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Sunday, August 7, 2022

What about Satan + 3 more


What about Satan


In the Semitic religions - i.e. Christianity, Islam, & Judaism - they believe there is an all-powerful God who runs the universe. But, side by side, they also believe in the existence of Satan, who does all kinds of evil deeds and is as all-powerful as God. And they believe that Satan is independent of God, so God cannot control Satan. However, mathematically and philosophically, this is a bogus idea. The ultimate Controller cannot be two. The Supreme Controller God is always one, not two.

Some who do not know Ananda Marga philosophy equate avidya maya as Satan. Or some think that negative microvita is Satan. That is just their confusion. They forget that avidya maya and negative microvita are not independent of Parama Purusa. Without the order of Parama Purusa, avidya maya and negative microvita cannot do anything. Both are under the strict control of Parama Purusa.

Belief in Satan is bogus

By this way we can conclude as follows:
1. The belief in both God and an all-powerful Satan is a bogus idea. Because there cannot be two omnipotent Entities. It is an impossibility.
2. The idea that avidya maya is Satan is also bogus because Satan is independent of God and avidya maya is the servant of God. That is why avidya maya is not Satan.
3. The idea that negative microvita is Satan is also bogus because Satan is independent of God and negative microvita is the servant of God. That is why negative microvita is not Satan.


The final conclusion is that the belief in Satan is bogus. In one territory there cannot be two Supreme controllers. Just as in one country there cannot be two presidents. And if there is a second president then that is a vice-president. The ultimate controller is always one, otherwise it will never work. So God is one. The concept of Satan is bogus.

In Him,
(Randy Harrelson)

Philosophical discussion concerning religious scriptures is appreciated in Ananda Marga, but mocking any religion is not allowed. This letter is purely a philosophical discussion.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (1)

~ In-depth study ~

The existence of Satan is a utopia

Here below Sadguru Baba logically refutes that existence of Satan because there cannot be two all-powerful Gods.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The conception of God and Satan is defective. If we accept the existence of Satan, it means there are two Gods, one God positive and the other God negative – that is, Satan – and that Satan challenges the authority of Parama Puruśa. That cannot be. So there is no Satan. Everywhere is the rule of Parama Puruśa. Nowhere is the rule of Satan. So the Satanic conception is a defective conception. There is no Satan. Everywhere you are with Parama Puruśa, and never in this Universe, nowhere in this Universe, are you alone. So you are never helpless. Wherever you may be, do your kiirtana, Bábá náma kevalam. He is with you. You are never alone. You are never weak. You are never helpless.” (2)

Here again, in this next teaching Sadguru Baba logically debunks that existence of some type of all-powerful Satan because there cannot be two all-powerful Gods.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “[A person might say] All right I’ll go, but where?” Parama Puruśa will have no answer since nothing is outside His mind. One can easily challenge Parama Puruśa by saying, “You are driving me away but where shall I go? Nothing is outside you. Oh Parama Puruśa, if there is another entity besides you, you are no longer the endless, infinite entity – you will be one of two entities.” Some people mistakenly believe that this second entity is Satan, but there is no such entity. If Parama Puruśa and Satan both existed, we would have to acknowledge two Parama Puruśas. Satan would be a second God. But that cannot be; there is no Satan. (3)

Next, Baba calls it “absurd” that there could be two Parama Purusas, i.e. a very good Parama Purusa and a very bad Parama Purusa that is Satan.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You should remember that the conception of Satan is against the non-dualistic philosophy. If we recognize a Satan, we are indirectly recognizing two Parama Puruśas – one a good Parama Puruśa and the other a very bad Parama Puruśa – which is absurd. So there is no Satan.” (4)

Finally, below Baba outrightly states that there is no Satan.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You see that many people are under the impression that there is a Satan. No, there is no Satan.” (5)

Note: This posting was written to address and clarify this issue for those raised in certain religions who wrongly equate avidya maya or negative microvita with Satan. Such people forget that avidya maya and negative microvita are under the control of Parama Purusa. That is why avidya maya and negative microvita are not Satan. Whereas, in the Semitic religions, Satan is not under the control of God. But, as demonstrated above, that is an illogical idea.

1. Human Society - 1, Moralism
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, From the Physical Stratum to the Apex
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The Divine Drama
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Guru Prańáma
5. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12, The Chance to Be One with Him

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Prout: those goaded by language sentiment must read this

Prout philosophy states, “The problem of language is affecting the human society like a chronic disease. Ignorance of the proper meaning of different languages has made the confusion worse. Language is a medium of expression. There are six stages in the process of expression. The seed of expression is called Parashakti and lies in the Muládhára Cakra (or basic plexus). In the Svádhisthána Cakra (or fluidal plexus), a person mentally visualises the expression. The mental vision of one's expression is called Pashyanti Shakti. In the Mańipura Cakra (or solar plexus) this mental vision is transformed into mental sound which is called Madhyamá Shakti. The person now wants to express that feeling. This endeavour to express the feeling is called Dyotamáná Shakti. It works between the navel area and the throat. In the vocal cord it transforms an idea into language. This is called Vaekharii Shakti. After Vaekharii it is transformed into actual spoken language and is termed Shrutigocará. Thus linguistic differences are manifest only in the sixth stage of expression. In the first five stages there is no distinction or variation in the expression. A great deal of inter-community conflict could be checked if linguists and the mischief-mongers who create language disputes knew this fundamental fact. In essence, it is ignorance that brings untold miseries to humanity. It is a great folly on the part of prakrti to create so many languages, but diversity is the law of nature." (1)

1. Talks on Prout