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Saturday, August 22, 2020

What about kiirtana syllables + 3 more


What about kiirtana syllables


The Lord has graciously given the Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtana mantra for everybody, i.e. for margiis, non-margiis, intellectuals, fools, illiterate folk, musicians, and even those who do not know how to sing. He has given the Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtana for absolutely everyone. And people naturally sing this kiirtana mantra in such a way that it will always have all eight syllables. But those who are concerned about this should take note. The way syllables are counted in the English language is very different from the way it is done according to Ananda Marga philosophy and Saḿskrta grammar.

Confusion about eight syllables

Here it is important to make something very clear. If even a computer reads the Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtana mantra there will be eight syllables. So it does not depend upon anyone’s reading or singing style. The way it has been given means it has eight syllables. In contrast, this following Hindu kiirtan does not have 8 syllables: hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare. This Hindu mantra will never have 8 syllables regardless of the tricks one uses when singing it. It will never have eight syllables; it will always have more.

And the natural way we sing our Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtana mantra it has eight syllables - never more, never less, regardless of one’s language background. But if someone intentionally distorts the Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan as follows and adds: Baba Nam-O Kevalam-O, then it is not 8 syllables. Similarly, if it is made Baba Nam-E Kevalam-E, or Baba Nam-U Kevalam-U, then also it will be more than 8 syllables. Then it is more syllables and the mantra will be ruined. All because of the wrong addition of an "O" in hopes of creating 8 syllables when already it has eight syllables. Indeed, by adding "O", "E", or "U" then it will not be a proper mantra. So the 8 syllable mystery is not a mystery. The Lord has made an 8 syllable mantra. Some jinanis try to befool others by creating all kinds of concoctions. But do not pay attention to their dealings. That is why one should not read books written by Dadas / Didis.

Inherent quality of BNK kiirtana

Regardless of the style of the tune (western or Indian etc) used when singing kiirtana, so long as the entire mantra is sung then it will be 8 syllables. Because the Baba Nam Kevalam mantra inherently has 8 syllables. It is just like if you make a dessert - regardless of the shape of that cake or pie, whether it be square, triangular, or round etc - still you are going to get the same taste when you bite into that dessert.

Remember, the way syllables are counted in the English language / America is very different from Ananda Marga philosophy and Saḿskrta grammar. So do not proceed according to the American style of counting syllables etc. Baba Nam Kevalam has eight syllables according to Ananda Marga philosophy. And verily there is no need to count the syllables in the European style. Just sing Baba Nam Kevalam without bothering about counting the 8 syllables. Because it already has 8 syllables, and everyone naturally sings it that way. So no one should be worried or concerned about this.


Bhaktas always concentrate on Ista and not unrelated issues like counting the syllables, style of music, postures of hand, worrying about touching the toe etc. All those auxiliary things ruin kiirtan in the true sense. The Lord talks about this in His discourses and ridicules those other approaches. Because they lost the key ingredient - i.e. focusing the mind on Ista.

In Him,
Dr. Sudha’

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The kulakuńd́alinii rises upward in eight jumps or phases, so with two syllables in a siddha mantra, the kuńd́alinii will jump four times. But a general, or publicly-given, siddha mantra will make the kulakuńd́alinii jump eight times or in eight phases. That is why such a siddha mantra [Baba Nam Kevalam] has eight syllables.” (1)

Not Bangla style

In their ignorance some Bangla speaking people propagate that our kiirtana mantra should be sung according to the Bengali style with “mo” attached to the end of “nam” and “kevalam.” But here we should be clear our kiirtana mantra is Saḿskrta and was started in Bihar. Those influenced by dogma proclaim that it must be pronounced in their Bangla style to have 8 syllables, but that is wrong. In India it is propagated as an 8 letter mantra - and separated "Ba Ba Na Ma Ke va la ma" etc. That is how it was taught those days. So it has nothing to do with the Bengali style of pronunciation.

1. Discourses on Tantra Volume One, Krśńa Unparalleled

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Dry & wilted

"Ogo prabhu tava la'gi ga'ntha' ma'la' shuka'ye ja'y..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1935)


O’ my Prabhu, the garland which I prepared for You is gradually becoming dry and wilted. Day by day, my yearning for You is increasing. Neither did You come, nor did You accept my garland. In waiting so long, all my days have gone in vain. O’ Lord, please come.

