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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Wealth will rescue! + 3 more

Wealth will rescue! 


Our common human psychology is that people want to take shelter under something. Everyone wants to feel safe and secure when any problem comes. Having a shelter or base brings relief and a sense of peace and comfort. Yet, in this era of materialism, people mostly take shelter under worldly, transient entities, thinking that this will bring lasting happiness and fortune.

Some think that "My uncle is president", or "I have a lot of money" etc. They foolishly believe that if any problem comes then it will be solved by this way: via this petty shelter. They reassure themselves and take shelter in their own mundane cocoon. The problem is that when your shelter is not permanent then how can it save you.

What happens with the rich & famous

We all hear how a so-called high-profile, billionaire designer, or a top name politician, or a big entrepreneur in the tech industry, or a Hollywood star has breathed their last. Yet when they became sick, or got into an accident, or suffered a stroke, or were on their deathbed due to old age, all their money could not save them. They left this material world and all their money stayed behind. They had every worldly thing and advancement at their disposal by cheating, but still that materialistic shelter was fleeting. Here the point is that one cannot attain lasting peace and happiness through mundane means, no matter how much wealth one has.

Taking shelter in money, prestige, and power is no safe-haven. Whether one has billions of dollars to their name, or is known across the world as being a wealthy leech, in the end none of that could bring them lasting peace. Each and every waking day they cheated millions and billions in terms of mundane wealth, but were a big zero in terms of attaining an eternal shelter. Yet so many dream of becoming super rich and “fortunate”, as if that material success will bring them eternal peace and lasting happiness.

Sheltering on quicksand

We should take this as an opportunity to reflect and recall that neither money nor  any worldly attribution can save us from the rigours of time. These worldly things cannot provide us with an eternal shelter. Even then, nowadays people knowingly and unknowingly bank on the fact that their money, or house, or prestige will save them. They may not say this openly, but by their actions and thought-processes this is quite evident.

So we should all take a moment to reflect. How far have the insidious ways of materialism invaded one’s mental space. How much do you rely on your job, connections, house, and money for "safety" and "assurance", and how far do you really trust and rely on Parama Purusa.

Here we have to be careful because theoretically many feel they believe that "everything is Parama Purusa and that I am living under His shelter", but, practically speaking, in their daily approach this feeling may not be completely accurate. They may say "Baba is my shelter", but by their actions it seems they believe in something else. This is what we should all reflect on - because nothing in this material world can save us. Better we should truly realise this now before it is too late.

Only Parama Purusa is eternal

As we know, developing surrender for Parama Purusa is the greatest quality in life. That is the best - and indeed only true shelter - in this universe.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You are all intelligent boys and girls – you should fully understand this truth, and remember that whatever the scriptures you might have read, the most important thing is sharańágati, taking shelter in the Lord. Just as the little child seeks safe shelter on the mother’s lap, similarly each and every microcosm, each and every devotee finds a safe haven on the lap of Parama Puruśa, and thus they are crowned with victory. This is the supreme truth. May you all be blessed." (1)

By taking shelter in Him, then one attains everything. That is the only pathway to lasting peace and eternal bliss.

Here below Baba gives us further reason for sheltering in Him and not any materialistic object or endeavor.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Everything requires a base; if life does not have a strong base, it is disrupted by an ordinary storm. Brahma is the strongest base." (2)

Following the path of materialism is nothing but to waste one's life in fleeting pursuits. Yet so many, sadhakas included, get drawn into this world of maya, especially in this present era. May we all cultivate the habit, by His grace, to always take shelter in Him. There is no other way. Failing to do so means wasting one's life and falling into a grim abyss of hopelessness. We should not waste time in useless pursuits. Then we will surely forget the main reason why we have come on this earth. And if awareness comes too late then, alas, one will not have time.

The earth is like a traveller’s inn

These are the practical realities yet so many remain oblivious of this fact. In day to day life, they do not include this equation of death into their plan. When they go to the market they plan that they will be returning back home. And when a student attends university then they have plan to one day return back home. But amazingly, when one has come on this earth they have no plan to leave. They think and act as if they will remain here forever. This type of mentality is not the intelligent way.

