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Friday, July 20, 2018

Female exploitation + 4 more


Female exploitation


Around the world, some women struggle with their identity: Am I beautiful? In this capitalistic, male-dominated society where materialism and sexuality are everything, some women have been branded in a certain way. As much as one may not like to admit it, the point is like an elephant in the living room: Am I appealing to the guy next to me? That is the way things are in the general society.

Some women suffer

Some women suffer from their own set of worries and insecurities. For instance, some white women want to be tan or brown. Most want to look like super-models.

The situation is considerably worse for some white and also some women of darker skin tone. They are not just struggling to look like super-models; our sisters are struggling to be accepted by the white establishment. This is particularly true for African-American women and other brown and black women in the western world.

Some of our sisters use harsh and biting chemicals to change the tone of their skin so that it will be lighter, i.e. whiter. Plus, the practice of straightening, a.k.a “relaxing”, their hair is quite common with women of black complexion. By this latter method their naturally “kinky” hair more closely resembles a white person’s hair. This is a multi-million dollar industry.

All around the globe some are emulating the dominant white, European culture. In the east, some Asian females are concerned about their look: their skin tone, shape of nose and eyes, etc. In particular, Chinese plastic surgeons tell how Chinese women wish to have a Caucasian / European nose. And in the Indian subcontinent and SE Asian countries and Central America, some females want to have lighter, whiter skin.

Indeed various peoples around the world suffer from an inferiority complex. It has been imposed on them and this is especially true for women of brown and black skin as well as some white females also. That is the sad fact, especially here in the west. So while as a community our sisterhood - and even existence - is dominated and controlled by the white male establishment, this is especially true of our sisters with brown or black skin, and some white-skinned females also. At the same time one should know Baba’s teachings on this subject.

Psycho-economic exploitation

Capitalists want to get all within their control and a key way of doing this is through psycho-economic exploitation. They impose an inferiority complex upon a given community and then exploit them psychologically and financially. Now this is going on in dramatic fashion with respect to women of color - and some caucasian women also.

Top vaeshyas have brainwashed some African-American women into thinking that they are not good and that to become good they must look white. In turn, some black women spend millions on cosmetics and beauty agents so that they look close to white, i.e. “respectable”. That is one part; and secondly when the mind is diverted in this way then one cannot be concerned about injustices. Why? Because they are too worried about their own appearance and personal insecurities.

Here Baba explains how psycho-economic exploitation works. The first stage is to impose an inferiority complex upon a given community like black women.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Psycho-economic exploitation is the latest form of dangerous and all-devouring capitalist exploitation. It is a special type of exploitation which first weakens and paralyses people psychologically in various ways, and then exploits them economically.” (1)

Is this not what is going on with women of brown or black skin. Then Baba goes on to list some of the methods used in psycho-economic exploitation. You will certainly find some of these strategies present in the world today.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Some of the methods of psycho-economic exploitation include, first, the suppression of the indigenous language and culture of the local people; secondly, the extensive propagation of pseudo-culture, exemplified by pornographic literature which debases people’s minds and undermines the vitality of the youth; thirdly, the imposition of numerous restrictions on women, forcing them to be economically dependent on men...eighthly, placing the control over different mass media such as newspapers, radios and television, in the hands of the capitalists.” (2)

Conclusion: Equal rights

It is only by eradicating these devious methods of exploitation that a true human society can be created wherein women are respected and regarded as equals. Only then can women become free of the worries that now hound their psyche.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Women should have as much unbarred liberty to enjoy the light, air, earth and water like children of nature as men have. In fact, it is not a case of granting rights to women, it is a case of recognizing their rights.” (3)

To solve this matter fully, neither can blame be placed only the exploiters nor can blame only be placed on the exploited (women, and in particular, women of brown and black complexion, and some white women also). Both parties are responsible for reaching a proper solution. That is our perspective in Ananda Marga. The exploiters must be opposed at every turn and the exploited must become educated about their plight and rise up. Then this matter of the exploitation of women can be resolved in a dharmic and righteous manner.

In Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved – 9, Capitalism in Three Spheres
2. A Few Problems Solved – 9, Capitalism in Three Spheres
3. Human Society – 1, Social Justice

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

After ages You have come

Note: Those who don't do 6th lesson sadhana will not be able to understand this Prabhat Samgiita. This is a song of for A-grade bhaktas.

"Prabhu tumi elei jakhan, keno eta karale deri, tomár ásá path ceye, kato jug je geche ámári..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0346)


O’ Prabhu, when indeed You have arrived - then why have You reached so late. Looking towards the path of Your arrival, so many ages have passed. How many eras have flown by in longing for You - doing sadhana and service, and following Your guidelines, but You were nowhere to be seen.

