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Saturday, August 12, 2023

Who gets animal body + 5 more


Who gets animal body


Nowadays in this dark era of extreme materialism, many use their human body as a tool of indulgence. This is the sad reality. And when that indulgence is directed towards food, they will literally eat themselves to death. In that case food becomes a mechanism for ruining their own life. It is quite shocking.

Crude desires then get body of animal

The story does not end there. According to their inherent desire, they will again take birth. But it will not be as a human being, but as a pig, bear, bull or some other degraded being, or even worse. That is how one will have to face the consequences. Read below the tragic example of what happened to one man. Ananda Marga teachings guide us that those who misuse their human body take birth in a lesser form in their next life. They will have to suffer the reactions of their misguided desires and lowly thoughts.

When you desire something animalistic then you will get the body of that animal or bug etc. One will be reborn as an animal because the human body is unfit to satiate their chosen desire. For instance, in this example below, a man ruined his existence after eating and ultimately choking on large quantities of sweets that he had stuffed into his mouth. In his next life he may be reborn as a wolf, which can eat 2 ½  times its body weight, or as a pig or hippopotamus. All because that human body was incapable of satisfying his desire in that way.

Sadly, in day to day life, most members of the general society do not use their human body in the right manner. Mostly they desire something mundane. That is why, when the moment arises most will not get a human body - let alone moksa.

Real-life example: Dying to win the contest - 1

 ~ Courtesy NY Daily News ~

A Colorado man attempting to scarf down a half-pound glazed doughnut in 80 seconds during an eating contest died the same day a 20-year-old lost her life after choking in a pancake-eating competition. Travis Malouff died Sunday after attempting to quickly eat a doughnut the “size of a small cake,” witness Julia Edelstein told CBS. The 42-year-old man had been participating in a contest at Denver’s Vodoo Doughnut, which staff have since suspended in light of the tragedy. Contest prizes included a free doughnut and a button boasting the win, the news station reported. According to the Denver Medical Examiner’s Office, Malouff died from “asphyxia, due to obstruction of the airway.” (Courtesy NY Daily News)

The above example does not exist in isolation. One's thoughts and actions affect not just the present but one’s future as well. Here following are Sadguru Baba's teachings that clearly apply to all those who indulge in eating contests, as well as those plunged in other poor habits and lowly thinking.

Receive a body according to your desire

Yádrshii bhávaná yasya siddhirbhavati tádrshii.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "According to one's desires one gets the fruits thereof. If somebody is a voracious eater and always hankers after food then it is quite likely that after the death of his physical body he may get the body of a pig in the next life. Suppose somebody wants to be a runner like a deer then it is not impossible that he will eventually get the body of a deer after the death of this present human structure." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "One acquires a physical body according to the nature of one's sam'skáras. A human being who behaves like a goat or a dog may be born as a goat or a dog in the next life, because such an animal body is the proper base for the congenial expression of the latent saḿskáras. Hence it is not at all impossible for a human being to be reborn as a hog, a worm, a tree, or even a piece of stone. One's destiny will be decided according to the nature of one's karma – this is an infallible law. In this regard, neither Paramátma nor Prakrti can do anything to help. But Parama Brahma out of His Infinite grace, will reconvert these “Ahalyás” (those converted into stone as a result of crude actions) into glorious human beings in the process of pratisaincara [the introversive movement of the Cosmos], and provide opportunities for their movement towards the most exulted life." (2)


Those who goad their infinite yearning towards mundane indulgence misuse their human potentiality. In their next life, they will get a body more suited to their animalistic desires. They will be reborn as a beast. Those who have been blessed with a human body should use their life for following bhagavad dharma.

Most of the population of the world eat junk food, do not follow health rules, avoid good eating habits, and do not practice asanas etc. Because of their own bad habits, they become sick, diseased, or prematurely die. Due to their samskara they get that type of animal body. Because that is what they want to do. Parama Purusa has given this human body for spiritual practice. Those who do not adhere to the codes of an ideal human life fall into the path of negative pratisaincara and revert back to animal life. 

in Him,

Real-life example: Dying to win the contest - 2

Following is more about how some have cause great harm to themselves,and even brought about their own death, by engaging in eating competitions. This way of living is a misuse and abuse of one's human potentiality. 

~ Courtesy NY Daily News ~

Days earlier, 20-year-old Caitlin Nelson choked during a pancake-eating contest at Sacred Hart University in Fairfield. The New Jersey native, whose father was killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, also died Sunday — three days after participating in the contest hosted by the campus’ fraternities and sororities.

