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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Why sadhana not working + 4 more

Why sadhana not working


When a sadhakha does sadhana and repeats their mantra, then it may happen that the mind goes somewhere else. As soon as the sadhaka realises that their mind has run far away, they bring it back and again start repeating their mantra. Then again, the mind might drift off elsewhere. In this way, the mind runs away - again and again - and time passes. This is a very bad situation, yet not uncommon.

Parrot repeats words meaninglessly

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "A parrot says so many things, without understanding the meaning, without understanding the spirit of what is meant. Japa kriyá becomes as meaningless as the talk of a parrot for those who do it without love or emotion. It even loses the value of internal suggestion, intro-psychic suggestion...Where the Supreme Cognition is not loved, where the Supreme Cognition has not been accepted as the only object of adoration, withdrawing one's propensities becomes meaningless, because they are not guided unto Him." (1)

The crucial point is to cultivate love for Parama Purusa. Then the bhakta's mind naturally runs in that direction - i.e. towards Him - and one's mantra japa flows smoothly. Otherwise, without love for Parama Purusa, one's mind runs hither and thither. In that case, the sadhaka's mantra japa is like a parrot's talk. The parrot does not have any feeling for what it says. It just repeats those words meaninglessly, and when a problem comes that parrot cries out and forgets what it was repeating earlier. Such is the situation of a sadhaka whose mind wanders in sadhana. The key point for keeping the mind focused is love for Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Where there is no love, the mind will not run after Him. So dhyána also becomes meaningless...So, if people practice all these things without having love for the Supreme, they won't be able to get anything. But, if there is an iota of love, if there is a wee bit of love, they gain everything." (2)

Attraction towards Parama Purusa is bhakti

The requisite love or bhakti can be cultivated if one tries to engage in more and more spiritual endeavours. Then the mind will become accustomed in that way. For example, the first day parents send their child to school, the child does not want to go. After much pain and effort the child goes. Yet once the child is habituated to going to school, then it likes school more than staying at home.

The same is the case with sadhakas. When the mind is down then it does not like to do sadhana. Rather the mind just runs away. Yet as the mind engages more and more in spiritual endeavours, it becomes more attracted in that manner and likes to do sadhana. It is just like the child who gets accustomed to being in school. Likewise, the mind becomes accustomed to being in a spiritual flow.

That liking or attraction towards Parama Purusa is bhakti, whereas the allurement towards worldly things is asakti. When one engages in sadhana oriented endeavours like svadhyaya, kiirtan, sadhanaunga, japa, and thinks about Him off and on throughout the day, then the mind will develop a greater and greater proclivity towards spiritual life. In turn, one will develop more attraction towards Parama Purusa, by His grace. That is love or bhakti.

When that happens, the mind will not run away unknowingly and uncontrollably during sadhana and engage elsewhere. Rather it will stay fixed towards that spiritual Goal. That is the key ingredient and solution. Then this disease of absent-mindedness in sadhana will be resolved. That is the stage when the mind will not run away in sadhana but rather become fixed on Parama Purusa.


Due to a lack of understanding the parrot does not have any feeling for what it says. It just repeats those words meaninglessly. Without love for Parama Purusa, one's mind runs hither and thither. The key point for keeping the mind focused is cultivating love for Parama Purusa during meditation.

in Him,
Sadhu Deva

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1, Who Is Gopa?
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1, Who Is Gopa?

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Why I roam around

"Jakhani bhávi kichu cini bujhi, dekhi ámi kichu jániná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3225)


Due to my ego I often think that I know and understand something about Parama Purusa. Then I realise that I do not know anything about Him. When I try to move on the path of sadhana and seek Cosmic inspiration for my forward movement, then I get confused. I do not understand what is my Goal.

From the origin of which unknown source am I floating and drifting, from far to the farthest place, in the search of that unknown Great Entity. Day and night, I am searching and wandering; why I roam around, I do not understand.

O’ Karunamaya, Compassion personified, my Baba what type of divine play do You do with me. What type of liila do You go on playing with this unit entity. How can this mystical play between unit and universal continue without Your grace. Baba, You are everything, only by Your grace is anything possible...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Today’s materialism is recipe for crude samadhi

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Persons who are self-centered (Khuda parasta), don't have Paramatman as their goal, but something else. Outwardly they say that Paramatman should be obtained but in their inner mind they have the desire for something else. Such people who outwardly say that Paramatman should be obtained but in the inner mind they desire for fame, riches, have the crude object as their goal. Whatever the inner mind says is the goal of the Jiiva (microcosm). Whatever is the feeling in the external mind is not the goal. But in the inner mind, because of his goal being the crude object his ultimate achievement is known as Prakrtiliina. Prakrti means the phenomenal world. Their existence will be transformed into the phenomenal world i.e. the conscious man gets transformed into crude object. There is one more word for the Samadhi in the Prakrta Shakti and that is Jada Samadhi. Jada Samadhi is very much below human existence and to be free from that is also very difficult. After crores of years there will be human life. Just see how dangerous it is! So with Parama Puruśa, don't have two personalities, inside something and outside something else. Become the same as you are within. Entire mental structure, entire ectoplasmic stuff will be converted into the quinquelemental world." (1)

Note: Unfortunately, these days under the negative influence of capitalism, human beings have degenerated to the level of animals in that they are equally self-centered, living only for themselves, and not caring about others. In (a) capitalist countries and (b) metropolitan cities around the globe, this problem is prevalent. People are so self-centered that they never care about others - not even their own offspring. Such selfish people are worse than animals. This entire scene is the negative outcome of capitalism, which itself converts humans into beggars and beasts. Their selfish mentality is the root cause of all the problems. In the end they will be metamorphosed into crude objects.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 20, Astitva and Shivatva

