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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Save your prestige + 3 more

Save your prestige


One of the characteristics of jinanis / intellectuals is that they will say false things in order to protect their image and prestige and cover-up what they do not know. Actually not only is this related with jinanis, but with anyone in a position of authority like parents, supervisors, professors etc. Some are prone to this type of manner.

In these instances, some intellectuals and authority figures actively justify falsehoods in order to keep their stature in the eyes of their subordinates. Yet invariably the truth comes out; and, in the end, they get exposed and their prestige is punctured. Plus those whom they were deceiving get angry and lose all faith in that person as a guide.

Made-up reply

For example, suppose a professor is out in the field with his students. Then suddenly, there is a loud sound - "huan, huan, huan" - and the students ask their biology professor what is that sound emanating from the nearby bushes. Unsure about the answer, the professor concocts a reply and states that it is the echoing of a technical radar device. And the professor gives a detailed analysis of how the high-frequency vibration makes this exact sound and that it is unmistakable. The students are duly impressed and readily accept the professor’s explanation as they feel he knows all the answers. And their fieldwork resumes as usual. But then a few minutes later, a jackal emerges from the bushes and starts crying out, “huan, huan, huan.” Immediately all the students realise it was the jackal that was making that noise - not any high-frequency radar device. In result, they lose the respect they had for their professor. And their professor’s image is tarnished in their eyes. Because they have understood that if their professor does not know the answer then he will make-up a fake reply. Perhaps the worst part of all is that henceforth, even if the professor gives a proper answer, then the students are suspicious whether it is really correct or not. Verily, the entire relationship becomes stained.

What reply to give if you do not know the answer

Baba has given the very strict rule: Never knowingly give a false reply. In this universe, humans cannot know everything. There are some things you know and there are many more things you do not know. If you do not know something then simply say, “I do not know”, or “That needs more research”, or “I will investigate this further” etc. And then when possible get back to the person with the correct response. But do not knowingly give a false reply in hopes of covering up the fact that you do not know that answer. That will only boomerang back at you and ruin your prestige.

"Win over their heart by propagating satya”

WT conduct rule: “One should not give any false answer and should consult with one’s seniors for the correct answer.” (1)

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Preach only satya. Whatever you have done with reasons thereof. Also, make it clear to them what you want to do and why you want to do.  The result of this highly useful (helpful) preaching is that the inferiority complex disappears from the mind of the common men. They are encouraged when they see that a common man like themselves is inspired with such a high ideal. The second result of this is as follows. The common result of this is as follows. The common people are not generally aware of your usefully high ideas. In every work, big or small, they cling to selfishness. So, learning everything pure and high through your easy and simple language they will co-operate with you, with a mind free from wrong notions. The third outcome of this is that they will be shorn off the wrong notions that may have crept into them by the propaganda made by the selfish persons with vested interests."
   "Win over their heart by propagating satya but without abusing anyone. When, they will feel the ideal of satya and come to know of your untiring karma sa'dhana', naturally, they will abandon their wrong notions about you; they will even start respecting you." (2)

in Him,

“Learned” people easily may claim facts impossible to know

By Blaine Friedlander

Cornell professor of psychology David Dunning, left, graduate student Stav Atir and Tulane assistant marketing professor Emily Rosenzweig Ph.D. ‘13, showed that practically everyone can be vulnerable to overclaiming.

People who believe they know a little something about a topic – confident though they may be – commonly and easily claim knowledge that is impossible for them to have, say Cornell University researchers in a newly published study in Psychological Science.

The researchers catch people claiming impossible knowledge by observing when they assert familiarity with made-up concepts, fabricated events and people who do not really exist. In psychology, it’s a phenomenon called “overclaiming.”

“Life gives many opportunities for people to claim expertise they don’t have. Focusing research on non-existent concepts allows us to be sure they are overclaiming,” said Dunning. “Along with other researchers, we have noted that warning people that some concepts are fake does not eliminate their overclaiming.” (Courtesy of Medicalxpress)

1. 37 Workers Rules, Point #32
2. Ta'ttvika Diipika': Dvitiiya Parva

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Just carnal dealings

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Human beings should die a glorious death, a death worthy of a human being. They should never give indulgence to the crude animal propensities. “Svadharme nidhanaḿ shreyah”. It is better to die a glorious death than to continue living a life of carnal pleasure. “Paradharmo bhayávahah.” It is dangerous to follow the characteristics which are only fit for non-humans." (1)

Note: This guideline and critique is indirectly aimed at the lesbian, gay, and bi-sexual community and the sexual culture of materialism that indulges in sex for sex sake. Such persons live like animals - plunged in degrading propensities. Although they are in human form they are following animal dharma. Their future is not bright. Such an existence is not befitting a human being. Human longing is infinite - instead of indulging in degrading, finite pleasures, one must contemplate the Great. So one is to adopt an ideal human life goading the mind towards Parama Purusa. That is manava dharma, or human dharma.

