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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Should science govern civilisation or vice-versa + 3 more


Should science govern civilisation or vice-versa


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “What is science? That which teaches the proper use of material things is science. Where the development of civilization is utterly negligible and science gradually attains the apogee of development, science only paves the way for destruction instead of doing any good to humanity. And so, study and practice of science, though unavoidable, should not be given a higher place than civilization.” (1)

In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba is giving three key  guidelines:

(a) Firstly He addresses, “What is science?” In His explanation, Baba says that there are a wide array of materials created by Parama Purusa on this earth. And such materials must be utilised in the proper way for humans to exist and grow on this earth. Through science, we learn how to use these various materials. For example, through science we learn how to utilise soil to grow food or grain, and we use rivers to make hydroelectric power. These are examples of science.

Good and bad use of science

At the same time we should bear in mind that science may be used positively and negatively, i.e. for the betterment of society as well as for the degradation of society. Through science we may cultivate tobacco to develop medicines that cure diseases. That is a good use of science. Or one may cultivate tobacco in order to sell cigarettes and other harmful agents. That is a bad use of science.

Ultimately, science itself is a blind force; it all depends upon how science is applied - i.e. how people interact with science. Good people use science to make the world a better place and bad people use science to destroy the world.

(b) Secondly, In any society, there are some people who are are guided by their lower propensities. That means they cannot differentiate right or wrong; they are unable to use their rational mind to do what is best. Such persons are uncivilised. If science is used in that way it will be disastrous. Sadly, that is what is happening nowadays.

Civilised people should have full control over science

(c) Science is very much needed but it must be controlled by civilised people. To begin, people should be taught to be civilised. That means all human actions should be supported by logic and reasoning. For example, e-cigarettes are harmful so those who manufacture e-cigarettes and those who smoke them are uncivilised. They are not using their rational mind. Such persons should only be allowed to interact with science when monitored or under the direction of civilised persons. Science must not be used to satisfy one’s whim or selfish agenda. Civilised people must have full control over science. Unfortunately, that is not happening nowadays as science is used to inflict much harm.

The below photo depicts a bad use of science whereby big business is misusing science to build slot machines for gambling. This is a clear-cut case of the misuse and abuse of science. Gambling is a very degrading habit for humanity. It is addictive and escalates greed. Allured by gambling, and devoured by greed, people often lose their entire salary, instead of feeding their families, paying their rent, or caring for their children’s education etc. Such gambling machines are built to produce big profits at the expense of the well-being of the people. In this instance, uncivilised people are controlling the application of science.

The above photo depicts a bad use of science whereby big business is misusing science to build slot machines for gambling. In this instance, uncivilised people are controlling the application of science for negative purposes.

In Him,

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The habit of making wagers is extremely undesirable. You must avoid lotteries and gambling.” (Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, point #38)

“Slot machines are a casino gambling machine that features three or more reels which begin to spin when a button is pressed. Historically, they have also been known as one-armed bandits because previous models had an arm on the left-hand side of the machine instead of the more modern button and also due to the chance of leaving the participant penniless (bandit).” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)


E-Cigarette Manufacturing Plant

The below photo depicts a bad use of science whereby big business is misusing science to manufacture and sell carcinogenic tobacco products like electronic cigarettes to produce big profits at the expense of the well-being of the people. Thus, in this instance, uncivilised people are controlling the application of science.

The above photo depicts a bad use of science whereby big business is misusing science to manufacture and sell carcinogenic tobacco products like electronic cigarettes to produce big profits at the expense of the well-being of the people. Thus, in this instance, uncivilised people are controlling the application of science.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How religious exploiters defeated materialists

Ananda Marga Ideology states, “On deeper analysis we find that the Charvaka and other schools of materialistic philosophy propagated certain doctrines which were more a revolt against the prevailing religions than an expression of a rational and benevolent outlook. They protested loudly against the clergy or religious traders who composed the so-called scriptures in the name of dharma (in fact it was not dharma, but religion); who took advantage of the fear psychosis, in the name of god, to ruthlessly exploit society. The Charvaka and other materialistic philosophies were motivated to strike against religious exploiters. They were fully aware of the way the vested interests exploited society, and they knew that nobody had the right to deprive others of their properties, since every thing of this earth is the common patrimony of all, yet they did not endeavour to lead humans along the path of rationality or formulate a healthy social and spiritual ideology.” (1)

