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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mutilation dogma in AMPS + 3 more


Mutilation dogma in AMPS


1. In black magic, or human sacrifice, an unblemished, full body is required, not a body that is incomplete, cut, or maimed in any way. That is how the tradition of circumcision started. Parents would intentionally cut their child to make them unfit and save them from being taken by those primitive communities that wanted to please god by sacrificing a perfect human specimen. Gradually, the common people understood that maiming their child was the best way to save their child from being sacrificed.

Circumcision: substitute for human sacrifice

2. Below is the next reason for how the tradition of circumcision started in another geographical region.
“Why King Mesha of Moab Sacrificed His Oldest Son,” BAR 12-06, graphically describes the Canaanite rite of human sacrifice when siege or pestilence threatened to exterminate a city. The text attributed to the Phoenician priest Sanchuniathon that author Baruch Margalit cites makes clear that the practice of circumcision is directly related to this rite of human sacrifice. We learn there that once, when destruction threatened his city, the god El offered his only son as a sacrifice to his father, the god Heaven; he also circumcised himself and ordered his followers to do the same. Circumcision is thus a substitute for human sacrifice, an offering of a part of the body in place of the whole." (Courtesy of Roy A. Rosenberg New York, New York)

http:/// queries_and_comments -_human_sacrifice_and_circumcision-_bar_13-02-_mar-apr_1987/
In the society when anything becomes an ingrained habit then it is very hard to give up, regardless of how excruciatingly painful and harmful it is. Still people want to continue that old habit. Such is the case with circumcision. In the early stages of human civilisation, many rituals started due to human misunderstanding, and then it became an accepted custom. It starts for some social reason and then later on it gets attached with God to make that ritual more deeply embedded in that community.

In the next phase when society is more developed and people start question the authenticity of this ridiculous and harmful ritual, then those religious or communal leaders do not want to accept the mistake so they create more logic and reasoning and dig their heels in to defend their dogma. For example, around 10 - 15 thousand years ago during the time of the Rg veda, people started burning edibles to please nature. That was called yajina in India. And when people questioned the validity of this ritual, those leaders concocted a reply and gave the logic and reasoning that it purifies the area. They told this to pacify their people and continue the ritual. But their reply was completely wrong; it does not purify anything, rather that yajina pollutes the air and releases excess carbon dioxide. And still today this type of yajina is going on. There are hundreds of millions of people busy in burning edibles like ghee, food, rice, and barley etc.

In a similar manner, the religious clergy associate circumcision with good hygiene and health. But if you say to those religious leaders, “Let the child grow and decide for themselves when they are older”, then those priests, rabbis, and mullahs etc do not have any answer.

Phallic worship started 20,000 years ago in order to increase procreation and make their community strong. Those days there was strength in numbers. So phallus worship rose up all around the globe. See for yourself. Type “phallus” and “worship” and a country name in your search engine, and you will see that phallus worship was prevalent in that country and that still it is going on.

Circumcision outdated and archaic 

Here the central idea is that prehistoric, primitive people had no idea about science, but they engaged in phallus worship so they can procreate more. They wanted the blessing of the phallus. Now, due to technology and communication etc, there has been tremendous social progress. In comparison to the prehistoric age, society is far more advanced. Even then people do not like to give up their old rituals. Still phallus worship is going on around the globe in various ways even as a social festival. They know this ritual has nothing to do with procreation and they know it is not a deity, but still they do it. The overarching theme is that people do not want to give up their dirty rituals. Similar is the case with circumcision. It started for the aforesaid two reasons and now it is completely outdated and archaic, but even then the Semitic religions do not want to give it up. We should propagate this idea, open their eyes, and save the infants.

~ 2nd component of Circumcision ~

No circumcision in AM - why

Baba’s guideline is that from birth to pre-adolescence the foreskin should remain as is, and then at the time of puberty the foreskin becomes loose and naturally it goes  back. During the time of puberty, the body goes through many changes, the glands develop, and the foreskin goes back. Because it is loose it accumulates dirt and bacteria.

