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Friday, March 11, 2016

Very harmful Baba story + 3 more


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Very harmful Baba story
2. Knowing oneself is the real knowledge - Ananda Vanii
3. Important Teaching: Marriage between males and females not same sex
4. Links

Very harmful Baba story​

A so-called Baba story was recently circulated on WhatsApp about a demonstration Baba gave in 1969 on spirituality. Here is a key excerpt from the so-called Baba story:

"The guru then became very angry and commanded, "You​ [13-year-old boy who had strong pain in his stomach]​ did not obey my order and consumed a coconut presented by the queen. As you disobeyed my instructions, I want you to leave my ashram immediately!" Thus, the poor boy [strong pain in his stomach] was compelled to leave the ashram. For the [13-year-old] boy, the ashram and his guruji were everything! Where would he go? By this time, the pain in his [the small boy’s] stomach had become severe. He then left the ashram premises and walked tearfully to a nearby pond. There he sat down and cried incessantly. The next day, the [13-year-old] boy died. And in his next life, [as punishment for eating the coconut] the [13-year-old boy] was reborn as a coconut tree.”

The excerpt from the so-called Baba story ends here.

Will be reborn as a bug

Comment: According to Ananda Marga samskara theory, if this exact circumstance happened as narrated above, the so-called guru would be punished ​and would be reborn as a bug that lives in sewage. Because at the time of the above incident, the boy was a mere 13-years-old. It was the dereliction of the guru not to give treatment when the boy became sick​. So the guru should have been punished, but instead the child was punished in the so-called Baba story. That is why the story is fake. A 13-year-old boy is just a small child. Such minute mistakes should have been ignored.

Here the so-called guru is guilty for not treating the child who was seriously ill and instead the guru just kicked the boy out from the ashram to die. This is a heinous crime. In the current times, if someone does this then they will be criminally held responsible. If this happened in any civilised country, then the guru ​/ parents, caretakers​ would go to jail for life for the charge of homicide / manslaughter ​of a minor​.


Any story that goes against the fundamentals of Ananda Marga philosophy should be treated as a bad and deceitful story. People should avoid such stories. It is the duty of margiis to reject such stories and not circulate them. Otherwise it will cause a huge philosophical catastrophe ​in Ananda Marga.

Some may have heard this so-called Baba story since long back, so they may have started believing it. Because if one does not know ​Ananda Marga philosophy then whatever story they hear they think is fine. That is what happened here. Those propagating this story were thinking it is proper. This demonstrates that they do not know Ananda Marga philosophy. Above all, back in the day when this demonstration was done, there was no tape recorder etc. There may be some small pieces of the story that are correct but the way it is presented here it contains many loopholes. That is why this so-called Baba story is harmful.

So watch out.

in Him,

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== Section 2: Ananda Vanii ==

Knowing oneself is the real knowledge

“Knowing oneself is the real knowledge; serving all with the ideation of Náráyańa, the real action, and the vow to please Parama Puruśa the real devotion.” (Ananda Vanii #25)

Note: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Marriage between males and females not same sex

Note: In His below teaching, Baba is discussing the history of marriage and guides us that marital relations are between a male and a female. Baba does not mention any other type of arrangement, such as relations between the same sex, either female and female or male and male. Thus, no Ananda Margii should get swept up in the wave of same sex marriage that is happening in the west. Every Ananda Marga should hold firm to Guru’s teachings and adhere to the dharmic tenet that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “To slay the disarmed, to slaughter women, children or old people, to murder those who had surrendered or to kill those running away for their lives from a fight went against the grain of kśatriya conscience. In essence, the valour of the kśatriyas was instrumental in their surpassing the animal stratum as they learnt to understand human values. It was this sense of values that raised conjugal and domestic life to human standard to a great extent. Instead of conjugal relations being limited to the status of enjoyer and the enjoyed, they began to contain a sense of duty. With the establishment of conjugal relationships a sense of duty awakened in the father towards his children. Consequently, as soon as the responsibilities of mothers lessened to some extent, women became dependent on men for their food and clothes, particularly during the period of pregnancy and during the post-delivery period. As a result, married couples, though belonging to the same group, began to emerge in previously male-centred households. As families were male-centred, male-dominated groups became evident and clan mothers lost their previous authority.” (1)

1. Human Society - 2, Kśatriya Age