O’ Supreme Entity, when You know how to love, then why are You playing this divine liila of hide and seek? You come near and then go away. Sometimes I can feel Your proximity, and other times my heart is dry and I do not feel any bhakti. What type of unkind liila is this? Why are You keeping me distant and devoid of any prema for You? I want to tell You that I yearn for You from the deep core of my heart. You are like a boat for crossing the ocean of samskara. I want to take shelter at Your  lotus feet.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, in the anticipation of Your auspicious arrival, day and night, my ears listen attentively for Your footsteps. Sometimes I feel that You will be arriving soon but You stay far. By this way time passes between hope and hopelessness. Swaying me in the swing of joyous expectation and despondence, in the end You came to me; it is Your causeless grace. Now please remain always with me - forever....

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Blaming others for one's own sin

Ananda Marga scripture says, "Humans out of their ignorance only blame Him for inflicting pain and suffering. Blaming God for being partial and unkind and for inflicting pain and suffering....are not the correct courses to adopt. The wise take the pain and suffering as a lesson through which the Great Benefactor teaches them to refrain from evil actions and develop in them discrimination. Hence abstaining from evil action is the action of the wise and the duty of every human being." (1)

Some people unfortunately do not like to admit their own sins and faults. And in due course when they face the samskara (consequence or reaction), they blame God, i.e. Parama Purusa Baba, for their wrongdoing – thereby committing sin. That is the central idea of the above teaching.

In 1970, Dadaji lost faith in Baba because of his own bad deeds. That time he was very frustrated and he started blaming Baba & accusing Him: “He (Baba) confused my mind and that is why I lost faith in Him.” But, falsely accusing and blaming Guru in this way is sinful. Yet, that is what Dada Tapeshvarananda did in his book. True bhaktas do not blame God for the suffering which they faced for their own sins. That is the essence of the above cited Ananda Marga scripture.

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे बाबा! तुम्हारा विजय रथ दिनरात बिना रुके आगे बढ़ता जा रहा है।

प्रभात सङ्गीत  3469: तोमार रथेर प्रभु, एगिए चले अहरह...


हे परमपुरुष ! हे प्रभु ! तुम्हारा विजय रथ दिनरात जड़ता से जूझता चलता जा रहा है। हर प्रकार के अन्धकार  को दूर करता बिना रुके आगे बढ़ता जा रहा है। हे मेरे प्रभु ! तुम्हारा वाहन आगे दौड़ रहा है। जड़ता, और मन के तुच्छ विचार तेजी से समाप्त हो रहे हैं। तुम्हारे सोने के रथ के आगे बढ़ते जाने पर वे सब इस संसार से जड़ सहित नष्ट होते जा रहे हैं। दिव्य आभा चारों ओर फैल रही है, यह कितना सुन्दर दृश्य है।

हे परम सत्ता ! तुम सबके रक्षक हो। कोई भी पीछे नहीं छूटा है सभी आगे बढ़ते जा रहे हैं। यदि कोई आगे बढ़ने में कमजोर लगता है तो तुम उसे स्वयं अपनी गोद में उठा लेते हो। इसलिए  सभी तुम्हारे सोने के रथ में सवार होकर, एक ही लक्ष्य का मधुर गीत गाते हुए, आगे बढ़ते जा रहे हैं। सभी आनन्द में डूबे हुए हैं और तुम्हारी कृपा से आगे बढ़ते जा रहे हैं। हे प्रभु ! तुम्हारा विजय वाहन बिना रुके आगे बढ़ता जा रहा है।

हे मेरे प्रभु ! जो यात्री तुम्हारे द्वारा दिखाए गए रास्ते पर चल रहे है वे धन्य हैं। वे सब नियमित साधना करते हैं। वे सभी तुम्हारे भक्त हैं।  वे सब एक दूसरे को अपना सगा सम्बन्धी मानते हैं। उन्होंने जड़ता भरे विचारों को नष्ट कर तुम्हारी कृपा से तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में स्थान पा लिया है।

हे परमपुरुष ! हे बाबा ! तुम्हारा भक्ति रथ आगे चलता जा रहा है। तुमने मुझे अपनी देखरेख में लेकर मुझ पर अपार कृपा की वर्षा की है। (1) (2)

1. Hindi purport translated by Dr. T.R. Sukul from original English purport by Ananda Marga Universal.
2. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section: Ananda Vanii  ==

Look upon the entire humanity as an integral and indivisible entity

“Since the very dawn of civilization, numerous isms have emerged before the humanity. Various rhythms of mobility have appeared but none of these has taught to look upon the entire humanity as an integral and indivisible entity. Hence, there is so much infighting so much intolerance amongst human beings. The human society of today has advanced considerably in the intellectual sphere. It must no longer sit inert. By applying all its might, the march of universal humanism must be made smooth by hook or by crook. Hence no latitude in procrastination or cowardliness of any sort should be permitted in this regard.” (Ananda Vanii #52)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0346: After ages You have come
2. Posting: Female exploitation
3. IT: Blaming others for one's own sin
4. Links