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Friday, October 20, 2023

For those engaged in sadhana + 4 more

For those engaged in sadhana


Sadhana is the mainstay in the life of each and every human. It is an integral part of one’s existence. At the same time, we all know that progress in meditation is systaltic: It moves through periods of speed and pause - sometimes smooth and sometimes difficult. It is a constant endeavour for each and every sadhaka to become more involved in their sadhana. This requires both sincerity of heart and dedication to the spiritual ideal as given by Baba. In that case, every sadhaka can deepen their spiritual practices, by His krpa’. 

The points expressed herein do not pertain to those just doing 5-10 minutes of sadhana prior to taking food. The ideas expressed in this letter are related to those deeply committed to sadhana who allot a proper amount of time to their practice on a daily basis. In this regard, during holidays and vacations etc, all should try to spend more time focused on sadhana. Great people have a focused mind and commit maximum time for sadhana.

When one does their sadhana properly then a certain sweet vibration is generated. A distinctive blissful energy sweeps through the body and permeates the mind and the aspirant becomes spiritually intoxicated in bliss. And this vibration itself is a positive sign that one’s meditation is on the right course.

Practical spiritual science: step by step

From a more introversive perspective, we can say that there are particular stages of our iishvara pranidhana sadhana which represent how the aforementioned sentient vibration results. In iishvara pranidhana, initially by Baba's blessing and with our iccha shakti (will power) a strong desire arises to get the Cosmic Entity. In result the mind gets concentrated. Then step by step the next stages unfold. A sense of surrender is cultivated and with that intimate feeling and yearning, combined with bhakti, one begins their mantra japa - mantra repetition. As the practice of mantra japa with bhakti continues, then mantra'ghat occurs. That is, the mantra strikes on the kulakundalini and the kundalini begins to rise up. This causes a wave of sentient blissful feelings to spread throughout one’s existence, and the mind gets spiritually intoxicated in bliss. 

This is not just a bookish idea; any sincere sadhaka can experience this. Ananda Marga sadhana is very scientific and all AM ista mantras are charged siddha mantras. When properly repeated with bhakti, the siddha mantra works 100% of the time. Immediately, it generates spiritual waves. It does not take months, years, or ages of sadhana practice. This is akin to turning on the switch and immediately the fan starts running; it does not take time. Spirituality is even more instantaneous. Anyone who knows the proper process and recites their siddha mantra with the sincere feeling of bhakti will instantly feel a spiritual vibration and the mind will become spiritually intoxicated in bliss. Every sadhaka can experience this. What is written here is the very first step. Anyone can realise this very easily. Ananda Marga sadhana is so unique in this regard. But without bhakti (i.e. love for Parama Purusa) nothing will happen.

So with a focused mind and the right practice of meditation, a blissful flow consumes our existence and the mind gets spiritually intoxicated in bliss. That is a sentient vibration is aroused.

In dry sadhana: no spiritual vibration comes

If we do not feel any vibration when doing sadhana then we know the mantra was not being recited properly with bhakti, and the mind was running hither and thither. In that case, that session of sadhana was not well utilized. When one is able to recite the mantra with full ideation and bhakti then a sentient vibration always arises. The arousal of a blissful vibration indicates a certain degree of "success" in sadhana. But, this is not the full culmination of one's sadhana. Rather at this point one has reached an initial crossroads. 

#1: The aspirant can continue to focus on their mantra japa with bhakti delving deeper into their meditation.

#2: The aspirant loses their focus on their ista mantra in sadhana, and the sweet vibration wanes.

Some important points to know:
(a) The worst type of sadhana is if one does not feel any spiritual vibration in their practice.
(b) One step better is to attain some spiritual vibration but have it diminish due to the diversion of mind.
(c) The best is focusing on and repeating the ista mantra with bhakti all the while cultivating an intense longing to get Him; the outcome will be a blissful spiritual vibration.

We should remember that sadhana is not some type of external show or superficial presentation; sadhana is completely internal. Those who try to fake it in sadhana, in order to impress others, are the worst of the worst. Due to their hypocrisy, they never proceed one step ahead in their spiritual journey. Such persons are cheating themselves and ruining their practice due to their fake display. The basic quality of a sadhaka is simplicity. 


One’s personal ista mantra is a divine tool for calling Parama Purusa. And with a heart full of bhakti one should continue their mantra japa with bhakti and focus exclusively on that in sadhana. Then when any sentient vibration is aroused one will easily be able to cross that threshold and become further immersed in His divine flow - in the kingdom of bliss.

Regardless of the state or quality of one’s sadhana, this much everyone should do. When sitting in sadhana, focus the mind on one’s personal ista mantra - knowing its meaning and consciously repeat it with full ideation and bhakti. If one tries then the mind will settle down. Otherwise if one is sitting in sadhana and thinking about something else, then the whole thing is a waste. Ananda Marga mantras are charged (siddha) so when doing mantra japa with bhakti they are effective 100% of the time. 

in Him

We should always aim to keep the body motionless and the mind focused on the mantra and reach closer and closer to Him. If in any sitting one does not feel any vibration then that is the lowest quality of sadhana.

~ In-depth study ~

Whenever possible one should leave the house and go outside for sadhana for an extended period of time to practice meditation. Then one will leave behind all worldly distractions and be able to focus the mind on their mantra and call Him with the love of the heart. By Baba's mercy we will all move ahead in our sadhana and internally experience His cosmic bliss. By His grace may every sadhaka be blessed with the opportunity to please and serve Parama Purusa in their sadhana.

Sadhana: why must keep back straight

#1: In the Senior Acarya Diary chapter on Iishvara pranidhana, section - “shuddhis”, Baba is describing that when sitting in meditation (padmasana, siddhasana, viirasana) one must keep the back straight so that the kundalini can the passage to rise upward from muladhara to sahasrara. 

#2: Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "They should be taught to sit in padmásana [lotus posture], but instead of interlocking the fingers, they may rest one palm upon the other; and keep the spine erect.." (1)

#3: Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Tailless apes can be taught sádhaná after some effort. The tailed bipeds will not be able to do sádhaná like the tailless bipeds because the backbone of the tailed bipeds, containing the controlling points of the five fundamental factors, does not come in one line. The controlling points fall on a curved line, hence they cannot perform sádhaná properly.” (2)

#4: Ananda Marga philosophy states,” Mono-sided, straight or erect beings can perform sádhaná very well because all the five controlling points of the fundamental factors fall on a straight line...You see how fortunate you are to have a human biological structure. You have got a human frame. Humans should be obliged to Supreme Consciousness for this favour.” (3)

#5: Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The one who has followed the straight path of the sus'umna' canal upwards becomes one with Parama Purus'a." (4)

#6: Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Ujure uju cháŕi ná leo re báḿka. The word “uju” in Saḿskrta is derived from the Saḿskrta word “rju”. “Rju” means straight. The meaning of this line is “don’t accept the crooked path rejecting the straight one”. That is, just proceed along the path of “suśumná” not along the path of “id́á” and “piuṋgalá”.” (5)

Eight types of occult powers

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Hence the spiritual aspirant must not run after these inconsequential occult powers, although while prasticing spiritual cult they may develop. You must not forget that all your achievements must maintain adjustment with the main propensities of the mind, and in the process of adjustment, all these eight types of occult powers present themselves to the spiritual aspirant.” (6)

Occult powers like dust on the roadside

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “While practising spiritual cult, it should be remembered that spiritual aspirants must not practise in order to acquire these occult powers. The goal of spiritual practice is to realize the Supreme Entity. To search for any other thing is wrong. Occult powers are just like the dust on the roadside. The attraction for Parama Puruśa is the most valuable object – all else is only the dust of the earth.” (7)

Sadhana is the pathway of life

Here Baba again reminds us that the path of sadhana is the most meaningful endeavour in life.

Vrtha' janma...

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The ideation on Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your sadhana. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, 'How much money has he left behind?'. Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your husband or wife may cry out for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh-- a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent." (8)

Sincere sadhana: mental vibrations cause radical changes

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “When the mental flow of a spiritual aspirant moves along the introversial phase of Macrocosmic meditation, one’s animative force, having the potentiality of divinity itself, rises above all tendencies – all saḿskáras – and proceeds towards Eternal bliss. In this state the mind is vibrated with Cosmic feeling. The unexpressed divine qualities of the higher glands find expression and the resonance of the mind vibrates the nervous system. This gives rise to pious expressions in the physical body. In the case of those people whose occult feelings are not physically expressed due to causes associated with the nerves, the mental vibrations cause certain radical changes, in the various glands within the body. These occult feelings are basically of eight types: stambha (astounding), kampa (trembling), sveda (sweating), svarabheda (hoarseness of voice), ashru (tears), romáiṋca (horripilation), vaevarńa (change of colour) and pralaya (fainting fit). There are other feelings associated with these major feelings. For examples, nrtya (dancing), giita (singing), viluńt́hana (rolling), kroshana (weeping), huḿkára (roaring), lálásráva (salivating), jrmbhańa (yawning), lokápekśá tyága (indifference), at́t́ahásya (bursting into laughter), ghúrńana (whirling), hikká (hiccoughing), tanumot́ana (relaxation of the physical body) and diirghashvása (deep breathing).” (9)

By superficial look the above reactions may seem strange but these are blissful expressions and if one experiences this then they will long for that again and again. Here it should be noted that a given aspirant will undergo only one of those expressions based on their inherent samskara. So it is not that a particular aspirant will experience multiple or all of these reactions. Although the Ananda Marga sadhana system is very scientific - those not doing proper sadhana - i.e. those having dry sadhana - will never experience these reactions. 