Without this point, the whole equation is incomplete. Baba warns us to never forget that this world is anitya (ephemeral) and one day one is going to die. That time could come at any moment.


So we should not treat this world as our permanent abode. We should always keep our mind fixed on Him. And internally, we should remind ourselves again and again that we have only come here for a short time. Then and only then can we truly understand that sadhana - and not money or possessions - is the cream of life.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "People come to this world for a short time for some fun and games, and then they go. So for human beings the earth is like a traveller’s inn, where they will not stay for long. Or it might be compared to a railway waiting room, where passengers from different places come and sit together for a while. The moment the train whistle blows, they forget each other, pick up their bags, and set off for the train. They do not look to right or left. Parama Puruśa is that train, and this world is the waiting room." (3)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Bringing kitty to the jungle

Think of it this way. If you venture out into the wild with your domesticated kitty-cat for protection and all around you there are tigers, lions, grizzly bears, and alligators, then it is silly to think that your kitty will save you. That is an ignorant and senseless idea. That kitty does not have the capacity to save you.

Similarly, in today's world, people are taking shelter in inadequate ways. Bound by materialism, people seek out worldly possessions (money, cars, houses, and jobs etc) and fleeting qualities (beauty, status, youth, and qualifications etc) for their shelter. They think that will save them when life becomes difficult. Yet such worldly entities and qualities will never be able to rescue them in their hour of need because they are transitory.

Sadly, by the time they realise that what they took shelter in is not safe, then it is too late. Already their body has become old and decrepit, and there is little they can do in the way of sadhana. That is the story of so many these days.

All reduced to dust by ravages of time

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "This quinquelemental universe is a relative truth, a changing reality, a passing phenomenon – a passing flow of constantly changing events. It rests on the three pillars of the relative factors – time, space and person. Space is always changing. It is composed of countless atoms and molecules. With the change in the movement of atoms and molecules, space also changes. That is why numerous rich and beautiful cities of the past are now buried under the earth. Many splendid palaces and mansions, many churches, temples, mosques and synagogues, and many pyramids have been reduced to rubble. With the constant change in the flow of time, how many major changes have occurred in the universe? Similarly, with the change in time and space, people also change. A small two-year old child becomes a smart and active twenty-five year old youth. And the same energetic youth becomes an infirm, inactive, old person in due course. Thus, nothing in this universe is permanent. Many gigantic animals in the past have become totally extinct from the surface of the earth. Royal pomp and opulence, the pride of power, the vast knowledge of mighty scholars have become things of the past, thrown into the dustbin of history. Many objects emerged in the past, remained on earth for a short time, and then disappeared according to the inexorable law of nature."
   "The only eternal truth is Parama Puruśa. He is anadi, beginningless, endless, all-pervasive; an entity beyond the scope of time, place and person. He is the only eternal, undecaying, imperishable, immutable entity. He is the Supreme Source from which the inanimate, plant and animal worlds have emerged. He is the starting-point and the culminating point of everything. Hence, wise people should utilize their physical, psychic and spiritual power to realize that Supreme Omni-Telepathic Entity to become one with Him." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your sádhaná. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, “How much money has he left behind?” Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent." (5)

Baba has blessed us and brought us to His lotus feet. We should all be cent-per-cent certain that we do not drift from His sacred shelter. We must rely on Baba and no material entity.

1. Subhasita Samgraha-12, Where There Is Dharma There Is Iśt́a, and Where There Is Iśt́a There Is Victory
2. Caryacarya, Part 2, "Sadhana", pt #5
3. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 7
4. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Perpetually filling my heart

Bhaktas know that this below song gives the message that living physically close has no value. Many live physically close, but psycho-spiritually they are far from Him. Whereas, many live physically far but keep Him in their hearts.

"Keu ka'che peyeo cinate na're, dure thekeo cene..."  (Prabhat Samgiita #3286)


Baba, by remaining physically close to You, some do not recognize that You are Parama Purusa, whereas some even from a distance realize You. Still others get Your sweet touch but they drown in staticity and pass their lives as an animal. And some unknowingly believe fully. 