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

আগেকার জন্মের কথা মনে করা খুৰই সহজ হৰে

“এই extra-cerebral knowledge ওটাও একটা natural জিনিস হিসাৰে স্বাভাবিক জিনিস হিসাৰেই ক্রমশঃ মানুষের মধ্যে develop করতে থাকৰে | এটা সাধারণ মানুষ যে তার মধ্যেও extra-cerebral memory অনেক খানি ৰেশি করে জাগতে থাকৰে | ওটাকার অস্বাভাবিক কিছু মনে করা হৰে না | মনের পরিধি ৰাড়ছে, মনের পরিধি ৰাড়ার সঙ্গে-সঙ্গে এটাও হৰে | সুতরাং যে কোনও মানুষের পক্ষে গত জন্ম বা তার আগেকার জন্মের কথা মনে করা খুৰই সহজ হৰে | হয়তো ছয়-সাত জন্ম আগেকার কথা মনে করা সক্ত হৰে | কিন্তু এক দুটো জন্ম সে সহজেই মনে করতে পারৰে | আঁঽ ? আর দুজন মানুষে দেখা হয়ে গেল, পরিচয় নেই, কিছু নেই | এক জনের মনে হ’ল---”আরে, তুই তো আমার মাসতুত ভাই ছিলি” | ৰলে, “হ্যাঁ, হ্যাঁ তুই তো আমার মাসতুত ভাই ছিলি” |


এটা অসম্ভব কিছু নয় | বা কষ্টকর কিছু নয় | এওগুলোও হয়ে যাৰে |” ধীরে-ধীরে দেখো |” (1)

1. MGD,11-Jan-79, অপ্রকাশিত, ১১ জানুয়ারি  ১৯৭৯

== Section: Topic ==

बाबा कथा : जन्मान्ध को दिव्य दृष्टि


गोविन्दपुर के बगल में ही एक छोटा सा गांव है – कुम्हारडीह (धनबाद जिला)। इस बस्ती में आनन्दमार्ग का अच्छा प्रचार हुआ। बहुतों ने दीक्षा ली और उन्ही में एक जन्मजात अंधा व्यष्टि भी था जिसका नाम श्री गोपाल कुंभकार था। गोपाल जी जन्मांध होने के कारण किसी भी वस्तु का दर्शन नहीं किये थे। उनका काम था - कीर्त्तन करना – “हरे राम, हरे कृष्ण|” वे मृदंग बजाते थे और उनकी टोली उनके साथ कीर्त्तन करती थी|

एक दिन हम लोगों की प्रेरणा से श्री अर्जुन पंडित तथा कुछ और मार्गी बन्धु एवं गोपाल जी भी बाबा का दर्शन करने रांची गए। बाबा उस समय रांची में रह रहे थे। ‘जेनेरल – दर्शन’ के समय बाबा आकर मंच पर बैठे। गोपाल जी भी बाबा – दर्शन हेतु वहाँ उपस्थित थे। लेकिन इन्हें तो आँखे थी ही नहीं कि वे बाबा श्री श्री आनन्दमूर्ति जी के दर्शन करें। गोपाल जी पर प्रभु की कृपावृष्टि हुई। प्रभु की कृपावृष्टि के फलस्वरूप उनको वहाँ दिव्य-दृष्टि  प्राप्त हो गयी। अब गोपाल जी बाबा को अच्छी तरह से देख रहे थे। वे खुशी में पागल हो साथ के मार्गियों से धीरे धीरे कहने लगे – “अरे हम बाबा को देख रहे हैं|” “चुप रह“ - अन्य मार्गियों ने यह झूठ समझ कर डांट दिया फिर श्री गोपाल बोले – “अरे हम देख रहें है उन्हें। वे धोती कुर्त्ता पहने हैं, चश्मा लगाये हैं। इस तरह पालथी मार कर बैठे हैं” – आदि-आदि। बाद में मार्गियों ने उनसे पूरी तरह पूछ-ताछ की-- अब बाबा कैसे हैं ? फिर १० मिनट बाद उनसे पूरी तरह पूछ-ताछ की “अब बाबा कैसे हैं ?” फिर १५ मिनट बाद उनसे पूरी तरह पूछ-ताछ की “अब बाबा कैसे हैं ?” सही उत्तर पाकर तब मार्गी बन्धु घोर आस्चर्य और आश्वस्त हुए कि जन्मांध श्री गोपाल, पर बाबा ने कृपा कर दर्शन शक्ति दी । साथ के मार्गियों से यह समाचार सुनकर मैंने भी उनसे इस सन्दर्भ में पूछा। श्री गोपाल ने कहा – “अब मत पूछिये हमसे। अभी भी हम कभी-कभी स्वप्न में देखते है कि बाबा हमारे सिरहाने खड़े है|” मैंने सुना कि बाबा दर्शन से पहले गोपाल को बायें या दायें – किसी एक ओर चलने पर ज्यादा अंदाज मिलता था। लेकिन, बाबा दर्शन के बाद उन्हें दोनों ओर अंदाज मिलने लगा।

परम प्रभु, बाबा चरण में

Shrii Bhakti jii presents this story:
- We are very grateful to Shrii Bhakti for his immense contribution of putting the hardly legible material into a usable electronic format. Without his efforts it would not have been possible to publish this story. - Eds

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

No one can arrest the speed of human progress

“Clouds cannot overcast the sun for a long time. The creatures of darkness never want the expansive exaltation of human society. Even then, human beings shall march ahead. No one can arrest the speed of their progress. You must be the harbingers, you must be the pioneers of this victorious march. See that not a single individual lags behind.” (Ananda Vanii #36)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section 3: Links ==