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Sunday, October 16, 2022

Crowd & death + 2 more

Crowd & death

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


In the past our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha was beyond any type of stampede; but now a few of our AMPS exploitative priests have indoctrinated some into the holy land dogma. In result, these days our AMPS is prone to stampedes. It could easily happen. We have various so-called holy places; we have a mass of people; and, we have tight spaces. With an uncontrolled rush, a stampede could break out anytime.

After all, a so-called tiirtha site is just that - a small limited space. With growing interest that space will garner greater and greater attention. At that point, that area is prone to stampedes. So a stampede in Tiljala or Jamalpur is an eventuality - i.e. it will happen. So we should beware and stop the dogma now.

The "tiirtha" or “holy land” dogma is based upon a few fundamental premises:

Step A: Sincere Belief in the Deity: Everyone who subscribes to the "tiirtha" dogma truly believes in their heart in some type of Divine Entity. And they fully believe that by going to this so-called tiirtha / so-called holy land that they will be benefited and granted all sorts of worldly so-called boons. Otherwise they would not spend the money and time to embark on such an arduous journey. Thus the first step in participating in a so-called tiirtha is an earnest desire to please their so-called Deity whereby they themselves will be graced with some virtue in the form of material gain. But that is false.

So-called tiirtha or holy land: bogus dogma

After step "A" there are two basic approaches. A person generally falls in one of these two groups.

Step B: The follower has no idea about the true dharmic path and they feel in their heart that their cherished so-called tiirtha will really bring them:

#1: worldly possessions, and / or
#2: a place in heaven

Such persons are earnest, but naive and ignorant, unfortunately. They are eager for mundane gain and relief from their worldly problems, and they view the so-called tiirtha as a means to achieve this.

Whether it be Varanasi, Puri, Mecca, Rome, Dwarka, Jerusalem, or wherever else people deem a particular patch of land to be so-called holy, simple and ignorant people will reach there at any cost. Yet that land is not actually holy.

This is all due to religious dogma and the belief that their dogma of “holy land” is very great and should be achieved at any expense; because by going they will get some materialistic so-called boon and / or their worldly problems will be solved. Such is the tragic mind-set that has befallen countless followers, including a few in our own Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

Conclusion: no “quick-fix”

Again we should pay heed to Baba’s warning and not turn Tiljala and Jamalpur into so-called tiirthas. That is only inviting trouble and tragedy, on multiple levels, including stampedes. It is our duty to educate the common people about this tiirtha dogma.

One must not run to various dogmatic holy land sites at Jamalpur or Tiljala in hopes of attaining virtue. There is no "quick-fix" approach like so-called tiirthas. Nor should one be lulled into this as a group, money-making venture. To exploit others or be exploited will not bring one any closer to the Divine Entity - rather one will incur negative samskaras.

The path to salvation is steadfast bhakti and dedication to the path of dharma. All should be made to understand that Parama Purusa lies within, and to receive His grace one must do sadhana.
In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Danger of dogmatic tiirthas

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Párvatii asks Shiva, “What is the best tiirtha?” Shiva says, támasáh janáh – “Those who are guided by the static principle, those who are guided by támasika propensities, move from one place to another in search of tiirtham….Such people move from one place to another in search of tiirtham. Átmatiirtham' na jánanti – “they do not know that the actual tiirtham lies within the átman”… katham' mokśa varáńane – “They can never attain salvation.” This was the reply of Shiva." (1)

Thus it is our duty to educate the common people about this tiirtha dogma and wholly understand that Parama Purusa exists within - in the inner recesses of their mind.

Historical evidence of dogmatic religious stampedes

  • April 30, 2021: A stampede at a religious festival attended by tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews in northern Israel killed at least 44 people and injured about 150 early Friday, medical officials said. It was one of the country’s deadliest civilian disasters.
  • September 24, 2015: At least 2,262 Muslim pilgrims were killed in Mina, Saudi Arabia in an overcrowding incident during the Hajj pilgrimage. A further 934 were injured. The overall number of pilgrims is around 2 million according to the Saudi authorities, which is far less than the number of pilgrims in previous years (Haj / Pilgrim quotas of all countries were reduced due to ongoing construction work at the main Masjid Al-Haraam). (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
  • August 3, 2008: At least 162 people were killed and 47 injured in a stampede at the Naina Devi temple in Himachal Pradesh in mountainous northern India after a rain shelter collapsed, which worshipers mistakenly took to be a landslide. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Cosmic Father Has a Special Responsibility

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How maya disturbs you

Ananda Marga ideology says, "It is a fact that the force of Avidyá disturbs a spiritualist more than it disturbs an ordinary person. Various situations arise in life such as material difficulties, family unrest, abundant wealth, tremendous reputation, acute financial distress, or extreme humiliation. Sádhakas will have to bravely confront these mundane situations....They must never think in terms of retreat – it would be fatal, for the Avidyá force would stab them as soon as their backs were turned. In all circumstances one must continue the process of sádhaná to gradually enhance one's latent psychic and spiritual power.” (1)

