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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

What to read + 3 more

What to read


It is very important to read and study Ananda Marga books, otherwise one may fall into dogma. That is why on many occasions in both PC and reporting sessions etc, Baba would spontaneously ask Wts and sadhakas questions about yama and niyama, Ananda Marga philosophy, and related AM books etc. And if the person did not know that answer then Baba would say, “No, no, no, it is not your fault. It is the trainer’s. Bring the trainer here—he is responsible.”

Baba was doing this to shame the person who was not reading and studying Ananda Marga scriptures. By this way the sadhaka got the teaching to read Ananda Marga books on a regular daily basis. Here the point is that Baba was guiding one and all to study and learn Ananda Marga philosophy and ideology by reading the books.

Tragic ramifications of not reading

Without that, there is the distinct possibility of falling into dogma—i.e. if they do not read and study Ananda Marga ideology. We see this unfolding in regular life. Due to a lack of proper knowledge, some naive Wts think that they can remain in one group and also follow neo-humanism, as if groupism and neo-humanism can co-exist. Or due to a lack of proper knowledge they think their faction is not a group. A few simple, uninformed persons come in this category. That is why Baba has given His teachings and included svadhyaya in 16 Points. Once one is aware about the dharmic teachings of Ananda Marga ideology, one will not fall into dogma, but rather fight against dogma.

There is a clear danger involved in not studying Ananda Marga books.

In Him,

One should never forget that reading any Dada's books or commentary will also not suffice. That will also lead to dogma. First one should equip oneself with Ananda Marga philosophy then when you read other books you will be able to separate the gold from the garbage—if any gold is there.

Lack of knowledge: individual & society are harmed

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The persons who do such destructive approaches lack in knowledge. Just like that, in sadhana if some hodge-podge is made, it means the lack of knowledge. Because of this, both the individual and the society are harmed.” (1)

Betrays a lack of knowledge of the truth

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Some pray to the Lord for fear of hell and some for fear of torture and retribution in the next life. They hunger for emancipation from these fears. This betrays a lack of knowledge of the truth and you should not give encouragement to this inferiority complex. Those who accept or know the Lord as their own self have no reason to entertain any fear of Him. This fearless movement towards the Lord is termed Love.” (2)

Common scene

This was a common scene in dharma samiiksa, PC, and reporting that Baba would randomly ask Wts and sadhakas about their knowledge of Ananda Marga teachings. There are so many stories about this.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 20, Astitva and Shivatva
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Bhaktitattva

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Lord of everyone

"Saba'r priyo tumi saba'r a'pan..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4723)


 Parama Purusa, You are everyone's most loving and closest One - everyone feels that You are their own. Baba, You are, I am, and this whole universe also exists.  
Supreme Entity, from the peak of the snow-covered, sky-kissing mountain to the deep, serene ocean, from the sun of the crimson dawn to the colourful evening sunset - everything in this universe is Your divine creation. The flowers, fruits, shrubs, forest, and garden - all are Your expressions. My Dearmost, You are the divine Lord of everything and everyone.

Parama Purusa Baba, You are creator and guardian of all. You witness all, and with Your compassion You are looking after one and all. You never hate anyone. You reside in the mind, and You are in the heart. Even then I do not see You, but I feel You. You are so great: I am always asking for Your forgiveness and grace. By Your unfathomable krpa, with full surrender I always do sastaunga pranam to You - each and every moment.

You are the most loving One, the most dear Entity of one and all. You have created this entire vast universe. You are so gracious; Baba, I surrender...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How to cure laryngitis

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are some diseases – and their number is not negligible – which are carried by the inference of smell. Most of the skin diseases and boils which have a bad smell are carried by the smell inference. The disease of the laryngitis (in which the voice becomes hoarse and ulcers in the throat emit a foul smell) is invariably carried by the inference of smell. Those who sing for long periods of time or deliver lengthy speeches are likely to be attacked by laryngitis which is carried by negative microvita. This disease can be avoided or cured if sarvauṋgásana (shoulder stand) and matsyamudrá (fish pose) are practised regularly in ascending and descending order, then cloves and betel leaves are boiled together and the warm water is drunk through the nose, and the portion of the tongue near the uvula is then cleaned with the middle finger of the hand while the water is still in the throat. Finally, the water should be ejected from the mouth."
   "Negative microvita also attack the human mind through the smell inference. If a person sits in a wine bar or pub and the smell of different alcoholic beverages enters one's nose, the smell will influence one's mind. One may also order a drink from the bar!" (1)

1. Microvita in a Nutshell - Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt A

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Step by step to samadhi

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “As a result of sádhaná all three organs, i.e., motor, sensory and práńa, gradually attain composure. When all the organs attain steadiness and composure and are absorbed in the bearing of the Supreme Being, we call it the state of samádhi or trance or absorption. Without this attainment of steadiness samádhi is impossible, for without steadiness meditation(dhyána) is not possible and without meditation samádhi is not possible. The practice of meditation is nothing but the proper control over the mind-like rein with the help of a super-knowing charioteer. In the human body there are approximately fifty vrttis or propensities of minds. The degree of intensity of these fifty vrttis depends upon the different glandular secretions of the body. Thus proper functioning of the mind depends upon the different glandular secretions of the body, upon the afferent power of the nerve-fibres and upon the capacity of the nerve cells to vibrate thought. In other words, with the acceptance or rejection of any of the sentiments, both the human body and mind are influenced.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, The Chariot and the Charioteer

== Section 4: Links ==
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