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Friday, May 6, 2022

Sarkarverse flawed way + 2 more


Sarkarverse flawed way


When you open any book from the Prout in a Nutshell series, you will see the below photo of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout philosophy. And if you look carefully at that photo you will notice Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's signature written in Bengali. In His own handwriting, it is clearly written: "Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar". This is the pristine example Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has graciously given us. By this way, anyone can understand that His full name is Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar - and that is the way in which He wishes to be addressed. Disobeying His wishes referring to Him just as Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, PR Sarkar, or sometimes as just Sarkar, is wholly inappropriate as it contravenes His wishes.

Now see the below photo of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. Diagonally across the bottom of the photo, He has written His signature in Sriharsa script (Bengali.) And there are four terms in His signature. The first word is “Shrii.” By this way we can understand that the Propounder of Prout - Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar - is very particular in making sure His name is prefaced with the term “Shrii.” So we should follow His wishes in addressing Him use the term Shrii before His name.

If you already read this paragraph above the photo you may skip ahead to the next paragraph. Otherwise, please see the above photo of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. Diagonally across the bottom of the photo, He has written His signature in Sriharsa (Bengali) script. And there are four terms in His signature. The first word is “Shrii.” By this way we can understand that the Propounder of Prout - Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar - is very particular in making sure His name is prefaced with the term “Shrii.” So we should follow His wishes in addressing Him use the term Shrii before His name.

See so-called stewards

But, unfortunately, the exact opposite is going on these days. Some intellectuals proclaim themselves as protectors or stewards of the philosophy of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar; but these stewards do not care about even the most basic and fundamental aspect of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s wishes, such as prefacing His name with the term Shrii. It is sad how these so-called stewards do not even address Him as He wishes, i.e. prefacing His name with the term Shrii. Yet with their own name and title they are very keen to always use “Acarya”, followed by their full Wt “ananda” name, suffixed by the term “Avadhuta”. So they give themselves full respect and glory. This is the double standard they adhere to. 

In Him, 
(Leila Hopkins)

Proof from Sarkarverse site

Sadly see here below specific pages referenced from their Sarkarverse site. And indeed, throughout the Sarkarverse site they refer to the Propounder of Prout in the wrong way as time and again they fail to preface His name with the term Shrii, as per Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s wishes. And verily the name of the website itself (i.e. Sarkarverse) is devoid of the term “Shrii”. Here below is an excerpt from one of the pages of their website.

Look how on the above note webpage (link provided) on the Sarkarverse site, they go against Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s wishes by not using the term Shrii. 

Not only that, on numerous occasions throughout their site they merely refer to Him as “Sarkar”. This is also a direct contravention of His wishes. Kindly see below noted page from the Sarkarverse site. And remember, when it comes to their own name and title they are very keen to always use “Acarya”, followed by their full Wt “ananda” name, suffixed by the term “Avadhuta”. So they give themselves full respect and glory. This is the double standard they adhere to.

Look how on the above note webpage (link provided) of the Sarkarverse site, they merely refer to Him as “Sarkar”, which is against His wishes.

Most probably you know this site, but if you need more information about it kindly let us know. 

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have come here

"Dhúlir dharańiite mádhurii d́hálite,tumi esecho ájike... " (Prabhat Samgiita #3383)


Parama Purusa, You have taken advent today to pour and inundate this dusty earth with the sweetness of Your divinity. You have come to apply the soothing balm of nectar to those grief-stricken people who are wailing in agony. With Your infinite compassion, You console them by saying: "Don't worry I am with You; I will remove all your sufferings." You have given a voice to those who are mute and dumb, and do not have the courage to speak out against dogma. Now they can rise up and fight against the disparities, injustices, and exploitation which they are facing. Baba, You have come here to shower me in bliss.

Divine Entity, for all those who were lagging behind, for those downtrodden people who do not get any respect, and for those most neglected souls who lost everything and have nothing, You have broken the dungeon of cimmerian darkness and staticity of their life. You have smashed all those negative, social bondages that were keeping these helpless people suppressed. Baba, You have brought peace and refulgence into their life. With Your immeasurable love and attraction, You tenderly pull everyone close to You and bless one and all. You have wiped away the differences of rich and poor, high and low, and touchable and untouchable. And You have lovingly brought all types of people together and joined them with one beautiful thread. Today, You have taken form in this mortal world to affectionately guide everyone.

Baba, You have granted new life and joy to those who were suffering from hopelessness and submerged in utter darkness of despair. Now, they have accepted You as their own. They have embraced You as their everything and surrendered at Your altar. The entire creation has been blessed by Your exquisite kindness and care. In a very blissful and exalted state, everyone has begun moving ahead, joyfully utilising every moment. With Your abundant mercy and empathy You have descended upon on this dusty earth to grace everyone. You are the most Magnanimous One.

Baba, You are here on this tiny earth to spread Your incomparable bliss...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Animals sense impending disasters

Ananda Marga ideology says, "A crow has a natural premonitive instinct regarding storms. An owl and to some extent a dog can sense beforehand the possible occurrence of an earthquake or some other unforeseen natural calamity of great magnitude. Such power of apprehending phenomenal vibrations exists not in ten or twenty but in innumerable species of birds.  Such a power is indeed of paramount necessity in their rigorous struggle for survival.  Such a power did exist, too, to some extent, among the prehistoric people.  But today, in this age of so-called civilization, human beings, having become extremely ease-loving, have lost that power through misuse and lack of necessity; just as their tails, their ability to move their ears and their capacity to hold things with their feet have disappeared.  Now the hairiness of their bodies and the strength of their teeth and nails are also becoming extinct. The greater the pre-occupation of creatures with the struggle for existence, the necessarily greater must be their power of premonition or prescience of impending danger, or else their existence will be effaced from the surface of the earth -- this is the law of nature." (1)

Note: People often think that animals are lowly and neglected beings but that is not true. As Baba points out above, animals are far more aware about naturally occurring phenomena than human beings. On this point animals are highly instinctual and are always surveying the scene. They can forecast and predict a wide array of storms and natural calamities - and save themselves from impending disasters.

In the above quote Baba indicates how humans also used to have such abilities, but now with the onset of modernity and a comfort-oriented lifestyle, humans have lost this skill. So now people are entirely dependent upon science to forecast the weather etc. But as developed as science is, scientists (meteorologists and seismologists) are still in the dark about earthquakes. They are unable to predict when and where an earthquake might occur; whereas various animals like dogs and owls have this unique innate gift.

That's why when earthquakes occur in various regions, it is reported how street dogs and other animals were behaving abnormally beforehand. They were restless, walking around whimpering, and running out of the buildings or caves. The dogs knew about the impending disaster that was about to strike. Often zoos also report how so many of the animals cry out several minutes before the first tremors of an earthquake are felt. So they run out of their shelters, buildings, or caves.

In contrast, modern scientists generally do not have any idea that an earthquake is about to occur. But dogs know. And those people who understood why the dogs and other animals were upset were able to help themselves and others also. At the same time, those dogs living with human dogs are losing that ability.

So in future, we should rely upon animals to guide us about when and where natural disasters will strike. While dogs can often detect impending earthquakes, crows can sense cyclones. Similarly there are numerous animals that are acutely aware about impending storms and natural disasters. And by that way they are able to save themselves.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 4: Links ==

Dogma of Mother's Day - 08 May (USA)
Ananda Purnima: Mon 16 May 2022
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