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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Our own media & messaging + 3 more


Our own media & messaging


When Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar first gave His Prout philosophy, He emphasized that our own media outlets must be developed. At first, some margiis felt overwhelmed, thinking that this was beyond their means and abilities. But soon enough, with Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s guidance and instruction, we had our own Prout newspapers and soundboards. Via this experience, all got the teaching that to propagate any new idea, it is imperative to have one’s own mass media channels.

Those days, whenever Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar would arrive in any unit or locale, He would invariably insist on reading our local Prout newspaper or magazine before taking food. Only after reading our own Ananda Marga / Prout periodicals, would He read the local or national newspaper. This was His way of practically showing us how important it was to have our own independent news outlets and be aware about what is happening with the media.

Today, every margii knows that we must have our own Prout journals, websites, internet servers, films, talk shows, podcasts, video channels, and printed media etc. Only by this way can we get our message out to the common people. 

Capitalists hide behind & befool public

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s overall guideline about the mass media is quite straightforward.

PROUT philosophy states, "Radio, television, films and other media must be free from exploitation and vested interests." (1)

This is a completely novel approach. Even countries that laud the notion of a free press fall short of the mark. Indeed, by the talk on the street in democratic states where they tout freedom of the press, one would be led to believe that the press is categorically free - neither purchased nor affected by the ruling vaeshyas. This is what one is "told" & "taught", but even in places like the US, the media is tightly run by capitalist enterprises. On the outside everything looks open and free, but it is not.

PROUT philosophy states, "In liberal democracies, capitalists manipulate the mass media such as the radio, television and newspapers." (2)

The sad thing is that the general public is hardly aware about this. Even in this polarized environment, people naively innocently rely on the media thinking they are getting the truth. They do not realise that the media is in the hands of capitalist interest groups. While in communist countries the media is in the hands of those communist leaders - it is not a free or independent voice. And in a theocracy like Iran, the media is controlled by religious leaders. And, in a dictatorship, it is controlled by the monarch. In all these circumstances, the media is not free. And when the people do not realise this fact, they are bound to be duped and manipulated.

PROUT philosophy says, "Demons in human framework – are really responsible. They come to the world and leave it in great ruins. During their lifetime, they fully utilize all the mass media. The common people become confused and cannot think beyond that which the mass media tell them. It is a general weakness of common people that they are inclined to believe whatever is printed in books and journals." (3)

Journalists: pawns of capitalists

Here Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar explains how the media just becomes the mouthpiece of top vaeshyaas.

PROUT philosophy states, "The economic exploitation of the vaeshyas relegates the vipras to the level of intellectual satans, and the money of the vaeshyas controls the brains of those satans. In the Vaeshya Age intellectual progress occurs on many levels: new inventions are brought forth, new types of deadly weapon are invented, and people learn how to produce many types of commodity to increase comfort. Many people believe that these things are creations of the Vipra Age, but actually they are expressions of the Vaeshya Age. The vipras who sell themselves to the vaeshyas for money produce such items at their behest."
   "A deep analysis reveals that many of those whose creative and inventive ability once commanded the respect of innumerable people, become dependent upon the mercy of the vaeshyas for their food and clothing. Poets and [[authors]] write according to the dictates of their vaeshya publishers or in the hope of winning prizes from the vaeshya-controlled governments. Artists wield their brushes according to the demands of the market, or are compelled to produce commercial art, neglecting more subtle art forms in the process. Instead of writing the truth, journalists turn day into night and night into day according to the wishes of profiteering newspaper publishers because they are afraid of losing their jobs. They go against their own consciences and pervert the truth in order to help unworthy people become leaders. They create spectacular lies with their pens." (4)

First alert masses

Next, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar poignantly alerts us that without first raising the awareness and standard of the masses, it is useless to try and mobilise into a revolutionary movement. First, through our media outlets and pracara programs, they should be taught how they are being exploited. Without that, they will never understand how or when to come forward.

   PROUT philosophy states, "Before launching any movement, you should make sure that the masses are conscious of their exploitation, otherwise the movement will not be successful. Although it may take some time to raise the consciousness of the masses, ultimately you will be victorious."
   "A leader of the Maethilii community in Bihar wanted to start a movement against the exploitation of the Maethilii language, so he organized a massive rally and started to lecture the people about the suppression of Maethilii. Initially, everyone listened to him attentively and supported his ideas. At the end of his address he told the masses: “We will live for Maethilii, we will die for Maethilii.” But one person amongst the crowd shouted out: “Yes, we will live for Maethilii, but why should we die for Maethilii? Rather, I choose to die in Kashi.” According to mythology, if one dies in Kashi one goes to heaven. Immediately all the people started supporting this view, and as a result the meeting was disturbed. This happened because the people were not conscious of the suppression of their mother tongue, and they followed the path of religious dogma instead." (5)

Here again is a final warning by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar about the dangers of letting the media fall into the hands of the exploiters.

PROUT philosophy states, "Psycho-economic exploitation is the latest form of dangerous and all-devouring capitalist exploitation. It is a special type of exploitation which first weakens and paralyses people psychologically in various ways, and then exploits them economically...placing the control of different mass media, such as newspapers, radio and television, in the hands of capitalists." (6)

Consciousness raising is key for revolution

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Without arousing social consciousness, it is next to impossible to bring about social welfare." (7)

PROUT philosophy guides us, "Revolution may not take place unless the exploited masses are psychologically prepared for revolution. If the people do not support revolution, the clarion call for revolution will not be heeded." (8)

Prout philosophy states, "In order to save humanity from economic exploitation (whether politico-economic or psycho-economic), you must raise the people's consciousness, otherwise they will never be able to successfully resist psycho-economic or politico-economic exploitation." (9)

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has given the proper technique for doing Ananda Marga pracara: media controlled and run by sadvipras. It is our duty to inform and awaken the people through our own Ananda Marga media outlets. Otherwise the message of Prout and neo-humanism, along with other dharmic teachings, will not be delivered. To bring revolution, the main weapon is the right use of media. Not only that, to do anything in any sphere of life, a proper media channel is needed. Without that, one will never get success.