Ananda Marga Ideology states, “The reason for this was that they lacked convincing arguments to stand against the sharp intellect of the vested interests [religious exploiters]. Thus, they merely attempted to negate the fundamental tenets of the vested interests [religious exploiters], often with rather abusive language. Due to the weakness of their argumentation it was easy for the vested interests  [religious exploiters] to emerge and gain strength in the subsequent period.” (2)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, In Adoration of the Supreme
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, In Adoration of the Supreme

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Animals also use herbs

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Since the advent of living beings on this earth, medicines have been used. Dogs, cats, snakes, mongooses-- all animals, in fact all beings-- need some kind of medicine in various conditions. When wild animals become sick, they rub their bodies against certain trees and plants to cure their ailments. This shows that all living beings are more or less acquainted with some types of medicine." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, 95 edn, p.28

== Section 4: Links ==

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©2017 Ananda Marga Universal Forum. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga Universal Forum content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga Universal Forum or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga Universal Forum shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga Universal Forum content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

This email contains four sections:
1. IT: Should science govern civilisation or vice-versa
2. IT: How religious exploiters defeated materialists
3. IT: Animals also use herbs
4. Links

Monday, April 17, 2017

Why countries work hard, earn money, and give it to the US to spend


Why countries work hard, earn money,
and give it to the US to spend


To understand this section one, please first section two which was swirling around the internet.. And finally read section three which is a more refined of section one. After reading all three sections, kindly tell which of the three sections was the most clear.

== Section 1 ==


You must have heard that when consumers get scared and do not spend, then economic crisis comes.

You must have also heard that the majority of US citizens do not have savings. So they borrow and spend. And that is the way their economy runs.

From where do they borrow. They borrow from credit card but ultimately that money is coming from China, India, Japan, or from those who have faith in the US treasury, banks, economic institutions, hedge funds, or various bonds and cds etc. They deposit the money. In this way the US gets money and citizens spend money they do not have.

Commonly you must have heard that economists guide to borrow and spend. Otherwise the economy will collapse. But according to Prout borrowing for daily consumption is wrong.

In a Prout article, "Keep the money rolling" (appended below). Baba says that an economic depression comes when money stops moving from one hand to another hand. In a real world scenario if laborers are paid properly and they are producing the goods, and then there will not be any accumulation or hoarding in any individual's pocket / capitalists will not get opportunity to accumulate.

The problem comes when people are working hard and people are not getting paid their fair wages. And the profit of hundreds of billions of dollars gets accumulated by exploiters. So exploiters have money, far more than they need for their existential requirements. Laborers do not have money and they need food to eat. So laborers rely on bank loans and their credit cards for their daily needs. By that way this cycle moves.

But in due course because of any reason if exploiters who have tens of billions if they become fearful of losing money if they invest, then immediately they will start withdrawing from the bank, stock market, investments etc and then there is widespread panic, and everything collapses.

To keep the economy rolling, the formula of borrowing and spending will not always work. Because in certain scenarios like billionaires when they get nervous and take out money from the bank, stock market, investments etc  then everything collapses. The cycle does not move. Those economists who are preaching borrow and spend are wrong.

According to Prout borrowing and spending should only be allowed to produce something, not regular consumption. So what is the ideal way to run the economy.

Society should not allow middle men to cheat the working class and hold money. So if money is not accumulated then naturally money will roll from one hand to another hand. Laborers will produce the goods and consumers will purchase the goods. And fair wages will come back to A to B to C to D to E, and ultimately back to A and whole society will be benefited. Money will keep rolling and it will not accumulate anywhere. When there are fair wages at every step then everyone has proper money to spend and there will not be a situation where a lot of money is accumulated in the hands of the few. Money gets accumulated due to exploitation. So when people have purchasing capacity and economy will run smoothly, and the capitalistic formula to borrow and purchase is flawed and that has been described above. That is the only way out to save the present economic melee.

