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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Dogma: Shhhh! Keep quiet + 2 more


Dogma: Shhhh! Keep quiet


Human beings have been blessed by the Cosmic Entity in a unique way. Humans have been empowered with the ability to express themselves with words and developed language. So if ever humans are suffering due to rampant exploitation, they have the special ability to verbalize their pain. No other type of being has the capability of using language and words to describe their plight; this is unique to human life. 

AMPS: kidnapped by cheats, characterless

Those who fail to use this quality are sub-humans, or worse than that. Although they have a human body their condition is worse than even a bug. When animals are threatened, tortured, or exploited, they cannot express their agony in a profound way that will awaken others to the injustices that abound. All those animals can do is wail and cry. Whereas human beings have the ability to express their feeling in a precise and coherent manner. They can describe in detail what happened and how they suffered in agony at the hands of the exploiters. 

When caged and tortured, animals know they are not happy but they cannot express their distress to others in words - nor in a logical and descriptive manner. So human beings have a unique role to play. Those telling others to not to make a hue & cry about injustices are trying to suppress this unique human quality. They are the veritable enemies of humanity. That is why Baba guides us to raise our voice against exploitation and make everyone aware of the issue. People should be informed and awakened to the fact that loose, debauched people are sitting in AMPS central. By this way we can bring sentient peace, by His grace. When society is governed by unqualified, characterless, thieves and criminals then that is black peace. This is terribly detrimental to the all round progress of society. It is the duty of the disciples of Baba to bring sentient peace in AMPS. 

Sadguru’s direction to His disciples

Sadguru Baba has built our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha on the pillars of freedom of expression, open communication, logic, and rationality. Everyone is welcome to share their opinion and bring their view according to the given system. Baba has empowered each and every member of our Marga with the right to voice their say when they see any injustice or wrong being done.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "All A'nanda Ma'rgiis, when they see other ma'rgiis acting against the principles of yama and niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly. Thus they will have to make the society strong." (1)

Baba's above guideline is one of the many places in His body of Ananda Marga teachings which grants the right for any sadhaka to speak out against any misdeed etc.
In direct opposition to this, the dogmatic religions operate in a vastly different way. Those religious heads do not want there to be any rational discussion amongst their followers.

Prout philosophy states, "The worst propounders of dogma --the kings of dogma -- do not want people to develop mental clarity. They do not want the penetrating illumination of the sun's light to pierce through the mists of dogma. They do not want people to bathe in the radiant light of the day and stand under the clear, unclouded sky...In fact, the very attempt to find the path of rationality [is] considered blasphemous." (2)

According to the above teaching, in the dogmatic religions like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam etc, the lay people are not allowed to freely express their thoughts. That is against the code - i.e. sinful. For this reason their followers mostly keep quiet and do not say a word about any controversial topic.

AMPS: positive way forward - 1

In the early 1990's, our AMPS was going down a similar road as those religions. Those in the helm were imposing one after another dogmatic proclamations such as the eradication of bhukti pradhan rights, so-called mahaprayan, Fake Ananda Vanii, scriptural distortions etc, and due to their unawareness the general Marga population was just accepting those dogmas. No one was raising any point against those exploitative actions. But now the situation is turning around completely. Family margiis and general Wts are coming forward and discussing how to apply Baba's divine guidelines to organisational life. So by Baba's grace we have moved away from that phase of suppression and are step by step moving towards unity in ideology.

By looking around and evaluating the state of affairs in AMPS it evident that there are numerous positive transformations taking place.

1. Debating the way AMPS should proceed is itself a sign of margiis' and wts' investment in the organisation. If there was apathy all around then people would not care about the collective and they would just attend to their own unit existence. But because in the core of their hearts Ananda Margiis are linked with AMPS, for that reason they are vociferously discussing the various viewpoints. So this type of psychic investment in AMPS is completely positive since it demonstrates involvement and commitment, and it will bring about a bold new phase in AMPS.

2. Those not understanding the way things are going these days in AMPS think that everything is awry. They get confused by seeing all the exchanges. But this is a period of pause whereby our AMPS Pracaraka Samgha will get cleansed and renewed and be able to move ahead exponentially faster in the upcoming period of speed. Baba furthermore explains that pause is a necessary feature to bring the ensuing phase of speed and progress. That is why Baba proclaims that periods of pause are wholly positive and beneficial.

