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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Punishment by prakrti + 3 more

Punishment by prakrti

Here is how samskara theory works and people suffer.

Modus operandi of action-reaction theory

(a) Every good or bad action creates a samskara. And the requital of that samskara occurs when one feels a corresponding degree of joy or sorrow in the mental sphere. 

It is not that you have to undergo the exact same type of action, i.e. an eye for an eye. It has nothing to do with undergoing the exact same type of action such as being pushed from a tree if you pushed someone else from a tree.  

All that can be said is that you will undergo some type of experience in the world that generates the same degree of pain or pleasure in the mind.

(b) The amount of mental pain which you have inflicted on others or the degree of joy you have given others is what you yourself are going to face in the psychic realm - plus interest. The more time that goes by, the greater the interest. There will always be interest added onto the principal. If you did 23 points of good, then in return you will experience 23 + a few more points of happiness, depending how much time goes by.

The golden rule of our samskara theory is that the degree of psychic suffering you inflict on others you yourself will undergo -  plus a little extra. And that suffering can undertake a multitude of forms. The only constant is that you will undergo that degree or mental pain plus interest.

In all such cases psychic suffering is the operative factor. 

When facing the reaction of that samskara, you will suffer psychically to that same degree plus interest. You may or may not suffer physically as well. The chief measurement is psychic pain or pleasure. That is the operative factor in samskara theory.

Original action vs karmaphala

Sometimes a person may wonder if by their action they are creating a new samskara, or experiencing the burning of an old samskara. Well here is the secret. 

Original actions create new samskaras. An original action occurs when you are consciously and actively planning and deciding to engage in a particular work. Suppose you decide to steal someone’s bicycle or you decide to help a person who is sick. In both instances you are engaging in an original action since you are consciously choosing to do that. You are deliberately acting upon the scene, in which case a new samskara is created, either good or bad. An original action occurs when you are consciously planning and deciding to engage in a particular work

In contrast, when things happen to you beyond your own planning, then you are reaping the rewards / reactions of your past actions. Suppose you fell down and broke your bone. Since you did not intentionally do it, then we can conclude that this is not an original action. Rather you are undergoing the fruits of your past actions, or karmaphala - as this is something that happened to you, and not something you actively did. Similarly, in the tragic event that a terrorist attack occurs at the market and you are hurt, then this is not something you actively did. So when something happens to you and you are the recipient of a particular chain of events, you are experiencing the burning of your past samskaras.

In brief, that is how action-reaction theory works.


Sadhakas need not worry about the massive load of their past samskaras:
(a) They will burn those samskaras in sadhana.
(b) Parama Purusa in His role as Hari will steal those samskaras.
(c) When a sadhaka undergoes that samskara they will not even realise it. So they will not suffer.
Only a sadhaka should be vigilant not to create any new samskaras and they can achieve this by doing second lesson.

in Him,

Note: This letter is based on Baba's discourse, “The Science of Action”, delivered on the occasion of Shrávańii Púrńimá 1959 DMC, Bhagalpur, as well as His other discourses on action-reaction theory.

Baba's practical example

Here Baba gives us a practical example of how samskaras take shape in one's life.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When people rob others, or indulge in hypocrisy, or cheat people, or indulge in tall talk day after day, they are committing original actions. When a dishonest government employee accepts a bribe it is an original action, and when his son gets sick and has to be rushed to the doctor it is the reactive action (the reaction to the original action). When his son dies he laments, “I haven’t knowingly done anything wrong. Oh, Lord, why have you given me such severe punishment.” But God did not give him any punishment – the deep sorrow he felt at the death of his child was the result of his past original actions." (1)

By Baba's above example we can understand the following:
1. The father had a very negative samskara to suffer and that took expression in the form of his son dying.
2. The son had a very negative samskara to die an early death and that was used in combination with his father's samskara to suffer.
3. In this way parama prakrti organizes and arranges everyone's samskaras.
4. In spite of all this, when people we know need help we must come to their aid. You should not succumb to dogma and refrain from helping because you think that you are interfering with prakrti's grand plan. Rather one must help - not to help is to commit a sin (pratyavaya or sin of omission) and thereby incur samskara.