In a democracy, capitalists run the media; in communism, the communist leaders controls the media; in totalitarian or theocratic regimes, the ruling dogmatic religious heads control the media. Exploiters know that to keep control having the media in their pocket is a must. The day is not far when the revolutionary ways of Proutists will deliver the right message to the people. Once educated and mobilised, the people will have the requisite knowledge and courage to stand up and fight for justice in all the spheres of life. It is our duty to empower the people with the right ideas via our media outlets.

PROUT philosophy states, "We are near the last stage of the Vaeshya Era. If an impact is created, it will help the suffering humanity. It is the most opportune moment for creating an all-round revolution. This is a new sub-theory under Proutistic theory and may be called gati vijina'na – the science of dynamics in PROUT." (10)


The overall idea is that in order to bring revolution, the public must be aware about the presence of exploitation otherwise they will not support the revolutionary cause. In order to make them aware, the tools of consciousness raising are needed, i.e. various mass media like newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet, etc. By this way, we can communicate directly with the common mass. In this regard one should not be restless. No matter how much time it takes, until the public is educated we will never get success. In this sense, education means knowledge about all sorts of exploitation and how the commons mass is getting cheated. To complete this task of mass awakening, as Proutists we should run our own media, otherwise our ideas will not be propagated by the special interest groups and the exploiter-controlled news outlets. So our own mass media channels are imperative.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Connection cut anytime

Some naive people think there is no need to invest money in our own media channels. They think that, “We have blogs, Facebook, email, and various newspapers are publishing columns of Ananda Marga news etc. So we should not worry about starting our own printing press, radio station, TV station, or web server etc.” Thinking in that way is shortsighted. Nowadays those ruling exploiters do not think that we are going to create a dent in their exploitative machinery. So they are relaxed about us. But the moment they recognise that we are doing something that will have a tremendous impact, they will immediately try to choke our entire program. So it will be foolish to rely on them, within one second all those outlets will be closed / shut down. They will block and cut our every connection in a moment.

In the past, those rulers were thinking that Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha is a mighty force so they were not printing our news but now they think otherwise. But any time this can change. That is why our own media and various channels is a must.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Create a great social consciousness...In all spheres of human existence...humanity should live collectively. You should live in unison. You should vibrate together to the same music. You should move in a common psychic flow. You should fight collectively against your common enemies. Unitedly you should face all problems, mundane and supra-mundane. In a word, you must reflect the spirit of harmonious collective living in conformity with the spirit of the Vedic mantra Samgacchadhvam sam'vadadhvam." (11)

1. Prout in A Nutshell - 18, Talks on Education – Excerpt F
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy
3. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Disc: 10
4. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
6. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Capitalism in Three Spheres
7. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 26
8. Prout Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
9. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, 'Exploitation & Pseudo-Culture'
10. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Economic Dynamics
11. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 26

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Cannot forget You

"Toma'ke ja'y na' bhola'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2347)


O’ Parama Purusa, I can’t forget You. Always I am calling and thinking about You, yet You are not giving me Your darshan or satiating my heart's desire by coming to me. You have bound me in Your divine attraction - love. When I long for You and the feeling of melancholy is unbearable then my heart begins to ache. In that yearning and pain, the feeling comes in my mind that it is best just to forget You. 

Because then at least the agony which is lingering due to Your absence will dissipate and vanish. But I can’t forget You; the more I think that I should forget You, then my ardent desire for You only intensifies and my heart becomes even more restless. Baba, I crave Your proximity...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Fight between vidyá & avidyá

Prout philosophy states, “The cry, “Peace! Peace!” has become a craze in the world today. Can anything be achieved by such cries? There is no way to establish peace except to fight against the very factors which disturb peace. Even in the personal life of every human being, there is a constant fight between the benevolent and the malevolent intellect, or between vidyá and avidyá. At times vidyá triumphs, while at other times avidyá wins. In social life, too, this fight between vidyá and avidyá continues."

"Vidyá has to fight avidyá, and in this fight wherever and as long as vidyá remains triumphant, there is a special type of peace which may be called sáttvikii shánti [sentient peace]. Similarly, wherever and as long as avidyá remains victorious in this fight, there, also, a special type of peace prevails which may be called támasikii shánti [static peace]. Thus we find that peace is actually a relative factor." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #15

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Remembering dadhiicis


Some wonder if all our Wts killed by communists / government agencies etc are dadhiicis. First then we have to remind ourselves of Baba's definition of dadhiici.

Sadguru Baba says, "When My children sacrifice their live for the ideals of Bha'gavat Dharma, I call them Dadhiicis."

Based on the above definition, we can readily decide the matter. Here is the formula
  • Ananda Marga is bhagavad dharma.
  • Those communists killed Ananda Margiis because they were following bhagavad dharma.
  • So anyone killed because they were following bhagavad dharma is treated as sacrificing for bhagavad dharma.
  • Those dharmikas did not leave or give up Ananda Marga; rather they preferred death.
  • According to the definition those killed by communists for being an Ananda Margii are all dadhiicis.
  • If they were not on the path of Ananda Marga they would not have been killed.
Final conclusion: All those who perished standing for the ideals of Ananda Marga are dadhiicis. That includes those Wts murdered by communists etc.

at His feet,

- Here is a link to the inital letter on this topic: Remembering dadhiicis

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest