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Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Reliving misery + 4 more

Reliving misery


The act of looking to the past is a detrimental human phenomenon. On a daily basis, people tend to review past events - especially painful ones. They think how they faced insult, death, loss of life, and injustices. There are countless memories people bring into the mind which disturb their psyche. They actively do this - it becomes their habit. Yet it drastically undermines their well-being.

That is why Baba's guideline is: Do not engage in looking into the past and recollecting those scenes which adversely affect the mind. To indulge in such types of dark thinking is not beneficial. It does not bear any fruit - neither for an individual nor the collective humanity. On the personal level, Baba reminds us that we should suffuse the mind in spiritual thought and refrain from recounting past woes.

So, on the individual plane, one should strive to channelize the mind towards a pure and positive ideation, and not let the mind get caught up in the losses and pains of the past. By focusing the mind on Him, it will set the mind on the right course.

On the point of history, Baba's guideline is to briefly look back, learn from those past mistakes so that they are not repeated, and move ahead in the proper direction. In contrast, so many groups and communities indulge in recollecting the past whereby they become crippled and unable to move ahead. Instead they just invite frustration, anger, and hate.

Do not look back: eyes are in front

Ananda Marga ideology states, “O sádhaka! You must forget all your past deeds, all your tales of glory or ignominy, from the memorable moment you start moving on the path of sádhaná or intuitional practice. Do not look back: you have eyes in the front of your head. As indispensable as it is to be cautious and careful, so that the self-created tornado propelling you forward does not dash you down to the ground to ensure your safe journey ahead, you may sometimes throw back a cursory glance and no more. “I am immoral, I am impure, I am a sinner. O lord, save me!” – Do not give indulgence to such a mentality, for as a person thinks, so he or she becomes. If you frequently think, “I am impure”, “I am a sinner”, then a sort of inertness or inferiority complex will take possession of your mind, and as a result your vitality, in spite of all its strength and power, will become incapable of surmounting that obstacle and following its forward path of progress.” (1)

And on the collective level, in His revolutionary way, Baba has ensured that our Ananda Marga will always rise above the dark side of life. In His discourse, 'Our Social Treatise', Baba says the following about our Ananda Marga social system and way of life.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "[That which is true] has been accepted, and the dark aspects of life have not been given any scope to flourish." (2)

Let's take a moment to investigate what Baba means by the above teaching and see how this practically benefits both individuals and whole communities.

How some relive their suffering - again & again

On the point of history, Baba's guideline is to briefly look back, learn from those past mistakes so that they are not repeated, and move ahead in the proper direction. In contrast, so many groups and communities indulge in recollecting the past whereby they become crippled and unable to move ahead. Instead they just invite frustration, anger, and hate.

Jewish history in particular involves overturning each and every stone and analysing the exact degree to which Jews have suffered. They uncover every minute detail and relive it in such a way that all those torments get dug up and take on a life of their own - infesting the heart and minds of today's people. And indeed, this is the way nearly all peoples recount their history. In such cases, whole communities get submerged in the hurtful memories and dark aspects of life. That becomes their living reality for the present as they bear the grudges of generations ago.

But this fateful approach does not bode well for humanity. Rather than learning from the past, people get caught up in it, thereby shackling themselves with those dark moments. That is why Baba distinctly opposes this type of degrading outlook on life, and has instead given a whole new way for our Marga to march ahead where we learn from the past yet move forward with an optimistic outlook. This is the delicate and dharmic balance which we should maintain.

Embrace the subtler moments

In Ananda Marga, our worldview is wholly positive in nature.

Ánandáddhyeva khalvimáni bhútáni jáyante. Ánandena játáni jiivanti. Ánandaḿ prayantyabhi saḿvishanti

Ananda Marga philosophy states: "This quinquelemental world has been born out of bliss, is being maintained in bliss and into sacred bliss it will melt." (3)

By infusing this spirit into the life of each and every human being, people are then able to embrace a positive outlook on life. Ananda Marga steers clear from the Christian dogma that this world was born out of sin, such that people become tied and bound by that sin. Rather in Ananda Marga, we perpetually celebrate life divine. This is reflected by our view on history, our daily outlook, and by our festivals and holidays.

Even on the point of remembering those who gave their life for dharma, we recall their glory and honor them all on the same day, once a year on Dadhicii Divas. Otherwise each and every day would become a time to mourn for the fallen and so many shrines would be erected, always reminding the people of that fateful or sad moment.


As margiis, our revolutionary approach is to fill the world with positive ideas and optimism.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Even though people might have committed certain misdeeds in the past, they need not worry, for after all, “to err is human.” They should not look back and lament over their past mistakes. The Supreme Consciousness has given human beings eyes in front so that they can look ahead, not behind. You need not waste your time unnecessarily worrying about your past mistakes: you must move ahead, and while moving forward, you will have to come within His shelter." (4)

This world is constantly changing. Those who are born will one day die. Human life starts one moment and after some time - short or long - the end comes. Those who constantly look back cannot move forward because past memories drag them from behind. That is why Baba’s guideline is that in the journey of life, although happiness and sorrow comes, but do not look back. Just look forward towards the destination. Those who forget this guideline for a moment drown in sorrow and misery. Our goal is Parama Purusa who is Bliss-Personified. So if we constantly focus on Him we will always remain in bliss. In conclusion, those who perpetually look back are always drowned in sorrow over their past losses; and, those who focus on looking ahead enjoy bliss always.

