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Saturday, January 25, 2020

Health: apply oil where + 4 more


Health: apply oil where


Everyone in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha understands that an integral feature of yoga and human health is the regular maintenance and revitalisation of the glandular system. Sadguru Baba has spoken about this at length. On numerous occasions, He has explained that it is the secretions of the glands which help keep the human structure in optimal form. That’s why many of our yogic practices aim towards maintaining and exercising the glands: our sadhana system, dances (kaoshikii, tandava etc), half-bath, sattvik food, and yoga asanas etc. These daily practices all help make the glands vibrant.

One special point intrinsically related with glandular health is the application of oil to the hair on the joints of the body. Because many glands are located in the joints, and the joint hair is specially designed to help regulate and cool the glands. This is the unique way which Parama Purusa has created the human body. Side by side, He has also told that in order to maintain the joint hair it is needed to oil and comb those areas of the body. So the application of oil to the joints is key. Baba has included this in so many of his important teachings of our Ananda Marga way of life such as in Sixteen Points and Caryacarya.

Applying oil to the crown of the head

One point is the importance of applying oil to the hair on top of the head. In so many reportings Baba was checking to see that everyone was applying oil to the crown of the head. And Baba was sternly pointing anyone out if they were failing to do this. Baba's direction is that oil should be applied to the hair on the head as well. Because we know that right there at the crown of the head is the home of the all-important pituitary and pineal glands. To keep those glands cool and properly regulated, the hair on the head needs to be well maintained. Applying oil aids in that process.

Incorporating His teachings

Here below Baba has given one special boon and guideline for advancing far, far ahead on the path.

Baba says, "It is a bigger thing to put one lesson into action than to hear many. You should put into action every lesson in your life." (1)

So wherever we may be physically, mentally, and spiritually, from today onwards, by Baba's grace, step by step, may we all incorporate more and more of His divine guidelines into our regular use and practice. On this grand endeavour Baba's infinite grace is ever with us.


Glandular health is a vital point of our human existence and a central aspect of our yogic way of life. If the glands are imbalanced or diseased, that has a disastrous effect on the physical and psychic bodies. So we should be vigilant in following all the do’s and don’ts for properly maintaining the glands, including applying a touch of oil on the crown of the head. That is highly beneficial for the pituitary and pineal glands, home of the higher cakras.

In Him,
(Lauren Miller)

~ In-depth study ~

Three-step process Baba guides

In His discourses from Nama'mi Krs'n'asundaram, Baba has given one special insight for following Mahasambhuti. In a neatly outlined three-step process Baba guides us that (a) we should follow what Guru has written, (b) we are to practice what Guru has spoken, (c) we are to observe how Guru way of life and use our vivek to understand what His actions support and oppose. And those things we should also do.

These are Baba's own directives for how to best follow Him. So by the above, we can easily understand that those teachings which Baba has spoken about on a regular basis such as applying oil to the crown of the head is permanent guidelines of Ananda Marga. And there is a clear benefit in this also, because each and every syllable which Baba has told is for our welfare. In following Guru the return is very great.

All know well that Baba is very vigilant on this approach that all should apply oil to the hair on the head.

Ayurveda also preaches that applying oil to the head promotes all-round health, hygiene, and well-being.

'Painca’gni': the five fires

As we are all well aware here below is the third point of 16 Points.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Never cut the hair of the joints of the body." (2)

About this above point, there are multiple benefits including one special aspect known as painca’gni-- literally meaning 'the five fires'. And the five fires means allowing the hair of the body to grow in 5 places-- namely (a) on the top of the head, (b) face, (c) chest, (d) armpits, and (e) pubic region.

And the inner significance of these painca’gni is that these five fires kindle the "fire"-- of fearlessness, courage, valour, and bravery. Because allowing the hair to grow in these five places gives one the endurance in life to overcome all obstacles and defeat all enemies. That is why they are known as painca’gni-- the five fires.

