of Ananda Marga to all the corners of the world. And for this, maximum whole timer workers are also needed. So create more and more whole timer workers. And by creating more and more revolutionary marriages, make the society strong." (English summary, PS Purport 1030 + WT Discourse – 2, 1/14/1984 Patna, Not Printed)

Believers in casteism / racism have no faith in Parama Purusa

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Everyone on this earth is a child of Parama Puruśa; no one is big or small. All are related as brothers and sisters. As far as castes are concerned, no one is high or low. How can the children of the same Father be of five hundred different castes? All people are of the same caste. Everyone is by birth of the same caste as their father. So keep away from those who discriminate in terms of caste; keep far from the reach of their noose. Why? Because those who believe in caste, do not believe in Parama Puruśa. If five people are of five different castes, then what is the caste of Parama Puruśa? Can He be of five castes? No, that is not possible. So bear in mind that those who believe in caste, do not have genuine belief in the Supreme Father. How can people of five hundred castes have one and the same father? So I say those who believe in caste, do not believe in the Supreme Father, and those who believe in the Supreme Father do not believe in caste." (1)

Note: Although the above English translation has been approved by Publications Dept and printed in the book Discourses on Krśńa and the Giita, the translation is a bit sloppy. There are various terms like "earth", "birth" etc which Baba did not say yet which appear in the above translation.

1. Discourses on Krśńa and the Giita, "Mucyate Bhavabandhanát"; First Published in Ananda Vacanamrtam - 16 (Hindi)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Be careful about these types of people

Ananda Marga ideology states, The vanity expressed by the so-called civilized human beings of today is extremely dangerous. These people hide the cruder propensities of the mind under the cloak of sweet words and decent behaviour. They are more harmful to the well-being of the human race than the so-called uncivilized humans, because they are hypocrites. The defects of the uncivilized humans pale into insignificance before their abominable hypocrisy. The uncivilized humans of the past may have killed twelve people at most in the battles they fought with bows, arrows, sticks and spears, but the so-called civilized human beings of today kill millions of unarmed, innocent people indiscriminately with their dreadful and lethal weapons. Human society of today is being exploited by the so-called civilized people. Such people should not make themselves look ridiculous by claiming otherwise.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Struggle and Progress

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