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Thursday, December 14, 2023

History of original A'nanda Va’n’iis + 3 more


History of original A'nanda Va’n’iis


Every year, on two occasions, Ananda Vaniis are read: (a) early in the morning on 1st January New Year's Day, and (b) early in the morning on Ananda Purnima. For each, the Ananda Vanii is recited after dharmacakra, followed by an explanation of that vanii. Unfortunately, these days Fake Ananda Vaniis have occupied the place, while Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis have been pushed aside. Worst of all is that many new margiis are kept in the dark about true Ananda Vaniis. They have no clue that true Ananda Vaniis even exist, and now they are just reading Fake Ananda Vaniis. This following letter explains how Sadguru Baba used to give His original and true Ananda Vaniis.

How Baba would write Ananda Vanii in His own handwriting

As many are aware, Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis are only a few lines in length, and Baba would write the Ananda Vanii in His own handwriting in the early days. Whereas, He never penned a discourse with His own hand; rather, He would dictate His discourses. But, in the case of those early Ananda Vaniis, He actually put them to paper in His own handwriting. And then that authentic Ananda Vanii was read aloud at DMC in the various languages.

Directly afterwards, Baba would give a line-by-line explanation of the Ananda Vanii. This would take up to a half-an-hour or more. So you can imagine how much He elaborated upon the meaning of that Vanii. He would give the initial explanation, and thereafter others were called upon to explain it. During that period Baba would interject in order to correct and lovingly guide the speaker.

The standard system was that first His true Ananda Vanii was read in the various languages; second, Baba would provide His own explanation or purport; and, thirdly, others were also called up to explain the Ananda Vanii. This was the system. And it was done in this manner because Baba's Ananda Vaniis are so concentrated and intensely concise. Hence, further explanation was needed to cultivate a greater understanding of that particular Ananda Vanii.

Purports for Ananda Vaniis

Overall, Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis are similar to Prabhat Samgiita and Ananda Sutram in that they demand elaboration for people to get the full idea. So purports were given for all three of these genres of teachings: Ananda Vaniis, Prabhat Samgiita, and Ananda Sutram.

Baba's original Ananda Vaniis are bullets of inspiration and pointed guidelines; Prabhat Samgiita are spiritual compositions that come within the scope of aesthetic and supra-aesthetic science; and, Ananda Sutram is our philosophical treatise. All three were delivered in a very condensed and concentrated manner and Sadguru Baba graciously gave purports so everyone could understand the greater, overall meaning.

His authentic Ananda Vaniis can also be likened to the Samgacchadhvam mantra or Guru Puja. Because Sadguru Baba has given an entire discourse to provide the meaning of the mantra / shloka. Likewise, Baba has given extended purports of His Ananda Vaniis to provide further insight about their meaning. By this way, we can understand that Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis are very concentrated and very pointed. That is why He would give explanations or purports for them.

So Baba would give purports for Ananda Sutram and Prabhat Samgiita. And everyone is aware about this because those purports were published in book form. But to date, the purports of the Ananda Vaniis have not been published. Many years worth of Baba's purports of Ananda Vaniis were recorded and heard by one and all in the DMC pandal. So these explanations by Baba should be published as actual purports. Verily, a call should be put forth to recover and print those pristine purports which Baba has given for Ananda Vaniis. And here are more points about the speciality of Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis and why they are of eternal value.

Ananda Vaniis are unique teachings

All along it was the standard practice for Baba's discourses to be translated into as many languages as possible, but never was further explanation given about a particular discourse by Baba. Classes may have been offered later on by an acarya or a senior margii, but Baba never would deliver a discourse and then directly afterwards give further explanation about that very discourse. Reason being that His discourses are already explanatory in nature and contain numerous stories, analogies, and descriptions to make the subject perfectly clear and understandable.

In contrast, His original Ananda Vaniis are very different. Those authentic Ananda Vaniis are pointed, distilled teachings given in concentrated form; they are a condensed summary of a grand and lofty idea. They demand further elaboration and explanation. For this reason, Baba would graciously deliver purports for His Ananda Vaniis during DMC.

Two of Baba's original Ananda Vaniis

Here are two of Baba's timeless and pointed original and true Ananda Vaniis:

Ananda Vanii says, "Just as the advent of the purple dawn is inevitable at the end of the cimmerian darkness of the inter-lunar night, exactly in the same way I know that a gloriously brilliant chapter will also come after the endless reproach and humiliation of the neglected humanity of today. Those who love humanity and those who desire the welfare of living beings should be vigorously active from this very moment, after shaking off all lethargy and sloth, so that the most auspicious hour arrives at the earliest." (Ananda Vanii #34)

Ananda Vanii says, "The very import of the history of human welfare is the history of struggle and strife. Even the sweet gospels of peace could not be preached in an environment of peace and composure. Devils did not allow the apostle of peace to work peacefully – that is why I say that peace is the outcome of fight. This endeavour at the well-being of the human race concerns everyone – it is yours, mine and ours. We may afford to ignore our rights, but we must not forget our responsibilities. Forgetting the responsibility implies the humiliation of the human race. In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we will have to strengthen ourselves in all the arena of life. The complete seeds of welfare in all the spheres – physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual – are embedded in the sixteen points. Hence be firm on the sixteen points." (Ananda Vanii #45)

At the same time, you must have seen how in the last many years Fake Ananda Vaniis have been manufactured every year at New Year’s DMS and Ananda Purnima. And the easiest way to know if they are fake or not is that Fake Anand Vaniis do not have a number. So if there is no number then you know it is fake.


