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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Display of fake bhakti


Display of fake bhakti


The below image is a depiction of fake devotion; it is just a show of bhakti. In India, the followers of outdated religions commonly do like this. According to Baba this is fake. Bad people want to make a show of bhakti by colouring their forehead with various pastes etc, and they write the name of their chosen deity on their face. According to Baba they are fakes and hypocrites.  And some use clothes with the name of the deity embroidered into the materials or have it printed etc Then there are others who are naked and smear ashes on their entire body from head to toe and hair. They look like a wild black bear. According to Baba they are fakes and hypocrites. Some put bells around their neck and when they walk the bell rings to display themselves as great bhaktas.This is all a show of bhakti. According to Sadguru Baba they are disingenuous and deceitful.

Types of bogus approaches

And then are are still more who get a tattoo on their chest or arm of the mythological monkey god Hanuman, or the mythological elephant god Ganesh, or the lion god, or a trident, or the phallus of Lord Shiva etc. According to Baba, this also is a show of fake devotion / bhakti. There are innumerable ways lowly people decorate themselves and try to impress everyone in their neighborhood or community that they are better than them. This all done in the name of bhakti.

According to Sadguru Baba they are fakes and hypocrites. To cover their sin they do all sorts of drama. True bhaktas never make any fake show of bhakti. Bhakti is communicated between you and God. There is no 3rd entity.  So what is the need to make an external show to others etc. This mentality to display oneself increases the ego. That is why it is anti-bhakti.

Wts failed to guide him

Now see below. This person has unfortunately fallen into the same rut. It is most unfortunate that our Wts could not properly guide him on the path of true spirituality and teach him dharma sadhana. Instead, this person, in his naivete, fell into the ways of pseudo-culture and religious dogma. And why did this happen? Because our Dadas could not properly guide him.

What the person has done in the above image is completely wrong and dogmatic. It is fake bhakti and contrary to Ananda Marga teachings. It is so sad our Wts could not properly guide this simple person.

Sadhaka & Wt must condemn this sacrilege

1. Baba has forbidden to make or distort His image. In the above tattoo, the varabhaya image has been grossly distorted. It is harmful and ruined the sanctity. Nature will not spare those who failed to guide this person; they will be punished. According to Baba is this just a show of fake devotion.
2. Wts failed in their duty to guide him, and the result is this superficial display of bhakti. Ironically, it is a show for others; it is not for him because he cannot see it clearly because it is on his own chest.
3. The person can only see this distorted image in the mirror and that makes it more sinful by looking at it from the wrong direction, i.e. flip-flopped.
4. The varabhaya mudra is not allowed to be displayed in public so this is contravening this rule. That is another terrible sin.

There are so many points to tell but those who know Ananda Marga philosophy know it is very bad to drag such dogmatic things into AMPS. Baba has given Ananda Marga ideology to bring society above dogma. Sadguru Baba discarded all those external showy things that are done in the name of bhakti. And He gave us internal sadhana and communication with Parama Purusa. But this fellow is dragging and bringing dogma into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha from other religions.

Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna’s  teachings got destroyed and if we are not alert Sadguru Baba’s teachings of Ananda Marga ideology will also become a swamp of dogma. And here it is starting.

With one voice, every sincere sadhaka and Wt should condemn this sacrilege. Failing that, otherwise there will be a copycat effect and many will start doing like this. Our duty is to maintain the sanctity of Baba’s image and the integrity of Ananda Marga practices.

In Him,
Daniel Myers

~ In-depth study ~

Sadguru Baba says, “I have said it before and I say it again, that Sádhaná means fight against Avidyá. This fight is internal, not external. External or ostentatious fight will achieve nothing. In such a fight one’s entire capability culminates in the acrobatics of dressing and decorating of one’s exterior with málá (a rosary or string of beads for saying prayers), tilaka (a conspicuous mark between the eyebrows with sandalwood-paste or vermilion, jholá (a little sack for the rosary) and candan-chápa (or the mark of sandalwood paste on the forehead, arms and chest).” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “People”s life becomes mechanical, if they are overwhelmed with the sentiment that they must do such acts, must perform such yajiṋa, must rise in this manner and sit in this manner and get up in this manner and so on. Such a person is not happy and this type of ritualism cannot be called real Karma. To serve others at one’s sacrifice is called penance. In the absence of love any service or penance is for show and is therefore fruitless. All ritualistic devotion, sham penance, counting beads etc. are meant only for public show and true love and the Supreme goal are lost from sight. Brahma cannot be attained through actions, since the sweetness of joy is lacking in such ritualism. On the other hand the divine bliss is easily attainable to those who base their Sádhaná on love.” (2)

Unfortunately there are some naive and misguided Wts / purodhas / dadas and didis who have no clue about Baba’s teachings and on various social media they were blindly supporting this sacrilege. They are also guilty of propagating sin and polluting Ananda Marga. it is so unfortunate.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 6: Avidyá
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala

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