Vácanika & upáḿshu japa are useless

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The probability of such signs is very little in the case of vácanika and upáḿshu japa. That expression is very natural in case of those who have learned the correct process of sádhaná. These are associated with pleasure, and not with pain of any kind. Therefore, those who do not practise sádhaná should not be unnecessarily afraid of these signs.”
  ‘When such occult symptoms appear, the sádhaka also should not worry in any way. In this state if the sádhakas pay attention to expressing those signs, their progress will be retarded. If they suppress these occult feelings, their bháva or ideation itself will be disturbed and their minds will become detached from Iishvara prańidhána. You should always remember that Cosmic feeling is above everything else; it is unwise to waste time paying attention to the external symptoms of the ideation or bháva.”
   “These occult symptoms disappear as soon as the mind is detached from Cosmic objectivity. When sádhakas attain the capability to establish themselves in Cosmic feeling for long periods, those ideations are confined to the mental body only and the physical body becomes calm to a great extent.” (10)

1. Caryacarya - 1, The Process of Initiation
2. Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine
3. Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Vishiśt́ádvaetaváda (Discourse 16)
5. Ananda Marga Karma Yoga in a Nutshell, “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi”
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity
7. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form, and Colour
9. A Guide to Human Conduct, Iishvara prańidhána
10. A Guide to Human Conduct, Iishvara prańidhána

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Capitalists are anti-social creatures

   Prout philosophy states, "In a joint family every member is provided with adequate food, clothing, education and medical treatment, and amenities, as per their individual needs, according to the financial capacity of the entire family. If, however, any member of the family appropriates more grains, clothes, books or medicines than he or she requires, will that person not be the cause of distress to other members of the family? In such circumstances his or her actions will be certainly against dharma – certainly antisocial."
  "Similarly, the capitalists of this modern world are anti-dharma, or antisocial, creatures. To accumulate massive wealth, they reduce others to skin and bones gnawed by hunger and force them to die of starvation; to dazzle people with the glamour of their garments, they compel others to wear rags; and to increase their own vital strength, they suck dry the vital juice of others." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #1

== Section: News (18 June 2018) ==

News: Where your donation has gone

~ Courtesy to Arun Agarwal who posted the following list in WhatsApp groups ~

1. Late Ac Artesha Nand Ji - Delhi,  left ₹ 7,00,000
2. Divyeshwara Nand Ji - Sweeden , left ₹ 25,00,000
3. Akshara Nand Ji - Africa , left more then one khoka including

4. Rainjaneshwara Nand - Australia financed to his brothers to establish mineral water plant at Noida and construct a beautyful house at his native place.

5. Rudrananda has a land in Himachal Pradesh with apple orchard , look after by Col. H L Abrol. Mr Abrol was adviser to Catch Company’s mineral water plant in H P. Mr Abrol was introduced by me in 1990 and initiated by Mr R.

This is not the end rather it is ....
Satyeshvarananda informed following about Nirmohananda in Mumbai:

Nirmohananda Dada had Rs 90,000/- in his Bank account before he was admitted to hospital before his death. In hospital, he realised that someone fraudulently had transferred all his Rs 90000 from his bank account ( on line fraud). He informed about fraud to one WT. And then we came to know............before death his savings was also vanished....
~ Courtesy to Arun Agarwal who posted the above list in WhatsApp groups ~

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Peace: Why this knowledge is useless

Ananda Marga ideology says, "People wish to know everything but the human cranium is small, and the brain even smaller. So how much can one know? Also whatever one learns today one forgets tomorrow. Yes, one who was a Mahámohapádháya, a pandit, would no longer be able to remember the “sabdarupa” of “Nara” if after leaving his or her original occupation he or she became engaged in agricultural work. This is the situation that usually happens. So the main thing is “know all – know one”. What is the use of reading and forgetting so many books? If one reads more books one will forget more things and make more mistakes. So what is the use? No permanent benefit is derived from being a book-worm. I encourage the general education – laokika education – so that people can understand the shallowness of laokika knowledge. (1)

Note 1: Laokika / worldly knowledge: Anything related with the relative world - i.e. all the facts and figures related with this ever-changing expressed universe whether they be mathematical theories, political treatises. All these things fall within the realm of Laokika/ worldly knowledge.