In Him,

== Section 2 ==

(Courtesy of comment on Internet Article)

Amazing logic indeed. This is a crazy world! Interesting article written by an Indian Economist

Japanese save a lot. They do not spend much. Also, Japan exports far more than it imports. Has an annual trade surplus of over 100 billion. Yet Japanese economy is considered weak, even collapsing.

Americans spend, save little. Also US imports more than it exports. Has an annual trade deficit of over $400 billion. Yet, the American economy is considered strong and trusted to get stronger.

But where from do Americans get money to spend? They borrow from Japan, China and even India. Virtually others save for the US to spend. Global savings are mostly invested in US, in dollars.

India itself keeps its foreign currency assets of over $50 billion in US securities. China has sunk over $160 billion in US securities. Japan's stakes in US securities is in trillions.

The US has taken over $5 trillion from the world. So, as the world saves for the US - It's The Americans who spend freely. Today, to keep the US consumption going, that is for the US economy to work, other countries have to remit $180 billion every quarter, which is $2 billion a day, to the US!

A Chinese economist asked a neat question. Who has invested more, US in China, or China in US? The US has invested in China less than half of what China has invested in US.

The same is the case with India. It have invested in US over $50 billion. But the US has invested less than $20 billion in India.

Why the world is after US?

The secret lies in the American spending, that they hardly save. In fact they use their credit cards to spend their future income. That the US spends is what makes it attractive to export to the US. So US imports more than what it exports year after year.

The result:

The world is dependent on US consumption for its growth. By its deepening culture of consumption, the US has habituated the world to feed on US consumption. But as the US needs money to finance its consumption, the world provides the money.

It's like a shopkeeper providing the money to a customer so that the customer keeps buying from the shop. If the customer will not buy, the shop won't have business, unless the shopkeeper funds him. The US is like the lucky customer. And the world is like the helpless shopkeeper financier.

Who is America's biggest shopkeeper financier? Japan of course. Yet it's Japan which is regarded as weak. Modern economists complain that Japanese do not spend, so they do not grow. To force the Japanese to spend, the Japanese government exerted itself, reduced the savings rates, even charged the savers. Even then the Japanese did not spend (habits don't change, even with taxes, do they?). Their traditional postal savings alone is over $1.2 trillion. Thus, savings, far from being the strength of Japan, has become its pain.

Hence, what is the lesson?

That is, a nation cannot grow unless the people spend, not save. Not just spend, but borrow and spend.

Dr. Jagdish Bhagwati, the famous Indian-born economist in the US, told Manmohan Singh that Indians wastefully save. Ask them to spend, on imported cars and, seriously, even on cosmetics! This will put India on a growth curve. This is one of the reason for MNC's coming down to India, seeing the consumer spending.

'Saving is sin, and spending is virtue.' But before you follow this Neo Economics, get some fools to save so that you can borrow from them and spend !!!

The world is in a economical mess 😅- interesting read😜😜😜😜

(Courtesy of comment on Internet Article)

== Section 3 ==


It is commonly known that when consumers get scared about the state of the economy then they do not spend their money. That slows the economy even more and spurs an economic crisis. Most are also aware that the majority of US citizens do not have any savings. So they borrow and spend. That is the way their economy runs.

Those US consumers borrow directly from their credit card, or from their bank, but ultimately that borrowed money is coming from China, India, Japan, or from those who have faith in the US treasury, banks, economic institutions, hedge funds, or various bonds and cds etc. Those investors deposit their money in those various institutions. In this way the US gets money and their citizens spend money they do not have.

One of the slogans of economists is: “borrow and spend.” Otherwise the economy will collapse. But according to Prout, borrowing for one’s daily consumption is wrong. In a Prout article, “Keep the Money Rolling”, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says that an economic depression comes when money stops moving from one hand to another hand. In a real world scenario, if laborers are paid properly and they are producing goods, then there will not be any accumulation or hoarding in any individual's pocket. Then capitalists will not get opportunity to accumulate.

The problem comes when people are working hard yet are not getting paid their fair wages. Instead, all the profits of hundreds of billions of dollars gets stockpiled by the exploiters. In that case, the exploiters have far more money than they need for their existential requirements. While laborers do not have the requisite money to maintain their day to day lives. So laborers rely on bank loans and their credit cards for their daily needs. In this way the cycle moves, but it is a slippery slope.