Note: In this world, if you do bad things, then vidya maya will come and try and disturb you. If a new thief tries to commit a robbery, the vidya create fear in your mind that you will be arrested and sentenced to jail. And if you do good things, then avidya maya will come and disturb you more fiercely. If you do sadhana then avidya maya will become furious and attack you in one or more of the below mentioned ways:
  • material difficulties
  • family unrest
  • abundant wealth
  • tremendous reputation
  • acute financial distress
  • extreme humiliation
The work of avidya is not limited to the above listed points. There are numerous ways in which it can attack you. Avidya maya wants that you should give up your sadhana. That is why we see that in the aforesaid situation, 99% margiis run from the field of battle and avidya maya stabs them in the back, i.e. they leave their sadhana. Verily they are defeated by avidya maya. 

So the only way is to fight back. If a sadhaka gets a lot of money or prestige, or undergoes acute financial distress, then they should be vigilant and pointedly understand that this is the trap of avidya maya. And they should be more strict in Sixteen Points. But we see before our very eyes that so many sadhakas after facing the above situations become pseudo-margiis or leave the path of Ananda Marga entirely. If you watch carefully, you will see that various people get the Sadguru and the path of tantra only to run away due to material difficulties, family unrest, abundant wealth, tremendous reputation, acute financial distress, or extreme humiliation, as well as other related reasons. 

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, The Supreme Question – 1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Democracy: this chicanery happening now

   Prout philosophy states, “The fact that voters without political consciousness weaken the governmental machinery cannot be denied. In the interests of the general public, it is desirable that uneducated and less-educated people do not have the right to vote.”
   “Democracy is a mockery in a country of uneducated people. In such a country cunning, fraudulent persons very easily secure or purchase the votes of illiterate people. Moreover, the general public in such a country is easily misled by the propagation of casteism or communalism.” 
   “The success of democracy depends upon educated, sensible voters. Hence, in a democratic country, the spread of education is of the highest priority. For the convenience of the general public, the educational system must be free of cost. No overbearing government pressure should be exerted on the educational system, otherwise the party in power will continue to propagate its ideas through the medium of education.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #33

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुम इस पूरे विश्व में सभी स्थान पर हो। फिर भी
मैं बड़ी बेचैनी से तुम्हें बाहर खोजता हॅूं।

प्रभात संगीत 0281 विश्वातीत विश्वग तुमि, ..  केनो खुन्जे .. ..


हे परमपुरुष ! तुम इस पूरे विश्व में सभी स्थान पर हो। फिर भी मैं बड़ी बेचैनी से तुम्हें बाहर खोजता हॅूं। मैं तुम्हारी इस लीला को नहीं जान पाता। तुम्हारी अलौकिक उपस्थिति सभी जगह है यह जानते हुए भी मैं तुम्हें बाहर के प्रत्येक स्थान और कौने कौने में खोजता हॅूं। मैं तुम्हें पाने के लिये रोता हॅूं, पुकारता हॅूं। तुम्हारी कृपा से आकाश ,वायु , पानी , और अग्नि और प्रत्येक अस्तित्व में तुम्हारा आध्यात्मिक कम्पन  भरा हुआ है।

हे बाबा ! तुम सभी के प्रेरणा स्रोत हो।  इस पूरी संरचना की सुन्दरता और महिमा तुम्हारी कृपा से ही है। तुम्हारी दिव्य लीला के बारे में सोचकर मैं तुम्हारे प्रेम में डूब जाता हॅूं। तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं अनोखी  सी  बेसुधी का अनुभव करता हॅूं। जब मैं तुम्हारी विराटता और महानता पर चिन्तन करता हॅूं तो मैं अपने आप को भूल जाता हॅूं।

हे परमपुरुष ! तुम प्रत्येक समय, हर पल प्रत्येक व्यक्ति  के हृदय के गहरे कोने में जागते रहते हो। हे बाबा ! तुम्हारी कृपा से अब, मैंने यह जान लिया है कि तुम्हें बाहर तलाशने में, मैंने बहुत समय नष्ट कर डाला है। इस प्रकार मेरा अधिकांश  समय व्यर्थ ही चला गया। तुम कैसी दिव्य लीला करते हो ! मेरी इस जानकारी के बावजूद भी , कि तुम सभी जगह पाये जाते हो मैं तुम्हें व्यर्थ ही बाहर ही तलाशता रहा। परन्तु जब मैं भीतर देखता हूँ  और अपने भीतर ही खोजता हॅूं तो मैं अनुभव करता हॅूं कि तुम तो सदा ही मेरे मन में बैठे मुस्कुराते रहते हो। 

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest