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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Noose of snake + 2 more

Noose of snake

Serpentine noose: A serpent (snake) coils itself and makes a noose to capture its prey and feed itself. That noose - i.e. tightly wrapping and squeezing itself around its prey to suffocate that animal - is called a serpentine noose. The operative factor is that the snake or serpent uses its noose - i.e. the serpentine noose - to catch and kill other animals. 

Here below is an example of the serpentine noose whereby a snake strangles and squeezes this deer. By exerting tremendous pressure the snake kills its prey with this serpentine noose.

Now see the below of this deadly serpentine noose, as the snake has wrapped and coiled itself around this deer to kill it. The serpent is a snake and it forms itself into a noose to catch its prey. So serpentine noose means a snake’s deadly grip. See below.

See above photo how the snake caught and killed the deer with its serpentine noose. 

Metaphor: Deadly grip of snake, i.e. serpentine noose

In Ananda Marga philosophy, negative forces like avidya maya or the negative load of samskaras are referred to as a serpentine noose because that load of samskaras or negative tendencies has a death grip on humans. It can kill them - easily. That is why the term serpentine noose has been used - to designate that that force is sure to kill you because the grip is so strong. To graphically portray the severity of the case, Baba has used the metaphor of a serpentine noose. Here below are a few examples.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “This binding force, this dangerous binding force with her dexterous hand created the serpentine noose. It is very difficult for ordinary human beings to free themselves from this serpentine noose, but people must not be disheartened or discouraged I am here to help you. Why am I here? These binding forces, these degenerating agencies are under me; they have to obey me. So although you may be an ordinary human being, if you take shelter in me I am to help you.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “What will be the fate of a person who directs all his psychic propensities towards crude materiality? He or she will be caught again and again in the serpentine noose of death.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Human beings want to do many great things in life. But their individual abilities are extremely limited; they are tightly bound by human imperfection. They want to do many things but cannot. Because between microcosm and Parama Puruśa is the world of Máyá, the spell of Máyá, the serpentine noose of Máyá. Humans are totally powerless before it.” (3)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “This Operative Principle, the influence of Máyá, is just like a satanic chain, just like a serpentine noose, of afflictions and predicaments. One has to free oneself from this serpentine noose. And this is done through yogic sádhaná. When the yogi comes in close contact with the Supreme Father, the Lord says, “Oh, my child, it is very difficult for a person to overcome the influence of this Máyá. Máyá is insurmountable. But he or she who has taken shelter in Me, who has [ensconced] himself or herself in Me, who has taken shelter on My lap, will surely go beyond the influence of this Máyá.” (4)

The term serpentine noose has been frequently used in Ananda Marga philosophy to depict the death grip of negative samskaras and avidya maya. And per the above photo, a serpentine noose is the deadly grip whereby a snake kills its prey.
in Him,
Shephali Guha

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Trio in Spiritual Progress
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Dhruva and Adhruva
3. Disc on Krsna & Giita, Svadharma and Paradharma – 3
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, The God of Human Beings

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Confusion about religion

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "You should be careful not to hurt the religious sentiments of others, even if in the future most people become A'nanda Ma'rgiis. Deities should be preserved in museums, and temples should be restored to maintain the cultural and historical heritage of the country." (1)

Note: In the past and nowadays also, during communal riots vandals attacked and destroyed temples, mosques, and synagogues etc. This type of thing was common in India during the Muslim invasion. And most parts of the globe have witnessed this. People senselessly destroy the symbols and structures of other religions.

Some years ago, the Taliban blew up the biggest Buddha carving in the world which had been made into a mountainside in Afghanistan. Recently in Syria, terrorists have been doing the same thing, i.e. desecrating and destroying religious treasures and shrines. Such types of hate crimes occur both on the collective level and also in individual life. If someone hates another religion they will destroy those religious artifacts etc. They break the neck or nose of various statues, or crush them into dust - thereby hurting the religious sentiments of others. This type of senseless and destructive behaviour is not acceptable. Ananda Marga philosophy does not support this in any way.

Naive people get confused

At the same time, no one should think that open, rational discussions about religious beliefs are not allowed. Unfortunately, some naive people get confused and think that genuine ideological discussion between the religions is also forbidden. But that is not true. Respectful logical discussion aimed at pointing out the loopholes is appropriate. That has nothing to do with hurting the religious sentiments of others.

For instance, one can openly discuss religious dogmas like casteism, heaven and hell, or namaz etc. Such topics can be examined morally and philosophically - and discussed. It only crosses the line when one openly abuses the peoples of that religion by taunting them that, "Your forefathers were stupid for worshiping the sun, moon, monkey, cross, crescent moon etc." That contravenes our code of ethics.
As Ananda Margiis, we should not suppress or eliminate the various legacies and traditions of different peoples and communities. All should be honoured and respected and taught the ways of neo-humanism. At the same time we should bear in mind that an open, respectful, rational discussion about religious tenets is encouraged.

1. Prout Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How washing came into being

Ananda Marga philosophy states, ”Regarding the Sixteen Points, it was said that ácárya/ás or senior persons would see if you were observing them properly or not. Similarly, I gave a directive to all that they should keep watch on one another. No one will exempt anyone else regarding the Sixteen Points.” (1)

Because Sixteen Points is an essential part of our existence, it is helpful to have more information about these pointed guidelines. Here below are some of the historical, social, and practical aspects of the first point of 16 Points.

Long ago in India, thousands and thousands of years ago, various rishis and seers of the society introduced the idea that water plays an important role in life - especially for health, hygiene, and proper maintenance of the human body. And people introduced the idea to the old Indian society that water should be used for washing before and after meals, before cooking, and those rishis also told that one should wash with water after passing stool as well as after urination etc.

And we have to remember that this was all given in that pre-historic era  when the general population around the globe was hardly even aware about hygiene; rather people were more involved in animalistic ways of living. In that historical context, those rishis introduced certain sentient habits.

So since long these these practices were established in India. Yet over the course of time, degeneration occurred and the general populace lost the idea of using water after urination. But the practice of washing the backside with water after defecation did not get lost - primarily because people understood that it was obviously dirty. So people were conscious about that aspect. That was the case in old India and that continued up to the present time.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, ”Regarding the Sixteen Points, it was said that ácárya/ás or senior persons would see if you were observing them properly or not. Similarly, I gave a directive to all that they should keep watch on one another. No one will exempt anyone else regarding the Sixteen Points.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action

== Section 4: Links ==

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