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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Funeral attire + 4 more

Funeral attire


In the various religions, mourners generally wear black attire when attending a funeral. However, in our Ananda Marga, our approach is different. Regarding funerals and the colour of one’s attire, Baba has given new guidelines as to what should be worn.

The colour white creates a vibration indicative of joy and happiness, while black emanates a vibration of gloom and sadness. During a period of sorrow or loss when people are mourning the deceased with a heavy heart, black attire should not be worn. It will make the situation worse.

AM is path of bliss

Remember: Ananda Marga is the path of bliss. Our each and every action should lead towards bliss. To realise this, Baba has given the requisite guidelines so that regardless of whether the situation is happy or sad, the mind should not drown in misery. With every situation, no matter how bad it is, by following Baba's system one can make their mind better and alleviate their problem.

So at the time of grieving when already people are suffering, we should offer our care and concern and do all we can to help alleviate their suffering. That includes the point of dress. To that end, one should wear any dress other than black, as black will exacerbate their sorrow. Overall, the best attire is white.

Why not mandated

In those early Jamalpur days, when Baba was dictating the process of initiation for Caryacarya, He wanted to make taking a bath compulsory prior to initiation. Then He thought that Ananda Marga is for the entire universe. And for those living in a challenging climate, such as where it is very cold or very dry etc, taking a bath is not easy. Due to this reason, Baba did not make this a rule.

The same applies with the mourning ceremony. Baba has given a full system for how to carry and cremate the dead etc in the book, Caryacarya Part 1. But Baba did not say anything about the mourners’ dress because AM is universal and some people around the globe are unable to buy a particular type of dress due to financial constraints etc.


Naturally, Ananda Margiis are affected by their previous religious traditions or local traditions. So, this matter is very important. People should not wear black during mourning ceremonies. They may use any other colour, or best is white. In His Hindi teaching of Svastik Jhan'd'a', Baba is guiding us that black should not be used during the mourning ceremony as it will create a more negative vibration which will cause more sadness in the mind. Whereas white attire will help in alleviating the sadness; that's why white, as far as possible, should be worn.

(Kevin Simmons)

~ In-depth study ~

For the aforesaid reasons, Baba did not make white as the mandatory attire for times of mourning. But He has given the idea of wearing white during the time of mourning in other discourses. So, those who can afford it can do so, but it is not compulsory.

English title is wrong in Caryacarya

Unfortunately someone mistranslated chapter 31 of the English edition of Caryacarya part 1. They titled it as “Disposal of the Dead Body.” But this is wrong and inappropriate. In the Hindi and Bengali editions, that chapter is titled as Shava Satka’r, meaning ‘reverence to lifeless body.’ This projects an air of respect and sanctity. But those publishers failed to give it a comparatively respectful title in English. Instead they called it “Disposal of the Dead Body”, as if one is just getting rid of some trash, rubbish, or garbage etc. Steps should be taken to properly title chapter 31 of the English edition of Caryacarya part 1.

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Amazing & wondrous phenomenon

PS Intro: In the following song, the auspicious advent of Mahasambhuti is compared with a thunderbolt, and the world is represented as the land of clouds. Nirguna Brahma, playing the role of Taraka Brahma, took advent in the form of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. He came on this earth as Mahasamabhuti, and nobody could understand Him. Those who came in close contact were wonderstruck and awed. And when He left His Mahasambhuti form then all sorts of questions arose about who He was. 

“Megher deshe hat́hát ese, kon se taŕit khelegelo…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2677)


In the land of clouds, suddenly one amazing thunderbolt playfully appeared. That flash went away without mentioning Its name. In spite of coming in human form, It could not be held.
I could not get His whereabouts or know who He was. Nor did I ask Him directly about getting His introduction. Due to this amazing and wondrous phenomenon, I was not able to think properly. All these queries and thoughts arose in my mind later on, after He left.

After spiritually intoxicating my entire being, that thunderbolt disappeared. Yet, His cosmic liila of ‘His coming and going’ has remained in my mind ever since. I shall never forget it; that moment is permanently etched in my psyche. Even today His sweet memory is fresh in my soul...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Recipe for longevity

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Spiritual practice makes the mind calm and quiet, and maintains the nerves in a state of equipoise; and thus spiritual practice increases longevity. Those Vaishnavites who are vegetarians, who regularly sing spiritual songs, do meditation, perform virtuous deeds and think pure thoughts, live longer than ninety years." (1)

Note: By following the spiritual cult of Ananda Marga and abiding by general health rules every sadhaka is ensured a long and healthy life. That is Baba's guarantee.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, You Must Live Glorious Lives

== Section: Important Teaching ==

True slogan for art

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The creations or compositions of those who proclaim, “Art for art’s sake,” cannot be treated as sáhitya. Indeed, welfare which pertains to the mundane world is relative; its definition may also change according to changes in time, place and person. But the aspect of the term hita which leads human beings towards the absolute truth is one and the same for all ages and all countries.”

“In order to communicate with people at different stages of development who have different ideas, the same concept of welfare has to be expressed through different branches of knowledge. The grand, benevolent flow of ideas with the common people on one side and the state of supreme bliss on the other, is called literature; for in every particle, in every rhythmic expression of this benevolent thought process, the supreme bliss is lying dormant.” (1)

“Art for art’s sake” is not acceptable; rather we should say, “Art for service and blessedness”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Thus literature is that which moves together with society and leads society towards true fulfilment and welfare by providing the inspiration to serve. The statement “Art for art’s sake” is not acceptable; rather we should say, “Art for service and blessedness.””

“In every expression, in every stratum of this universe, however crude or subtle, only one recurring theme occurs, and that theme is the attainment of bliss. In the artistic movement towards welfare both the attainment and the bestowal of happiness find simultaneous expression. When sáhityikas dedicate themselves to the service or sádhaná [sustained practice] of literature, they have to let their creative genius flow in this stream; they have to purify all that is turbid, all that is impure in their individual life in the holy waters of their universal outlook and then convey it sweetly and gracefully to the heart of humanity. In this lies the fulfilment of their service, the consummation of their sádhaná.” (2)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature
2. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section 4: Links ==