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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Your child can become great + 3 more


Your child can become great


It is important to bring our children onto the path of Ananda Marga and for them to become strong Ananda Margiis. Yet this is challenging in this present era. This letter identifies some of those difficulties and presents nurturing ways to bring our young ones onto the spiritual path.

One key way is to create margii camps for children. Through this experience, margii children will gradually develop an understanding of Ananda Marga. These camps can be held everywhere, but especially in those areas where we do not have qualified Ananda Marga schools.

To make children strong Ananda Margiis

Here are ways to help make our children into good sadhakas and established Ananda Margiis. These are things which we, as Ananda Margiis, have inculcated into the lives of our own children in our home as well as things we hope to bring into their lives in the near future:

1. Bring them into Ananda Marga life as early as possible. Their food habits and bedtime stories should all be sentient based and flavoured with the sweetness of spirituality and neo-humanism.

2. By the age of four or five, try to make their formal education immersed in Ananda Marga ways of doing and thinking. Songs and games should be universal in nature and kiirtan should be incorporated into their daily life, one or two minutes before their various activities.

3. Margii children should be encouraged to play and interact with other margii children. If there are no other margii families in the local school district then try and make arrangements for margii children to play together after-school or on the weekends. This has a positive effect.

4. The celebration of Ananda Marga festivals is also a great way to bring children into the flow of our Ananda Marga way of life. Instead of them thinking that various dogmatic, religious holidays are the best time of year, we should educate our children about our Ananda Marga festivals and in our own house those days should be treated with a wonderfully festive and holiday atmosphere.

5 Attending the sectorial retreats on an annual basis is also important. The children should meet all our acaryas and be comfortable with our Ananda Marga way of life. Going twice a year to big retreats throughout their childhood will help them establish the base that Ananda Marga is their home and family. Then, even if they are not able to attend an Ananda Marga school, there remains a distinct memory of Ananda Marga in their childhood.

Puzzles, song, dance, meditation, & stories

6. On Sundays, it is very good to have two dharmachakras: either one after another or simultaneously. The latter may be better. In either scenario it is needed for there to be a weekly children’s dharmacakra that is wholly based in Ananda Marga practices yet suited to the needs and interests of the children. The dharmacakra should be age appropriate where games, puzzles, song, dance, meditation, stories, and philosophical tales are all merged into one.

7. The key point is to bring Ananda Marga practices into your child’s life from the very outset of their existence and increase those activities as the child grows. The content of their activities, the friends they have, and the emphasis that we as parents place on Ananda Marga all help to establish our children onto the proper path.

Let us organise children's camps or scout camps - separate from our main retreats. Let each local unit make 1-3 day camps throughout the year, with longer camps every six months or so. These camps can be joyful, active experiences where margii children come and participate in many activities and programs: drama, theatre, sports, games, kiirtan, sadhana along with stories and poetry etc. These children camps can be organised 5-6 times per year. The camps should be gender-separated for those who have entered adolescence while those younger children still in their pre-pubescent years can be in co-ed camps. The camps will have to be organised according to age and grade-level as there should not be a wide range of ages in the groups.

Again, it has to be emphasized how important such camps are. We have a lot to offer our youths; by learning Ananda Marga ideals they will be wholly transformed. So these camps are invaluable. Already the various religions organise these types of camps. The irony is that those religions have nothing dharmic to teach those children. Whereas, the children who attend our camps will be taught skills, techniques, and philosophy that will wholly change who they are.

Children’s Ananda Marga camp

By this way our margii children will gradually develop an understanding and appreciation for our Ananda Marga way of life. This will allow internal and theoretical understanding to sprout. Side by side, participating children will make new friends and get satsaunga. This will help steer their course into the dharma of Ananda Marga.

Such camps and Ananda Marga activities should begin as early as possible in the lives of our children, perhaps at the age of four or five. That is the key time. Because if one misses it then and instead waits for the early teenage years like 12 - 14 etc,  it is basically impossible to bring those children into Ananda Marga. Already they have formed their general approach that is usually painted in the colour of pseudo-culture.

That is why Baba has emphasized that neo-humanistic education should be imparted in our primary schools and to young children in general. So those places that have such schools are really fortunate and where those schools are not yet in place these Ananda Marga camps can serve as a solid alternative in this transitional period.

Start ideating on Brahma at age 5

By starting early in life, we can bring all our margii children into the devotional flow of Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In our Ananda Marga the seed for a common ideal is sown from the very beginning of a child's life. At the age of five when children have acquired only a preliminary understanding of their surroundings, they are given the idea of Brahma or the Supreme Entity. The entire society of Ananda Marga is thus founded on a common ideal, the goal of becoming one with Brahma." (1)

in Him,

Warning: Those Wts and Lfts of weak character or leanings towards homosexaulity, lesbian, or pedophilia should be kept away from the children at our camps otherwise those kids will be polluted and harmed. 

