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Friday, December 15, 2023

Pratiika & balanced life + 4 more

Pratiika & balanced life


Baba has placed great importance on the meaning and use of our Ananda Marga pratiika. Here below is a short explanation of the pratiika and how it is related with our way of life.

1. The two, perfectly-balanced equilateral triangles in our pratiika represent the manipura cakra (i.e. 3rd cakra) and the ajina cakra (i.e. 6th cakra).
2. The manipura cakra is symbolised by the triangle pointed upward signifying service to society. This cakra gives the body energy and stamina to do action in the world.
3. The ajina cakra is symbolised by the triangle pointed downward signifying spiritual sadhana and self-realisation. The ajina cakra is the seat of the mind.
4. We should practice and represent this symmetry in our day to day life by keeping perfect balance between our meditation (sadhana) and worldly work (social service).

Balance vs imbalance

5. Our mission is: Átmamokśárthaḿ jagaddhitáya ca. A'tmamokśárthaḿ (self-realisation) is represented by the downward pointed triangle (i.e. ajina cakra) in our pratiika; jagaddhitáya ca (selfless service) is represented by the upward pointed triangle ( i.e. manipura cakra) in our pratiika.

6. Maintaining balance between these two triangles - representing spiritual practice for self-realisation & selfless service to humanity - is needed. As sadhakas, we should be in perfect balance just like our pratiika. That means we should do maximum sadhana without losing our adjustment with this world; and we should do maximum social service without forgetting our sadhana.

7. When we maintain perfect balance between our inner world (downward pointed triangle) and the outer world (upward pointed triangle) then by His grace we will achieve all-round progress (signified by the rising sun in our pratiika) and ultimately victory (signified by the swastika in our pratiika).

8. Reaching this state is not easy. Unfortunately, we often see aspirants fail to maintain proper balance in life. Most commonly, people get too caught up in their worldly work and their sadhana gets neglected. In some cases, the opposite happens. So we must constantly assess our position and strive to keep a balance between our inner and outer worlds.

Golden rule - key to success

One very important slogan in Ananda Marga is subjective approach through objective adjustment. But some confused people have no clue about this and they follow the opposite approach. They think that in this world one should adjust with whatever society is demanding, and compromise on the dharmic rules and disciplines of Ananda Marga teachings. If one is a sadhaka and if the joint family is eating tamasik food then adjust with them by also eating tamasik food. Their motto is that you have to live in the society so do not start quarreling with them, just adopt their way of life. This aforesaid manner is the bogus way.

Right way: subjective approach through objective adjustment

The right way and the real explanation is as follows. Subjective approach means that your entire existential approach is subjective and the Goal is Parama Purusa. So from morning to midnight and from birth to death, whatever you do - do not forget that your goal is Parama Purusa. You have been given a human body for the sole purpose of realising Him. This is the subjective approach.

With regards to objective adjustment, this was completely forgotten by Shrii Shankaracarya as his philosophy only accepts the subjective approach. They reject the existence of the objective world. Whereas in materialistic philosophies like capitalism and communism, the objective world is everything and there is no subjective approach. The ideal approach is Ananda Marga ideology. The Goal is Parama Purusa and this ideal should be kept firmly in the mind; at the same time, one should live in this world while following Sixteen Points and various dos and don’ts. One should adjust with the world as long as the march towards Parama Purusa is not hindered. That is the main thing.

Under the excuse of objective adjustment

Those who are confused delete Parama Purusa from this equation. That is why they degenerate. They eat all kinds of tamasik items and live in a static manner, under the excuse of objective adjustment. And in result they never grow spiritually.

The concluding idea is that that subjective approach through objective adjustment means being focused on Parama Purusa, and adjusting with the world by maintaining dharmic life practices, and not rejecting the existence of the world like Hindu yogis. Rather we should recognizse that this world exists and we have to live in this world. To adjust properly Baba has given all sorts of conduct rules and dharmic guidelines that need to be followed strictly.

Opposite way or flip-flop

Unfortunately, nowadays this formula of subjective approach through objective adjustment is almost forgotten or just plain abused. Especially certain Wts preach the exact opposite. 24 hours they think about this or that project, or earning money, or doing something mundane. They think that is the main ticket. And then in morning and evening they curtail their sadhana etc. So that is the opposite way or flip-flop. The ideal is that all the 24hrs everything is done to improve sadhana. The Goal is Parama Purusa and social service is just to serve Him. The negative way is that Parama Purusa is secondary and mundane achievements like building roads and schools is the main thing. That is the misconception prevalent nowadays. Due to this we are (a) losing our cadre and (b) incapable of doing something substantial in service to humanity.


