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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Age problem + 4 more

Age problem


Human life is full of ups and downs. And in the life of sadhakas the exhaustion of samskaras happens quickly in comparison to non-margiis. For this reason negative and positive experiences come and go in quick succession. Sometimes mountainous problems come and other times life is smooth and easy.

In comparison to animals, human beings have a lot of freedom. But that freedom is of a certain dominion; it has certain limitations. For example, suppose an animal is tied to a rope that is 50 feet in length and the other end is securely rooted in the ground. Then within that parameter of 50 feet the animal can move freely, eat grass, and basically do whatever it likes. The sense is that it is free up to that extent - up to the length of that 50 foot rope. But beyond that it cannot go.

Similar is the case of human beings. Although it looks like human beings are entirely free to do whatever they like, in reality that is not the case. Humans harbour so many plans and dreams, but all do not come to fruition. Problems can come anytime and disturb and interrupt their planning. And top of all, no human being can avert their own death. Nobody likes to think about their own death; but, death will come to everyone. No one has control over that.

So in some ways human beings have freedom and in other ways not. It is tied up and then bound with the serpentine noose of the cosmic operative principle, maya.

Role of sex glands: infancy to old age

When children are small only their inborn instincts function. Infants are guided purely by instinct, and that is reflected in their actions. After their birth they know how to suck the mother's milk. And as they grow, according to their maturity, other types of glands start functioning.

And, at the time of adolescence, people's reproductive glands also develop. And the sexual urge tries to pull them in a particular direction. But when that same person was an infant then that instinct was in its dormant stage. So the young child had no problem in that regard. According to age, various glands and sub-glands become dominant. And it also happens that after a certain age those same glands and their correlating instincts gradually become defunct.

Prakrti wants to procreate more & more

When nature orders for the sex instinct to develop, the desire of procreation comes in the mind. This is one way the creative principle (prakrti) has bound up this entire universe.

'Pra karoti yah sah prakrti'

Prakrti creates various colorful things. That is why its name is 'creative principle'.

With animals and plants and all kinds of creatures on this earth, this procreation system has been in vogue since the dawn of creation. As the elderly move towards death, side by side, new babies are born. It is the same story in each and every aspect of creation.  Changes are always going on, always living beings are passing from one stage to the next.

In human life, one of the most delicate times is during adolescence. Because when the reproductive instincts come to function and the cosmic operative principle inspires that being to create more and more. And in this way it maintains this cosmic cycle of creation, or srsti.

Similarity: adolescence & 'midlife crisis'

As human beings grow older then this instinct of procreation gets controlled to some degree. But, in human life, in addition to the period of adolescence, there is a second time when the reproductive urge again starts dominating, and that happens when humans are going to lose their capacity - during the 'midlife crisis'.

The reason behind this is that the creative principle, i.e. prakrti, wants to create more and more. Prakrti wants to ensure that it gets maximum output from each and every created being. So it infuses the idea in the mind of those human beings who are on the verge of losing their reproductive capacity that they should produce more before they lose their capacity entirely.

This is akin to one master who has many slaves but if he knows that soon one of the slaves will be set free then the master will try to squeeze more and more work from that slave, and get maximum output from him before he gets freedom.

The solution to the midlife crisis is spirituality. If one follows spiritual tenets then the mind will be serene and positive; the ghastly effects of those sex hormones will not be problematic for that sadhaka. Whereas those not leading devotional life or margii life get caught up in the noose of maya, and they do many nonsense things.

Clutch of avidya maya

So why is the midlife crisis so stark? Because maya is keen to keep her subjects bound. And the sex vrtti is one avenue to keep them in her clutch and also produce more beings for maya to lord over. On their own, humans cannot defeat maya.

Sadguru Baba guides us that to overcome the spell of maya one has to surrender to Parama Purusa. That is the only way. Otherwise maya is insurmountable.

'Daevihyes'a' gun'amayii mama ma'ya' du'ratyaya'
Ma'meva ye prapadyante ma'ya'meta'm' tarantite'

Meaning: "My Divine Maya, the Supreme Maya or the Cosmic Force is comprised of three attributes. Ordinarily it is very difficult to transgress it but only those who merge themselves in Me or take refuge in Me can transcend Prakrti." (1)

And we should also remember that according to Baba's teaching, the answer of all problems exists within Parama Purusa. So if one surrenders at His altar, then any problem can easily be solved.


Suppose you have to cross the thorny path with your bare feet, then you will be very cautious. In contrast if you are walking inside your own room then you may not be that cautious. So when that delicate age is coming in anybody's life, if they remember or are reminded that avidya maya is going to create more magic and the mind will be dragged towards a negative direction, then they will be more alert. And the situation has a better chance to be controlled.

So if one is going through that difficult age, they should do auto-suggestion and ideate on Parama Purusa. Then the problem will be solved. And when we see anyone passing through adolescence or middle age, then we should guide them by giving them outer suggestion.

The central idea is that when one is aware and alert about the problem and cultivates a spiritual feeling of surrender, then with the grace of Parama Purusa this crisis can be controlled.

So this is an important issue related with the welfare of the entire society. The topic addresses various phases of life and in particular the potential challenges of a midlife crisis. By being aware of the ins and outs, we can not only internalise points related with our own lives but also be prepared to guide others as well.

How to cope

When any threatening situation happens without forewarning, people are more panicked and scared as they do not know what to do. But when they are counseled ahead of time, and made aware that an incident is going to happen, then with their know-how and talent, and by various other ways, they find techniques to cope with the problem.

If an unforecasted cyclone strikes, more people get injured than if all were warned ahead of time that a cyclone is going to come. Knowing the problem ahead of time makes it easier for people to address and cope with the situation.

Similarly, if a person knows that a middle-age crisis and psychic disease affects many between the age of 45 and 65 and even up to their deathbed, then they can best prepare themselves and be ready.


In childhood the sex glands are in seed form. In puberty they come to full function and in adulthood they mature. During puberty as well as in their waning stage those glands become hyperactive. For some that can continue up to their funeral ceremony. You might have seen how some become perverted even in their late age. The solution is awareness about glands in relation to age, and following a spiritual lifestyle. And on a regular basis one should channelise the propensities towards Supreme fulfillment. The attraction one has for the mundane things should be diverted towards Parama Purusa. And that negative and degrading force, when channelised towards the higher realm, can lead to moksa, ultimate liberation. Then this whole panorama is no longer a crisis but becomes very, very useful and blissful.

in Him
Vidya’ Devii

Midlife crisis

This common type of problem exists everywhere - it knows no boundaries. And in our AM family there are two types of members: WT's and family margiis. And both are human beings and both have to follow the same path. So this problem of the middle age crisis generally goes from 45 - 65 yrs or age, but these days we see that it even continues up to one’s deathbed. It is primarily evident in those who are not spiritually minded or focused in sadhana - whether they be Wts or margiis. This is the unfortunate state of affairs.

Some, by the grace of Parama Purusa, are able to control this easily. And some fall down in the ditch and they feel shame and come out from the dirty land and clean their clothes and they never fall again. But there are still others who are of the worst quality. They may be WT or they may be margii but with such persons their infatuation with the opposite sex knows no bounds. They indulge in this psychic disease and crude lust as their hobby. And in this way they degenerate themselves down to the lowermost level. Down to the most negative mental status of degeneration - that is rasa'tal loka.

