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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How to face worst days + 2 more


How to face worst days


One’s march on the path of dharma entails overcoming all obstacles. However Baba teaches us that there are some obstacles that unit beings just cannot overcome. No matter how hard one tries. Some people may use all their intellect and others may use every bit of their might - all the force they have - yet human beings just will not attain victory - so long as we stand alone.

Such is the predicament, limitation, and the frailty of human life. What is the obstacle that will defeat us time and time again, and how are we to ultimately prevail. All this Baba has revealed in a few special discourses.

What is Daevii Maya

Daevii maya is due to saḿskára múlaka karma. This we cannot overcome alone. Call it what you will: maya, reactive momenta, fate, or samskara, but the callings of this one utterly lead to our demise. There is nothing we can do about it.

We have a business engagement in London. We have to fly there - there is no choice. We are eager to make the deal. Our plane tragically goes down in the English Channel. We had no chance of survival. Our life ends in this way. That is daevii maya. We could not see her coming and we had no answer for her ways.

Earthquakes, incurable illnesses, bomb blasts, accidents, social upheaval - all these things are beyond our control. We may take special care and preparedness in life, but any or all of the above - as well many other types of things - can bind us and change the course of our life at any moment. We have no chance to predict these events, nor avoid them. We are just their victims, as slaves to daevii maya.

Such is the gargantuan strength and challenge of daevii maya. Humans have not a chance in the world of gaining victory by themselves. Always we will lose. Indeed if you talk to any aged person, they will recount so many examples in life where despite their most intense efforts they could not prevail. Youths always think they are invincible and capable of doing anything. Yet as one lives on this earth and undergoes the toils of life, we invariably discover how overcoming daevii maya is beyond our limited means. With daevii maya, we have met our match.

The only way out

There is only one single way out. Here Baba graciously supplies us with the one and only recipe for gaining victory over daevii maya. Giita says:

Daevii hyes'a' gun'amayii mama Ma'ya' duratyaya';
Ma'meva ye prapadyante Ma'ya'meta'm' taranti te.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "This Maya of Mine is of the nature of three principles, and is almost insurmountable. Only those who take refuge in Me can overcome this Maya...Maya, the force that creates confusion and distinctions, is very powerful, it is insurmountable by jiivas [living beings]. But those who surrender unto Me transcend these forces of Mine with My help."

"If Maya is more powerful than jiivas, will the children of God remain forever slaves of this force? Is there no hope? No, such a situation is becoming neither of God nor of His children." (1)

So the only way to overcome daevii maya is to surrender. Then, by His magnificent grace, we will be cent-per-cent safe in all circumstances as He will protect us in all ways at all times. When He is the Controller of daevii maya, then it is impossible for her to bind or ruin us - so long as we take shelter in Him.


By Baba's grace we will gain victory over daevii maya. In surrendering to Him, then we are bound to get victory and cross the ocean of samskaras and sit upon His lap.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "So one must remember that one may or may not attain salvation by dint of one’s own spiritual practices: one will have to depend on His Grace. And because He is one with each and every expressed entity through His ota and prota yoga, He is your nearest and dearest one. You may depend on Him completely, and your dependence on Him is called sharanagati. This sharanagati is the only reply to all spiritual questions." (2)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Surrender is not so easy

One might casually say, "Oh just surrender to Parama Purusa and everything will be alright." This is a true statement, but not so easily done.

After all this is the culminating point of yoga. By His grace, we have a tantric Guru who has given us all the tools to learn the art of surrender, as well as warned us about how the human mind forgets this spiritual art as well. The main sticking point is our ego, of I-feeling. It always wants to poke its nose and take credit for all we do.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "I did this, I did that – I built this road when I was a minister, I constructed this bridge when I was in the Public Works Department” – this is how people become mad for their little “I”." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "’My ego says that my mind belongs to me.’ In the practical field this is the case. ‘I come from Switzerland. I have to get a passport, I have to get a visa. I have to extend the date’ – so many thoughts. But all these thoughts are connected with the individual ego, the individual mind. And you never think that this mind also belongs to Him. You think, ‘It is my mind.’ Everybody thinks like this. This is all talk of the ego." (4)

So this I-feeling and ego are always in the way of surrender. And surrender is not something that can be done halfway. It is either all or nothing. One cannot surrender just a little bit. The unit ego and the feeling of surrender cannot coexist. It is not possible just like it is not possible for a man to both drink and smoke at the same time. One can do one or the other, but not both simultaneously.

