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Saturday, September 10, 2022

Relation with Parama Purusa + 3 more


Relation with Parama Purusa

Note: Prabhat Samgiita day is coming up, 14 Sep 2022. 

The human mind is filled with various feelings and sentiments - including bhakti. So every sadhaka wishes to express their inner feeling. And it is only in Prabhat Samgiita that such tender, sweet feelings have been put into words. That is why in the life of each and every bhakta, Prabhat Samgiita holds a special place. In the realm of bhakti, Prabhat Samgiita stands unparalleled as it helps cultivate that very close link between the sadhaka and Parama Purusa - where one feels that Parama Purusa is their own family member or personal friend.

When one selects a song that beautifully portrays their inner-heart feeling with Parama Purusa, then best is to sing that song in a lonely, quiet place. Singing the song itself carries a much different vibration from merely listening to it. So every bhakta should be sure to sing Prabhat Samgiita with a full heart. 

Fearful relation with Supreme Entity

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that there should not be any barriers between bhaktas and Parama Purusa. Barriers - like fear, shyness, or feelings of inferiority - are not good as they only create mahimnabodh, difference of duality, and feelings of high and low. And that is exactly what Prabhat Samgiia teaches us: how we can overcome all complexes and create an intimate link with Him. Otherwise, it is impossible to go close to Parama Purusa. So Prabhat Samgiita, opens a whole new realm of relating with Parama Purusa. With Parama Purusa every bhakta has a unique relation: He is the most close and intimate One.

Bhakti in Ananda Marga

In tantra, since the time of Lord Krsna, a sweet and loving relation with Parama Purusa been practiced amongst select sadhakas. With the introduction of Prabhat Samgiita, bhaktas from far and wide are developing a more intimate and loving relation with Parama Purusa, where He comes within the domain of their family and friend relations.

Loving relation with Parama Purusa

Amongst bhaktas, this loving feeling towards Parama Purusa was introduced 3500 years ago. Now each and every Ananda Margii can appreciate this loving relation with Parama Purusa, whereby He is Father, Friend, or even more close. That is why all Ananda Marga discourses teach that one should love Parama Purusa. Because that love is the ultimate way towards attaining Parama Purusa - and that love is bhakti. Through Prabhat Samgiita, sadhakas can cultivate a deeper connection with Parama Purusa based on bhakti.

Ananda Marga is the path of bhakti, the loving path, and this is the practical way He has given. By theory alone though, how much can one understand. By theory alone, the heart cannot become satiated nor satisfied. Only when the nectar of bhakti touches the heart does one feel that bliss. This is the first step how one can make Parama Purusa their own family member and establish a personal relationship with Him. That is the beauty of Prabhat Samgiita - it opens up this grand landscape of bhakti, i.e. more closeness and more closeness develops. Through lessons of sadhana those feelings mature even more. Whereas when this basic link of bhakti is missing then everything is dry.

Just like when you sow a seed, if there is no water then that seed will never grow. Similarly, Prabhat Samgiita shows the sadhaka how to develop that heartfelt, personal connection with Parama Purusa. Prabhat Samgiita inspires feelings of sweetness and closeness for Parama Purusa. In that ideal circumstance, bhakti can grow. So Prabhat Samgiita is the missing link and with sadhana one's feelings towards Parama Purusa will grow. But there needs to be that link. One must feel: “Parama Purusa is mine, and I can communicate with Parama Purusa and I can open my heart to Him.” And this is exactly what Ananda Marga philosophy guides us to do in His various compositions of Prabhat Samgiita.


The compositions of Prabhat Samgiita are based on bhakti and stand as a unique way for the bhakta to make a more intimate connection with Parama Purusa. That is the special quality of the intimate songs of Prabhat Samgiita. Each and every song has its own way of expression, its own beauty, and its own charm.  

In Him,
Sadvipra Deva

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Thinking of You

"Tomári kathá bheve mármik anubhave..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3006)


O’ Parama Purusa, by thinking of You with all the feelings of my heart, my thrilled mind is ensconced in bliss and floats towards the godly realm. Tthe Controller of the eternal and mortal worlds, the hope of the hopeless, even a wee-bit of Your mercy and love is enough to overfill my core with spiritual bliss and give me goosebumps, horripilation, throughout my being. Baba, is it You who brings that deep spiritual surge of bhakti within me.

Supreme Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, You are incomparable in rhythm and most pleasant in aroma. You have no comparison. In all vibrations, in the quintessence, deep down, You are the Dearest One to all and the nucleus of all the vibrations. In the garland, You are the flower; and in the necklace, the jewel. In everything, You are the best in all things. Remaining in viitara'ga, You smile with the beauty of prema, heavenly love like flowers.

Divine Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.