At various times Baba has revealed this secret about painca’gni and bravery. When He first gave 16 Points, in various reporting sessions, as well as in one special avadhuta meeting known whereby Baba has given a special blessing. So on all these occasions and more Baba has verified the special import of painca’gni.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us,  "I know one is sure to get divine help. And I know further that one is getting divine help. And I know still further that in future, for infinite time and infinite space, one will be getting this divine favour." (3)

1. Caryacarya - 2, 'Miscellaneous', pt#10
2. Sixteen Points, Point #3
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam, part 23, Stages of Samádhi

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Tendency of democracy to divide

Prout philosophy states, “There are occasions when majority decisions do not create unity in society because people are more or less divided on an issue. In such circumstances, the leaders should be very cautious when making their decisions, and take special care to safeguard the interests of everybody. In particular, they should select a course of action which does not harm the sentiments of any group. For example, suppose there are seven brothers in a joint family, and these brothers are divided on an issue. Four brothers may be on one side and three brothers on another. If the head of the family takes a decision based on the wishes of the majority, the family will be divided into two groups. Therefore, a decision should be taken which safeguards the interests of all the brothers.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Solution: weak digestion


Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments, “Digestive organs and livers in particular become very weak, and such children [and adults] normally turn out emaciated.” (1)

Here following is the reply on easily digestible sources of protein.
#1: These two are the top most as they are very digestible:
(a) spirulina: this is grown in South India, as well as in many other parts of the world.
(b) nutritional yeast (not brewer's yeast): this is available here in various health / organic food stores, as well as online.
For maximum absorption, best is to mix with water and drink alone. Do not mix with any other food and don not mix the spirulina with the yeast.

#2: The next tier down is flax seed:
Flax seed is excellent for easy digestion, brings energy, and is good for the brain and sadhana. Plus it is very cheap. Just grind and soak overnight and eat alone or with vegetable. It will bring a big energy boost. But do not eat more than 3 or 4 spoons of flax seed powder at one time. One other benefit is that this is also very good to carry, i.e. easy to have while touring.

#3a: Soaking beans and nuts for 48hrs (tossing the water multiple times during the soaking period and then boiling the end), makes them a lot  easier to digest.

#3b: Peanut milk, sesame milk, or soy milk can also be made. Just soak and blend, then strain it and give away the fiber for animals. You can drink a lot of protein in this way.

#4: Eating with proper food combinations. Take protein alone or with greens / leafy vegetables, but not with carbohydrates.

#5: Fermented foods (you can use special jars to ferment without rotting).

#6: Sprouted beans. Soak initially for 12 hours or more, and then rinse twice daily.

#7: Using spices like dill, ajwain, cumin, black cumin, anise, black pepper, and chicory root for bile.

#8a: Eat minimal quantity in one sitting but eat frequently even many times per day. Sick persons can take food multiple times as needed. Eat little then when hungry eat more.

#8b: Always have food prepared ahead of time so the moment hunger comes one can eat without delay.

#8c: But do not eat if one is not hungry.

#9: By following this then digestion will not be an issue.

#10: In old age there is a shortage of digestive juice in the stomach. To overcome this, take apple cider vinegar which helps produce stomach digestive juices.
Regarding protein, staple foods (rice, roti etc) also contain small to moderate amounts of protein.

The above points will help anyone suffering from digestive issues; and these above guidelines are born out of the experience of various sadhakas.

In Him,

With regards to the number of times a patient may eat, here Baba talks about treatment of two different diseases. The basic idea is that when the system is weak then one should just eat small amounts of food at a time.

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "It is also desirable to take a small quantity of food a greater number of times, rather than to eat a large amount at one time." (1)

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "The patient should never eat much at a time. Instead, food should be eaten several times a day, eating only a small quantity each time." (2)

In the same spirit, you can eat as many times as needed a small quantity of food in order to maintain your health. Because that is the medical need. By taking a small amount many times during the day, the body will be able to digest and assimilate food in a more efficient and health-supportive manner.

It is just like how a weak person cannot carry 100lbs at a time but can carry 10lbs ten times. Or it is similar to how a car cannot be started in high gear, a lower gear is needed. That is why Baba guides us that those suffering from a digestive disorder or weak stomach should only eat a small amount of food at a time.

1. Yogic Treatments
2. Yogic Treatments
3. Yogic Treatments

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Praise is like jackal’s cry: hungry for Praise

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Those who work with the motivation that they will attain intellectual victory are slaves to words of praise. They can never become great people. It is bad to be a slave to worldly words of praise. The sounds raised by jackals and those raised in praise of some intellectuals are similar. Hence remaining engrossed in váda, vitańd́á and jalpa will lead to nothing.” (1)

Note: In the life of a sadhaka, neither praise nor censure have any value. Sadhakas should focus on their conduct and adhere to Ananda Marga ideology. Praise and censure are just a distraction. Those hungry for praise cannot do anything great. There are many important works to be done for the society and the welfare of the people, but the public often does not understand the import of those projects. That is why initially they abuse those dharmikas, but one should not be perturbed and continue on disregarding those naysayers.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Devotion and the Realm of Intellectuality

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings

Scripture series