In sum, three key points have been raised in this letter.

#1: Sadguru Baba delivered purports of His original and true Ananda Vaniis.
#2: Baba’s authentic Ananda Vaniis are eternal guidelines.
#3: Fake Ananda Vaniis have no place in our AM system.

We must always remember that Baba is Parama Purusa and all He has given is apta vakya - eternal truth, including His Ananda Vaniis. We should celebrate the dharmic quality and everlasting value of Baba's original Ananda Vanii, and ensure the purports are printed so all can best understand these special guidelines and bullets of truth.

In Him,
Bhayabhainjana Deva

Be sure to read the next section on how to catch Fake Ananda Vaniis. 

How to catch Fake Vaniis
On the occasions of New Year’s and Ananda Purnima many Fake Ananda Vaniis are swirling around. It may be that they have reached to you also for such celebrations.

You know that a Fake Vanii does not give the same benefit as Baba’s True Ananda Vaniis. So there is a critical need to have a tool to quickly identify and catch those Fake vaniis. Then that Fake Vanii can be discarded and replaced by a true Ananda Vanii.

To solve this problem, here is one solution. The entire collection of true Ananda Vaniis have been posted to this link:
Just click on the link and see if the Ananda Vanii you were given for Ananda Purnima is listed on this site of Baba’s original vanis. Then you will know whether the Ananda Vanii you were given is true or fake.

I think that you will easily be able to get the answer by using the search box. If you find that the Ananda Vanii you were given is fake, then kindly alert us that it is fake. If you face any difficulty, let us know and we will try to decipher and catch if it is a Fake Ananda Vanii.

~ In-depth study ~

How we should use original Ananda Vaniis

Baba has given 74 original and true Ananda Vaniis. It is obvious that before both New Year’s DMS and Ananda Purnima, those in-charges should convene and decide which Ananda Vanni should be allotted. Strict confidentiality should be maintained and at the appropriate time copies should be discreetly sent to all the units around the world. Then on the exact day, those Ananda Vaniis can be opened and read before all. This approach will maintain the intrigue and integrity of the Ananda Vanii system.

Remember, all of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis have a number, but Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have a number.

Example of Fake Ananda Vanii

FAKE ANANDA VANII: A yuga parivarttana [change in age] is taking place. All of you plunge wholeheartedly into making sadvipra samája [spiritual society]. Do not be indecisive, do not hesitate, and do not under any circumstances feel fear. Your victory is a certainty.

FAKE ANANDA VANII:  "Everything is to undergo changes and you should be ready to adapt yourself, to adjust yourself with those changed phases." (Fake Ananda Vanii January 2005)

This above Ananda Vaniis are fake. All of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis have a number, but these above vaniis do not have a number. That is why they are fake.

Note: Baba has given 74 original and true Ananda Vaniis. It is obvious the before both New Year’s DMS and Ananda Purnima, those in-charges should convene and decide which Ananda Vanni should be allotted. Strict confidentiality should be maintained and at the appropriate time copies has be discreetly sent to all the units around the world. Then on the exact day, those Anana Vaniis can be opened and read before all. This approach will maintain the intrigue and integrity of the Ananda Vanii system. 

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Special situation of bhaktas

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Parama Puruśa, the Supreme Entity, the Supreme Lord, He loves His devotees very much. He can do anything and everything for His devotees, and actually He does. A devotee should always be fearless because Parama Puruśa is always ready to do anything and everything for him." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, “Prańipátena Pariprashnena Sevayá” – 1 / Yoga – Its Fundamental Factors

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Hypocrisy: some religions eating beef is forbidden but not goats

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "India did not see the frenzied expression of religious bigotry evident in other religions, which was the cause of intense religious feuding. How many lives were sacrificed over a single strand of hair? It is very difficult to persuade religious bigots to follow the path of logic because according to them even to listen to others is a sinful act. This is nothing but mere sentiment. According to some religions beef eating is forbidden but the killing of deer and goats is permissible. This is totally irrational."
   "Out of sentiment arose different ritualistic observances such as the way a lamp should be lit and held and the way one should kneel down in prayer. No logical arguments can be found to substantiate     these rituals. Moreover, during the rituals, the mind always remains preoccupied with diverse objects. If it remains obsessively associated with such objects, how can it move towards Parama Puruśa?" (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section 3: Links ==