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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Personal link with Baba + 3 more

Personal link with Baba


According to Ananda Marga ideology, every bhakta has a direct link or relation with Parama Purusa. The relation does not go via a third party or middleman. For instance, if you want to see your father but lost your way to the house, then you will ask someone, get directions, and see your father. The two of you will meet directly, without anyone else present.

The same is the case with the sadhaka and Parama Purusa. Every sadhaka has a direct relationship with Parama Purusa. The acarya is merely a guide who shows the path. So there is no one in between you and Parama Purusa.

Here is an English summary of Baba’s Hindi teaching of Ananda Vacanamrtam - 16 (H), 24 Nov 79, Delhi. 

Some people say that living beings are slaves (das) of Parama Purusa, but that is not correct. The relation between jiivas and Parama Purusa is a family relation. Some people say that, "I am a slave."  No, why are they a slave. They have a family relation. With Parama Purusa, there is no Master-slave relation. It is a familial relation. The whole universe is His creation. It is within His mind. You are His. You are His dearest. The relation is that of a family member. (English summary of Hindi teaching)

According to cosmic law, Parama Purusa has created everything, and all are His progeny. So everyone has a direct relation with Him, the Supreme Entity. 

Acarya is not a middleman between you & God

By the above teaching, it is clear every bhakta has a direct relation with Parama Purusa. That is not the case in the various religions where followers cannot communicate with, pray to, or worship God directly. If on their own they try, then they are warned that, "It will not be fruitful" - they will not reach God. That is the prevailing religious dogma. So in the various religions, all ceremonies and programs must be performed by a middleman (mullah, priest, rabbi, minister, purohitas, reverend, etc). Religious officials act as a middleman between the common person and their god. By this way those priests exploit the common people monetarily and impose various complexes.

Think of it this way. In the recent past, there was no direct phone communication. Every call had to go via an operator. And, in India especially, if you did not pay a bribe to the operator, your call would never go through. In a similar manner, all the various religions have created the dogma that no individual can communicate directly with Parama Purusa - God. 

According to cosmic law, Parama Purusa has created everything, and all are His progeny. So everyone has a direct relation with Him, the Supreme Entity. 

But the dogmatic religions say all messages must go via the priest class. And they have successfully established this dogma by injecting various complexes in the minds of the people. And still this is in vogue. People think that the only way to request, ask, tell or hear something from the Lord is to go via the priest etc - and make a payment / bribe.

However, according to cosmic law, Parama Purusa has created everything, and all are His progeny. So everyone has a direct relation with Him, the Supreme Entity. 

Direct link with Parama Purusa

In our Ananda Marga, the approach is completely different from the dogmatic religions and in complete concert with cosmic law. Verily, each and every person has a direct link with Parama Purusa, and with just their thinking, an aspirant can easily convey their feeling to Him and receive His response, by His grace.  So in Ananda Marga spiritual life, there is no middleman. Acaryas are not like middlemen (mullahs, priests, rabbis, ministers, purohitas, reverends, etc). That is one of the biggest differences between the path of Ananda Marga and the various religions. In Ananda Marga, every sadhaka has a direct link with Parama Purusa.

Unfortunately, in India I have seen that because of the reigning Hindu dogma, naive margiis think that acaryas are like purohitas. Without them, no ceremony can move ahead. A similar situation may be brewing in other countries where other dogmatic religions are dominant.

But we should bear in mind that according to cosmic law, Parama Purusa has created everything, and all are His progeny. So everyone has a direct relation with Him, the Supreme Entity. 

The middleman theory was created with only one purpose in mind: to exploit their followers. Those religious leaders wanted all communication to go via them. They wanted 100% control to get maximum economic gain and enhance their prestige. By imposing this middleman dogma, they could command the people and carry out their plan of systemic exploitation. They wanted everyone to follow their order, pay them money, and bow down to them.

What those so-called  religious leaders were doing runs contrary to dharma. According to cosmic law, Parama Purusa has created everything, and all are His progeny. So everyone has a direct relation with Him, the Supreme Entity. 

But for those religious professionals etc, by vesting full authority within themselves, they had the power to create new dogmas for their own self-interest. This was their mechanism for perpetuating their exploitation and always keeping themselves on top. Such priests gave themselves the ultimate power to open the door to heaven or hell. In this way they cheated and deceived huge swaths of the population. 

However, the dharmic path of Ananda Marga is not like this; every sadhaka has a direct relationship with Parama Purusa.


According to cosmic law, Parama Purusa has created everything, and all are His progeny. So everyone has a direct relation with Him, the Supreme Entity. Ananda Marga philosophy propagates this eternal truth. But the various religions do not accept this. Due to their selfish desire to exploit innocent followers, those various religions proclaim that only their pope, priest, mullah etc can communicate with God.

In Ananda Marga, every disciple has direct link with Parama Purusa Baba. Between the sadhaka and Parama Purusa there is no middle man. The acarya, tattvika, avadhuta, puroda, or purodha pramukha are not middlemen between you and the Divine Entity. So when Ananda Margiis do sadhana they directly communicate with Parama Purusa; they convey their feelings directly to Him. There is no middle man. Every sadhaka can directly communicate with the Supreme Entity - God.

in Him,

According to cosmic law, Parama Purusa has created everything, and all are His progeny. So everyone has a direct relation with Him, the Supreme Entity. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 16 (H), 24 Nov 79, Delhi

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I will remain with You

"Ámi tomákei jáni shudhu tomákei jáni..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0907)


Parama Purusa, only You I know, no one else. By Your grace I only depend on You. You are my shelter. Since the creation of my mind, from the very beginning I have been with You. Now I am with You, and I know I will remain with You forever. By Your krpa, I understand, believe, and realise this eternal truth in the deep core of my heart. 