~ In-depth study ~

Here are some of Baba's important teachings on education which we should contemplate and apply to the raising of all our children in the Marga.

Teach younger children through stories and imagination

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The child’s mind is filled with fanciful imagery, and so the sáhityikas will also have to spread their wings and soar in the sky of imagination. However, they cannot afford to indulge in intricacies and complexities during their visionary ascent. The thirst for the distant and the earnest zeal to know the unknown that abides in the child’s mind must be satisfied by drawing pictures of magical lands and relating colourful fairy tales. What is “real” or “natural” is not so important. What is more important is to carry the child’s mind along in the current of joy, and in the process to acquaint the child with the world in an easy and simple manner. The harshness of reality should not be portrayed – the child will not want to read about it or listen to it. “The prince of the mind with his wings outstretched in the azure sky, soars to the kingdom of the old witch beyond the worlds of the sun and the moon. He ties his Pegasus to the golden branches of the pearl tree and heads off in search of the sleeping princess in the silent, serene palace. He gets a tip as to where to find the magic wands of life and death, and rouses the princess from her centuries-old sleep. Then he finds out everything he can about the den where the demons sleep and sets off into the world to become a hero...” Picture after picture, colour after colour, must accompany the words; this is what the child’s mind craves." (2)

The special qualities needed of a teacher

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The first and most important factor is to select teachers carefully. Those who have the required academic qualifications do not have an automatic right to become teachers. Teachers must possess such qualities as strength of character, righteousness, sense of social service, unselfishness, an inspiring personality and leadership. They are the preceptors of society, and that is why it is not possible for everyone to do this job." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Another thing that flashes across my mind is the moral character and conduct of teachers. There are many teachers, who after discussing the abuses and evils of intoxicants in the class, indulge in smoking outside it immediately after the class is over. This sets a very bad example...This double faced behaviour will naturally cause indiscipline in the students' minds." (4)

So the whole point is that exemplary conduct is an integral aspect of education in Ananda Marga and teachers must be of proper character. And their conduct must also be proper; academic credentials alone is not enough. Teachers must have all sorts of superlative qualities otherwise they will be deemed unfit for the position.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "For the purpose of training this turbulent mind, what should be done? We will have to educate the mind properly, along the lines of neohumanism. This neohumanist education will impart proper training to the mind. And at the same time there should be spiritual practice for proper psychic transformation. This is what we require most. There is no alternative." (5)

"Education is a part of cultural life. Education should be free, and education must be based on universalism." (6)

Importance of primary education

Here is Baba's key guideline about the importance of early childhood education, i.e. inculcating the ideals of Ananda Marga to children at an early age. In particular, the aims is to arouse the spiritual urge. If this is not done early on, the opportunity is lost as it is almost impossible to awaken that urge in the teenager years.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "We must start primary schools throughout the entire world to create a spiritual urge amongst the little pupils. I am not in favour of starting colleges; I am in favour of starting primary schools. In the entire world we have got one degree college at Ananda Nagar and thousands of kindergarten schools. That is why it is desirable in the first phase to start many primary schools instead of colleges. Merely opening high schools and colleges without a proper system of education will not serve the purpose. Rather, thousands of kindergarten and primary schools must be started with this new system of education, to create a spiritual urge amongst children throughout the entire world." (7)

Children learn lying and obstinacy from their parents

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When the parents are about to go on a trip or go to a show, or when they are invited to a pleasant function or a social outing, the children may start whining or nattering to accompany them. At such times many parents tell lies without a qualm; somehow they dupe their children and leave. When the children realize what has happened, they also learn to tell lies; and to hide their intentions or their actions from their parents, they gradually start lying more and more."
   "Parents deceive their children in many ways. By calling sweet things bitter and pleasant things unpleasant, they prevent their children from enjoying them. But by disregarding parental injunctions and prying inquisitively, as is the wont of human nature, children discover the truth. Then they realize that their parents have been deceiving them. As a result they start deceiving not only their parents, but their friends and classmates as well. So it is abundantly clear that children are taught the first lessons in the arts of lying and deception by their own parents at home."
   "In a family it is natural that differences of opinion will arise among the adults; when they do, the adults should reconcile their differences considering each other's opinions. Unfortunately they often lack the requisite mental make-up to reach an amicable agreement – each tries to convince everybody else of his or her viewpoint without caring about the opinions of others. The result is an outburst of unreasonable obstinacy – the adults lose all self-control and behave in a gross and vulgar manner. The effect on the minds of the children is disastrous. Children thus learn obstinacy from their elders. If the mother or those with whom the children spend most of their time is obstinate, the neglected children will, in most cases, become noticeably obstinate, and they will have to carry this psychic ailment around with them for a long time. If, on the other hand, as is sometimes the case, the wishes and desires (if they are not unreasonable) of children are fulfilled, the children will not have the opportunity to learn obstinacy." (8)