The effulgence of dawn and the darkness of the night, the beautiful blue sky, even after observing, some do not listen to the divine call, but some people, even without seeing that panorama, listen to that supreme call. 

O’ Parama Purusa, You are doing everything for me, perpetually filling my heart with nectar, sweetness, and bhakti-- even then I don’t look towards you and remain oblivious...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Best for them not to marry

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Marriage is slightly different from other natural functions in life, such as eating, sleeping, etc. Marriage is not so essential for life as are food and sleep. The need for marriage differs with individuals. That is why in the opinion of Ananda Marga every individual has complete freedom in matters of marriage. For example, marriage of those persons who suffer from some physical or mental disease, or who are not financially well off, or whose present circumstances are not favourable for marriage (i.e., where marriage can cause unhappiness), is not desirable. Those who are constantly engaged in the fulfilment of an ideal, or those who have to spend the greater part of their day in earning their livelihood or some mental occupations, should not marry, because they will not find it possible to fulfil their family commitments properly. The marriages of such people are harmful to the society in many cases. Although marriage is not desirable for those who are suffering from some disease or whose circumstances are not favourable to getting married, there remains a possibility of their indulging in vices stealthily if they are not married. To avoid this, they should work for the attainment of some high ideals or do rigorous spiritual practices. The psychological degeneration which is inherent in the suppression of psychic tendencies can be avoided only by an effort to fulfil a lofty ideal.” (1)

Note: Remember one should know and propagate that under these certain circumstances marriage is harmful. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, marriage is undesirable for the following types of people:

(a) Those who suffer from a physical or mental disease: In the society there are so many children born disabled with genetic diseases and birth defects. This can be significantly reduced if the parents are healthy. 

(b) Those not financially well off: If a person lacks the financial means to raise a child and provide for them then they should not reproduce. In many financially impoverished countries, children are forced to work as servants or kids have  to beg by the roadside. That is disgraceful. Those who cannot feed their children should not marry. 

(c) Circumstances are not favourable for marriage: If marriage will lead to unhappiness then those persons should not marry. For instance, those working at their job for 18 - 22 hours a day cannot attend to the children. So they should not marry otherwise their children will suffer. Those kids will not be mentally or emotionally developed. In result, they will be destructive forces in the society. Those types of children commit heinous acts like mass shootings, or they feel alienated and resort to drugs etc.

(d) Those constantly engaged in the fulfilment of an ideal: Wts, lfts, even dedicated margiis who want to devote 24hrs time for the welfare of society should not marry. They will always be engaged in serving the society, and, if married, their unit family would get neglected. 

(e) Greater part of their day in earning their livelihood or some mental occupations: Researchers, writers, artists, scientists, and those who are intellectually and spiritually committed to a high degree in a given endeavour should not marry because they do not have space in their mind for anything else. 

1. A Guide to Human Conduct, Ahimsa

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What is death

Everything in this universe is temporary and subject to change only Parama Purusa is permanent - lasting.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Amrta means “immortal”. Do you know what death is? Death means a change of form. A boy of five years became a young man – now, the body of that boy underwent death. That young man became old – the body of that young man underwent death. That old man died and he again came here in the form of a little boy – the body of that old man underwent death. Death means a change of form." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, The Causal Matrix

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Trap: Secret behind B group's Bihar tour [14 Apr 2017]


Due to faction /group in Ananda Marga the organization becomes weaker and weaker, WTs just maintain jagrati, lands and  schools. The organization becomes sick.  WTs are looking only for their livelihood and reporting the center and others development are stopped. If they are real Tantrik they have to get up to fight against immoral forces. T​​hey have duty to awake the society and establish Sadvipra society​.​

B group tried to attract some margiis in Maharashtra then Bihar but failed. They are against the our ideology. They will not succeed. How does Dada Kinshuk ji come under net of B WT group?  He should have broadened mind to bring unity for all. He has selfish  behavior. He should stop telling "He is son of Baba." We are all daughters and sons of BABA. Many margiis are doing good work for Baba's Mission. WT should understand the base of organization is margiis.

Brotherly yours
Subodh from Pune

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Trap: Secret behind B group's Bihar tour