Because in due course, if for any reason the exploiters become fearful of losing money on their investments, immediately they will start withdrawing their tens of billions from the banks, stock market, and various holdings etc. This results in widespread panic, and everything collapses.

To keep the economy rolling, the formula of borrowing and spending does not work over the long haul. Because in certain scenarios such as when billionaires get nervous and take out money from the bank, stock market, others investments etc, then the whole economy nosedives. The cycle does not move. Those economists who preach “borrow and spend” are wrong. According to Prout borrowing and spending should only be allowed in order to produce something, not just for regular, daily consumption.

So then what is the ideal way to run the economy? Society should not allow middle men to cheat the working class and stockpile money. If money does not over-accumulate in the coffers of the wealthy elite, then naturally money will roll from one hand to another hand. Laborers will produce goods and consumers will purchase those goods. And fair wages will come back to A to B to C to D to E, and ultimately back to A and whole society will be benefited. Money will keep rolling and it will not accumulate anywhere.

When there are fair wages at every step of the economy, then everyone has adequate money to spend, and there will not be a situation where a lot of money is accumulated in the hands of the few. Money only gets over-accumulated due to exploitation. So when people have purchasing capacity the economy will run smoothly. The capitalistic formula of “borrow and spend” is flawed. Following the principles of Prout is the only way out to save the present economic melee.

In Him,

== Section 4 ==

Keep Money Rolling – Excerpt B

21 December 1986, Calcutta

The value of money increases with its mobility. That is, the more that money changes hands, the greater its economic value. On the other hand, the more that money is kept immobile in a safe, the more it loses its utility, and thus its economic value decreases. This is the most fundamental principle of economics.

The banking system is indispensable for promoting both collective welfare and the all-round economic advancement of people. The maxim, “Keep money rolling,” is as true as the proverb, “Keep the wagons moving.”

The banking system must be vigilant about two important points. First, the intrinsic demonic greed of the banks must not be allowed to jeopardize the life of the common people. In the past in most countries of the world the banks threatened the life of the common people. This more or less still occurs today not only in undeveloped countries, but also in developing and developed countries. Secondly, the banks must not allow unwise administrators or governments to print monetary notes indiscriminately without reserving the proportionate amount of bullion in their treasuries.

The first defect not only ruins low and middle income groups, but also impoverishes wealthy people. The second defect destroys the very life of society. It leads to widespread inflation, which in turn jeopardizes internal trade and commerce as well as foreign trade and barter. Even if there is abundant production in a country, the common people do not benefit. The rich become richer and get more scope to continue their merciless exploitation. In state capitalism, the exploitative rulers tighten their grip over society even more. State capitalism may call itself capitalism, socialism or communism, but ultimately it stands before the masses as more dangerous and bloodthirsty than bloodsucking ghouls and demons.

The banking system must continue, otherwise the mobility of money will be hindered. If people oppose the banking system because they are guided by selfish whims or any other sentiment, then their economy will stay in the dark ages. They are bound to lose equipoise and equilibrium in the physical sphere, remain lopsided in the psychic and spiritual spheres, and reduce themselves to objects of ridicule. It is very sad to imagine such a state.

So you see, the fundamental aim of the banking system is, “Keep money rolling.” Let governments be active. Let people purchase as much rice, pulses, vegetables, oil, salt, sugar, etc., as they can with money. Let money go to the grocers, the sugar cane vendors, the confectioners, the factory workers, the labourers and the weavers. And let the colourful saris of the weavers be purchased and worn by the newly married brides, adding to the beauty and prosperity of society.

- Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

21 December 1986, Calcutta

== Section 5: Links ==

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Silent Action is useless + 3 more


SA is useless in some situations


As we know silent action is one very special and deeply meaningful teaching which Sadguru Baba has given. And it works in its own particular and special way.  Just as various asanas work to cure particular diseases, silent action has its unique way of opposing injustices and bringing people onto the proper path. It works within its own specific sphere of influence or jurisdiction - and not beyond that. Unfortunately, some are trying to capitalise on the situation by telling that “silent action is the only way to approach or protest.”