It is unfortunate that this vital formula which is steering our Ananda Marga way of life is not only misunderstood, but getting turned around in reverse these days. Now is the time to cultivate the right understanding and wholly embrace the ethic that our Goal is Parama Purusa and we are not to reject the existence of the world like Shankaracarya. Rather we have to live in this world and maintain this human body. For that, we have to follow Sixteen Points, dos and don’ts, and serve the society. And always remember that the main aim of this entire life is realising Parama Purusa. So all the 24 hrs one should keep focused on Him. That is our cherished ideal; everything else is futile. For this reason we have been blessed with a human life.

at His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

"Human life is a mission"

Here the point is that we should not just wear our pratiika around the neck, but our daily life should be a proper reflection of the pratiika, i.e. perfectly balance between service to society and self-realisation. That means our life should comprehensively represent Ananda Marga ideology.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "What should a person do? Life is a mission. I have said that human life is an ideological flow. That is, human life is a mission; life itself is a mission; one’s very existence is a mission. Átmamokśárthaḿ jagaddhitáya ca – “Whatever one is to do one is to do for átmamokśa – for his or her own liberation – and for the elevation of the entire world, elevation of the entire human society.” One is to do both these things: that is, these two things are one’s mission." (1)

How our pratiika is used

Here below are some of the key ways our pratiika is used in our Ananda Marga way of life:

(A) At dharmacakra, we may display the Ananda Marga pratiika.

(B) Next Baba describes the role of the pratiika when our acaryas perform diiksa (initiation).

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Initiation in Prárambhika, Sádhárańa and, in special cases, Sahaja Yoga will be done before the pratiika [emblem]." (2)

(C) When an Ananda Marga marriage is performed, then the pratiika will be given its rightful place.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The pratiika [emblem of Ananda Marga] should be placed in an elevated place in the marriage hall.” (3)

(D) During DMC when Baba was up on the stage then there would always be a pratiika on display behind Him. Still today at DMS we present Baba's photo and behind His photo is the pratiika.

Baba's description of the pratiika

Here is Baba's explanation of the pratiika.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Your Pratiika [Emblem]: A triangle with one vertex up superimposed on another triangle with one vertex down, with the rising sun having a swastika inside. These are symbols of energy, knowledge, advancement and permanent victory, respectively." (4)

Here below is the dharmic way the publishers have explained the pratiika on the inside pages of recently printed Ananda Marga books.           

The pratiika represents in a visual way the essence of Ananda Marga ideology. The six-pointed star is composed of two equilateral triangles. The triangle pointing upward represents action, or the outward flow of energy through selfless service to humanity. The triangle pointing downward represents knowledge, the inward search for spiritual realization through meditation. The sun in the center represents advancement, all-round human progress. The goal of the aspirant's march through life is symbolized by the swastika, which means spiritual victory.

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 30, The Four Kinds of Service
2. Caryacarya, part 1, The Process of Initiation
3. Caryacarya, part 1, Marriage Ceremony
4. Caryacarya, part 1, "Treasures of Ananda Marga"

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Innumerable obstacles came

"Kabe játrá holo shuru, bhúle gechi se kathá..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0699)


My Parama Purusa, I do not remember that auspicious day when my spiritual journey started. I have completely forgotten the moment when my voyage towards enlightenment began. Since many lives slowly You have been calling me. By Your grace, my radius gradually reduced. Now I am close to my Supreme desideratum. On the path of sadhana so many thorns have pierced my feet. Innumerable obstacles came and created hindrances in my forward movement. Those miseries and the pain have faded away. Now my mind is filled with bliss. 

Parama Purusa, on the journey towards You I crossed the burning desert and faced so much torture. I encountered fiery blazes while other times I was drenched by heavy rain, thunder, and storms. But You always gave me the requisite strength - bringing me close to You. On the way, the beauty of so many spring seasons have come and I became intoxicated with that charm. In Your attraction, in Your sublime pull, I sang the song of kiirtan with heartfelt bhakti and longing. In my pilgrimage of bhakti, sometimes the dark and other times the refulgence has come and gone. Steadily, by Your grace, I have reached close to You, under Your shelter. Baba, You filled my heart with prema.

My Supreme Entity, in my special trek of intuitional practice so many resplendent autumns came and gave me joy, and I sang  songs full of earnestness. Yet on numerous cold nights I shivered during my mystical expedition. In springtime, there was an abundance of flowers. With love, I danced and wept for You, in Your memory. 

Due to not getting You I sobbed; in that misery I could not maintain my normal life. Still, I continued looking for You, watching the path of Your arrival. O’ my most adorable One...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When people can multi-task

The typical person has numerous aims. For example, they want to be the king, president, billionaire, film hero, sports star, musical icon etc. In that sense, the average person is multi-purpose. But at the same time living beings are unilateral. We can only do one work at one time. People talk about multi-tasking, but it is an impossibility for unit beings. The mind cannot do two works at the same time. And if one tries to multi-task, their mind will become bifurcated and ultimately degenerated, and / or they will find themselves in a terrible accident. 

