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Friday, January 19, 2018

Fake love + 5 more


Fake love


Are eco-groups and animal rights groups neo-humanistic? Some raise the banner, “Aren’t all those animal rights groups and eco-groups in the west concerned about animal welfare.” The first reply is that many of those conservation groups subscribe to eating meat etc.

Secondly, those eco-oriented animals rights organisations have their limited agendas:
(a) so-called restoring ecological balance for hunting for fun;
(b) fighting for their own selfishness on this earth so they can continue hunting.
They got involved in environmental problems to support a meat-based diet. Those activists are inherently selfish and indulgent.

Some activists may be internally sincere in their desire to help animals, but in general they do not feel that those animals are expressions of Parama Purusa and that we are to serve Him by helping those animals. So the overall perspective of such advocacy organisations is not one of true seva and neo-humanism.

History: animals have their special status

In the west, the rampant mistreatment of animals is fueled by the selfish, dogmatic outlook of the Semitic religions which states, "Animals are made for us." Because of this defective outlook, factory farming, hunting for sport, the meat- based diet, and so many other infringements on animals’ rights are pervasive throughout the western hemisphere.

The situation with regards to the treatment of animals in India is comparatively better. No doubt there are some pitfalls, but at the same time it has to be recognised that those early rishis of 15,000 years ago preached the spiritual ideal that all are the expressions of Parama Purusa. And this pure premise filtered down to the Indian masses generation after generation.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The thoughts and ideals of India are quite different from the other countries in the East. Since ancient times, India has been adhering to her distinct pra'n'a dharma. Regarding life and the world, the Indian people are certainly spiritually inclined. They look upon each and every thought and deed as part of their spiritual practice." (1)

And it is with this prana dharma firmly in mind that so many proper practices have been implemented in life such as a purely sattvika diet as well as a long-standing belief that animals have a right to live on this earth. Those animals have their God-given status and inherent value. And when things went overboard and the Aryans came from outside and started doing huge animals sacrifices and turning the rivers into pools of blood, then great souls like Buddha and Mahaviira Jain echoed the words of those rishis of old and came forward and opposed those cruel sacrifices. Though now in this modern era, the number of meat-eaters in India has dramatically increased, as the population has fallen away from the teachings of those ancient rishis. Verily, there has been an ongoing, steady degradation in India over the past few hundred years with the influx of the Semitic religions and the rise of materialism.

Pashupati: Lord Shiva and God of the animals

Ananda Marga philosophy adheres to the standard of neo-humanism. Using that as a guideline, it has to be recognised that the moral and ethical treatment of animals in India is higher than in those Semitic oriented countries like the US that are dominated by the selfish outlook that "animals are made for us - for human enjoyment."

This idea was never present in the Indian mentality. And one proof of this is that one of the names of Lord Shiva is 'Pashupati' - i.e. Shiva is not just the God of humans but of animals also. Certainly Shiva taught sadhana to animalistic humans, but that is not the only reason why He is called Pashupati. Mahasambhuti Shiva cared very sweetly for animals and preached this ideal as well.

Since long in India it has been known that through samskara theory humans evolved out of animal life. This also helps one recognise the value of animal life. This is commonly understood within the Indian philosophical tradition. Here the point is not to glorify the Indian outlook. It has its defects and has been certainly by infiltrated by the Aryans, Muslims, Britishers, and Christians etc. But at the same time we should recognise that those early Himalayan rishis who preached Samgacchadhvam, the yogic ideal, and other great teachings were also well aware that humans are to watch for the welfare of animals. And this message filtered down to the masses.

And still today, the common people in India will readily say, "What right do I have to hurt those animals, when those animals are the expression of God'. How far they follow this cent-per-cent in their life may vary - but this idea is commonly embraced. That is a significant step higher than the typical materialistic outlook: "Animals are made for my enjoyment."

So comparatively speaking, India's treatment and regard for animals is higher than that of the west, and that is all due to the respective religious outlooks of those lands. The Semitic religions preach that animals have no soul and are here for human consumption, while the spiritual outlook of the Indian subcontinent is that every being has its God-given place and should thus be respected. This is the long history and divergent views of western and eastern religion etc.


But in this ever-changing world, it is quite apparent that now the unfortunate turn of events is going on where India has begun rushing headlong after materialism. Sadly, they are slipping into the capitalistic trap whereby animals are nothing but a means to an end. On the plus side, a greater number of westerners are trying to leave materialism and are harbouring a strong desire to fashion their life after age-old eastern truths. This switchover is going on. However, the tables have not fully turned yet. So comparatively speaking India's view towards animals more closely resembles the gold-bar standard of Ananda Marga and neo-humanism.