O’ my Supreme Entity, now even the dawn is unpleasant for me; it does not bring any happiness. My aching heart is restless as I pass the time in Your longing. Everything has lost its lustre and become dry. Even the gentle sweet breeze is no longer refreshing. The mental darkness I had has grown and become more deep and dense. Due to Your absence, the blackness in my mind has only increased. Days and nights are passing exclusively in yearning for You.

O’ Parama Purusa, there is no problem if I cannot get hold of You. And I do not mind if You consider me lowly and do not look towards me with Your sweet, loving smile. Only one thing I ask of You. Please give me a wee-bit of Your ahaetukii-krpa. Baba, in Your absence, my everything has lost its charm and become dry. Be merciful on me and give me Your darshan...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Do-gooder approach is defective

In the general society you will find so many people who do not like to do sadhana. They justify to themselves and to others that, “I am not harming anybody and I am busy in social service - helping the poor. So I do not need anything more. By this way God will be gracious. And I will realise Parama Purusa.”

The central idea is they in a confused state think that by doing good deeds and social service, that is enough. And there is no need to follow 16 points / sadhana etc, to realise Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Some people say, “Keep on doing good deeds – that is sufficient.” No, that is not enough. Suppose some people perform good deeds, but they have no definite goal before them: this will not produce any good result, their effort will be futile. Suppose you want to move forward: you should also know which way to move, otherwise your entire movement will be meaningless. All your time, your hard effort, and your sincerity will go in vain. Hence it is not enough to simply say, “Keep on doing good deeds.” Even those good deeds should have a clear goal. Why should I do good deeds? I should have a clear idea in which direction to move while doing those good deeds.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "It is incorrect to say that merely doing good deeds is enough: People must hold an object of ideation in their minds. And that supreme object of ideation is Parama Purusa. Only then if some good action is performed will it be successful. Now if one wants to do some good deed excluding Paramatma that will not be a good deed. This will be sheer selfishness on your part, and nothing good can come from it." (2)

Moreover, Guru’s teaching points out that if you do good deeds devoid of Cosmic ideation then you will be bound. And also your ego will mushroom and you will degenerate.

In human life there should be a goal. Doing anything without a goal is useless. And the goal should always be Parama Purusa the eternal Entity. So doing good deeds alone is not enough. One has to do sadhana and the goal should be Parama Purusa.

Only those works done with the motive of serving and pleasing Parama Purusa can be called good works. Failing that, it is just an act of selfishness. Thus every sadhaka must work thinking of Him - and for that sadhana is needed.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, What Is the Way?
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, What Is the Way?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to remember best thing


In spiritual life, ideation on the Great is very important; Cosmic ideation is the main thing - but generally human beings forget the Supreme Entity in the course of their daily duties. In His discourse,  Baba has given a very simple method for sadhakas to remember their Guru mantra. Baba’s guideline is that to remember anything then one should associate it with a particular physical action.

For example, when entering or leaving the home then it is important to repeat Guru mantra. But often we forget, while only sometimes we remember. The solution then is to employ a physical action and that will trigger your memory to recite Guru mantra. So when leaving or entering the house, then do namaskar mudra before touching the door. And this namaskar mudra will automatically alert the mind to recite Guru mantra. So the first step is to cultivate the habit of doing namaskar mudra before touching the door. Once this habit is established, then you will be regular in repeating Guru mantra when entering and leaving the house. And the operative point is the use of the namaskar mudra as a reminder for doing Guru mantra.

Naturally, this same technique can be instilled at various junctures throughout the day such as when getting on a bicycle, taking food, going to sleep, answering the phone etc. When a physical action like namaskar mudra is done before those engagements, then one will automatically recite Guru mantra. Try this in your own life and see how it goes.

Without the use of a physical reminder, then most of the time sadhakas forget their Guru mantra. And that is a problem because imbibing the mind with Cosmic ideation is the main essence in the life of a sadhaka.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Namaskára is done by bringing the palms together and touching the ájiṋá cakra [the mid-point of the eyebrows] with the thumbs.” (1)

in Him,
Viniit Deva

1. Caryácarya Part 1, Methods of Salutation

== Section 4: Links ==

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