Unfortunately, I started running after the degrading attractions by the pull of maya. In this mad dash for mundane pleasures, I got swept off my feet by the flooded river of tamasika attractions - going towards who knows where. In spite of that, by Your compassion, in an isolated corner of my inner self, always I am singing Your songs and chanting Your name. The subterranean flow of my mental river always cascades with the water of bhakti. It is Your causeless and infinite kindness. 

Since the early dawn, I have remained absorbed in a stream of a dream about Your kindness. But now I am rowing my boat with a firm hand on the path of dharma, by remembering Your vanii. Your ideological teachings are my fuel for moving along the path of life divine and reaching the Supreme Entity. Friends, family, money, wealth, prestige, power, and post are all ephemeral. Such things are shelterless, and depending on them is ignorance. They cannot provide me a base. 

Baba, You fulfill all my longings as well as all of my physical, psychic, and spiritual needs. Besides You there is no one whom I can rely upon. In this universe only You are mine...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Bad samskaras & blissful life

In the below quote Baba teaches the following points:
(a) Sadhakas do not get terrified when facing their bad samskaras / reactive momenta. Those who are confused think about their suffering always. 
(b) While undergoing suffering of their past deeds, they are focused on Brahma. And they continue on in their sadhana. Due to this, the seeds of their future samskaras are also burned. 
(c) Because one does sadhana, they always think they are pure - not a sinner. By this way they cleanse themselves. 
(d) Due to their normal sadhana, their suffering due to pain and pleasure wanes because they are always in bliss. So they do not feel any misery or loss. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Learned people know that the requitals or consequences of deeds (karmaphala) are inevitably bound to follow one's actions, and so they do not waste time uselessly thinking about them. Fortified with courage and instilled with Brahmabháva they face all calamities of retribution bravely. They always consider themselves pure, for they have purged their minds of the past. Those who have tasted even a little of the flowing nectar of Brahma, know that they can never be impure. This constant thought of self-purity greatly helps to exhaust their saḿskáras or reactive momenta, as a result of which the saḿskáras held in the sthirabhúmi of their práńa are gradually destroyed. With the help of sádhaná or spiritual practice the spell of pleasurable and painful requitals ceases both internally and externally. Sádhakas call it the combustion of the seed of action in the fire of sádhaná." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, The Chariot and the Charioteer

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to overcome feeling small & weak 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “However little one's capacity might be, if one constantly remembers that Parama Puruśa is always with him or her, that they are in the closest contact with Parama Puruśa, they will be able to do everything. They are not as small as they think themselves to be. And as long as they remember this closest association with Him, they can do much more than ordinary human beings. When this idea becomes permanently established in their minds, they become great. This is why no one should be disappointed or depressed in any circumstances; let everyone constantly perform great deeds, remembering that the flow of their capacity is coming from Parama Puruśa, and thus they can do everything.” (1)

Note: Commonly people think of themselves as weak and isolated. That is because in that moment they do not consciously feel a connection with Parama Purusa in their mind. So they cannot draw upon the cosmic energy from Parama Purusa. The moment one starts thinking about Him and makes a link with Parama Purusa then they become very strong. This can be felt and tested when facing tough situations or when confronting someone stronger than yourself, such as when surrounded by a bunch of thugs. Then certainly those negative, anti-social elements will be defeated and victory will be attained. The connection is very simple: Just repeat your Ista mantra and you will be connected to Parama Purusa. 

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Genius and Technician

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Dangers of overeating & obesity

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, “In the world today a handful of people who do no physical work, but live by their wits, have appropriated to themselves most of the wealth of humanity, so they are able to buy comparatively expensive foods, and use them to satisfy their taste buds. As a result, they, on the one hand, swell with unnecessary fat, while, on the other hand, those people doing hard manual labour are forced to live in poverty and deprived of the ghee, butter and sweets they need to maintain their bodies; they have nothing to compensate properly the energy they expend, and they become weak, emaciated and broken in health. On account of malnutrition and excessive hard labour, they fall victim to tuberculosis. Remember that in tropical countries non-vegetarian food is generally like poison….”

“So my point is that obesity is primarily a disease of well-off, non-labouring society. High-salaried office workers, rich businessmen and parasitic politicians are those who suffer most from obesity.”

Fat becomes their enemy and pushes them to their death

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, “It should be borne in mind that the fat stored in the human body is nothing but its work energy in latent form. When fasting or doing physical labour, it becomes liquefied, then transformed into vital energy or work energy. So when people perform little manual labour, their fat becomes their enemy and pushes them to their death.”

Excess fat: sterility in women and impotence in men

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, “When this fat accumulates in the abdominal region, it causes sterility in women and impotency in men. That is why we find that in most cases obese people have no children. Too much accumulation of fat on the chest and abdomen disturbs the váyu; and then, as long as the liver is not affected, the person suffers from “demon hunger”; so much so that in homes where the person is entertained, he or she becomes famous for his or her voracity. Another distinguishing mark of such people is that they are most greedy for those foods which are most fattening; that is, when invited outside, they will never even by mistake eat much in the way of vegetable preparations – instead they will eat a lot of luci, fish, meat and sweets.”

1. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Obesity

== Section 3: Links ==

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