Pull back the foreskin

Following are Baba's guidelines from Caryacarya where He states that circumcision is not done in our Ananda Marga way of life. Circumcision is not one of our accepted practices. Instead, after reaching puberty the foreskin should be pulled back. But from infancy up to puberty, there is no need to pull back the foreskin.

Caryacarya states, "Immediately upon reaching adolescence (in India, one reaches adolescence in between the ages of twelve and fourteen), males should start using Kaopiina (laungot́á) and should pull back the foreskin of the penis." (1)

Caryacarya says, "[in adolescence] The foreskin should be pulled back and the area washed and kept clean." (2)

Guru's guideline is that from birth to pre-adolescence the foreskin should remain as is, and then at the time of puberty the foreskin becomes loose and naturally it goes  back. During the time of puberty, the body goes through many changes, the glands develop, and the foreskin goes back. Because it is loose it accumulates dirt and bacteria.

CC Bangla edition: no scope for circumcision

See the below scan. In the original Bengali edition of Caryacarya part 2 and point #2 of Sixteen Points, circumcision is not allowed in Ananda Marga because it is unnecessary and terribly harms the infant. Circumcision is similar to female, genital mutilation.

Circumcision (Bangla CC).png

Pull back the foreskin at the time of puberty

Here Baba guides us that for health and hygiene, one should pull back the foreskin at the time of puberty - before that age the foreskin can remain as is. In Caryacarya Baba guides us that circumcision is not done in our Ananda Marga way of life. Rather, after reaching puberty, the foreskin should be pulled back.

Caryacarya states, "Immediately upon reaching adolescence (in India, one reaches adolescence in between the ages of twelve and fourteen), males should start using Kaopiina (laungot́á) and should pull back the foreskin of the penis." (3)

Caryacarya says, "The foreskin should be pulled back and the area washed and kept clean." (4)

Guru's guideline is that from birth to pre-adolescence the foreskin should remain as is, and then at the time of puberty the foreskin should be pulled back, as at that time it becomes loose. During the time of puberty, the body goes through many changes, the glands develop, and the foreskin goes back. Because it is loose it accumulates dirt and bacteria. That is why in puberty when the skin is loose it should be pulled back. Before that, nothing should be done. Circumcision is like female, genital mutilation.

Circumcision: a dangerous ritual that has no place in Ananda Marga

And here below Baba further classifies circumcision as a dogmatic ritual that has no place in our Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Certain practices were not originally religious rituals, but traditions or customs. Long ago the Jews started practising circumcision. When Moses converted some of his contemporaries to Judaism, and later when Mohammed converted some local people to Islam, neither prophet dared to instruct their new followers to discard the old customs they followed, consequently the old customs continued after their conversion." (5)

So circumcision is nothing but a holdover custom from thousands of years; it is not based on science or rationality. Initially, it was adopted by the Semitic religions. Thereafter, this harmful tradition has been blindly passed on from one community to the next.

See the below scan. In the original Bengali edition of Caryacarya part 2 and point #2 of Sixteen Points, circumcision is not allowed in Ananda Marga because it is unnecessary and terribly harms the infant.

Circumcision (Bangla CC).png

They distorted Caryacarya - 2 English edition

By the above it is evident that circumcision is a leftover dogma from those religions. Baba has verily pointed this out as a dogmatic religious ritual - and thus did not add ritual of circumcision into our Ananda Marga way of life. Yet the publishers distorted the English edition of Caryacarya part 2 and inserted the dogma of circumcision. But there is no place for circumcision in our Ananda Marga way of life, rather the foreskin is to be pulled back.

Now is the time for those in Publications to own up to their error, issue a statement of correction, and fix all future editions of Caryacarya part 2 English.

Note: A medical image is shown below. 

in Him,
Kristina Dougherty

Each year, a huge number of children suffer from the complications of circumcision. The following photo shows how the genital can be scarred and damaged due to complications from the procedure.

Each year, a huge number of children suffer from the complications of circumcision. The above photo shows how the genital can be scarred and damaged due to complications from the procedure.

Circumcision banned: violation of child's rights

[A] In September 2013, the Children's ombudsmen in all the Nordic countries issued a common statement where they called for a ban on circumcision on minors, stating that such circumcisions violate the right of children after the Convention on the Rights of the Child to co-determination and protection from harmful traditions.