O’ my Eternal Friend, in the severe heat, You are those first, cool showers that bring relief and respite. In the space between the monsoon clouds, You are the refulgent polestar. In the darkness, You are the beauty of the moon's enchantment. Under the hot sun, You are cool shade beneath the trees. In each and every circumstance, You are the Saviour. Baba, even staying afar, You remain in my mind’s precious haven.

Prabhu, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.

Parama Purusa, keep me eternally at Your lotus feet...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3006:

[1] Ba'ndha-bha'unga' mana: This is when the mind is overwhelmed with joy. Such as when one is extremely happy and bursts into tears or when one jumps for joy or exclaims or dances. In actuality though it is more than the joy experienced in worldly circumstances. It is that inexpressible bliss from the spiritual flow. It happens in the spiritual realm when one's mind is fully ensconced in His bliss and one starts crying uncontrollably. This is a state wherein one completely loses their composure.

[2] Viitara'ga: This is the state of being beyond any worldly attachment or attraction - i.e. perfect equanimity in all circumstances. One of the qualities of Parama Purus'a is vaera'gya. 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Evolutionary proof humans are vegetarian

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In those days there was little security in people's lives. On one side there were fierce animals and on the other a scarcity of food. Both of these were constants. Nowadays if there is a scarcity of food in one place people can bring food materials from someplace else but that was not possible then. If food appeared one day there was no certainty [nishcitatá] that it would appear the next. Due to these kinds of circumstances human beings used to have an appendix to their intestines for accumulated or excess food. As it was needed this food would stimulate salivation in the mouth and be fully eaten and digested. The proper eating and digesting of the surplus food in the appendix is called romanthana in Sanskrit and jábar kát́á in Bengali. In good English we call it “rumination” and in spoken English “chewing the cud”. Many herbivorous (vegetarian) animals still ruminate and a need still exists for it in their wild state. As the certainty of food supplies gradually increased, the need for a corporal appendix to the intestines lessened. Eventually there was even not the slightest need for it. Today a small vestige of it remains in the human body although it is no longer used in times of distress. Human beings have lost the capacity to ruminate." (1)

Note: Animals that are herbivores have a large pocket adjacent to their stomach where they stock and store extra food. And in the nighttime, or whenever they do not get sufficient food to eat, they regurgitate that stored food from the pocket and then chew it again. After chewing it it goes back down the digestive tract and into the stomach for complete digestion. Humans also used to do this in the past because they faced an uncertainty in their food supply. They never knew when they were going to eat next. So extra food was eaten and that extra amount would be deposited in the pocket - or appendix. And later, when they got hungry that food would be regurgitated and then eaten again and digested. This process of “chewing the cud” was only done by plant-eating animals - and humans. Nowadays, in general, humans do not face uncertainty with regards to their food. They eat regularly. So humans no longer have any need for an appendix. And when it is not in use then it loses its quality and strength also. But the fact that only herbivores were the ones ruminating shows that those initial humans were also vegetarians. They needed an extra pocket to store food, and now today for humans that pocket - or appendix - has become useless.

In conclusion:

(a) Only herbivores have an extra pocket (appendix) to stock food.
(b) Certain animals ruminate - as well as early humans.
(c) Those who ruminate are 100% vegetarian, i.e only vegetarians ruminate.
(d) This proves that humans are vegetarian.

This logic can be used in pracar work also to convince others to become vegetarian and give up eating meat.

In Him,

1. Varna Vijiana, Emanation (Discourse 20)

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Degraded Didis


In Mumbai, Avt Ananda Uttara Ac is posted from Kolkata group. She brought one boy from the hospital at the time of his birth. Some unwed mother left this boy in the hospital he was born.  Didi Uttara, in the name of home, has been nursing and raising this home boy. The boy is now 18 years old. Didi has got him admitted in good college after 10th. She is now expecting this boy will complete higher studies and earn plenty of money in future​ & fill up her pocket.

Similarly, some WT didis are still nursing boys in their Children home in hope to make boy highly educated and earn plenty of money.

In Him,
Surendra Pal

Good news​

Another story - Almost 15pr 16 years ​ago, the Mumbai Ghatkopar home received two boy infants whose parents were dead. The kids were aged 1 and 2-years-old. The Wt dada was unable to take care of kids so the Bhukti committee decided to shift two boy infants to a didi managed Mumbai home at Sakinaka and return the kids when they would become 10 years old. When these kids became 10 years old, AMPS got divided. WT dada refused to get back these two kids. Then Mumbai DSL didi shifted one boy to Jabalpur home managed by WT dada and one boy was shifted to Shelu Ananda Marga Ashram managed by Rupatiitananda dada.

- Here is link to the initial letter on this topic: Degraded Didis

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Massage with oil, bathe in sun-warmed water, & vitality

Baba says, "When children are massaged with oil and then bathed in sun-warmed water it increases their vitality. Sun-warmed water is also beneficial for older people, however for older people it is not good if the temperature of the sun-warmed water is greater than the temperature of the body." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 3, p. 105

== Section 3: Links ==

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