Edelstein told the news station the atmosphere at Voodoo Doughnut was pleasant before the fatal incident, with people singing and dancing to the music playing in the shop when the competitive eating challenge was announced.

“Watching somebody participate in an eating contest, it looks like they’re distressed,” Edelstein explained. “The whole thing looks like a sign of distress. Nobody realized what was happening.”

About 30 seconds in to the 80-second challenge, Malouff took a sip of water, leaned over and started pounding the counter, the witness recalled. 
He was still holding on to the doughnut when he turned around, blue-faced, and fell, according to CBS Denver.

Two others in the shop attempted to help Malouff until paramedics arrived, but he died at the scene. (Courtesy NY Daily News)

The question arises, "Why do human beings do like this?" The response is that they are trying to satisfy their infinite desire with material indulgence. Their desire is to take an infinite amount of food, but alas the body is limited, so they die. Infinite desire can only be satiated by the realisation of Parama Purusa. So long as we are not teaching dharma sadhana to all, this problem will continue.

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "According to human longings and desires or according to human propensive pursuit, their minds take form i.e., they will gradually acquire the like Saḿskáras or reactive momenta. They first see within themselves what they aspire for and then let their minds flow towards it. Thereafter the external organs i.e., hands and feet, etc., set about achieving it. And so it is generally seen that the desires that they had been giving indulgence to throughout their lives, come hurtling over to them in a condensed form at the last hour, i.e., their mind-stuff takes the like mental form for the last time in order to shape itself into a fitting medium of the like Saḿskáras. Even during the life-time as well it is seen that the mind-stuff of a drunkard, which imbibes within it an indomitable desire or Saḿskára for wine, turns into a vantage ground for undergoing the next Saḿskáras or momenta of pleasure and pain. That is to say, such a person gets scent of the wine shop by the sheer propulsion of his acquired mental propensity, if he happens to go to a new and unfamiliar place. A man who has cultivated dog-like or swine-like desires all his life, dies with the same dog-like or swine-like frame of mind. Thereafter with the help of Prakrti’s Mutative force he acquires the form of a dog or swine in order to undergo the dog-like or swine-like Saḿskáras. The great ascetic, King Bharata, died thinking of a fawn, and that was why it is written in the Puráńas (Indian mythologies) that he had to take the body of a deer at his next birth." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Indulging in mean thoughts only engenders crude vibrations in the Citta, as the result of which you will have to take rebirth in lower species in order to suffer the lowly Saḿskáras created by those crude vibrations. Thus you must arouse higher vibrations in your Citta. Even a man of King Bharata’s calibre had to take rebirth as a deer because at the time of his death he was deeply anxious about a fawn. Thus regardless of what you are at present or what you may possibly become in the future, do not digress from the ideal of the Great in any circumstances: do not stray even a step away from the path of realization of Absolute Bliss. Ananda Marga or the path to eternal bliss is the only path for you." (4)

According to Baba's above teachings, people are reborn according to their object of ideation. If at the time of death they were thinking about a bug, insect, or sweet, then after their death they will take that shape and form in their next life. That is the simple formula.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "No matter what circumstances you are in, never lose sight of the Infinite One. Degradation is impossible for those who have accepted the Supreme Being as the Ideal of their lives." (5)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, The Difference between Macrocosm and Microcosm
2. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 2, Intuitional Science of the Vedas - 3
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form, & Color
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I lay prostrate to You

“Tomári náme tomári gáne…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0815)


O’ Parama Purusa, I have surrendered myself in Your name and in Your songs. I lay prostrate to You in all I do, all the time. You are my supreme shelter; without You, I cannot survive. By Your immense love and deep affection, I am divinely intoxicated in bliss.

No one is other or alien to me; all are my own - my kith and kin, dearer than my own self. By Your grace, I have embraced this whole universal family as my very own. In the service of all, in the well-wishing to all, I find that sadhana and service to humanity and the entire creation are the best things to do.

O’ Parama Purusa, please come closer and still more close. Come into the very core of my heart and mind. I want to hold You deeply within. I long to have You as my very own. By Your grace and kindness, I have found myself. You have made my life meaningful…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Really - only Ananda Nagar


It is common knowledge that wherever Baba went and toured for DMC etc He openly ordered all margiis / Wts in general darshan to (a) construct a jagrti and a Baba Quarter, (b) start a press, (c) create a master unit, and (d) open new schools etc. To further accentuate this, Baba would refuse to take His breakfast until the local Ananda Marga newspaper was given to Him to read. This was the case with all places He visited for DMC etc, including Ananda Nagar. But, other than in Ananda Nagar, those talks were not recorded. And that is the reason why people forgot about how Baba was ordering all important centers and places to build up such projects. 

