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Friday, January 31, 2020

Confusion + 3 more




Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Keeping aloof from criticizing others, condemning others, mudslinging and all sorts of groupism.” (1)

Baba has given various teachings like 'no mudslinging' or 'don't criticize' etc, and as the dharma Guru Baba strongly rebukes the behaviour of certain Wts in reporting sessions and condemns the political and religious exploiters etc in His discourses. Seeing this, a few get perplexed, when actually the matter is perfectly straight like an arrow.

Just like family members do

We know Baba has deep love for all, and He wants everyone to advance. His desire is that we should all clearly understand what is right as well as what is wrong. That way we can better adhere to the path of dharma. Verily, with 100% benevolent intention, Baba has given so many guidelines and enforced them as well. Then we can all learn from our mistakes and grow into strong sadhakas and assets of the society.

It is similar to how friends, parents, and guardians guide others. They do not like to see their loved ones committing the same error again and again. So with good feeling and compassion those family members guide their near and dear ones about how to correct and better themselves. This is the way it works when people feel close with one another.

Or the situation is similar to when anyone goes to a pathology centre. Those working at that pathological medical centre put forth a sincere effort and try hard to identify the problem and offer a cure. Because their desire is to help diagnose any and all diseases. With that intention, they help their patients regain their health, feel good again, and function at 100% capacity.

Pointing out for their welfare

As all of us recognise, Sadguru Baba is the perfect personification of love and compassion. When He points out the defects with any worker etc, that is done on the basis of His benevolent intention. And side by side, He supplies that person with the best solution. By this positive approach, that person will get purified and become more and more like Parama Purus'a.

Baba's entire style is for the welfare of all. No one in their confused way should think this is any type of mudslinging etc. Because in mudslinging one wants to maliciously make an innocent person look bad. In that case the intention is negative. While in Baba's divine example, the situation is the exact opposite. His motive is perfectly benevolent, and He is pointing out one’s misconduct to make the person better. And in that situation, by following Baba's instruction, then immediately that worker becomes blessed as he will eliminate any misconduct from his life. The result being that the standard of that Wt will be higher; and, he will be more successful. All because of Baba's benevolent and proactive approach.

Recipe for making people great

That is why on numerous occasions Baba guides us to strictly watch over everyone's progress, and not allow anyone to get stuck in any bad habits or poor behaviours. Rather, Baba wants that we should help one and all become top-grade dharmikas.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Hence all A'nanda Ma'rgiis, when they see other Margiis actions against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words, or by dealing even more strictly." (2)

Sadguru Baba says, "I gave a direction to all that they should keep watch on one another. No one will exempt anyone else regarding the Sixteen Points." (3)

Parama Purusa Baba says, "Henceforth I direct every Ananda Margii to keep strict vigilance on other Ananda Margiis to make them practise the principles of Yama and Niyama." (4)

By following Baba's instructions and pointing out the defects and keeping an open heart for one and all, we can help one another become better and better - and eliminate the rampant patterns of misconduct in our organisation AMPS. This topic has great significance in building up a brilliant Ananda Marga society.


Pointing out the bad deeds and giving the solution is Baba's special and unique method for improving one and all and helping everyone to become great, and free from defects. By His example and practical teaching, we can clearly understand that He wants and expects His disciples to proceed in the same manner. With a compassionate heart, we should always help and guide others so they can improve their conduct. This is a necessary and integral ingredient for leading a harmonious life and establishing Ananda Marga ideology.

In Him,

1. Caryacarya, Part 2, Paiṋcadasha Shiila / Fifteen Shiilas
2. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in Society
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
4. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in Society

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How vaeshyas exploit using religion
Bogus idea: Everything is destiny. Everything is preordained.

In the past and in the present also, those in power have used the notions of fate and predestination as a tactic to exploit the common people. If everyday citizens feel that the hell they are facing in their day-to-day life is a matter of fate and there is nothing to be done about, then those people will be easier to control and manipulate.

Now in the height of this materialistic era, the top capitalists employ the clergy, chaplains, and counselors etc, and those paid clergy, chaplains, and counselors are effectively able to convince the common people to sit back and accept their fate. By infusing this psychology upon the masses, then vaeshyas feel assured there will not be any uprising against them.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The vaeshyas [capitalist exploiters] use the vipras to try to spread intellectual propaganda among the masses to prevent them from finding any philosophical justification for their suppressed grievances against the vaeshya structure. This intellectual propaganda aims to convince people that they are the victims of circumstance. It argues, “Everything is destiny. Everything is preordained.” Such doctrines help the vaeshyas to perpetuate their structure. They destroy the personal force of people and make them the playthings of fate. People accept the idea that everything is preordained, and support the status quo." (1)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How sunlight and pure air heal the body
  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Sunlight and air: There are many healing elements in sunlight. The rays or pencils of rays of different colours in sunlight are medicines for different kinds of diseases – preventive and antidotal. Sunlight has different benefits during different hours of the day. Sun-warmed water also has different kinds of benefits. Thus sunlight has been regarded since ancient times as medicines for different bodily ailments. It is also said in the Vedas: súryah yathá sarvalokasya cakśuh [as the sun is the eye of the entire universe]. The medicine, that is, sunlight should be taken in through the dorsal spine, not through the chest or the abdomen."
   "The pure air of a secluded place is also an excellent medicine for the physical body. This medicine in the form of air should be taken through the back of the head and the upper part of the forehead. The earth from a riverside area near a forest in which there is a small amount of sand and a large amount of soil is also an excellent medicine for the physical body. This medicine should be taken bare-bodied on a bed of earth." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)

== Section 3: Links ==

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