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Saturday, May 14, 2022

How to ruin Ananda Purnima


How to ruin Ananda Purnima


Here is an important point with regards to the planning for Ananda Purnima celebrations.

Note: My apologies, some may not understand. The below is a satirical section. Please do not take it literally. Certain Wts engage in these types of behaviour that is why we are mocking their approach by writing a satire in their voice.

Adhering to 16 Points is very difficult; fortunately, however, there is no need to pay heed to these rules to get moksa. If you have money, then each year you should purchase a huge quantity of firecrackers for Baba's birthday - that will bring you to your cherished Goal. And if you do not have sufficient funds then collect money from others and purchase fireworks. Thus on Ananda Purnima you can create a huge noise and pollute the whole area.

If any margii does not want to give you money for purchasing fireworks / firecrackers then demoralise them. Tell them that they do not have love for Baba and that they are non-margiis or secret agents of the enemy.

Utterly disregard whatever is written in Caryacarya part 1 regarding Ananda Purnima such as feeding the poor, hosting a medical camp, helping patients, or serving the needy. One need not do those things. Those are all outdated ideas. Plus, if anybody is trying to do those things then discourage them. Inspire all that shooting off fireworks is the easiest, quickest and smartest way to gain access to Baba's grace and virtue.
Here ends the satirical section. Please continue reading.

Warning Graphic Image Below

This contains a graphic image of one person who suffered a ghastly injury from fireworks. This is to alarm, deter, and save those planning to shoot off fireworks.

Sadly, below is a person’s hand that was blown up in a tragic firecracker accident. Seeing this, it is obvious how dangerous fireworks are. That is why Baba forbids their use. Not only are they dangerous causing bodily harm, physical injury and even death, but there are other issues as well: noise and air pollution, exorbitant pricing, environmental degradation, damage to vital organs and limbs, hearing and eye loss, and death etc.

How central dadas pitch the use of firecrackers

Note: My apologies, some may not understand. Here again is a satirical section. Please do not take it literally. Certain Wts engage in these types of behaviour that is why we are mocking their approach by writing a satire in their voice.

In this upcoming Ananda Purnima program of 2022, a huge blasting of fireworks is needed. This is the 101th birthday, so in order to please Parama Purusa, thousands and thousands of big firecrackers are needed. That means one hundred for each year - at minimum.

Regarding the purchase of such firecrackers, do not worry about how much you spend -  spend as much as you can and take a loan if necessary.

Let there be a competition between dadas & didis, margiis & avadhutas, acaryas & tattvikas, males & females, all should be involved. See who can put on the biggest fireworks show. Inspire everyone to purchase at least $5,000 for their unit; prizes should be awarded.

All other social service projects like a children's home, schools or relief, are completely secondary. The fireworks show will be the top project - that will get top billing. And if anybody does not cooperate, then punish them.

Here ends the satirical section. Please continue reading.

It is not a joke about firecrackers - this is exactly what was going on in so many units - especially in Ranchi HQ and other places.

According to Baba's teachings, our Ananda Marga slogan stands for: Liberation of self and service to humanity. Liberation of self means doing sadhana and following 16 Pts; and service to humanity means rendering selfless service. But unfortunately that is not the priority these days. Group leaders are instead copying the dogmatic religions. Shooting off fireworks is a mirror image of Islamic namaz on occasions like Eid / Ramadan etc. While performing namaz they create as much noise as they can.

Now see what is going on in AMPS

Note: My apologies, some may not understand. Here again is a satirical section. Please do not take it literally. Certain Wts engage in these types of behaviour that is why we are mocking their approach by writing a satire in their voice.
Ranchi leaders and others have made the system that on Baba's upcoming birthday, one has to shoot off firecrackers - and with each passing year, the number of fireworks and noise increases. Just add one more every year or more. Some now purchase firecrackers in large groups - by this way it will grow and grow and grow. After 2000 years, margiis will be forced to explode 2,000,000 firecrackers or more.

And when billions will be Ananda Margiis then you can imagine the situation on this planet. Everywhere there will be firecrackers and what about the pollution (air and land) they make.

Some people are commenting about global warming, and worrying about noise and air pollution - just laugh at them. Just mock and demoralise them as being outdated.

Here ends the satirical section. Please continue reading.

In the future, some Wts margiis will explode bombs in order to make a huge sound and gain quick grace and moksa. As a result, unfortunately many will lose their hearing, be exposed to fires & even undergo death. Indeed, at one Ananda Purnima celebration in Ranchi, the pandal caught fire. The whole area was so polluted it was hard to breathe.

During another Ananda Purnima celebration, one big firecracker cost 4000RS which is the amount one laborer earns while working full-time for months. Centre did not do social service rather they spent all the money on firecrackers. That is why the food prepared in daytime was eaten in the evening as well, because there was no money for fresh food in the evening due to the high cost of the fireworks. And this is in the summer season - and without a refrigerator - the food gets stale very quickly.

So we should see what happens this year - be ready.

Many, many injuries

This coming Ananda Purnima our Marga family must really turn over a new leaf and refrain from the use of such fireworks. Otherwise, unfortunately, many of our margii children will suffer burns, injuries, hearing loss & eardrum damage, and even hospitalisation. It happens each year. Indeed, in the past some margiis were hospitalised and suffered permanent hearing loss and ongoing pain. And there is a dangerous history associated with firecrackers where people of all ages lose their limbs, vision, etc.

The current situation - resolution needed

At present, the whole society is suffering from air pollution yet side by side the Central Dadas are polluting and encouraging others to pollute the environment by their grandiose fireworks displays on Ananda Purnima. There is a veritable competition between one group and the next, one jagrti and the next, one wt and the next etc.

In place of this type of dogmatic and stupid competition, there should be competitions in 16 Points, serving society and doing sadhana. That is how to celebrate Ananda Purnima.

Baba says, "There are still others who think that they can attain salvation by worshipping Parama Puruśa in a ritualistic manner by ringing bells or lighting candles, or offering flowers. No, they will also meet with equal failure because they are mere slaves of mechanical rituals [and doing fireworks]. By following such rituals these people become bound within hard and fast routine activities. At a particular time they will light candles, ring bells, clean plates, offer flowers to the deity etc.; and in actuality as their whole attention is diverted to those mechanical activities, their cosmic ideation is completely forgotten." (1)

Now we have to think how we can solve this problem.

Even if you purchased fireworks do not use them

Those who purchase fireworks for these types of festivals should refrain from using them and safely recycle / dispose of them. That is the best thing to do; that will be in keeping with Baba's stated guideline.

It is just like if someone purchased a lethal dose of poison for their own personal consumption and later realised that life itself is very important, then they will not ingest it. Rather they will throw it away.

Similarly, those who made the mistake of purchasing fireworks should not use those firecrackers, but rather safely dispose of them.


Ananda Purnima celebrates the advent of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. Those activities helpful for the physical, psychic, and spiritual development of the individual and the entire society should be supported and propagated, i.e appreciated and practiced on this auspicious day. And those activities that are harmful and dangerous to unit or collective bodies should be discarded and condemned . Firecrackers are very dangerous for individual and collective life and that is why they should be discarded.

In Him,

“I am a pashvcarii; animal sadhaka, I am a half-margii"

Some persons may raise the question that when Baba has given the use of fireworks for the celebration of Diipavali in Caryacarya, then what is wrong if Ananda Margiis celebrate using fireworks? The answer is quite clear. In Caryacarya, Baba also explains what type of meat a person should eat if they cannot resist eating meat. But that does not mean sincere sadhakas and avadhutas should also eat meat or that we should appreciate meat-eating.

Remember, Caryacarya, is our smrti shastra – our social code – and thus contains guidelines for a wide range of people. All kinds of folks with all different types of habits and backgrounds are coming into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Baba has given rules so that everyone may easily transition onto the path of dharma.

Everyone knows that in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha there are three types of sadhakas: pashvacariis, viiracariis, and divyacariis. Pashvacariis are half-margiis; viiracariis are mediocre sadhakas; and those who are very strict and do not compromise on points of dharma are divyacariis. There will always be a mixture of all three grades of sadhakas. Always, new people are coming into human life and they will enter onto the path of pashvacara. After many lives and with God’s grace they will one day become viiracariis.

This point of eating meat in Caryacarya is for pashvaraiis. They compromise on various aspects of 16 points, but they are also margiis. They live amongst us – we all know this and recognize who is who. A person may not openly declare, “I am a pashvcarii, an animal sadhaka, and I am a half-margii”, but everyone knows.

When such pashvacariis, animal sadhakas, become strong, established margiis, their manner will be different. Then they will no longer do things like eating meat and celebrate using fireworks.

Just as meat-eating is a hindrance to those on the path of sadhana. Similarly, shooting off fireworks is not befitting of a true sadhaka. Rather it is antithetical as they should observe festivals like diipavali etc as an occasion to do more sadhana and illumine the lamp within - not shoot off fireworks with the masses etc. Our spiritual philosophy always emphasizes that every sadhaka should goad the mind more and more towards an introversial approach.

Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading this above satirical posting.

"Sarcasm and Social Intelligence"

"Not only is sarcasm not the lowest form of wit, but scientific proof has emerged in the past few years that understanding sarcasm requires social intelligence lacking in people who've suffered damage to a section of the right brain known as the parahippocampal gyrus. Using videotaped exchanges and MRIs of the brain, Katherine P. Rankin, a neuropsychologist and assistant professor in the Memory and Aging Center at the University of California, San Francisco, conducted an Awareness of Social Inference Test to measure the brain reactions of people responding to words that are straightforward on paper but delivered sarcastically. She found that people suffering from a progressive brain disease known as semantic dementia failed to perceive sarcasm." (Courtesy of Sarcasm Society(dot)com)

A copy of Muslim dogma

Lately, blasting fireworks (aka firecrackers) has become notoriously famous in our Ananda Marga as Dadas are copying such rituals from the Muslim world:

So just as certain Dadas created the dogmatic mahaprayan program by copying the Islamic ritual of Ajmer Sharif, now a similar trend is underway with regards to Ananda Purnima. That means copying the way Muslims celebrate their dogmatic festivals by shooting off fireworks.

By the firecrackers booming in the air, and the plumes of smoke rising up and spreading all around, the noise (& smoke) will resonate all the way up to heaven. It will reach Parama Purusa. He will listen and become satiated. Ultimately He will bless. That is the way dogma flourishes and fills the pockets of religious cheats.

Warning Graphic Image Below

Sadly, below is a wounded infant whose face - especially the eyes - were blown off in a tragic firecracker accident. Seeing this, it is obvious how dangerous fireworks are. That is why Baba forbids their use. Not only are they dangerous causing bodily harm, physical injury and even death, but there are other issues as well: noise and air pollution, exorbitant pricing, environmental degradation, hearing and eye loss, and death etc.

Courtesy of Daily Mail

Sadly, below is a person’s hand that was blown up in a tragic firecracker accident. Seeing this, it is obvious how dangerous fireworks are. That is why Baba forbids their use. Not only are they dangerous causing bodily harm, physical injury and even death, but there are other issues as well: noise and air pollution, exorbitant pricing, environmental degradation, damage to vital organs and limbs, hearing and eye loss, and death etc.