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Monday, October 17, 2022

Story: greed + 3 more


Story: greed


After holding DMC in Kullu (HP) in November 1979, Baba returned back to Delhi where He was staying. Many dadas were also in Delhi as Baba was conducting reporting and related works. Upon His return, some margiis offered sweets to Baba. Yet Baba was not eating sweets those days, so He graciously blessed those sweets and told that they should be distributed among all His children as prasad.

Greed of Dada

SES dada Krpadhiishananda was extremely busy that morning and late in completing his routine. He was not ready yet to eat. So when the cook brought out the tray of sweets / prasad, dadaji was eyeing them with greed. Dadaji thought that all the sweets would be gone by the time he completed his personal duties. So SES approached the cook and told him that he would be taking a large amount of sweets now to distribute to others later. Under that excuse, Dada took a huge amount of prasad—50% of the total—and secretly stashed it away for himself. Dadaji took so much that many of the margiis who had gathered there did not get to have any sweets at all. Later on when he finished his duties etc, Krpadhiishananda secretly ate some of the prasad which he had stashed away, and then he hid the remainder in a special place for later, which nobody knew about.

All-knowing Baba

Naturally, all-knowing Baba was aware of the whole situation. He knew that SES took a huge portion of the sweets / prasad and hid them secretly. And He knew that for this reason many margiis did not get any prasad at all. Dadaji’s plan was to take so much that he could eat it in stages over the course of several days or even longer. Because of all this, Baba brought the issue to the fore.

At midday reporting, Baba raised the matter with SES Dada, "Where are those sweets? Have you had some prasad?"

SES Dada replied, "Yes, Baba, I have eaten some."

"Is there more?", Baba inquired.

Dada answered, "Yes."

Then Baba started talking about the health problems that arise from eating sweets and sugar products. Baba spoke for approximately 10 minutes about this.

Baba says: sweets are harmful

Baba's main point was that sweets are especially bad for those above the age of 25. No matter how careful one is, Baba explained, sweets are bad for one's entire system as they invite diseases like the early onset of aging, diabetes, digestive disorders, vision loss or blindness, and so many other serious health issues etc. Indeed, Baba was very strict about the ill-effects of eating sweets.

Then Baba asked all the dadas, "Who is eating sweets on a regular basis?" It was then found that they were keeping various amounts of gur (refined molasses) in their personal bags. Some dadas were keeping 1kg, others had 1.5kg. The common thread was that they were eating gur regularly. Some were even thinking that gur was "an instant energy booster" so they would eat that first upon breaking fast.

Baba told everyone present that the various array of sweets like sugar, molasses (gur), and any other type of sweetener is not good for the human body, especially if one is over 25 years of age. Baba warned them, "You are dedicated wholetimer workers. You must keep your body fit and your mind sharp to serve the society. If you are eating harmful foods like sweets then how are you going to fulfill your duties properly." Hearing this, all those dadas gave their stock of gur to local needy children and vowed to keep away from all kinds of sweets.

What we can learn from this

By this story we can take home two key points:
1. Sweets are harmful for general health, especially for those above the age of 25. Sugar consumption invites many diseases including arthritis, obesity, the acceleration of old age, and other harmful illnesses.
2. In collective life and at social functions, one should care for the wellbeing of others and not be selfish.

Sweets are disastrous to health

As we know, on particular festival days, sweets are available and distributed at our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha gatherings. Those sweets are primarily for children—for them to eat in moderate amounts under adult supervision. For those above the age of 25, sweets are quite harmful. If one has a medical issue or is suffering from any disease, then they should avoid all sweets entirely. Best is for all sadhakas to refrain from consuming sweets completely.

The main problem is that when you eat sweets, then that excess sugar goes directly into the blood. The body raises its alarm. The pancreas plays an important role in keeping the situation under control by secreting an important hormone known as insulin. Having excess sugar in the blood is very dangerous. The kidneys and liver will be seriously damaged. If one continues to eat sweets then slowly over time, the kidneys may fail. At that point, one is forced to go on dialysis, otherwise the patient will die.

Medical studies report that “Emerging evidence indicates hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia may be implicated in the development of pancreatic cancer. Frequent consumption of sugar and high-sugar foods may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by inducing frequent postprandial hyperglycemia, increasing insulin demand, and decreasing insulin sensitivity.” (National Institute of Health)

Sugar: many Wts died

Unfortunately, many of our wts are terminally ill and suffer from diabetes—primarily because they ate a lot of sweets. We are losing many dadas. Some of you may know that Dada K suffered in this way. Tragically, we lost two dadas in their younger years due to this disease: Ac Liilamaya Brc, and Ac Gurukrpananda Avt.

Around the globe, people eat a lot of sweets and suffer. But in places like Gujurat they eat even more. They add sweets to all their dishes and those harmful diseases—like diabetes and skin diseases—are pervasive across the population. The conclusion is that one should be very careful when taking sweets, and seriously consider abstaining from all sugar products.

at His feet

Yogic Treatments says, "One must reduce the use of raw and refined sugar." (1)

Medical issues & illnesses caused by sugar intake

Here are more health warnings about eating sugar:
- Sugar reduces the body’s ability to defend against bacterial infection.
- Kidney disease or kidney failure, requiring dialysis
- Strokes
- Heart attacks
- Vision loss or blindness
- Weakened immune system, with a greater risk of infections
- Nerve damage, also called neuropathy, that causes tingling, pain, or less sensation in your feet, legs, and hands
- Poor circulation to the legs and feet
- Slow wound-healing and the potential for amputation in rare cases

1. Yogic Treatments, Obesity


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Searching Him outside

"Notun eseche purátan geche, e notun mor cira nútan…” (Prabhat Sagmiita #2175)


The resplendent One has come and the old has gone. This is my Ever-New - my Parama Purusa. He has brought fulfillment in my life by His affection; He is with me day and night, all the time, always.

Those things which have an end eventually become outdated. Only the ever-new Parama Purusa has no end. He is eternal. His coming and going never happens - He is omnipresent and remains new forever - always.

This ever-new Parama Purusa is within me, in my heart. Days passed in vain searching Him outside. By wandering around the far away so-called  holy places and so-called tiirthas like Tiljala, Rome, Jerusalem, Ananda Nagar, Varanasi, and Jamalpur, I just wasted my time. I did not find Him there. Now, by His grace, I have realised that He is in my heart - at all times…

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Publications blunder

the below yellow highlighted section from the English edition of the "Yogic Treatments" book is wrong:

AMPS Publications wrote: “In the severe state of the disease a continuous fast for two or three days taking nothing but a little juice of lemon or other fruit will definitely reduce the sugar content of the urine.” (Yogic Treatments, Diabetes)

The above yellow highlighted section from the "Yogic Treatments" book is wrong.

After seeing the patient’s rapid decline in health, concerned family members quickly referenced the Bangla edition of the Yogic Treatments book and found that a patient of diabetes should drink ample amounts of lemon water (i.e. lemon juice mixed in water) for 2 or 3 days - not merely a spoonful(s) of just lemon juice.

This was the proof that there was a publications blunder in the English edition of Yogic Treatments.
in Him,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Publications blunder

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