How they manipulate silent action

Certain are Wts are misguiding others about silent action. They say, “If this or that group leader is doing something wrong and committing all sorts of injustices like curtailing margii rights, then if you are unhappy with them then just do silent action.”

Yet all the while those opportunists are fully aware that the margii whom they are speaking with lives far, far away from Tiljala or Ananda Nagar and that he has no opportunity to see those top group leaders. Even then to befool that very simple margii, they tell him to take silent action. But in such a situation silent action will never work. Because the physical distance between the two parties is too great.

For instance, you can imagine what will happen if simple village folk of Afghanistan take silent action against top US officials. Such an attempt will be complete foolishness. Because silent action has its limitation. Its hinterland is very limited. If the person is not living around you, nor in your unit, nor in your village, nor in your family, and is not in your direct line of communication, then silent action will not work.

Silent action's arena is limited to the reach of one's pathway of direct communication. If one has regular communication with that particular person then silent action will achieve the desired effect. But if one does not have any communication with that person, then taking silent action against them is useless.


It is essential that each and every Ananda Margii be acutely aware of how silent action really works. Here below Baba guides us:

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Silent action will force strict adherence to our principles, and it will put those against whom it is directed to shame." (1) 

So the operative factor is that silent action creates a sense of shame - i.e. the wrongdoer feels ashamed of their misdeeds. Through circumstantial pressure silent action achieves this result. But direct contact is needed. If someone is sitting quietly in one part of the globe taking silent action against the exploiting party who is far away, then it will not work. The wrongdoer will not feel any shame as they are completely unaware that anyone is even taking silent action against them. So they will continue on with their exploitation. That is why in that circumstance silent action will not work. In that scenario we should consider another way to proceed.

In Him,

One very important alternative approach is consciousness raising: Raising the ideological standard across the globe about the deeper aspects of Ananda Marga ideology. When all are aware about their rights and Baba's teachings, naturally proper corrective measures will be taken. The requisite social pressure will be created and our organisation will be cleaned.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I was wrongly thinking that You are far away from me

"Dure bhevechi toma'y, ka'che ta'kiye dekhini..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4702)


Baba, in my life, all along in the past, I was thinking that You are far away from me. I always imagined that You are distant. I never cared to look closely, otherwise I would have understood that You are not far. Although You filled me with a nectar-like tune, but I did not realise that You loved me so much.  

O’ Parama Purusa, by Your grace, today I understand that since eternity You have been with me, inside me like the sweet nectar in the flower. Though, in the past, because of my materialistic bent of mind I could not understand my real self, I was wondering who You are. I could not realise what is the relation between You and I. But now, by Your grace it is clear.

Baba, You personally told me and made me understand that You are mine and mine alone. You whispered in my ears, “Look within your mind, search Me inside. Those  looking for Me inside, always get Me with the closest proximity in their sadhana, dhyana. They are my closest.”

By Your grace today I feel in my heart that You are mine and mine alone, my dearmost Baba...   

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Importance of His coming as Taraka Brahma

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Now why does He come in contact with the quinquelemental factors? Why does He come within the jurisdictions of the temporal-spatial-personal factors, these three fundamentally-related factors?  What's the cause?  There are two reasons. One thing is, the human intellect may get satisfaction after coming in psychic contact with the Impersonal Entity, but the human heart is not satisfied with that Impersonal Entity. The human heart wants something closer, something more sentimental, something more pleasing. And that's why just to satisfy, just to give pleasure to, His progeny, He comes within the scope of these relative factors.  Parama Purus'a becomes Ta'raka Brahma. And the second reason is that in this created world, in this universe, each and every progress is a progress through clashes and cohesion.  And human beings must have sufficient intellectual stamina to move forward, fighting against all those pebbles of obstacles.  When the human intellect fails to do something new in helping society to move forward, Parama Purus'a finds no alternative but to bring Himself within the scope of the temporal-spatial-personal factors just to guide the depraved and degenerate human society." (1)

Note: In the above guideline, there are two distinct points. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, firstly, Parama Purusa graciously comes as Taraka Brahma to satisfy the longing of His bhaktas who yearn to have a personal relationship with the Supreme Entity. Secondly, Parama Purusa has come as Taraka Brahma to wipe away the existing dogmas and hurdles give the guidelines to build up a bright, new human society.