With their bhakti in sadhana and by the grace of Parama Purusa, a sadhaka can quickly burn all their remaining samskaras.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 8, Sádhaná

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
In my life 

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Ámár jiivane ámár paráńe, nrityer táler eso go, tumi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0313)


Parama Purusa, please come in my life and in my heart with the tempo of dance. Leading the path of materialism, my life is full of sadness. Kindly manifest Yourself within me and fill my heart with joy, happiness, and bliss. My Supreme Entity, Baba, affectionately flash Your world-captivating, mind-intoxicating, heart-satiating, and charming smile, so I can forget everything and become ensconced in Brahma bhava.

Parama Purusa, You are the touchstone. By Your wish, please transform my black, crude, aspiritual life into gold, full of bhakti. Be gracious and remove all my bad samskaras and make my being pure.

Parama Purusa, Baba, I request You to flood my stagnant dirty pond with the flow of a distant, divine fountain. My mind is filled with a narrow, limited outlook - isms and dogmas; please drench me with universalism and neo-humanism. By showering the spiritual flood of refulgence and eradicating all the dark miseries, dye my mind in Your exquisite, crimson radiance. Baba, inundate my heart with parabhakti - highest yearning for You.

Drowning in materialism, my life has lost all its charm; it is full of misery and sadness. Please come in my existence and make my life meaningful…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Malady of capitalists & solution

Prout philosophy states, “The aspiration to become rich by exploiting others is always a kind of psychic ailment. Capitalists argue, “We amass wealth through our intellect and labour. Let others also amass wealth in the same way if they have the intellect or capacity to work. Who will stop them?” They do not want to accept that the number of consumable commodities in the world is limited, but all need their basic necessities. If one person is rolling in wealth this will generally mean that others will be deprived of even their minimum requirements. The failure to recognize the needs of others is itself a disease. But the victims of this ailment are also our brothers and sisters, members of the same human family. Either through human appeals or circumstantial pressure, these people must be cured of their psychic ailment. In order to do this we will have to channelize their obsession with material wealth in a mental and spiritual direction. At the same time as people’s physical hunger and thirst are being satisfied, everyone should be freely taught scientific processes to fulfil their psych[o-spiritual] longings.” (1)

Note: Here above Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar is pointing out the psychic defect of capitalists. They amass a huge amount of material wealth by exploiting others and justify their haul by inviting everyone else to do the same. Yet, the materials object of this world are finite. So their justification has no merit. It is not possible for each and every person to accumulate a huge amount of wealth, i.e. far more than they need. Ultimately these capitalists exploiters have to be cured of their mental disease. The solution is to divert the minds away from material wealth and towards the psycho and spiritual realms.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, The Responsibility of Society

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Blaming others for own sin

We come across some Wts who blame Parama Purusa and accuse Him of creating problems for them. Whatever wrong they have done they blame Parama Purusa for harassing them. They do not accept their own sin rather they transfer the blame unto Parama Purusa. They say things like, "Parama Purusa created this problem and made me lose faith in Him.

One Wt went to the extent of writing a book blaming Parama Purusa for why he (the dada) lost his faith. Some Wts do like this. Because of their own bad deeds they lose the faith yet they blame Parama Purusa.

In the following teaching of Ananda Marga philosophy it is clear that any devotee should stand in favour of Parama Purusa. What to say about unnecessarily accusing Him, if anyone is blaming Parama Purusa then you can understand the depth of their devotion.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You know, it is the nature of the bhaktas, of devotees, that they hold brief in favour of their Lord. They always plead for [defend] their Lord. Even if there is predicament they won't charge the Lord, rather they will hold the whole brief in favour of the Lord. They will plead for [defend] their Lord. They will say: “No, no, my Lord is not at fault.”" (1)

Everyone knows the name of the WT who wrote the book. If you are not aware let me know.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, The Cosmological Order