Best is to do one task at one time. By cultivating that quality in sadhana humans become one with Parama Purusa. By doing sadhana and with His grace, the aspirant does become one with Parama Purusa. And then, after losing their individuality, they can work multilaterally - i.e. in all directions. Till then, do not try and do many works at one time.

Only one direction, at one time

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Microcosm is multipurposive but its flow is unilateral. On the other hand, Macrocosm is uni-purpose but its flow is multilateral. There is no end to the desires of microcosm. Sometimes it desires fame and sometimes it desires money. But it can make itself travel at one time in one direction only. His mind cannot be simultaneously engaged in a book and in a football game. While reading, if he thinks of the football game his mind is diverted from the book. Similarly, he cannot enjoy the football game if in the football game he begins to think about his books. Hence, the flow of the unit is unilateral. It travels only in one direction, at one time, whereas Macrocosm is uni-purpose but multilateral. There is only one thought of Macrocosm and that is the well-being of all. This is His one sole purpose. Yet Macrocosm is a multi-lateral flow. He does many things simultaneously. He is feeding you, creating the world, making rivers, canals and birds. Everything is being created in His mind. Hence there is much variety in His mind.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Microcosm and Macrocosm

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Wt life: sadhana in AMPS draws ridicule

Please pay particular attention to the highlighted yellow section.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Each individual has to keep physically and mentally pure and serve the society in the best possible manner. The collective psychic momenta of all the members of society makes the collective momentum of the social order strong and powerful. Hence, as an individual, one must be able to manifest and express a powerful psychic momentum. Society must not impose any restriction on the psychic and spiritual elevation of its members, nor should it allow anyone to accumulate physical wealth to the point that it is harmful to the other members of society and leads to exploitation.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Caryacarya contains the guidelines for how an individual can best contribute his or her efforts to the collective momentum. It also provides guidelines for how the collective body shall foster each individual’s physical and psychic welfare." (1)

In His above teaching, Baba is talking about both the development of the individual and the society. The citation concludes with this key guideline highlighted in yellow.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Society must not impose any restriction on the psychic and spiritual elevation of its members." (1)

Unfortunately, this above tenet is not always followed in our AMPS society. Those who are sincere in sadhana and Sixteen Points are often ridiculed. Some Wts are especially bent on mocking and speaking sarcastically about any junior worker who is committed to their sadhana. Actually what happens is that margiis are attracted to those acaryas who do more sadhana. Seeing this, big, supervisory workers became extremely jealous. So they do everything in their power to derail that sincere Wts from the path of sadhana. They bully and mock that worker endlessly. And verily, some wts have buckled under such pressure - sadly they became completely broken. This is the very tragic state of affairs that has been in vogue since 1990. Many have suffered. How ironic is it that ours is a socio-spiritual organisation, yet if one is really sincere in their asana, conduct rules, night sadhana, spiritual practices etc they are mocked by certain top Dadas. The whole situation is shameful.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Talks on Education – Excerpt A

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What happens to those puffed up in vanity
   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In this world various persons occupy various exalted posts, and because of their posts they enjoy social respect and position. “But however high their rank may be, they pray to the Lord, saying, ‘O Lord, I exist by Your grace – protect me, O Lord.’” So the Lord is controlling everyone, whatever may be their post. The moment one transgresses one’s jurisdiction out of vanity or ego, one is removed from that post. Whenever one misuses or abuses one’s authority, the Lord pushes the person out, and the person falls on his knees. This is the rule. The Lord is controlling everything; He does not tolerate the abuse of power or authority by anyone. In fact, one of His names is Darpahárii [Stealer of Vanity]. He does not tolerate anyone’s darpa [vanity]. We see in practical life that people may be seated today in the most exalted position in society, but if they grossly abuse their position, they will meet with such a great fall that their bones and skin will be altogether beyond recognition.”
   "It is only when the human beings, become puffed up with vanity and misuse the power granted to them by Parama Purus'a, that He steals everything from them. Hence, He is called Darpaha'rii - the stealer of vanity...Vain people suffer a similar fate when their vanity is destroyed as the balloon faces when its air is let out. But, does Parama Purus'a snatch away everything from everyone? No, He takes away only when the unit beings try to create obstructions in the flow of His creation." (1)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba warns us about the fate of arrogant people. As we know, the ultimate antidote to vanity is developing a spiritual link in life and surrendering to the sweet will of Parama Purusa. Then, in that case, extreme arrogance and vanity will not get scope to crop up and ruin one's personae. For their welfare, Parama Purusa pulverizes their ego. He destroys and crushes their feelings of vanity. When their ego is crushed, they learn their lesson. If afterwards they are still alive they become humble and stop terrorizing others. They become proper human beings. That is why one of the names of the Lord is Darpaha'rii - destroyer of vanity.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, The Intuitional Science of Tantra

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Peace-lovers of the universe

“Peace is the result of fight. Peace-lovers of the universe must not keep themselves away from fight.” (Ananda Vanii #18)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.