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Saturday, September 24, 2022

Danger: company food + 4 more


Danger: company food


In the US, food production companies have paid huge money to lobbyists in order to affect laws and codes in their favour so they need not label food very specifically. One of their most significant victories in the USA was the vote not to have to identify GMO's (genetically modified organisms) in their products. Always those companies are spending millions and millions of dollars to affect food labeling for their own agenda.

"You are not a goat or a camel that you will eat whatever you get"

Those sadhakas who want to properly maintain their glands and cakras, and do sadhana, should be careful not to eat any company products. Reason being: It is an unknown as to what is truly inside. And the moment a company admits to scandal and issues an apology for adding human DNA or meat to a supposed sentient food item, then it is too late for a sadhaka to "undo" what they have already ingested.

For some it may be difficult, but one must choose between a human existence goaded toward life divine and one directed toward animal existence.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “It will not do to simply eat what you get or do what you desire. When you eat you must consider if it is sentient, mutative or static. While eating you must think carefully as to what influence it will have over your body and your mind. You are not a goat or a camel that you will eat whatever you get. You have to think when you act.” (1)

Rodent poop in packaged food

Another startling discovery was that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the US) has permissible levels of rodent poop and insect heads in various company produced and packaged foods. And those things are not listed in the ingredients. That means what you would never consider putting in your own food, i.e. animal feces and insect parts, is allowed to be used, knowingly or unknowingly, by companies in pre-packaged, prepared food. Read more about this below.


In this day and age of maximizing profits, companies cannot be entrusted to maintain ethical standards. Eating company prepared foods means ingesting all kinds of tamasik and grotesque ingredients like human DNA etc. For sadhakas, the only sensible and practical solution is to eat only those foods which you have prepared. Then you know what is in the food. And it will be better food, naturally.

In Him,
Jonathan Purcell

~ In-depth study ~

In a related twist, human DNA has been found in packaged hot dogs - a very popular item in the USA made from pork and intestines etc. This widespread scandal is affecting many. In particular, it has been determined by "genomic technology" that ten different hot dog retailers (and 75 different brands) had human DNA in their hotdogs. In addition, 14% of all hotdogs sampled had discrepancies between the actual and listed ingredients. So all this time, consumers have been purchasing hot dogs yet they were ingesting parts of human beings.

Sentient food -> sentient cells

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "As a result of eating sentient food and performing spiritual practices, the cells of the human body become sentient." (Yoga Psychology, Food, Cells, Physical and Mental Development)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If cells are affected by food and water, and if the nature of the cells affects the nature of the human mind, obviously human beings should eat the correct diet, because food and mind are closely related to each other. Any food item, whether good or bad, must not be taken indiscriminately because it may lead to mental degeneration. Sincere spiritual aspirants must follow the dictum: Áhárashuddhao sattvashudhih [“A sentient diet produces a sentient body”]. Only food which is helpful in keeping the body and mind sentient should be eaten." (2)

Unaware eating rotten matter

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Very often people eat food without knowing its intrinsic qualities. For example, the milk of a cow which has just given birth. Or white eggplant, khesárii pulse [horse gram], red puni [Basella rubra Linn.], or mustard leaves, all of which often grew out of rotten matter." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Every object of the world is dominated by one of the three principles – sentient, mutative, and static. Food is no exception, and according to its intrinsic nature, is divided into the same three categories.
(1) Sentient food: Food which produces sentient cells and is thus conducive to physical and mental well-being is sentient. Examples of sentient food are rice, wheat, barley, all kinds of pulses, fruit, milk and milk products.
(2) Mutative food: Food which is good for the body and may or may not be good for the mind, but certainly not harmful for the mind, is mutative.
(3) Static food: Food which is harmful for the mind and may or may not be good for the body is static. Onion, garlic, wine, stale and rotten food, meat of large animals such as cows and buffaloes, fish, eggs, etc., are static." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In order to have a balanced mind and to progress spiritually, human beings will have to pay attention to the qualities of the food they eat. The idea that “I will just do my sádhaná and eat any food, proper or improper” will not do." (5)

For-profit companies

A recent study revealed that 66% of the human DNA found in foods was in foods labeled as “vegetarian.” Health-conscious consumers interested in buying pre-packaged, vegetarian food were grossly misled by wrongly labeled food items. In result, those people were eating human parts. This is of course quite repulsive and a betrayal of trust to all consumers.

