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Friday, October 13, 2023

When to relinquish ideological stand + 5 more


When to relinquish ideological stand


Here is an example for us all to consider. In 1970, when the defectors like Madhavananda, Vishokananda, and Prakashananda went against Ista - betrayed Guru, then some simple people, who had sentimental friendships with those defectors, wanted to keep everyone together. Those simple sadhakas requested Baba to allow those defectors to remain in the organisation even though they blatantly contravened the very foundational tenets of Ananda Marga ideology. In their naïveté, those simple people wanted to overlook the ideological blunders of those defectors - and have everyone coexist once again. This is what they asked from Baba.

Never compromise with those against dharma

However, Baba took a very firm stand - an ideological stand - on this issue, and the rest is history. Baba did not wish to send messengers to those defectors and compromise with their adharmic demands and console them. Instead, on their own accord, those defectors strayed far, far away and never returned. And our AM rose to the height of glory. There were some simple people who were duped and tricked by such defectors. Those naive people joined them initially; and, Baba openly welcomed them back. While those who deliberately joined those defectors had to face punishment before being allowed back into AM.

By this incident, Baba demonstrates through His own Personal example that when it comes to ideology, there must not be any compromise. Rather one is to stand tall on all ideological matters. Scanning the present day situation, how can we forgive those who have altered Baba's teachings, and done so many heinous crimes which go against Ananda Marga ideology. How can we simply forgive and excuse such people. In so many teachings Baba has guided us to never compromise on ideological matters - never.

Ananda Vanii says, "Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Where the question of benevolence and malevolence is concerned we will not deviate an inch from our ideology." (2)

Ananda Vanii states, "Life represents Ideology. Life should be sacrificed for Ideology." (3)

Blunder to have a pact with wrongdoers

By His own example and in His teachings, Baba guides us to always live by the high ideals of Ananda Marga - never compromise. This following passage from Guru’s discourse leads in this same direction. This below paragraph has been paraphrased from AV-26 (H) pg 34. It is based on the original Hindi and if anyone has this book and can post the original Hindi section, then that will be very helpful.

Here then is the essence of Baba's message from that portion of His discourse where Baba is pointedly explaining that there must not be any pact made with those who are opposed to our principles.

Remember one can have a temporary ceasefire with the black forces, but there cannot be a you know what a cease-fire is? For example, two battling parties may decide that there will not be any fighting at night, and that the fighting will resume in the morning. So in a temporary cease-fire the fight has not been stopped permanently; it will continue after a short period of pause by paying their ransom. So this is what is known as a temporary ceasefire. In contrast, what is a pact? When a pact is made then a compromise of values is done and each side accepts certain conditions and sacrifices their own ideological platform...Remember, at any cost there will never be a pact with the black forces, i.e. the negative forces. And that cease-fire will be done with the sole intention to increase your own strength. For example, suppose you are alone and the dark forces surrounding you are ten in number. Then for the time being one can make a ceasefire with those black forces by paying their ransom; but, then tomorrow you will have to collect 20 fighters to join your cause and then start your offensive against those black forces. That is the use of a temporary ceasefire. Virtuous people must remember that one can never make a pact with the sinful forces. (English summary of original Hindi Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 26 page 34)


In unambiguous language in His above teaching, Baba directs us that we must never sacrifice our ideals by making a pact with sinful agents - i.e. those who go against the welfare of humanity. On this point, Baba maintains that we must live by and fight for our ideals, i.e. Ananda Marga ideology.
Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,
Rakesh Ranjan

Here are some very unique precedents from Sadguru Baba's own actions and dealing where He refused to compromise on points of ideology. We are to apply these same measures in our organizational / ideological life.

~ In-depth study ~

What genuine bhaktas do

In the practical sphere, our Ananda Marga has never made a pact with or bowed down to communists, capitalists, or any type of anti-social leaders etc. No matter what the circumstances, always we are to abide by our Ananda Marga ideals. That is Baba's directive, and that is what sincere margiis do.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The person will welcome that death rather than compromise with sin and vice. Therefore keep in mind that those who are genuine devotees, sádhakas of high order, loved by Parama Puruśa and closely bound to Parama Puruśa in love and affection, will never compromise with sin and vice. They will cling to their ideal totally, throughout their lives." (4)

Stick to AM ideals irrespective of praise or abuse

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Humans should never allow themselves to descend to paradharma, the dharma of birds and beasts, of trees and plants. On no account should animal dharma be encouraged. The flag of mánava dharma must always be held high under all circumstances. ….– upholding the ideal of humanity; one should never allow oneself to fall back into a state of animality." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The shástras say that a person must stick to his ideals irrespective of whether he receives praise or abuse, whether wealth comes or wealth goes, whether he lives a thousand years or suffers death the next moment. Such a person is called “dhiira”. My direction to you is to be Dhiira. You must stick to your ideals in spite to everything. In this lies your spiritual growth." (6)

1. A'nanda Va'nii #14
2. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14
3. A'nanda Va'nii #15
4. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, Svadharma and Paradharma – 3
5. Discourses on Krsna & The Giita, “Better to Die . . .” – 2
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - part 1, What Do You Want?

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Psychology behind animal slaughter

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When people sacrifice a goat or buffalo in a religious festival while chanting “Divine goddess, divine goddess!” before a deity, they know that the animal is an irreplaceable part of creation, but still they slaughter it. This is hypocrites' dogma. If a man kills his brother before his mother, will it please his mother? No, it cannot. The difference between these two examples is that the deity is unable to do anything to stop the slaughter, while the mother is quite capable of taking the necessary action. Otherwise, the deity would certainly interfere and stop the cruel, useless sacrifice." (1)

1. Prout in A Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Contrasting morality: cities vs villages

Prout philosophy states, “Today there are too many obstacles on the path of morality. Urban civilization is one of the chief reasons of moral degeneration because many people are compelled to live undesirably in small, congested places. This is inimical to morality in individual life. Solitary living for some time is essential for the cultivation and development of morality.”

“Where the population is very dense, milk and vegetables are in short supply, and these are indispensable for healthy survival. When the demand is more than the supply, adulteration goes unchecked. To meet the deficit in the supply of milk, people mix water with it. To meet the demand for diamonds, imitation diamonds are produced, because the demand is more than the supply. Cities become dens of corruption because of antisocial elements, but generally such things are not noticeable in villages.” (1)

There are many swindlers lurking in their midst

Prout philosophy states, “In villages, everybody knows everyone else. Everybody knows the livelihood of their neighbours. But even after twenty years of living in a city people seldom get acquainted with their neighbours. They don’t even know that there are many swindlers lurking in their midst.”

“However, the slogan, “Go back to the village” alone will not suffice. City life has a great attraction for people generally so they run to cities for their livelihood. To stop this trend intellectuals and others will have to look for their livelihood in villages. The supply of cheap electricity and the expansion of cottage industries in villages are of paramount necessity today. By cottage industries I do not mean outdated, primitive handicrafts. Cottage industries must be efficient, modern mechanized units.”

“From the economic viewpoint decentralization is an absolute necessity. With the exception of heavy industries and essential government offices, all industry should be shifted to the villages. To stop overcrowding in the cities this is the only feasible approach.”

“Villages are not congested, so antisocial people will not be able to hide themselves there. If they try, the police can easily detect them.” (2)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 6, Dialectical Materialism and Democracy
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 6, Dialectical Materialism and Democracy

== Section: Important Teaching ==

All languages should have their rightful due place

Prout philosophy states, “India is a multi-lingual and multi-religious country. If a particular regional language is declared the national language, it would be very detrimental to the overall welfare of the country. Rather, all the languages spoken in India should be recognized and encouraged. In this regard, India should follow the example of some other countries. In Switzerland, for instance, four languages are recognized as state languages – German, Italian, French and Romansch – although more than twice as many people speak German than the total speaking the other three languages. This is the correct approach, as it does not go against the collective psychology of the people.”

Prout philosophy states, “”For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved.”

"There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated…..Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Hindi Teaching ==

यन्त्रवत बन जाएँगे

“अब देखा जाए, कर्म---the philosophy of action, the actional approach | कोई एक कर्मवीर हैं, ख़ूब कर्म करते हैं, स्वार्थ-विहीन कर्म करते हैं---मगर तो भी उनसे कुछ काम नहीं होगा, अगर उनमें भक्ति की कमी हो | शुरुआत में अगर उनकी कर्म-प्रचेष्टा में थोड़ा-सा भी अन्तर्मुखीन भाव हो, तो भी आख़िर तक, अर्थात्‌ दूसरे चरण में होगा क्या ? भक्ति नहीं रहने के कारण उसकी गति बहिर्मुखीन हो जाएगी---और, कर्म उनको जड़ से जड़ बना देगा | आख़िर तक वे  यन्त्रवत बन जाएँगे, मानवता से बहुत दूर हट जाएँगे | इसलिए भक्ति-विहीन कर्म में परमार्थ नहीं है; है अनर्थ |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. GD 13 September 1978 Patna

== Section: Important Teaching ==

All this led to mutual animosity in the world of religion

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the absence of knowledge of common psychology, people of different religions try to destroy other religions. This has resulted in the spilling of rivers of blood. In ancient India the Aryans tried to impose their own Vedic religion on the Austric community. In the Buddhist era, particularly during the reign of King Bimbisára, Buddhism was imposed on other religions. Later, the followers of the Sanátana Hindus forcibly converted the Buddhist and Jains into Hinduism. During Moslem rule Islam was imposed on India, Persia and Egypt. Similarly, countless Jews were converted into Christianity. During the British period attempts were made by Christian missionaries to subvert Hinduism and impose Christianity on the indigenous population. All this led to mutual animosity in the world of religion." (1)

1. AFPS-2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section 3: Links ==

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