Because all belong to my family so I do not feel comfortable writing anyone's name. I feel sympathy for everyone. After all, a patient is a patient; it may be related with the physical disease or the psychic disease. All should be treated with compassion and heartfelt feeling. And it is everyone's duty to cure them.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Prakrti Tattva and Oṋḿkára Tattva

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Lamp of love

"Práńer pradiip saunge niye,ke go ele ei dharáytomáy, bhulate náhi párá jáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2205)


Carrying the lamp of love, who are You who has taken advent on this earth. With the reffulgence of infinite prema and affection, and the effulgence of warmth and compassion, You have completely captivated my mind; now I cannot think of anything else. Supreme One, it is impossible to forget You. Because of Your august arrival, with each and every expression, in every rhythm, You are exuding beauty and sweetness in all directions - everywhere. I can’t stop thinking of You.
By Your melodious voice and heartfelt attraction, with love You are drawing everyone near You by Your mamata', feeling all as Your own. You are vibrating in Your glory yet remaining hidden in the deep core of my mind – always. I ever remember You.
My Innermost, at some unknown time in the past You came and poured forth the pot of love, saturated and showered Your incomparable grace, and created a big stir - a revolution - in the world of ideas and thinking. And after that You hid Yourself from this world and were not visible to the crude eye. You came as Mahasambhuti and now You are ever-present with everyone as Taraka Brahma in their heart and mind.
Baba, You are love personified how can I forget You...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2205:

[1] Mamata': Mineness; In Sanskrit “mama” = mine, and the suffix ta’ = -ness; hence “mineness.” To have equal or more love for something / someone than one has for oneself. 

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is the meaning of “mamatá”? Mama + tá = mamatá. Mama means “mine” and thus mamatá is the inner idea of being mine, the feeling that something is my own." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "“Mamatá” means “mine-ness” – “Mama” means “one's own”, and the abstract noun derived from it is “mamatá” – meaning, thereby “mine-ness.”" (2)

For example, suppose you are suffering from a fever then naturally you will be concerned about your own health. You will try to cure yourself by going to the doctor and taking medicine etc. If you have mamata for someone else, then if they are sick with a fever you will have the same degree of care for their condition as your own. When one does sadhana then this sense of mamata grows and one ultimately has the feeling of mamata towards the entire created universe. Without sadhana, one’s sense of mamata will be extremely limited whereby one might only care about their own individual existence. So when the mind is extremely narrow one only has mamata for oneself. Those with a slightly broader mind have mamata towards their parents and family members. And as the circumference of mind expands one has mamata for other relatives and community members etc. However, it is only with sadhana that the periphery of mind can grow further and further wherein one’s sense of mamata includes all beings and expressions of this cosmos. Parama Purusa has mamata’ for each and every entity - this entire creation, all living and non-living expressions.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, Pleasing the Lord

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why capitalism is anti-dharma

Prout philosophy states, “How was capitalism created? Capital is consumable commodities in their potentiality. Intelligent people collect more capital than others in the form of consumable goods, but since this capital cannot be stored for a long time, they began to keep it in the form of money. Such people are called capitalists. These capitalists are the unworthy sons and daughters of the Cosmic Father because they go against the principle of cosmic inheritance. They should be cured of their ailments. To fight capitalism is therefore within your goal. The seed of infinite expression lies within Dharma, but you must nourish it. Capitalists create hindrances on the path of human beings to prevent them from becoming one with the cosmos – to prevent them from becoming great. So capitalism is anti-Dharma and the actions of capitalists are also anti-Dharma.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section : Comment ==

Re: For his own sin blames Sadguru



One must NEVER EVER doubt our Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. For He ALWAYS has our best interests in mind. We don't see the whole picture. He does.

One thing we must never do. We must never doubt Him and never lose faith. He is our Loving Father. He is God.

Follow Yama and Niyama. Meditate twice a day. Do pracar. Ideate on Guru always, singing kirtan throughout the day. Everything will be alright. No matter how much doubt you feel or whatever is going on. Do these things and there will be no problem. If there is a problem, just ideate on Guru and sing kirtan. All will be well in the end if you continue this way.

Never lose faith. He Himself has given us all we need. He is our blessed Taraka Brahma. He is our future.

at His feet,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: For his own sin blames Sadguru

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