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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Guru pújá colour + 3 more


Guru pújá colour


In the practice of Guru puja, a sadhaka offers a lotus flower. Here is an overview of that process from beginning to end.

After kneeling in the proper posture for Guru puja one should close their eyes, open their palms, and visualise the form of a mental lotus.The colour of the lotus will be the colour of that worldly object which is most dominating or disturbing their mental flow during sadhana. For instance, if one is facing financial difficulties or if one is just greedy for money, and that thought disturbed your sadhana then that sadhaka should visualise a green lotus - or the dominant colour of money in their locale.

Each and every material object has 5 tanmátras, and here Baba explains how these tanmátras are the connecting point between mind and material objects.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The association of mind with external objects is established through tanmátras or inferences. Tanmátras are of five kinds: sound, touch, form, taste and smell. The tanmátras are actually the expressions of material objects. The tanmátras in the form of vibrations come in contact with the mind through the five sensory organs. The mind establishes its link with external objects through the inferences [tanmátras].” (1)

Applying the tanmátras in Guru puja

Here is an example: If one is obsessed with gold one should perform Guru puja offering a mental lotus made of gold . All the tanmátras should be of gold felt in Guru puja when offering a gold mental lotus. This creates a very strong and positive effect. Again, the five tanmátras are: sound, touch, form, taste, and smell. Because the aspirant is greedy for gold then the colour of the lotus will be a deep, dark yellow gold. In the palm one holds a lotus that is made of gold with all the tanmatras that gold has.
Applying the tanmátras is the first aspect for performing Guru Puja. Here again all should do Guru puja according to their personal situation. Not all sadhakas will do it related with gold - the offering is an individual situation. Essentially, if one is attached or repulsed with anything, and that thought disturbed your sadhana, then in Guru puja imagine a lotus made of that object.

For instance:

  • If one is attached to a red jacket, and that thought disturbed their sadhana, then the lotus in Guru puja will be made of those qualities: red cloth, along with all those tanmatras.
  • If one is attached to their pet, i.e. a black dog thought disturbed their sadhana, then the lotus will be made of those qualities: the dog, and take on all those tanmatras.
  • If one is repulsed by a particular person, and that thought disturbed their sadhana, then the lotus will be made of those qualities: the person, along with the various tanmatras.
  • If one is attached with their bicycle, and that thought disturbed their sadhana, then the lotus will be made of those qualities: the bicycle, using all the tanmatras accordingly.

And verily, from day to day, as problems are solved and new issues or psychic disturbances arise in sadhana, then one will make their mental lotus of that concerning problem. In general, Guru puja is done at the end of sadhana because at that time one can easily identify what problem or thought was most distracting in sadhana. But if at the start of sadhana one is terribly burdened by something, then one can do Guru puja at that very moment, and then again at the end of their sadhana. One can do more than one session of Guru puja. And finally, if one is trying to do sadhana, but the mind is just racing or stuck in a negative cycle, then one can do Guru puja again and again until the problem has been cleared.

Reciting the chant

When these five inferences of sound, touch, form, taste, smell are present in the mental lotus, then one may start chanting:

    "Akhanda mandala karam..."

But at the same time we should be strictly aware not to prematurely begin the chanting of the Guru Puja shloka until step by step, all the tanmatras are properly incorporated into one's mental lotus. Then and only then should the chanting of the Guru Puja shloka be started. And the culminating line of of each round of the Guru puja shloka is :

    "...Gurureva Parama Brahma, Tasmae Shrii Gurave Namah".

Then one should offer that very mental lotus at the feet of Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji - Who is sitting in front of me. Remember, if the presence of Guru is not felt or if He feels far away then Guru Puja is useless.

What is mental colour

Here this below guideline which is highly linked with how tanmatras are to be used in that practice of Guru Puja.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Any object which creates bondage in the mind has its own particular colour. In those early days people used silver coins. While thinking of those silver coins, their minds would be coloured silver. Today, people's minds are coloured by the thought of paper currency. When someone thinks of an iron safe, one's mental object becomes the iron safe. When someone goes to the bank to deposit money, the bank's signboard becomes his or her mental object... All such things become a person's mental objects, one by one. The mind always takes something as its object, each object having its specific colour." (2)

So in our Guru Puja practice they should all be offered to Guru.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Surrender all one's mental colour to Parama Purus'a, and thus free oneself from the bondage." (3)

In Him,

1. Ananda Marga philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Our Philosophical Treatise
2. Namami Krsnasundaram: Disc 19
3. Namami Krsnasundaram Disc 19

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

A sonorous voice whispers

"A'ma're dekhe calecho prabhu more pu'n'ya phale..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4477)


Parama Purusa, You are looking at me all the time. Because of the virtue of having Your grace, I can feel that You are so close and witnessing all that I do - every breath. You are with me each and every moment, in the brilliant refulgence and the cimmerian darkness - constantly, all the 24hrs. In my good days and bad days, always You are and will remain along with me. You are so gracious.

My Divine Entity, when I am surrounded by the fog of hopelessness and despair and my life becomes burdened, I feel depressed. My very existence feels completely unbearable and loses all its charm. When I cry in pain and tears are rolling down my cheeks like a river, and when I am drowned in pessimism, the feeling arises that this whole world is poisonous, and this life is useless. 

Then Someone smiling in my mental abode with a sonorous voice whispers in my ear: “Do not forget the supreme illumination that never gets extinguished; the eternal love that never fades; it just grows and grows, the momentum that never ceases. Always remember that.”

Baba, by Your infinite grace-compassion You are caring for me always…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Black pact between capitalism & priesthood

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In ancient times powerful rájas and mahárájas used to perform yajiṋas or sacrifices to declare that they were heroes, but this was also a form of exploitation. They erected many temples to hide their ill-deeds, not out of devotional spirit. There was an unholy alliance between physical exploiters and intellectual exploiters. Intellectuals have praised these rájas and mahárájas in all ages. Another form of exploitation is the priesthood. Capitalism will never go against the priesthood nor will priests go against capitalism. In order to create inferiority complexes in the minds of the people, intellectuals have composed many stories and myths. These stories are illogical and concocted to exploit the sentiments of the common mass. One glaring instance is the following verse composed by satanic opportunists.”
Bráhmańásya mukhamásiit váhurájano’bhavat
Madhya tadasya yad vaeshyahpadbhyaḿ shudrojáyata.

“Brahmins came out of the mouth, Kśatriyas were born out of the arms,
Vaeshyas came out of the trunk of the body, and Shúdras were born out of the legs.”
“In the capitalist structure, industry or production is governed by the profit motive, but in the Proutistic structure production will be governed by the motive of consumption.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section 3: Links ==