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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Worst way + 2 more


Worst way


Baba warns that to bring revolution negative sentiment should never be used otherwise that will create long-term damage. Baba has told this in the Nuclear Revolution chapter of His Prout / PROUT series. Here are a few examples...

AMPS: why negative sentiment is disastrous

(1) The United States used jihadi sentiment to overthrow the USSR from Afghanistan in 1979, and they got success. But that gave birth to Bin Laden and that same Bin Laden attacked the US and blew up the Twin Towers. Thousands died that day. And since that time an endless war has been going on to put the Islamic jihadi genie back in the bottle. But they cannot do it. So the whole world has been terrorised and hundreds of millions are suffering. This also shows how the use of negative sentiments is disastrous.

(2) In the past Hindus and Muslim were living together amicably in India. But the British colonial power imposed the communal award, and in result India was trifurcated. Still today Pakistan is very venomous towards India. The India-Pakistan border is the most fortified border around the entire globe. So the use of negative sentiments is disastrous.

Creating terror around the globe

(3) Hitler infused nationalistic sentiments and racial supremacy, and carried out genocide and killed millions of Jews. That led to a World War and Germany itself was almost destroyed. Since then white supremacists have been creating terror around the globe.

Margiis will become Gandhian followers

Negative sentiments yield quick results but the long-term outcome is very disastrous. It is like a drug addiction. The drug user experiences an initial phase of euphoria and then his body and mind get destroyed. The same is the case with negative sentiments. They look like they are seemingly working fast, but over the long term the use of negative sentiments brings destruction and disunity and does so much harm, as explained in the above examples. So Baba warns against the use of negative sentiments to bring revolution.

Exploiters will be very happy

Those who have studied Prout know that Baba says that Gandhism died before Gandhi's death. 

Baba has given the ideal techniques to bring revolution against those exploiters. These solutions have been described in His Nuclear Revolution chapter of Prout philosophy. Baba rejects Gandhism and that is why the approach of protest fasting is not included in that discourse. Those who want to read the Nuclear Revolution chapter but do not have it are requested to please write us.

What to do

What to do: The main job is to raise the mass consciousness down to the village level. But 95% of the margiis in India do not have computers. They need some hard paper to know what is going on in the organisation. Due to that ignorance, they do not know about exploitation and their rights, and they will not support the revolution. Rather in their confused state they will label and blame the revolution as being anti-organisational.

Conclusion: movement will not be successful if

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Without arousing social consciousness, it is next to impossible to bring about social welfare. It may not be possible to bring about social welfare through constructive programmes and through the struggle against injustice alone; social consciousness is indispensable.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “Before launching any movement, you should make sure that the masses are conscious of their exploitation, otherwise the movement will not be successful. Although it may take some time to raise the consciousness of the masses, ultimately you will be victorious.” (2)

In Him,

Prout: how to bring revolution in AMPS

   Prout philosophy states, "According to PROUT, there are two types of sentiments – positive sentiments and negative sentiments. Positive sentiments are synthetic in nature. They unite society and elevate humanity, enhance collective interests and encourage progressive development. Negative sentiments are narrow in scope and divide society."
   "Some important positive sentiments include anti-exploitation sentiment, revolutionary sentiment, moral sentiment, cultural sentiment, universal sentiment and spiritual sentiment. Some negative sentiments include communalism, patriotism, nationalism, provincialism, lingualism and racism."
   "Negative sentiments should never be used to divide people into castes and communities – to create artificial fissiparous tendencies in society. Rather, they should always be used to bring unity amongst people. Hitler used racism in an effort to unite the German people and he succeeded in the short-term, but because he used negative sentiments only and had no positive sentiments, his approach resulted in a world war and the near destruction of Germany. The path of negativity is extremely dangerous and harmful for society. Positive sentiments are the real weapons to build society. This must never be forgotten under any circumstances." (3)

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Aesthetic Science (Discourse 26)
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

My Closest

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a deep spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

"Kenoi vá ele, dolá diye gele, ná bole gele cale, phele ámáya..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1995)


O’ Parama Purusa, You have been gone so long. Why did You come and stir my heart only to then go away without saying a word - leaving me all alone. Neither do You have any love for me, nor do You understand the aching pain of my inner core. After coming and creating one fairy tale, where did You go. Baba, I want You to remain here with me, forever.

O’ Parama Purusa Dearest, amongst all the dear ones, You are my Dearmost. Why then do You not reside eternally in my core. Baba, You are my Innermost, then how can You justify drifting so far away from me. Is it proper to leave me isolated and all alone. Please tell me.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, my Closest, You are so dear to me; no matter what I will never forget You; I will never leave You. Not at any cost will I ever wipe You away from my mental plate - from the memories of my mind. Baba, even if You do not look at me, even if You hide, I shall always keep and hold You in the golden casket of my inner self.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, You are eternally mine; my everything is surrendered at Your lotus feet…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1995:

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Paramátmá only considers the inner thoughts and devotional sentiments of people. The intense desire to know Him, the deep urge to attain Him, the intense longing for Him – these are the qualities which Parama Puruśa values.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell, Part - 4, Bhakti and Krpá

Prabhat Samgiita Review: Just like a small child who lovingly and sweetly complains to its mother, in the same manner in this song the bhakta is lovingly placing his complaint before Parama Purusa - the nearest and dearest One. This type of very close and intimate relation is characterized by tremendous sweetness and love. This develops when one’s sadhana is of a very high standard - by His grace. Those with lower sadhana will not understand this song- rather they will think the feelings expressed in this song are odd or peculiar. 

When a child is young it has a tremendous degree of love for its mother and will cry when she is not present. As the child ages though that degree of love steadily declines. And they will one day think it is strange how a young child is crying for its mother. Because that older child does not have that high degree of love for mother. Similarly, to understand this song, above average devotion for the Parama Purusa is needed. 

In Ananda Marga there are many sadhakas who have this feeling in their practical life. They are fortunate; their life has become successful. Because this type of ardent love towards Parama Purusa is devotion. And when one has bhakti one has everything. With bhakti surely one is going to attain Parama Purusa, by His grace.

What to speak of a sadhaka, if an ordinary, or even a degraded person, does sadhana sincerely, and from the deep core of their heart they request, “O’ Parama Purusa, I want nothing else, please grace me with the highest bhakti”, then the afore-described deep spiritual yearning will quickly develop, by His grace. The following Prabhat Samgiita composition carries this idea.