AMPS: positive way forward - 2

3. With so much ideological discussion, new dogmas cannot sprout up, and the old dogmas are getting eliminated. That is another important development.

4. With their increased awareness, margiis and wts want to see things fixed in AMPS and everyone wants to follow Baba. No one is proclaiming that we should start doing dogmatic idol worship in AMPS. Rather everyone agrees that Ananda Marga ideology is divine. And there is less talk about people's private agendas and more interest in implementing Baba's guidelines. Given this entire set of ingredients, it is only a matter of time before our AMPS becomes a sterling representation of His perfect, timeless teachings.

Our AMPS society is collectively shedding itself of all dogmas and quickly moving ahead - reaching that grand new era: The apex of human expression.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Modern, educated people must be liberated from all sources of dogma and petty isms. They should reject the worn out shackles of the past and welcome the new, crimson dawn with an open mind. This will prepare the way for all-round success in human life, and the attainment of the highest fulfillment." (3)


~ In-depth study ~

Did not want the world to know what they were doing

Here Baba demonstrates how the ruthless communists are no different than the dogmatic religious leaders.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Question: Why was everything in communist countries done under the dark veil of the iron curtain?" 
"Answer: Because they were conscious of the loopholes in communism and they did not want the world to know what they were doing." (4)

So the communists also never allow freedom of expression because they are attached to their ugly dogma-- even though they are aware that it is inherently faulty.

Dogmatic religions vs scene in AMPS

When any of the dogmatic religions like Christianity divide into various factions then there is no concerted effort to unify all the scattered factions. Each fragment peacefully rallies around their own dogma. So this is all their superficial display of unity.

In contrast, in AMPS the overwhelming majority - all rational wt's & margiis - wants to see everyone together under the unified front of Ananda Marga ideology. That is why there is so much public debate in AMPS  these days. Because no one is satisfied by seeing any group break away. And all want to bring everyone back together - to achieve unity. That is why all the debates going on nowadays is a good thing-- it is a healthy development.

Unity in religions

So today we are confronted with a scene of contrasts. Today in our AMPS there is open and frank discussion about our current problems. And by this way some are thinking that this is pushing us into a deeper state of disunity. But in the true sense it is positive. Whereas in the dogmatic religions, there are no debates going on amongst the followers. So it looks like they are all working together in a unified way. But this is not the case. Rather all those religious followers are wrapped in the cloak of dogma.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "All human beings want to lead a secure, harmonious life, and have the opportunity to express themselves and progress. However, religious dogma goes against these fundamental human aspirations. Some priests, for example, say that if women dance their feet will become useless, therefore they should not dance. This is dogma." (5)

In those dogmatic faiths the lay people keep quiet and do not say a word. But by witnessing this none should conclude that because these religions have achieved a deep state of unity. It is not so. Rather due to the excessive onslaught of dogma those followers have been indoctrinated to accept their fate and bow down at the hands of those religious exploiters. So those dogmatic religions are not grounded in unity, rather the silence is due to the extreme imposition of dogma and wanton exploitation.


Nowadays, there is a strong upsurge of thought and a grand awakening going on throughout our AMPS. One can even say that this is the highest wave of renewal in our AMPS since the pre-1990 era. So this is one very great development - and it will surely lead to the creation of true unity in AMPS.

Accompanying this wonderful resurgence, in all realms of our AMPS society, there is more and more debate and discussion. Seeing this discussion, a few have become concerned. When in actuality, if we view the matter a little more deeply and see beneath the surface, then it becomes evident that all the debate is itself the manifestation of the great transformation and regeneration taking place in our AMPS.

1. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in Society
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt A
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt A
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 4
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sign of good sadhaka

Baba says, "The mind of the man whose consciousness or discriminating judgement is awakened-- whose power of judgment is intense, always remains wedded to the 'Buddhi'. That is to say, his rein (mind) remains constantly under the control of the charioteer (Buddhi or discriminating intellect), and so, quite naturally, his organs remain loyal to the Buddhi. Random rambles of the organ-like horses (organs) will cut no ice with him. But in a case like this if the horses (organs) be bad and untrained, i.e. the organs are faulty, it becomes impossible for the charioteer (discriminating intellect) to get the desired result. Hence for the right functioning of the chariot (body), well-trained horses (organs) are indispensable. A sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) also should train himself likewise. His mind, body, intellect, and organs should be directed towards the Blissful Spirit (Shreya)." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 4, p.9

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