At His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

Caryacarya: period of mourning not more than 12 days

In our personal lives, we live on this earth with so many friends and family. And human beings are mortal. Naturally then we will know so many who die such that we can pass our days on this earth mourning those losses again and again. To counteract this human tendency, Baba has given that the period of mourning should not be for more than 12 days. He does not want any individual level to get stuck in the mire and sorrow of the past.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya guides us, “The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days.” (5)

Unfortunately in today's society, some mourn the deceased year after year, reliving those sad moments. This is also an example of allowing the darkened aspects of life to flourish - which Baba does not approve. That is why He did not include this annual mourning dogma in pre-1990 Caryacarya.

Baba is the Parama Purusa, i.e. the Eternal Entity who remains with us always in our hearts. So there is no meaning or value in sinking oneself in the false and dark nature of an annual grieving / mourning dogma. Our ideal is to remember how Baba is with us each and every moment and not get lost in the dogmatic notion that He is gone.

So those who observe this annual mourning dogma are disobeying Baba. The proper method is to look with the inner, spiritual eye and remember that He is always eternally present.

Baba does not appreciate that humans should live life in such a bleak way, always plunging oneself in the misfortune of the past. That is why in Ananda Marga, each and every festival is based on merriment and joy.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The sweetness of a festival brings new joy and vigour in life...'an occasion which gives human beings fresh inspiration to live a new life'." (6)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 5, The Chariot and the Charioteer
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Our Social Treatise
3. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vrajagopála and Aesthetic Science (Discourse 25)
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the Mind
5. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
6. A Few Problems Solved - 5, On Festivals

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Not allowed to forgive


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In collective life one has no right to forgive anyone; in individual life you can extend maximum forgiveness – rather, the more forgiveness, the better. Forgiveness is something personal; it is not a collective matter. Suppose you are an inhabitant of India. If someone harms the collective life of India, you must not forgive them. Likewise, as you belong to the entire human race, you must not forgive anyone who harms humanity. But in individual life, however much one might harm you, you may forgive that person to the greatest extent possible.” (1)

Note: Everyone knows that Sarvatmananda has ruined Baba’s divine discourses by his tactic of Bangalisation. Some margiis, who do not understand Baba’s philosophy, may think that now that Sarvatmananda has become very old then we should forgive him. But we have to stop and think, and consider Sadguru Baba’s above teaching. Then we will get the answer that forgiveness is only for individual / personal life. If someone has harmed you and if their behaviour has been rectified then you can forgive them. However, if someone has harmed the collective, and perpetrated sins against the greater social body, as is the case with Sarvatmananda since he has destroyed Guru’s discourses, then nobody has any right to forgive him. That is the key teaching from the above guideline on forgiveness. If anything is not clear, then please re-read the yellow highlighted section the above teaching. 

In Him, 
Ramesh Bhanerjee

1. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Spiritual sadhana indispensable for being Prout leader

Ananda Marga ideology says, “All the urges and longings should be channelised and directed towards the Supreme. If this is done indomitable psychic force and invincible spiritual energy will grow from within. This will enable people to solve all the world’s problems–economic, social, cultural, big and small. Unless one develops oneself in this way, as an ideal human being, one will not be able to solve any problem, no matter how madly one beats one’s chest or how loudly one shouts slogans.” (1)

Note: In the above quote Baba guides us that spirituality is an indispensable quality for solving the world’s social problems and becoming a Prout leader. That means only with the great force of true spirituality and by serving others can one be an ideal Proutist and lead the society along the golden road of welfare.

However some start thinking that non-spiritually oriented activists can be ideal Proutists. They think that any atheistic so-called social leader who shouts their battle cry for public welfare has all the requisite qualifications to be a Prout leader.

But Baba gives the reply to those harboring such an imbalanced idea by guiding us that, devoid of spirituality, a service mentality cannot be cultivated in the mind.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, Ideation on Brahma

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Which foods cause TB & leucoderma

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "If any person is long habituated to eating badly-combined foods, such as meat, fish, eggs and similar támasika foods immediately before or after milk, kśiira [a kind of rice pudding] and similar sáttvika foods, then those foods create a favourable condition in the body for tuberculosis.” (1)

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, “Constipating foods should be strictly avoided. Foods which increase the amount of pitta should also be rejected. Fish, meat, eggs, ghee and large quantities of spices usually weaken the liver and bring about constipation, which is one of the causes of leucoderma. In this disease fish and other non-vegetarian foods are very harmful, hence they are to be avoided like poison. No matter how great is the desire for non-vegetarian dishes, patients shall have to control that desire. Leafy vegetables such as heleiṋcá, gimá, ámarula, bráhmii, etc., are most beneficial for leucoderma patients." (2)

1. Yogic Treatments, Tuberculosis
2. Yogic Treatments, Leucoderma (White Leprosy)

== Section 3: Links ==