In that case, how can anyone trust food labels and foods prepared by companies that are profit-oriented. For money, they can do and say anything; they are utterly trustless in this regard. No one can say for sure when this problem began or how many foods are affected, nor what other ways for-profit companies might be tainting their products.

And this adversely affects everyone. Even if someone is a meat-eater and takes a tamasik diet, they have no desire to eat parts of human beings / human DNA. So that is a serious offense. And the problem is far more severe for sadhakas, who aim to strictly maintain a sattvika (sentient) diet. Labeling a food to be wholly sentient and vegetarian and putting something else inside that is non-vegetarian, like human DNA or pork fat etc, is a very big deal. Then those manufacturers are taking a sentient food item and making it tamasik.

Insect heads / rat feces in company products

~ Courtesy of LiveScience ~

“It's probably a bad idea to scroll through the Food and Drug Administration's "Defect Levels Handbook" before a meal. The document lists the allowable limits on "defects" in more than 100 foods, highlighting exactly how much rodent poop is allowed in your cocoa beans (up to 10 milligrams per pound), how many insect heads it's OK to find in the fig paste in your cookies (up to 13 in every 3.5 ounces) and how many maggots can be tunneling in your tomatoes. According to the FDA these food defects are part of the normal process of growing and processing food, and they present no health hazard as long as they remain below the "action levels" listed. [Read the full story on the FDA's food defect list] So without further ado, here's a look at some of the particularly icky things the FDA allows in your food.” (Courtesy of LiveScience)

Final Conclusion: Best is to cook your own food then grotesque gunk will not be there.

    Note: Appended below in section 5 of this email are weblinks to the two news articles about tainted company foods.

Related with above posting on company food products
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Primary Causes of Success
2. Yoga Psychology, Food, Cells, Physical and Mental Development
3. Yoga Psychology, Food, Cells, Physical and Mental Development
4. Yoga Psychology, Food, Cells, Physical and Mental Development
5. Yoga Psychology, Food, Cells, Physical and Mental Development

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You bestowed everything

“Tumi na’ bole esechile, a’j na’ bole cale gele…” (Prabhata Samgiita #1327)


Baba, without saying anything You came and appeared before me, and now today without telling anything You just left – disappeared. I was lying in the dust on the path, and with the showering Your karun’a’ You lifted me up and put me on Your lap with deep affection. You have done everything.

Baba, my dwelling was old and tattered – broken down. Not only that, I was also bereft of intellect and conscience. My condition was so pitiful that I did not have even one morsel to put into my mouth. With Your love and kindness, You bestowed everything - fulfilled my needs physical, psychic, spiritual  and also taught me everything from A to Z. 

My nearest One, I was not understanding the dharma of human life – how human beings should act, and what are the dos and don’ts, my duties and responsibilities. I was living like an animal, just eating and sleeping. To get You, I did not do any sadhana. Even then You graced me, taught me sadhana, and blessed me with perfection to move forward on the path of anandam.

My Supreme Father, Baba, previously in my existence I was not even up to the standard of a human being. All the teachings I had been given were full of dogma. My mental plate was polluted, it was like land drenched in salty waters. You have poured the sweetness, given me a voice, and lifted me onto Your Divine lap. You have done everything.

My most Intimate, You have arranged everything for me. Baba, Your mercy is unforgettable…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Multitasking is an impossibility

Ananda Marga philosophy, “Whenever it thinks it has one single object. Nevertheless the speed of the mind’s action is baffling. While concentrating on a particular work we may also hear others about us [[talking]]. This is due to the fast acting power of the mind, which leads us to believe that the thought currents of the mind are unbroken. For example, while witnessing the pictures in cinema, we also enjoy the dialogue. The activities of the mind can be understood by diligently applying the mind and we see that the mind can do only one thing at a time.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha-1, The Form of Sádhaná

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Request about Baba's image


BABA had an artist depict Lord various natural poses. We are used to seeing unique images...of The Father of Humanity.​ ​Dada Ramananda was kind enough to show me. BABA no doubt had directed the artists mind hand and heart. Those images were quite dramatic.
I invite everyone to see them housed at the museum.


Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Request about Baba's image

== Section 3: Links ==

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