In His below teaching, Sadguru Baba guides us that the marriage system in our Ananda Marga specifies that marriage is between a man and a woman for the expressed purposes of society building. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Male members of the Marga can marry females outside the Marga, but it will be better to marry a female member of the Marga to a male member of the Marga, as far as possible. If a suitable match is available outside the Marga, the marriage may be solemnized, but efforts should be made to initiate him into the Marga without delay.” (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Ten Characteristics of Dharma
2. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage Ceremony

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Just for a short time

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Human beings come onto this earth for a very short period, and within this short period they are required to complete everything. So there is a great deal of work to be done, but the time is very short. Thus intelligent people make the best use of every moment of their time - wasting one's time is the height of foolishness. Why? Because no human being will remain on this earth for long, and the very goal of human life is to attain Parama Purusa, the Supreme Stance. Human beings, while moving forward towards that Goal which is fixed before their minds, will have to perform many worldly duties. That is why it is said, 'Keep one hand on the feet of Parama Purus'a, and with the other hand do your mundane duties'." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let Chattisgarh Have a Brilliant Future

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to keep mental ease

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Actually the owner of everything is Parama Puruśa, and the Supreme Doer of each and every action is that Parama Puruśa. He is the Supreme Fountain of all energies.” (1)

One should do the work all the while remember that it is not yours. It is His work; the results are for Him to manifest when He wishes. With a light mind go on doing your daily duties. One should feel this work is not theirs, nor are the results in their hand. This is the work of Parama Purusa, and so they should do it sincerely, yet without any worry or anxiety. The responsibility for the results lies with Him alone. This ideation will remove all mental tension.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Supreme Truth

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Practical technique to cure constipation

Ananda Marga health guideline: “Straining at stool often aggravates the disease. Remember that without constipation and defective functioning of the liver one can never suffer from piles.” (1)

Ananda Marga health guideline: “A hernia patient should also remember to maintain a slight but continuous feeling of hunger. Hernia patients should get out of the habit of straining while defecating.” (2)

Ananda Marga health guideline: ​”​Cancer is a disease of the whole body as well as a tridośaja disease [involving disturbances of váyu, pitta and kapha]. This disease is a combined effect of many different factors. It is ordinarily observed that persons who suffer from constipation as a result of violating the health rules, and who likewise are lazy, lack self-restraint, sleep during the day and keep late nights, are most likely to be attacked by cancer.” (3)

In most western countries a type of toilet seat  is widely used where one sits on it like a chair at the desk, but that causes constipation and related diseases. If you see animals, you will notice that they defecate in a half-seated / squatting postures. The best natural and anatomical position for humans is to defecate in a squatting postures. That is the natural position and will ward off constipation.

Those using an Indian sanitary pan - as displayed below on the right are already doing from a squatting position. And on the left is how to do using a western style toilet.

1. Yogic Treatments, Haemorrhoids
2. Yogic Treatments, Hernia
3. Yogic Treatments, Cancer

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

The future is strikingly resplendent

Original Ananda Vanii states: “The flame of a lamp lights up countless lamps. The touch of a great personality wakes up innumerable sleeping hearts. In the same way, the eternal glow of the boundless élan vital of Cosmic Consciousness has been illuminating the life-lamp of universal humanism since time immemorial, is illuminating it, and in future will do so even more intensely. That is why I say, the future of the human race is not dark, rather it is strikingly resplendent. So proceed on, ignoring the frowns of darkness.” (Ananda Vanii #49)

Note: Sadguru Baba has assigned a number to all His original and true Ananda Vaniis. In contrast, Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. By this simple formula, one can easily recognise which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. For the upcoming occasion of January 1st 2017, all Ananda Marga units should use one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis, not a fake one. By this way, one will surely get His blessing.

== Section: Bangla Teaching ==

যারা ৰলে “সৰকে equal করে দৰ”, তারাও ভুল ৰলে |

“কোনও দুজন কি হুৰহু এক রঙা ?

[মার্গী---"না |"]

দুজন পাশাপাশি এক রাঙা নয় | আৰার এক জনেরও সর্বাঙ্গ এক রঙা নয় | তাকিয়ে দেখো না |

[মার্গীরা---”হ্যাঁ, ৰাৰা |”]

কি অদ্ভুত ! কি, মানুষের হাতের প্রতিটি আঙ্গুল যে সত্য, ও সমান নয় | এ কথাটাও যত সত্য, তেমনি কোনও দুটো entity, কোনও দুটো মানে even iota of two existences are not the same, not the equal | Here in the expressed world, diversity is the law of nature | Here, diversity is the law of nature |

তাই যারা ৰলে “সৰকে equal করে দৰ”, তারাও ভুল ৰলে | তাদের, ৰুদ্ধিমান মানুষ ৰলৰে - Let them live with their diversities and let me serve everybody according to their requirement, according to the requirement of each and every entity | And that’s the proper ideal, that’s the proper philosophy | “ (1)

অপ্রকাশিত, ১৯৮৯ দিঘা

== Section 4: Links ==