About this, whatever Baba spoke in AN was meticulously recorded and printed in the book, whereas this was not done in other places. And, slowly over time, some got confused on this point and thought that Baba only wanted to build Ananda Nagar. This type of half-truth propaganda campaign was going on such that now this dogma that only Ananda Nagar should be built up is in full swing.

With this mistaken perspective, they thought that Baba only had Ananda Nagar on His radar, and other places were off the track. 

This fact that Baba gave orders to build up all important centers and places can be verified by asking those margis and Wts who were present those days. But after a few hundred years, it will not be possible to verify the facts in this manner. Rather, people will only be relying upon written records and audio recordings that indicate that only Ananda Nagar should be built up and developed. By this misnomer, the whole AM society of this entire globe will be exploited forever. 

In Him, 

Note: In those units where Baba was unable to visit, in reporting He allotted the duty to Wts and margiis to go to those places and build those aforementioned projects. 

Elderly people should be alert before going to AN

Ananda Nagar is cold in January so those arriving from warmer coastal areas often have difficulty and suffer. For this reason those attending from tropical regions and coastal areas should bring proper winter clothes etc, especially elderly people as they often die due to exposure to cold weather across the whole of India. This has been documented. Just ask the director or in-charge of any cemetery and they will tell you that many, many die, especially elderly people, during the extremely hot and extremely cold seasons. The number of deaths increases 175% to 200% during mid-June and New Year’s, i.e. for 1.5 months in the summer and 1.5 months in the winter. Another problem is that there is no emergency medical care at DMS. So if someone has a heart attack there will not be proper medical treatment. So watch out. Those who are physically weak and / or aged should be extremely cautious.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Rights of labourers in management

Prout philosophy states, "Labour disputes have become a chronic disease everywhere in the world today. In ancient times there was no bonus system. Some large industrialists used to give a bonus out of compassion, but nowadays a bonus has become a right. It is noticeable that in many places the party in power suppresses the labour movement and the party not in power supports it. Strikes are supported by the communists in India and suppressed by them in the USSR."

"There may be a temporary solution to this problem by accepting the rights of labourers in management, granting them some dividend out of the net profit, setting apart some amount for reserve funds and sinking funds for creating fresh capital and interest on this capital, and distributing net profits among labourers. But this is not a permanent solution."

Prout philosophy states, "The question is how can the percentage of the share out of the net profit be fixed? In Bengal, the Bataidars first claimed half and later two thirds of the net profit. This will change with the moving world."

"The permanent solution lies in the large scale implementation of the cooperative system and the socialisation of land, industries, trade and commerce. Key industries should be large scale industries. These key industries should be managed and owned by the immediate government, and in order to keep labour relations congenial, a bonus system of work and piece work payments should be adopted. The harder and better the people work, the more profit they will get."

1. Talks on Prout

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

वह तुम्हारा दुश्मन है 

“केवल प्यार करना गुरु का काम नहीं है | केवल जो प्यार करता है, वह तुम्हारा दुश्मन है | और, केवल जो शासन करता है, वह भी दुश्मन है | जिसमें प्यार और शासन का सन्तुलन है, वही है गुरु |” [यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. अप्रकाशित भाग, 3rd June 1990, DMC, “The Cult of Spirituality, a Cult of Pinnacled Order”

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা আছে

বিচার করে দেখতে হৰে যে, যে কাজটা করতে যাচ্ছি, এর দ্বারা মানসিক আধ্যাত্মিক, শারীরিক, জাগতিক অর্থনৈতিক, বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে কতখানি উন্নতি হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা আছে | আমার এই কার্য়ের ফলে আমার দ্বারা জগৎ উপকৃত হৰে কি না ? এইগুলো সে ভেবে দেখৰে | যদি দেখে যে, “হ্যাঁ, কাজটা কল্যাণপ্রদ, তখনই তাকে ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়তে হৰে | কারণ, যে ৰুদ্ধি, যে সদ্বুদ্ধি তাকে এই বিচারটা দিল, যে “কাজটা ভাল" সেই সদ্বুদ্ধির আধার পরমপুরুষ তাকে সেই কাজটা সুষ্ঠু ভাবে নিষ্পন্ন করৰার শক্তি, নিশ্চয়ই দেৰেন | বা নিশ্চয়ই দিয়েছেন | (1)

1. সংবেগ ও আকর্ষণ, EGD, 14 December 1967 Calcutta