It is ironic that westerners blame those brothers and sisters in the east and in so-called developing nations, when the mentality entrenched within the Semitic religions is the real cause behind animal cruelty. By Baba's grace we will personify His teachings and spread the message of animal welfare to all - thereby eliminating, once and for all, the degrading Semitic belief that "Animals are made for us - for human selfish enjoyment".

In Him,
(James Davidson)

The religions have a big effect on the mentality of the people. And in the traditional Indian outlook, various animals like the monkey are highly regarded as being so-called deities or mounts to the attainment of Brahmahood. And the obvious plus point of such religious beliefs is that they have helped infuse a certain respect towards the animal kingdom among the followers of that faith. Because the people truly believed that animals are not just lowly creatures for human consumption, but rather expressions of divinity etc. Whereas in the Semitic faiths, this type of regard for animals does not exist.

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga is far above

In Ananda Marga, our vision and perspective towards animals is pure and unblemished. Baba has given all the ideal teachings and has pointed out the prevailing dogmas.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Hindus worship cows as something holy, apparently because they give us milk. But if cows are revered as mothers for giving us milk, shouldn't buffaloes be given a similar status? Actually, buffaloes give more milk than cows. Unfortunately, the blind religious followers refuse to listen to logic as their religious sentiment for cows has taken root deep in their minds. People are fed these ideas since childhood, so later on it becomes impossible for them to discard them." (2)

So our ideal is neither western, nor eastern - neither American, nor Indian. Our ideal is the neo-humanistic vision which Baba has given. That alone can save the fate of animals on this earth. With Baba's grand teaching of neo-humanism, then surely the future of animals is bright and one day animal cruelty will be fully eradicated.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "All molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, positrons and neutrons are the veritable expressions of the same Supreme Consciousness. Those who remember this reality, who keep this realization ever alive in their hearts, are said to have attained perfection in life. They are the real devotees, the real bhaktas. When the underlying spirit of humanism is  extended to everything, animate and inanimate, in this universe - I have designated this as Neohumanism. This Neohumanism will elevate humanism to universalism, the cult of love for all created beings of this universe." (3)

So in Baba's divine teachings of neo-humanism, we are to immerse our mind in His cosmic flow and realise the interconnectedness of all - that all are but expressions of Him. Fueled by the fire of this neo-humanistic ideal, then naturally one will act as a benevolent guardian - serving one and all and watching for everyone's welfare, be they human, animal, plant, brick, or stone.

How cruel human beings are

Here Baba points out the short-sightedness of the Semitic religions etc.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The vulture stayed patiently in the tree. It came to eat the cow’s flesh only an hour after her natural death. Human beings are more cruel than vultures. Their hearts don’t melt even at the sight of tears of innocent birds and animals. Just to gratify their sense of greed, they mercilessly slit the throats of animals with sharp knives and swords and thus deprive them of the right to live, even while preaching the hollow dictates of religion." (4)

Neo-humanism guides us, "Human beings led by self-interest have been neglecting ecology at every step. We should remember that the sky and air, the hills and mountains, the rivers and forests, the wild animals and reptiles, the birds and fishes and all sorts of aquatic creatures and plants are all inseparably related to one another. Human beings are an integral part of that vast common society. No one can survive to the exclusion of others, not even human beings. If they continue to destroy forests, kill wild animals and exterminate fishes and birds foolishly, it won’t serve any of their purposes. Whoever comes onto this world goes. One only survives on this earth for a limited period as stipulated by nature. Due to the foolishness of human beings many creatures and objects will not survive the period fixed for them by nature. Prior to their stipulated period of longevity they will be swallowed up by eternity. Human beings due to their utmost folly have annihilated numerous objects and thus prepared their own funeral pyre. Such folly on the part of human beings is unbearable. Human beings must be cautious from now on. They must restructure their thoughts, plans and activities in accordance with the dictates of ecology. There is no alternative." (5)

People cry out “You exist, O Lord, I also exist!”

The following is from Baba's book, "Namah Shivaya Shantaya".

