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Friday, January 19, 2024

Story: defeat of avidyá tántrika + 4 more

Story: defeat of avidyá tántrika


At the time, I was posted in Deoghar as additional SP, Police Superintendent. One day an officer from another department was visiting from Patna and he requested me to accompany him to go see an avidya tantrika. This officer had great reverence for that avidya tantrika.

In fury avidya tantrika attacked me 

Since becoming a margii, I did not wish to be in the presence of any dogmatic person, or any so-called yogi, or dogmatic monk etc. And I certainly did not want to touch their feet. Anyway, I joined the others and we all went to meet that renowned avidya tantrika. There were four of us. Upon reaching there, the three others touched his feet and I did namaskar.

The avidya tantrika monk did not appreciate that I did not touch his feet. He did not say anything overtly, but it was obvious that he was harbouring a very ill feeling towards me. The others present also understood that the avidya tantrika was angry with me. In his fury that avidya tantrika decided that he would teach me a lesson and he started staring at me.

While he was staring at me he started applying some force and using a mantra in order to hurt me. I could sense that he wanted to overpower my mind and do me harm. By Baba’s grace, immediately I felt that I should repeat my mantra and hold onto Him. Mentally, I surrendered to Baba and started repeating His name. The others could not understand why the avidya tantrika and I were involved in staring at one another.

I was surprised to see that all of a sudden the avidya tantrika started shaking and could no longer remain standing. So he retreated back to his room and fell on his bed. From there, he called the three people whom I had come with - but he did not call me. Then he began asking them where I was. Finally, I too was called, and I went inside his room. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was very polite and respectful towards me.

Then he asked me, "What are you practicing, and who is your Guru?" Then I told about Ananda Marga. And he told me that, “Your Guru is great.”


Every Ananda Margii should know that their Guru is Parama Purusa Himself. He has created this entire world - all the stars, nebulae etc. Everything is His thought projection. So He is the most powerful Entity. That is why when that avidya tantrika tried to apply his black magic on me it had no effect. I was doing my mantra japa, by Baba’s grace. So his attack on me was impotent - it had no effect. Rather, it rebounded back onto that avidya tantrika.

Whatever mantra you've been given is the way to connect with that very Parama Purusa for help. And His help is beyond the limitations of time, space, and person. Thus, whenever you recite your mantra and remember Guru, He instantly helps. That is the lesson I got when I was suddenly cornered by that avidya tantrika.

This aforementioned episode is not something special which happens only to me. Rather, anytime you are facing any difficulty or tough situation, ask for His divine help by repeating your mantra. Certainly He will be gracious and rescue you.

in Him,

Note: In the above story, the "I" is Himachal Prasad Akhauri (Police Superintendent), who recounted this story at one dharmacakra.


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

== Section 2: Topic ==

Common day problem


Prama means balance. And it is an essential component in the life of any sadhaka.

Loss of prama in today's world

Nowadays, most suffer from a lack of prama in the physical realm. In some cases they lack the basic necessities of life such as food and medical care etc. And in other instances, they suffer from a gross excess in the physical realm which causes imbalances in other spheres of life. As they blindly lust after material gain, they do not place sufficient emphasis on the psychic and spiritual realms.

Wherever materialism has taken hold, the masses take matter to be the be-all and end-all of life. Even after acquiring all sorts of the material possessions they still feel: “I am hungry for more material gain.” They may even live week-to-week barely paying their basic bills, yet waste their limited financial resources on junk, pseudo-culture items. This is the iconic example of imbalance in mundane life. 

Imbalance in life is bad

Some mistakenly think that those living in materially wealthy countries are not suffering from any problems; but, that is not correct. In those lands of material wealth, psychic suffering is rampant, and their spiritual life has become a wasteland. So most everyone is suffering in one way or another. In both the cases - i.e. where there is physical want and where there is physical excess - there is a serious problem. Prama needs to be attained by supplying the physical necessities to the have-nots, and placing greater emphasis on psychic and spiritual pursuits.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Now, what is the actual meaning of pramá? The word pramá is derived as the root má prefixed by pra and suffixed by d́a and t́á. The meaning of the root verb má is “to measure”, “to fathom”. So the etymological meaning of pramá is “balance”...pramá is indispensable in individual life.” (1)

Here the psychic realm means proper study of rational ideas. A deficiency of the prama in the psychic sphere means wholly absorbing oneself in mundane and material allurements and having no inclination towards dharmic, psycho-spiritual life. The spiritual field means cultivating a rational outlook based in bhakti and embracing Parama Purusa as the Supreme Goal of life. Lack of prama in the spiritual sphere means just involving in religious dogma.


Surveying the scene, Baba has given all the requisite teachings to achieve prama  - perfect peace.  Those who strictly adhere to Sixteen Points achieve prama' in life - and do not incur any such suffering. Even then, some Wts become overly involved in mundane affairs and lose prama and fail to give proper attention to dharmic practices like sadhana. So regardless of one’s dress, all should pay heed to Guru’s warnings and bring prama in life by becoming more and more sincere in Sixteen Points.

In Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved - 8, Pramá – 1 / Dynamic Equilibrium and Equipoise

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Best utilization of humanity

Prout philosophy says, “The method of utilization should vary in accordance with the changes in time, space and person, and the utilization should be of a progressive nature. Take a particular example. Suppose a physically strong person serves the society as a rickshaw puller or a market porter. As the rickshaw may become out dated some day, the method of utilizing their physical strength should vary. If a person is intellectually developed but has the same physical strength as others, their intellectual potentiality should be utilized. Thus the process of utilization will not be the same for all people. Better methods of utilization should be continually developed, but the process of utilization should be progressive in nature.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshtell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Social dharma

“The marching together of all in unison is termed as the society. Instead of despising those who have lagged behind, help them to advance. This alone will be your social Dharma.” (Ananda Vanii #24)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Remembrance ==

Baba pleased Spanish Ananda Sutram

I had a great respect and admiration for Dada Ramanandaji even before I met him for the first time when Baba brought him to Caracas in 1979. He was an instrument of Baba to fill our hearts with great joy for a few weeks and to carry on working for His Ideology. How? In 1978 we translated and published (brother Ananda from Bogota, Colombia, and me having the honour of correcting the text) the first ever edition of Ananda Sutram in Spanish.  We decided to send by regular post a copy to Ananda Marga headquarters in India. Two months later our hearts burst in joy when the postman arrived with a letter coming from India and signed by Acarya Ramananda Avadhuta, thanking us for delivering the book and with the unforgettable sentence: "The Lord has received your book and He is very pleased with it". Thanks Dadaji. You are alive in our memory.

Ac. Svaprakashananda

== Section 4: Links ==