Note 2: In His above divine teaching, Baba guides us that intellectual progress is meaningless in the absence of spirituality. Only self-realisation is the real knowledge. When one does sadhana and studies dharmic scriptures then one realises how intellectual knowledge is completely futile for attaining perfect peace and eternal happiness. Whereas by atma-jinana (self-realisation) one will automatically know the 'ins' and 'outs' of everything. That is why knowing oneself is the real knowledge. Know one, know all.

Note 3: It is not impossible to satiate the heart with worldly knowledge since the human heart can only be satiated with the divine bliss attained through sadhana. But just talking about sadhana the whole day also will not bring eternal peace and happiness; one has to do sadhana. For example memorizing all the facets about sristi cakra (cycle of creation) will not lead to true spiritual realisation. For that one must perform meditation - sadhana.

Final Note: The grand conclusion of Baba's above teaching is that the reason why intellectual knowledge is highly needed is so that one can understand its uselessness and futility. 

(1) Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, Self-Realization Is the Real Knowledge

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Women: privacy of their households

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who want to keep their daughters away from the “infection of modernity”, and so are reluctant to send them to schools and colleges, perhaps do not realize that modernism had already entered into the privacy of their households quite a long time ago without their knowledge. So their efforts to save their daughters as well as themselves by hanging window curtains or by covering their daughters with veils are entirely farcical. The trend of the age is irrepressible, for in this too there is dynamism. It is the duty of the wise to channelize it to the path of benevolence by applying their own wisdom to the task. To thwart the spirit of the age is beyond the power of any individual or any collective force. That dynamic spirit of the age – that Zeitgeist – speeds ahead unabated with all force, throwing down anyone who tries to stand and thwart it, and that floored, sprawling creature with imbecilic and glum eyes keeps staring vacantly at progress.” (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Social Justice

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Preparation pre-revolution - 2

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “At first, the demon was quite unwilling to hold any discussion with them. At last, seeing them many in number, he said with reluctance, “Well, I have no objection to talk with some of your representatives.” In the course of discussion, the demon pretended that he did not deny that the demands of the humans were legitimate but where is the money? “In order to rebuild the state,” he said, “expenditure has to be curtailed; exports have to be increased and imports decreased, and it is necessary to accelerate the production of agricultural and industrial goods. If people today are busy with trifling demands, how then is it possible to rebuild the Very Odd Kingdom? So people should raise only one slogan today ‘Labour – more labour – and still more labour!’ Demands of housing, education, medical treatment – we have heard enough of your demands! Now I advise you, forget your demands for the right to higher wages, education, medical treatment, and better accomodation, for the time being – and go and labour hard!””

“The representatives of the human beings said “How wonderful! But then the question is, if you don’t accept our right to live how can we labour hard?””

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The discussion was interrupted. The demon and his associates now became active to create divisions among the youth. They said to the religious leaders, pundits, priests and mullas (religious leaders), “Do you see what is happening? Religion is becoming polluted, society is becoming polluted, everything is spoiled. After some time perhaps these loutish youth will say, ‘These pundits, priests and mullas, they are the parasites of the society; They suck the lifeblood of humanity by taking advantage of the weakness of their minds!’ So a big group of priests, pundits and mullas joined the demons. They declared, ‘What people are saying now is sheer injustice. People starve as a consequence of their own sins committed in their previous lives. So to fight for the establishment of their rights is to try to overmaster God!’”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “But there were some good people even among the priests and mullas and pundits, of course. They declared, “What the prince’s group, the human beings, are saying, is right. To support them is right”. Ministers and vice-ministers were giving them high posts in government service. Some were trapped in this way, too, but most of the people said, “We are going to be deceived by such temptation no longer – we have long been cheated for our foolishness, but no more!!””

“The Strange Demon noticed that each of his arrows was missing its target. Then he captured some good orators by spending much money. The work of these orators was to make the rank and file of human beings understand that the proper way to achieve their demand was to bear injustice silently and not resort to struggle. “By tolerating injustice,” they said, “When a person becomes non-violent, a kind of spiritual power awakens in him. And as a result of this spiritual power peace and equality prevail throughout the country. So you should rather engage yourself in the practice of self-purification than have recourse to struggle.” But the humans paid no heed to this either.”

“Now the demon became restless. He began to run to and fro like an insane person, tearing his hair and shouting violently. In no time his mask of gentleness was rent asunder. Then he started crying out loudly in his demonic tongue.”

“O devils, O demons,
Man-eaters, ghost-children,
Where are you my friends and comrades
Come and save me from the humans.
O black-marketeers and bribers,
O pot-bellied
Come, O come! Where are you??
I am going to be killed by Humanity.” (1)

1. The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea

== Section 2: Links ==

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