When Parama Purusa remains as an impersonal Entity then the heart of the devotee does not get satisfied. And when He comes in human form and teaches and guides the way to reach to Him, then He teaches sadhana also. And with that support, bhaktas reach Him.

The process of dhyana can link from form to formlessness. That is why the culmination of dhyana is the merging into formlessness - dissolving the mind.

Bhaktas always feels that Baba is residing in their heart. We see in the history of mysticism, each and every bhakta in the world felt that the Parama Purusa is with them. Bhaktas feel that Baba is living in their heart. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, The Coming of Táraka Brahma

== Section 4: Links ==

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©2017 Ananda Marga Universal Forum. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga Universal Forum content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga Universal Forum or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga Universal Forum shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga Universal Forum content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

This email contains four sections:
1. PS #4702: I was wrongly thinking that You are far away from me
2. Posting: SA is useless in some situations
3. IT: Importance of His coming as Taraka Brahma
4. Links

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Hurting child by paying money + 2 more


Hurting child by paying money


In western countries, nowadays some primary and high school students are paid money by the government - and even by educators and parents - as an incentive for attending class, studying, and doing their homework. And some are even paying children money to refrain from eating or drinking junk food like soda and sugary drinks etc. We should consider whether this is appropriate or not? Please read these following teachings related with child education and the answer will be clear.

Some scare and terrorise their child

When children are still quite young, they being to verbalize their thoughts. And they ask all kinds of questions: What is this? How does it work? How come the leaves are on the ground? What is the name of that star? Why is the cat furry? Children at that age are extremely inquisitive. So they pose innumerable queries. Often times parents and caretakers become overwhelmed, impatient, and frustrated. In turn, those guardians scare and terrorise their kids, or they give them false answers in order to make their children quiet. The end result is that those children become timid, and lose their curiosity and zest for knowledge.

Ways to encourage learning

Baba guides us that the best way to help the child and foster their growth is to answer their questions truthfully. So, either give an honest answer based on the facts; or, if you do not know the answer, then directly say, "I do not know, but I will find out and tell you." That will be extremely helpful and will advance the child's learning. Whereas, scaring them or telling them lies is very dangerous, and indeed quite harmful, with long-term negative repercussions.

Every child enters this world with the potential for so much inquisitiveness and a strong desire to learn. That quality should be encouraged in a very natural way. Then the child will develop the inner inspiration to learn and grow as a human being. Then there will be no need to offer some type of external incentive to learn - such as giving them money.

Must awaken the thirst for knowledge in the students’ minds

Here Baba guides us that educators should inspire children to develop a desire to learn; in result, the child's innate curiosity will awaken and they will want to know more.

Prout philosophy guides us, "Education must awaken the thirst for knowledge in the students’ minds. The students themselves will create environmental pressure by persistent demands for answers to queries like: What is the answer? Is it correct? The longing, “I wish to know...I wish to understand and assimilate the entire universe” should be created. Such a thirst for knowledge should be created in the minds of students...So a tremendous thirst for knowledge must be awakened in the students’ minds. They will constantly pry their teachers, their parents and their neighbours with questions like: Why is this so? What is that? Why does that happen? Why does this not happen? etc. They are ready to assimilate the entire universe." (1)

Conclusion: fear or cash  is not the way

The trend or tactic to pay kids for studying and giving them other cash incentives throughout the school day is not the proper way to manage students. On the opposite end of the spectrum, using fear tactics to force children to study is also a defective approach. Best is to inspire within them an earnest desire to learn via the avenues discussed throughout this letter. It is important for kids to cultivate a genuine yearning to learn. Every parent and school teacher should be keenly aware to help their children in this endeavour.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Fear tactic: does not work