[B] In March 2009 a Fulton County, Ga., State Court jury awarded $2.3 million in damages to a 4-year-old boy and his mother for a botched circumcision in which too much tissue was removed causing permanent disfigurement.

[C] In August 2010 an eight-day old boy was circumcised in a Florida hospital against the stated wishes of the parents. The hospital admitted that the boy was circumcised by mistake; the mother has sued the hospital and the doctor involved in the case. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

1. Caryacarya-3, General Health Rules, For Males, Point #1
2. Caryacarya-3, General Health Rules, For Males, Point #2
3. Caryacarya-3, General Health Rules, For Males, Point #1
4. Caryacarya-3, General Health Rules, For Males, Point #2
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, How to Unite Human Society

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Give me strength

"Jhainjha' jadi a'se jujhite shakati dio..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1783)


Parama Purusa, You are my Saviour. If a hurricane or typhoon comes in my life, then please provide me the might to fight and face that horrendous tragedy and grant me the strength to struggle and persevere. If ever in my existence lethargy comes in following Sixteen Points, then kindly provide me the determination and firmness to hold onto Your feet. Help me fight against all sorts of exploitation and march forward on Your path.

My Infinite Entity, by Your grace I am treading on the path unto You. Let it not be covered by staticity and cimmerian darkness. Colour my mind with Your colour in all situations. During both pleasure and pain, kindly grant me the courage and tenacity to follow Your dictates.

Supreme Being, bless me and give me the energy to go on marching along the path of refulgence and dharma in an undaunted way, moving, at the fore. Please bestow upon me the vigour to jump up and take on ever-new tasks: sadhana, service, and sacrifice. Bathe me in Your vara’bhaya mudra so in my being I never feel fear or trepidation to fight against the demonic forces. Baba, in all the circumstances, I am completely depending on Your mercy. Without Your help, nothing is possible...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Latent greatness in human beings

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Whatever you have said, or are saying, or will say in future, lies within you as dormant vitality. A great potentiality lies dormant in each human being, just as a huge banyan tree lies latent within a tiny seed. The banyan seed sprouts when light, air, water and fertile soil exist in requisite amounts. It subsequently grows foliage and branches, and in the course of time develops into a gigantic tree. Similarly, the immense potentialities of human beings lie latent and hypnotized in the kulakuńd́alinii at múládhára cakra as dormant humanity. When the kuńd́alinii is raised upwards through mantrágháta and mantra caetanya in the process of meditation (this process is called purashcarańa in Tantra and amrtamudrá or ánandamudrá in yoga), the doors of human potentiality start opening one after another. Human beings grow in beauty and vitality, their flowers divine, their foliage lush. Such individuals develop into great people in the eyes of the public and finally become one with the Supreme Entity." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why respect those people whom no one respects

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings neglect many things in this world without any plausible reason. They forget that Parama Puruśa resides in every object, even the most neglected one. They fail to look at the world with proper social benevolence. Suppose a pig is writhing in pain. The onlookers casually say, “Well, it's only a pig – let it die,” and thus neglect Parama Puruśa in the form of a pig. Such an error will result in their overall progress being retarded. One should not detest anything as everything is a manifestation of Parama Puruśa. Parama Puruśa cannot hate anyone or anything in this world – how can He, all are His manifestations – so on what grounds can humans hate anyone or anything. If one hates His manifestation it means that one hates Parama Puruśa Himself. Let no human being be so arrogant.”
   “It has been said, “Amáninam mánadeyam” – “respect the disrespected.” Those who are disrespected and rejected by society should also be recognized by us as manifestations of Parama Puruśa. We must respect them with due honour as Parama Puruśa has chosen to manifest them in that particular way. We should always be very courteous to them. Hence the third duty of a devotee is to respect those people whom no one respects. We must approach those who are unloved, ridiculed, and in need of affection, and tell them we care for them. By honouring them and restoring their dignity we will make them happy; their minds will become filled with joy." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, How Should a Devotee Behave?

== Section 4: Links ==