Children should do spiritual practices

Ananda Marga ideology says,  "Proper attention should be paid to the physical, psychic and spiritual development of small boys and girls. Just as they sit and study to develop their intellectual capabilities, they should also sit to do their spiritual practices with their parents. That is the way they will develop their spiritual practices. They should take diikśá [spiritual initiation] from an ácárya(á) [spiritual teacher] when they grow up. They should practice the lessons of sádhaná – japa, dhyána, ásana, práńáyáma, etc. – along with their regular academic lessons. All that is necessary for their trifarious development, and it must be perfectly balanced. One should remember that the absence of a proper balance will harm not only the individuals, but also the society as a whole." (9)

My child should not be too involved in AMPS

So an emphasis on spirituality will yield good results all around. Even then, due to a lack of understanding and prevailing dogmas, there are some margii parents who fear having their children absorbed in our Ananda Marga way of life. That is, some margii families intentionally keep their children arm's distance from Ananda Marga. 

A few parents wonder to themselves: Let all the children of this earth be brought into Ananda Marga except my children. Otherwise what will become of me in my old-age if my children become wts. 

There are some parents who feel that if they bring their children into Ananda Marga then the children may become deeply involved - and they may even become Wts, in which case what will happen to us, i.e. the parents. This negative tendency can creep into the mind. In particular, in their old-age, parents want their children to be near them. This vision is jeopardised however if a child becomes a Wt.

The unwritten rule

In some areas there is an unwritten rule to not openly encourage margii children toward Wt life. This is the backwards silent code that exists. Thus some margii parents do not emphasize Ananda Marga values to their own children nor do they impart Ananda Marga values to other margii children - lest they should upset those margii parents.

At the same time, there are many margii children who go to Ananda Marga schools and that brings immense benefit.

Some may express shock about this but the proof is in the numbers. Without any doubt, the large numbers of Wts come from non-margii families. One severe drawback is that in the process of keeping margii children away from the path of WT life, we also end up making them less interested in margii life. By not vigorously encouraging Ananda Marga practices and margii interactions, our children fall prey to other ways.

Santa Claus & teaching kids how to lie

Children growing up in the west are taught from a very early age that on Christmas Eve Santa Claus comes down the chimney and leaves them presents and then goes to deliver presents to other children around the globe. He flies through the sky on his reindeer led sled. At some point, around 5 - 8 years of age, children realise that there is no real Santa Claus. Thus they are taught that it is okay to lie. After all, their parents deceived them, so this is an accepted social norm. Then when the children grow older and are teenagers, then they may tell an untruth to their parents, thinking that it is ok to do. In turn, the parents are furious that they were lied to and deceived. The children then feel frustrated because their parents got angry with them for "telling a story" when in fact their parents did the same thing to them all those years with Santa Claus etc. So those teens lose respect for their parents due to their double standard.

And while this happens with Santa Claus in the west, similar types of deceitful events occur around the globe in each and every community in the form of local festivals or religious dogma etc. So this is not limited to a particular region or holiday, but is pervasive around the globe. The takeaway is that one should never lie to a child.

1. Tattvika Praveshika, Social Psychology
2. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature
3. Human Society - 1, Education
4. Human Society - 1, Education
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Education and Neohumanism
6. A Few Problems Solved - 7, 'Renaissance in All Strata of Life'
7. Discourses on Neohumanist Education: Prama - 4
8. Human Society - 1, Education
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Táńd́ava and Kaośikii

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I want to receive You
“Toma're a'mi ceyechi loka'laye naya mana nilaye, Ma'nasa-deule ta'i sa'jiyechi…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4083)


O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I want to see and receive You, but not somewhere externally. I want to have You in the core of my heart - in a very deep and intimate way. I decorated my inner temple in my mind beautifully solely for You. 

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, my Dearmost, my Everything, my Beloved, I am offering You my countless salutations, again and again. I know this essence in the mortal world that You are creation, You are sustenance, and You are the ultimate goal.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, when there was nothing, You were there. You would also remain when nothing will remain. All would stay within Your shelter in seed form, from a blade of grass to the Cosmos all are  dancing with the rhythm of your ankle bell...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why government should not manage enterprises

Prout philosophy states, “It is desirable that the management of industrial, agricultural, trade and commercial enterprises not be in the hands of the central government or the world government (after the establishment of the world government). If it is, the common people will not get the direct or even the indirect opportunity to participate in the management of these enterprises. In such cases capitalists, opportunists or self-seeking politicians can easily take control of them and misappropriate public wealth." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #11