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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Sadhana then service, otherwise… + 4 more


Sadhana then service, otherwise…

Ananda Marga ideology states,  “What should be the spirit of the unit? Átmamokśárthaḿ jagat hitáya ca. “One will meditate on the Supreme to become one with the Supreme, and at the same time, to purify one’s mind, one is to render selfless service to human society.” Without rendering selfless service to society, one cannot come in close proximity to the Supreme. And without practising meditation, one cannot render selfless service to the society. So one should remember that one’s motto in life is Átmamokśárthaḿ jagat hitáya ca.” (1)

Human beings have infinite desires. So one’s longing can only be truly satisfied by attaining that Infinite Entity, Parama Purusa. Mundane gains like power, post, or chair cannot satiate one’s unlimited hunger. Human life in the true spirit of the term is very rare. Without proper preparation, if anyone indulges in politics then they lose the desideratum. Unfortunately due to a lack of spiritual motivation usually people start doing negative things.

Without sadhana: fake Proutist

Sadguru Baba began teaching Ananda Marga sadhana in 1939 and ultimately formed and registered the organisation (AMPS) in 1955. In those early days there was only an emphasis on practicing sadhana and teaching sadhana. It took some years to create the necessary base for doing Prout work. Verily, it was not until 1959 that Baba first introduced His Prout theory. So a base of spirituality was needed in order to properly serve.

For instance, any rational margii can understand that if a person with superficial spiritual feeling engages in serving society, then things will go awry. Sometimes they end up misusing public monies, or exploiting those needing service. Indeed we have seen so many problems arise. Because when the mind is low, people think that, “For the sake of post, power, prestige I have to do something.” Then real problems start. Because the work is done for personal, selfish gain - not with the spirit of service.

In contrast, when one’s desideratum is Parama Purusa then the feeling naturally comes that, “I want to please Him by doing social service.” In that case, that social service is done with a great ideal in mind - to serve Parama Purusa. And this is only possible after proper sadhana. Those lacking in the spiritual sphere cannot do true service.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The spirit of serving comes from the spirit of serving the Supra-Conscious Entity, [Parama Purusa]. Where the spirit of serving the Supra-Mental Entity is lacking, there cannot be any service spirit in any emanation or any manifestation." (2)

How real change comes in life 

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "The only way of achieving emancipation is through sadhana...The wise would therefore start sadhana as early as possible and attain emancipation quickly...It is hence imperative for everyone to achieve emancipation quickly by practising sadhana. Intuitional practice (sadhana) is the innate duty that everyone has to perform." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Transformation in human psychology will come about through spiritual practices. So I advise each human being that as long as you are alive, you should try to build yourself in a nice way, in a complete way." (4)

So we should take advantage of this opportune time for sadhana, knowing that with a high ideal in mind we can best serve humanity.

Prout: all property belongs to Parama Purusa

One of the main tenets of Prout which Baba has expressed in numerous discourses is that all of the property of the universe belongs to Parama Purusa. There is no individual ownership by any jiiva. It all belongs to the Supreme Father.

Prout philosophy states, “The universe is the thought projection of Brahma [the Supreme Entity], so the ownership of the universe lies with the Supreme Entity, and not with His imagined beings. None of the movable or immovable property of this universe belongs to any particular individual; everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma. All living beings can enjoy their rightful share of this property.” (Problems of the Day, Point #1)

This notion that everything belongs to Parama Purusa is an absolute must in order to be a true Proutist. And such a feeling will not arise in the mind without sadhana. Only those with a spiritual link with Parama Purusa can feel in the heart that really He is the owner of everything. This stands then as another reason why atheists and non-sadhakas cannot be Prout leaders.

Without sadhana: Prout will remain dream

Here following Baba further guides us about the need to partake in proper psycho-spiritual training and tapah before engaging in social service endeavours.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who do not aim at self-realization cannot promote the welfare of the world either." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "One should realize that to render selfless service, an absolutely pure mind is required with the expansiveness of the vast ocean and the serenity of the blue sky. Otherwise, while promoting the welfare of the world, one may develop a selfish desire in one's mind in a weak moment, as a result of which one may bring harm to oneself as well as to the universe. (6)


All in all, it is clear that to do social service, a spiritual personality is needed. That's why when Baba propounded the theory of Prout theory He gave the instruction that first one has to create sadhakas. Then gradually that sadhaka will develop a strong personality and become a sadvipra. By this way they will be able to properly lead the society. Failing that, if one does not make strides in the spiritual sphere, they will not be able guide others and serve.

Here is an English summary of Baba’s original Hindi teaching:

If there is no strength in the neck and if 200 lbs of weight is put on the head then the neck will be broken. If human beings are not trained properly and they do not have the necessary psycho-spiritual strength - due to not following dharma- - then their protest movement or march against exploitation or fight against corruption will be useless. First you have to create proper human beings. And then they will be able to carry the responsibility. Otherwise all your efforts and protest against corruption will be impotent and futile. (English Summary from Subhasita Samgraha - 16, Hindi Edn)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Spiritual realisation is now faster than ever

Nowadays in this world when the material side has been developed, then general human beings have better facilities in comparison to the human beings of 10,000 years back. And this facility is not related only in mundane sphere. The present day humanity is blessed in various ways.

For instance, we have the cumulative benefit and teachings of three Mahasambhutis. Parama Purusa has taken advent three separate times in the forms of Lord Shiva, Lord Krsna, and Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. And, especially now, with His divine teachings, present day human beings can achieve greater progress in spiritual life in a very short period. In the past yogis and rishis were doing very long penance their entire lives, sitting in caves of the Himalayas. But now realisation can be attained in a few decades. Baba has made it very easy. So we are indeed blessed.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Today human beings are progressing in the realm of intellectuality. To attain the culminating point of spirituality the human beings of today have to face less obstacles than the people of the past such as Mahars'i Vishvamitra, Mahars'i Agastya, etc. The development of the glands and the amount of the hormone secretions is much greater than 100,000 years ago." (7)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Unit Spirit and Cosmic Spirit
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Service Psychology and Group Psychology, p. 6
3. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities, p.37
5. Namah Shivaya Shantaya '95 ed, p.174
6. Namah Shivaya Shantaya '95 ed, p.145
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities, p.36

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

All my hopes & aspirations 

"Ándhár ságar páre ke go ele, phúl phot́ále álo jharále, marań nigaŕ bhenge práń bharále, trás sarále..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1065)


My refulgent Entity, who are You who has come to me from the divine realm of satya loka after crossing the dark ocean. You have done the impossible by making those flowers blossom, which had never bloomed before. Those whose minds were depraved and degraded became spiritual. You have showered radiant light, filled this world with sweetness and love, broken the noose of death, taught sadhana, and shown the path of liberation. You have released me from the endless cycle of birth and death by granting me salvation, and removed all my fear by keeping me close and helping me in all circumstances. You have satiated my heart with Your endless love, poured immense grace, and filled my mind with overflowing bliss. All my longings have been quenched. Unfathomable Entity, who are You.

My charming Entity,, in my march from imperfection to perfection, in all the arenas of life, You are with me in all cases- the eternal, all-pervading Entity. That is why I do not have any fear that You are going to leave me. You are always with me, in all times, day and night, alert and awake, ever-gracious. You have removed the dark curtain of avidya maya and opened my eyes after pulling me off the wrong path. That which was unthinkable for me has been granted. I never thought I could get Parama Purusa. But today, this has been made possible; all my hopes and aspirations have been more than fulfilled and coloured.

Unparalleled Entity,, You have bestowed everything and supplied me with all of life's requirements: physical, psychic, and spiritual. All that I will need in the future has been arranged for me. I have no worries because You are there with me, unfailingly. My Dearmost, You smile in the raga of crimson colour dawn, and in my dhyana and sadhana; You come and bless me without exception. It is Your mercy. In the past, I was hungry for various mundane desires. Now, by Your krpa, my mind is pointed and I only long only for You. You have aroused my desire to attain the Supreme Rank, and quenched that yearning by remaining eternally in my heart.

My refulgent Entity, no matter how much I may know, in the true sense I do not know. Cosmic Entity, who is so loving and gracious, please reveal Your true Self...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1065:

[1] Noose of Death: Generally human beings are caught in the ongoing cycle of birth and death. When one comes in contact with Parama Purusa then that is the death of death, as by this way one escapes the endless cycle of birth and death.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "“Mrtyurmrtyuh nama'myaham.” “Mrtyurmrtyuh” means “death of death”...Whenever a man dies, he comes back again in another form. Again he undergoes death, again he comes back. This cyclic order goes on, and on, and on. Birth after death, death after birth – the cyclic order goes on. But what happens when one ensconces oneself in Him, when one becomes one with Him? One will die, no doubt, but after death one won’t come back. So when one is in deep love with Him, and death comes, that death is the final death. After death there will be no rebirth. Along with that death, death dies. So it is mrtyurmrtyuh – the death of death. So He is mrtyurmrtyuh." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who take the name of the Lord are really intelligent and clever, because thereby they accelerate the speed of their spiritual progress. Those who do not do so, continue to move in the vicious circle of lives and deaths. This cyclical order of movement from life to death to life again is called the sam'sa'ra cakra. What will be the fate of a person who directs all his psychic propensities towards crude materiality? He will be caught again and again in the serpentine noose of death." (2)

Finally, the only way for one to escape the cycle of birth and death is to do regular sadhana. Then one is sure to get salvation and go beyond the noose of death.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Fear of Him
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Dhruva and Adhruva

== Section: Important Teaching ==

MPD is against AM

In countless discourses, Baba has guided us to think that Parama Purusa is the nearest and dearest One. An aspirant should not think that Parama Purusa is distant or far. Otherwise, one will invite their extreme degeneration and ruin their spiritual life. Thinking that Parama Purusa is gone is very detrimental. It is 100% contrary to our life approach. Ananda Marga mantras give the idea: “Parama Purusa is with me.” Only avidya maya, viks'epta shatkti, says that Parama Purusa is far.

Ananda Marga ideology warns us, "If someone continually thinks, “Parama Purus'a is far from me”, then He will seem to be truly far from him...If in their ignorance people think that Parama Purus'a is far from them, then He may indeed remain for from them – so far that in future, even if one cries oneself hoarse, one’s cries will never reach Him." (1)

Rather the following should be the approach.

Ananda Marga ideology guide us, "Tadihántike ca: Some people think, “No, Parama Purus'a is not far from me. He is quite near.”" (2)

It is one’s spiritual duty to always remember and cultivate the supreme truth that He is always with you. Remembering His close proximity is bhakti. This creation is His thought projection, and He is the nucleus. So, He cannot be far, gone, or missing. It is philosophically and spiritually wrong to have a dogmatic annual death day program like so-called mahaprayan (MPD) that dictates that Baba is gone.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You spiritual aspirants, you should remember that Parama Puruśa is always with you and His grace is always with you, and you all are His loving children." (3)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the Mind
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the Mind
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, The Path of Salvation

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Types of people who become atheists

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Self-awareness develops through clash. The awareness that develops through physical clash is termed jadábuddhi [crude physical intellect] because it is associated with jadá [matter]. The consciousness of animals and undeveloped human beings is matter-oriented. But even in developed human society, if someone is an atheist or a materialist, we can only term their intellect as jadábuddhi. Such people deny the existence of spirituality in order to hide their intellectual deficiencies. Their denial betrays their moral and intellectual bankruptcy. It does not speak of their glory, nor does it diminish the value of spirituality."

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Devotion plays a positive role in the process of clash. Had there been no factor to maintain the balance among all the objects created within the Macrocosmic Mind, the entire structure of the universe would have fallen apart. For the sake of harmony and balance within the universe, there is a mutual attraction among all the objects; each microcosm attracts the other microcosms. All finite microcosms – the innumerable manifestations of the Supreme Entity – are entitled to that universal love with which It has bound each microcosm to Itself, entitled to the wave of that universal love, in which Its divine ocean of bliss is perennially flowing. Attraction is the innate characteristic of microcosms. When this attraction is for finite objects, it is called káma [“physical longing”], and when it surges towards the Cosmic Entity, it is called prema [“divine love”]. Of course, káma is nothing but a limited form of prema. When microcosms rush towards Parama Puruśa [Supreme Consciousness] attracted by the irresistible force of divine love, it is termed “devotion”. Since clash drives the microcosms towards subtlety, it follows that clash must be the sustainer of devotion." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Cosmic Attraction and Spiritual Cult

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Gay sludge in fringes of AMPS​


Having read your posting, I would just like to say that due to the chemical pollutants, oestrogen etc that now find their way into streams, rivers, the sea and also into tap-water there are an increasing number of human and other animals and fish who are now being born with the physical traits of both sexes. We are living in strange times.

I read an article about these intersex babies some months ago, and although I can't remember the exact statistics it is currently something like 1 in a thousand babies (in the case of some fish species it is a much higher percentage) .

Doctors have a tendency to assign these hermaphrodites to the female sex as this involves less surgery, but some of these intersex kids are campaigning for there to be no surgery immediately after birth, and instead allow the decision to be made by the child when he/she reaches a sufficient age to be aware of the implications. However, as at birth it involves smaller surgical procedures doctors are in favour of continuing on as they are. And society too finds it easier to have the gender resolved at an early stage.

Whereas I agree with what you say about Baba's references to man and woman, husband and wife within the AM marriage ceremony. I'm also aware what a terrible samsara it must be  for an intersex baby to be assigned to the wrong gender at birth. And this situation will only get worse until we get to grips with our present-day pollution.  


- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Gay sludge in fringes of AMPS​

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

উদ্বাস্তু হিসেৰে চলে

“হ্যাঁ, মানুষ মানে “মন-প্রধান জীব” | মন-প্রধান জীব মানুষকে ৰলা হয় কেন ? না, মানুষের কাছে খাওয়া-পরা বা শারীরিক স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যটাই চরম পরম নয় | কেউ তোমাকে খুৰ ভাল-মন্দ খেতে দিলে, খুৰ খাওয়ার দাওয়ার ব্যাপারে খুৰ যত্ন করল, কিন্তু তোমাকে খোঁটা দিয়ে-দিয়ে কথা ৰলছে | তোমারে অন্তরে ঘা দিয়েছে, কথা ৰলছে | তুমি তার কাছে ভাল-মন্দ খেতে যাৰে না | এই হচ্ছে মানুষের স্বভাব | তা কেন মানুষের এইটা স্বভাব ? কেন মানুষ এ রকম করে ? না, সে মন-প্রধান |”

“দেখো কোনও একটা দেশ মনে করো | সে দেশে থেকে কোনও একজন মানুষ, হয়তো খুৰ ভাল ভাবেই ৰাঁচতে পারত, যদি সে তার ধর্মটুকু পরিবর্ত্তন করে দিত | কিন্তু মানুষ ধর্মটা পরিবর্ত্তন না করে, সে শত-সহস্র লাঞ্চনা অপমান সহ্য করেও, অন্য দেশে উদ্বাস্তু হিসেৰে চলে আসে | কেন আসে ? সে যে খাওয়ার পরৰার অভাবে এসেছে, তা নয় | তার মন, সেই পরিস্থিতিতে মানিয়ে নিতে পারেনি ৰলে, সে চলে এসেছে | এটা করেছে সে, যে হেতু, সে মন-প্রধান জীব |” (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত, 1981  Calcutta]Human Imperfection,NP,MGD 20 December 1981  Calcutta

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुमने दिव्य कृपा कर आज इस घूल भरी धरती को
अपनी अनोखी  मधुरता से आप्लावित करने

प्रभात संगीत 3383 धूलिर धरणीते माधुरी.....


 हे परम पुरुष! तुमने दिव्य कृपा कर आज इस घूल भरी धरती को अपनी अनोखी  मधुरता से आप्लावित करने के लिये आगमन किया है । मेरे प्रभु! तुम उनके लिये गुणकारी अमृतमयी मरहम लगाने आये हो जो क्षोभ से प्रताडि़त होकर कष्ट मे चिल्ला रहे हैं। तुम उन पर कृपा कर धीरज बंधाते हुए कहते हो कि चिंता मत करो मैं तुम्हारे साथ हॅूं, सब कष्टों को दूर कर दूॅगा। बाबा! तुम गूंगों को बोलने की शक्ति देने के लिये आये हो। इस प्रकार वे तुम्हारे बारे में सोचते हुये असमता, अन्याय और शोषण के विरुद्ध संघर्ष कर सकेंगे। इन सब पर तुम अपनी   कृपा बरसाने आये हो।

 हे दिव्य सत्ता! दबे, पिछडे़, जिनका कोई सम्मान नहीं करता, जो नगण्य माने जाते हैं, जो धन के अभाव में प्रतिष्ठाहीन हैं उनके लिये तुमने उनके जीवन की जड़ता भरे घने अंधेरे के जेल को तोड़ दिया है। तुम्हारी कृपा से, वे नकारात्मक सामाजिक बंधन नष्ट हो गये हैं जो इन असहाय लोगों को दबाये रखने में प्रयुक्त होते थे। तुम्हारी कृपा से उनके जीवन में शान्ति  और कान्ति दोनों आ गई हैं। बाबा! तुम अपने दिव्य स्नेहाकर्षण और कोमलता से सबको अपने समीप खींचकर आशीष देते हो। तुमने अमीर गरीब , छूत अडूत ,छोटे और बड़े के भेद को समाप्त कर दिया है। तुमने सभी प्रकार के लोगों को प्यार से परस्पर समीप लाकर एक ही सुन्दर धागे में बाॅंध दिया है। बाबा! आज तुम यहाॅं कष्टों भरी धरती पर सबको आशीष देने ही आये हो।

हे परम पुरुष ! हे बाबा! जो निराशा  में प्रताडित होकर जड़ता के अंधेरे में डूब गये थे आज तुमने आकर उन्हें नया जीवन दिया है । अब उन्होंने तुमको अपना लक्ष्य बना लिया है। उन्होंने तुमको अपना सबकुछ मान लिया है और तुम्हारे चरणों में आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया है। तुम्हारी दिव्य आभा से सारी संरचना आशीष पा रही है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति सुख और आनन्द से उन्नत अवस्था की ओर बढ़ रहा है। बाबा! तुम अपने प्यार और दया से इस धूल भरी धरा पर सब को आशीष देने आये हो। तुम करुणास्वरूप हो।
== Section 3: Links ==