Here is Baba's teaching that employing fear tactics to force children to study is a defective approach. Rather it is important to cultivate a genuine desire to learn.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is improper to extort anything from students through undue pressure and intimidation. Intimidation appears to work to some extent, but it does not yield lasting results. Whatever students learn from their parents and teachers out of fear fades into oblivion as soon as the agencies of fear disappear. The reason is that their learning and their fear were inseparably associated, so with the disappearance of fear, the knowledge that they had acquired in the course of their education also disappears from the more developed parts of their minds. As soon as the bullying teacher leaves the classroom the students heave a sigh of relief. Within a few hours, whatever they had committed to memory starts growing hazy. Out of fear of failing their examinations students work hard, poring over books, and accomplish ten days’ work in one hour. But after completing their examinations and playing a game of football or visiting the cinema, they forget much of what they had learned, due to the absence of fear." (2)

It will not do to impart education through intimidation

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "People in many countries throughout the world are painfully experiencing the detrimental effects of education through the medium of fear. Most educated people lose the abilities they acquired through education after they graduate from school or university and enter their field of work. If I were to assess the value of the education these people received, I would say that most of their time, ability and labour had been wasted or had been spent meaninglessly. So as I was saying, it will not do to impart education through intimidation. A thirst for knowledge must be awakened, and, to quench that thirst, proper education must be given. Only then will education be worthwhile and develop the body, mind and ideals of the student." ۠(3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Children are by nature most inclined towards play, so a thirst for knowledge will have to be awakened in children through the medium of play – children should be educated through play methods. Children are also by nature inclined to listen to fantasies and stories. Through stories children can easily be taught the history and geography of various countries, and they may also be taught the initial lessons of how to practise universalism in their lives. Children love play and stories almost equally, so in their case the two should be equally utilized." (4)

Best way to teach adolescents: through realism and idealism

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The dream of the future first crystallizes in the mind of the adolescent. So adolescents should be taught, without indulging in narrow-mindedness, through the medium of idealism."
   "The minds of young adults are, however, somewhat inclined towards realism, so in their case pure idealism will not suffice. In order to educate such young adults, a harmonious blend of idealism and realism is required." (5)

Teacher should have sentient affection

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Teachers must bear in mind that their students – whether adolescents, youths, old people or actual children – are, to them, all just children of different ages; and that they themselves are children like their students. If teachers distance themselves from their students or continually try to maintain a forced gravity, they will not be able to establish sweet, cordial relations with their students. The free and frank exchange of ideas is simply not possible unless a feeling of mutual affection is established. The lack of cordial relations causes many children to heartily wish for the death of either their severe teachers or their abusive parents." (6)

>From Time Magazine: “Money talks, right? So why should kids be any less susceptible to what the dollars are telling them? They aren’t, and that’s the problem. Enticing kids with monetary rewards for reading books or performing well on tests is certainly tempting for parents, especially if their children are game. But the latest studies on paying kids to do academic tasks like reading more books, or to improve test scores found a negligible to zero positive effect on their standardized test results, and other measures of academic performance.” (Courtesy of Time Magazine, Why Paying Kids to Do Homework Can Backfire, link appended below)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Talks on Education
2. Human Society - 1, Education
3. Human Society - 1, Education
4. Human Society - 1, Education
5. Human Society - 1, Education
6. Human Society - 1, Education

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

What to expect after death

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The Christian and Muslim ideas of heaven and hell and also svarga in Hindu Karmakandii Jaemini Partná, were derived from the fact that the samskáras which determine the requitals of actions exists exits in this loka. In reality no kośa will remain after death. The samskáras remains as the object of the átman. Thus the ideas of heaven and hell of the Hindu, Christian and Muslim mythologies are completely false, because after death there remains no mind at all to experience heaven or hell." (1)

The mind is incapable of doing anything without the brain. And after death there is no brain, so the bodiless mind remains dormant. It cannot do or experience anything: no pain, no pleasure, nothing. The whole notion of one enjoying the fruits of heaven or the tortures of hell after death is bogus.

It is a complete myth that people go to heaven or hell. After death the mind is dormant. And that is what is expressed in the above quote. Here we should understand that pain and pleasure are experienced in this world, not after death. So-called heaven and so-called hell are here in this world.

1. Tattvika Praveshika, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy

== Section 3: Links ==
  • www (dot) healthland (dot) time (dot) com/2013/09/19/why-paying-kids-to-do-homework-can-backfire/
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This email contains three sections:1. Posting: Hurting child by paying money
2. IT: What to expect after death
3. Links