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the first stage of human life, when people notice the colourful processions of various tanmátras such as form, taste, smell, colour and touch, they immediately become attracted towards them. The entire universe appears to be a grand caravan of many colours; it seizes their senses and their minds rush after it, taking it to be the goal of life. In the first stage, this enchanting material panorama propels people from their inner world to external life. If at that stage, someone tells them to move towards the internal world, they become irritated and annoyed. They think, “Oh, I'm quite fine here!” Blending their colours with the colours of all, strolling on soft carpets of green grass, they think, “All these things are meant for me!” This material-oriented existence is the first stage of human life. At this stage, one wants to express only one thing with the whole of one's being, and that is, “I exist, only I exist.” The material world is the subtle blend of hard and soft.” (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, Trials and tribulations compel people to ponder deeply; sorrows inspire them to analyse the law of cause and effect. Their wounded hearts want to be soothed with a healing balm from an entity greater than themselves. They realize then that there is an Entity greater than their little selves. Whatever might be their relation with that Entity, and whether that Entity is within their reach or not, they cherish the hope of gaining something from Him: they cry out, Tráhi mám páhi mám [“Save me, protect me”]!” (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Then they change their mental tune and say, “I exist, You also exist.” When this relationship of hope and fulfilment fails to remove their internal dissatisfactions, when the greenness of the external world fails to moisten the desert of their minds, when the seeds of their desires do not sprout, then they realize that they will have to go still deeper inside – the key to the solution lies deeper within. They are still within locked doors and windows; in search of the key, they move inwards, but they are unable to find it. They do not feel that they are even near a guide – far less in close association. Concentrating all their mental anguish, they begin to shed tears in their minds, and beating their heads, say to the unknown Lord of their life. Parama Puruśa is the Supreme Cognitive Faculty; nothing is outside Him. He too feels the inner agony of despairing people in the core of His heart, and shows them the soothing path of enlightenment. Then those despairing people cry out in the exuberance of their joy, “You exist, O Lord, I also exist!” (8)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “They continue to move into the inner world. The charming allurements of the external world no longer keep their minds in thrall. The dazzling splendour of form and colour, their glittering attraction, no longer evokes any response in the innermost recesses of their minds. The radiance of the colourful world and the effulgence of their inner life become one. The indriyas externalization and internalization of tanmátras from the external world then appears to be a play of Máyá. The external world merges into the internal world, and ultimately there remains only one Entity – “You exist, only You exist.” (9)

Advocacy groups are not God-centered

And for those who few who may be internally sincere in their desire to help animals, in general they do not feel that those animals are expressions of Parama Purusa and that we are to serve Him by helping those animals. This is not their outlook. So the overall perspective of such advocacy organisations is not one of true seva and neo-humanism. Although such groups may seemingly be doing good work - they are not based in neo-humanism. Because they don’t believe that this whole cosmos is the expression of Parama Purusa and that we have come to this world to serve others - including plants and animals - and watch for their welfare. The fact is: No eco or animal rights group has this God-centered, neo-humanistic ideal in mind. Rather they are motivated by a selfish outlook.

For this reason, none of these eco or animal rights groups are on par with Ananda Marga. And in 99% of the cases they have their own particular side agenda in mind. Yet they are all our brothers and sisters and it is our bounden duty to guide them as best we can. And to guide them properly, neither should we be in awe of their work nor should we despise them as people. Rather ours should be a balanced approach where we recognise their shortcomings so that we may best help them to advance.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Práńa Dharma
2. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
3. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-humanism, Disc: 1
4. Neo-humanism in a Nutshell - 2, How Cruel Human Beings Are! – Excerpt A
5. Neo-humanism in a Nutshell - 2, How Cruel Human Beings Are! – Excerpt B
6. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 11
7. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 11
8. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 11
9. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 11

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Key points for a long life

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Spiritual practice makes the mind calm and quiet, and maintains the nerves in a state of equipoise; and thus spiritual practice increases longevity. Those Vaishnavites who are vegetarians, who regularly sing spiritual songs, do meditation, perform virtuous deeds and think pure thoughts, live longer than ninety years." (1)

Note: By following the spiritual cult of Ananda Marga and abiding by general health rules every sadhaka is ensured a long and healthy life. That is Baba's guarantee.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, You Must Live Glorious Lives

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Limited scope of human perception

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In this visible world you receive tanmátras in accordance with your strength and ability. When the tanmátric vibration is more powerful than your strength or capacity, you are unable to receive it. Similarly, when the vibrational momentum is more slow and slack than your power of perception, you cannot receive it either. If people whisper in a soft voice, you cannot hear them – there you become deaf. Then again, if there is a very loud noise somewhere nearby, you cannot hear that either, for your hearing has been stunned – here too you are deaf. Your system may easily endure petty mental afflictions and in that case you do not cry before people. Then when you are filled with extreme grief you become so dazed and bewildered that in this case, too, you do not cry before people. You have seen a child suddenly stops crying in the midst of intense suffering. We call it “choked in crying”, for the child is unable to endure the violent sorrowful vibrations. You can tolerate a small pain with a smiling face and people cannot detect your hurt. An intense pain stuns you into unconsciousness and then, too, people are not aware of it. You are able to utter pathetic cries of “Ah” and “Oh” only in the intervening state to embellish your plight." (1)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba is guiding us how the range of human perception is very limited. If a vibration is very subtle then we cannot detect it, such as a very quiet noise. And if the vibration is very crude and powerful, such as a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius, then we cannot tolerate it and we will die. In the true sense, the scope of the vibrations which human beings can manage is of a very narrow scope.