So the moment the unit ego gets involved, surrender becomes non-existent. In that case, we are all alone and we may fall prey to daevii maya at any moment. On our own we cannot fight this type of maya. The help, guidance, and grace of Parama Purusa is needed - yet is unavailable to us at the very time when we hold the umbrella of vanity - i.e. the arrogant feeling that, "I did it and it at all happened because of me etc."

Surrendering & overcoming daevii maya

In one of His many discourses, Baba gently asks, so then what is a person to do. All want to become dagdha biija - free of all limitations and reactive momenta. This is our destiny.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Every human being must be a dagdha biija [burnt seed], that is, one whose samskaras are totally burnt up." (5)

Yet in the process of facing all those samskaras and reactive momenta, we are bound to get swallowed up by daevii maya. Is there then no hope - are human beings really helpless?

All these questions Baba poses and replies in His sacred discourses and He lovingly gives this final reply. Why not surrender today- from this very moment? Why not focus the mind and free oneself right now.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When people get fatigued, be they jinaniis, karmiis or bhaktas, they say, “There is nothing more I can do.” In such a situation they can only take shelter in Parama Purusa. This is called sharanagati.” Here shelter means one hundred percent dependence on Parama Purusa to the exclusion of all other objects. “A” means “coming” and “gati” means “mobility”. When all mobility terminates in Parama Purusa, it is called sharanagati. When sharanagati occurs, one is said to have accomplished the final attainment. You should remember this supreme truth." (6)

By His grace, this moment comes in the life of every sadhaka and then we can truly receive His grace and blessing - and can surrender at His feet. That is enough to be victorious.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Only a wee bit of the omniscient grace, will be enough. Just a small bit of the Cosmic grace will suffice. A huge quantity is not at all required." (7)

T​he way to get rid of all problems and difficulties - from every trap of mahamaya - is to do sadhana and surrender unto Him.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Surrender
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, Who Is the Liberating Entity of Human Society
3. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
4. Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 3, Prańáma Mantra
5. Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 23, Dharma Samiikśa
6. Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 2
7. Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 6, The Physical, Psychic and Spiritual Strata

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

In the external world You can’t be held

“Ba’hir vishve dhara’ da’o na’ko, marme lukiye tha’ko…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3857)


My Parama Purusa, in the external world You can’t be held.  You are hiding in everyone’s heart and cannot be found outside, nor held in this mundane world. Searching for You externally - in various, so-called holy lands and ostensible tiirthas like Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, Jamalpur, or Varanasi, Jerusalem, Puri, Mecca, Rome, and at the top of the so-called holy Himalayan mountain ranges, Mount Sinai  etc - is just a waste of time. You always reside in the deep core of my heart and remain eternally in that golden vessel in the inner recesses of my being. Regardless of who is crying for You, longing for You, or is oblivious of You, You lovingly shower Your compassion and grant shelter at Your lotus feet to one and all - never making any distinctions. Everyone is part of Your creation; You call and bring all jiivas under Your timeless care. With Your infinite charm and the resonance of Your flute, You draw everyone nigh, and attract all living beings near by the pull of Your karuna. This is Your special call.

The planets, stars, sun, mountains, forests, eye-captivating images, dry desert, and deep green trees, everything one can imagine - all You fill with Your nectar, Your karun’a’.

I feel this mutual affection of ours on this spiritual journey is eternal. You soak the dust of the earth and the chirping and dancing of the birds with Your loving, causeless grace compassion.

Parama Purusa Baba, You are eternally present - always smiling in my inner self. My Dearmost, You are so gracious...

== Section 3: Links ==