There are so many things going on around us; there are all kinds of vibrations that we are completely unaware of. Some things we can detect with scientific instruments but there are countless subtle things going on around that we have no clue about. The irony is that even when sitting in an isolated room a person thinks that, “Nothing is here other than me.” When in truth, so many phenomena are going on all around, wherever you are. Those are extremely subtle vibrations which you can neither see nor hear. That is why it is said that human capacity is very negligible.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration Form & Colour

== Section 4: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुमलोग इस क्षणभंगुर संसार के  विभिन्न माया जालों  में क्यों उलझे हो?

प्रभात  संगीत 0365 अरूप देवता रूपमर दे ले, कार लागि तुमि तिथि गोनो...


निर्गुण परम सत्ता, परम पुरुष निराकार होते हुए भी सभी वनस्पतियों और प्राणियों  घाटियों और पर्वतों , समुद्रों और मरुस्थलों के आकार में, अत्यधिक आकर्षक रूप में आये हैं। हे  भक्तो! जिस शुभ  मुहूर्त  के लिए  तुमलोग दिन गिन रहे थे, और आशा  कर रहे थे कि वे परम पुरुष आएँगे, और इस संसार पर आनन्दाशीष की वर्षा करेगा, वही दिव्य निराकार अस्तित्व रूपवान होकर आया है। हे  भक्तो ! तुमलोग इस क्षणभंगुर संसार के  विभिन्न माया जालों  में क्यों उलझे हो? संसार के उन कार्यों में मस्त हो जो स्थायी नहीं हैं? इस प्रकार तुम लोग अपना समय क्यों नष्ट कर रहे हो?

हे परम पुरुष! जब तुम्हारी महानता और कृपा से इस संसार का सब कुछ ही निर्गुण ब्रह्म में मिल जाता है, । क्रमशः सभी उसी निराकार में लीन हो जाते हैं, तब  हे परम पुरुष! किसलिये तुम इस रंगों, रूपों की दुनिया को रचने की लीला में मस्त  हो? जबकि इसका कोई स्थायी लाभ ही नहीं  है ?

हे परम पुरुष बाबा! तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं जानता हॅूं कि यह सृष्टि  मिथ्या नहीं है और यह सत्य भी नहीं है, यह सापेक्षिक सत्य है । यह सृष्टि, तुम्हारी मानसिक कल्पना है, जो चिर स्थायी नहीं है। हे प्रभु! मैं जानता हॅूं कि यहाॅं की हर चीज एक चलमान मेला  की तरह  है, एक गतिशील चित्रावली है । हे परम पुरुष, फिर भी  तुम जीवों के मन में, सृष्ट वस्तुओं के प्रति, ऐसा अंधा आकर्षण क्यों दे देते हो, जिससे वे सत्य भूल जाते हैं, कि वे इस संसार में, यहाॅं सदा के लिए नहीं आये हैं, वे साधना करने के लिये आये हैं । और एक दिन इस दुनिया को  छोड़कर जाना ही पडेगा? बाकी सब चीजें तो साधना सहायक हैं, पर लोग, मोह में फंसकर शक्ति, धन , पद, आदि को पाकर, अपने असली लक्ष्य ‘‘साधना करना‘‘ भूल जाते है, परमपुरुष की ओर एक भी कदम आगे नहीं बढ़ा पाते। वे अपना समय नष्ट कर (एक दिन) यहाॅं से चले जाते हैं।

हे प्रभु! मेरे ऊपर कृपा बनाये  रखना ताकि मैं इस दिव्य सत्य को कभी न भूलूँ । (1)

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

== Section 5: Important Teaching ==

Why sleep gives happiness

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Although bodily pleasures are perceived by the mind in the wakeful state, the objects of such pleasures always come from without, with the result that the privations of the external world will always stand in the way of real happiness, as the external world cannot always supply objects in accordance with the desires and wishes of the mind. Due to this the mind has to run up and down in search of them. It becomes very agitated in the process and peace becomes and impossibility. The influence of the external world is absent during the dreamful state, accordingly the amount of pleasure is due to want of efferent desires in the mind or increased organs (for that matter here the desire is not afferent either). In the state of sleep, as the internal activities of the mind are substantially less, the amount of happiness (Static happiness) is proportionately increased." (1)

1. The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 4

== Section 6: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Fake love
2. IT: Key points for a long life
3. IT: Limited scope of human perception
4. Links