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Friday, July 7, 2017

How to solve this crisis + 3 more


How to solve this crisis


Baba warned us in 1989 that deep well irrigation is very bad for the environment, soil, and subterranean aquifers. Such wells disrupt the whole ecological balance. And in the last 28 years the problem has reached its tipping point. We are on the verge of a veritable crisis.

Many places now are crippled by a severe drought. The water table has become so low and depleted that they are imposing strict regulations on deep well irrigation. And this same problem is prevalent across the Indian subcontinent and around the globe.

So how should we respond? For farmers the situation is more complex and needs to be addressed on a greater level. But for ordinary citizens there are many simple choices one can make that will put less stress on those deep wells. First one has to realise that those deep wells do not get refilled quickly. It takes thousands of years for water to filter down into those deep aquifers. Most of the water just gets evaporated or runs off to the oceans.

In 1989 and in years prior Baba warned us repeatedly about impending environmental and ecological disasters, including the water crisis. Yet, most people did not take it seriously. And certainly the general populace remained unaware or aloof of Baba’s declarations. But now all those points are have come to the fore. An ecological disaster and water crisis is looming large. Vast areas of the globe are undergoing desertification. If the situation is not fully controlled soon the very survival of humanity will be at stake.

Entire population will die

So a crisis has come because the subterranean aquifers are not replenished as quickly as they are depleted. If all the water is removed from beneath the ground, the entire population will die. The lower the underground water levels become, the more dangerous it gets. First the plant life in that area will die, then rain clouds will cease to form over that area, then desertification sets in, and in its climax animal life and human life are threatened.

On the individual level one must curtail water consumption, especially if that water source is a deep well. And we should bring awareness to this issue as far as possible - propagating Baba’s guidelines. One should be part of the solution - not the problem.

Well irrigation: fertile region transformed to desert

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “I have already said that constructing more deep tube wells is not the solution to the water crisis. What are the drawbacks of well irrigation? Well irrigation causes the level of the water-table to drop, while the continuous use of well irrigation dries up the subterranean flow of water. Initially the effects of continuous well irrigation may not be easy to perceive, but eventually a fertile region will be transformed into a desert. In fact, if the subterranean water level stays at above twenty to twenty-five feet, the surface vegetation will not be affected, but if it drops below fifty feet, the surface of the earth will become a barren wasteland.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states:
"Question – What are the drawbacks of well irrigation?

"Answer – Well irrigation causes the level of the water table to go down until the subterranean flow of water eventually dries up. Shortages of water due to well irrigation are not easily perceptible."

"The negative effects of well irrigation include the following:"

"(1) All neighbouring shallow wells dry up creating the problem of the lack of drinking water."

"(2) Trees, orchards and large plants don’t get sufficient water so they may wither and die. Green countryside will become a desert after 30 to 45 years of intensive well irrigation." (2)

Deep tube wells: minerals harmful to soil
mix with water causing salinity

Ananda Marga philosophy states:
"(3) In some deep tube wells elements or minerals which are harmful to the soil get mixed with the water, causing salinity, for example. As a result the land becomes unfit for cultivation and eventually becomes infertile."

"(4) When the flow of well-water stops, irrigation tanks supplied by these wells also dry up."

"Thus, well irrigation should be used only as a temporary measure because of the devastating effects it can have on the surrounding environment. Alternative methods of irrigation are river irrigation, irrigation from reservoirs, shift irrigation and lift irrigation." (3)

Well irrigation: grain crops & fruit orchards wither & die

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The same amount of water which is brought to the surface does not seep back down into the water-table because much of the water dries up due to the hot sunshine or is absorbed by the trees and plants. Hence, the water-table is rapidly declining. If the practice of deep tube well irrigation continues in Malda, Nadia and other districts, the water-table will decline so much that one day there will be no water for irrigation, and the grain crops and fruit orchards will wither and die. The farmers must be very vigilant about this problem. The wisest approach is to depend upon surface water for irrigation.” (4)


The situation is dire. We as Ananda Margiis should each do what we can individually in our personal life and collectively. Every margii can help solve the matter to some degree by planting trees, conserving water, and propagating of Baba's teachings.

in Him,

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, Water Conservation
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 3
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 3
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 20, Economic Self-Sufficiency for Bengal

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

In my life I want only You, both in happiness & in sorrow

"Toma'ke ca'i a'mi jiivane, a'loke a'ndha're sabkha'ne..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3238)


O' Parama Purusa, in my life I want only You, both in happiness and in sorrow. In the effulgence as well as in the darkness, on good days and bad ones, all the time, in all the places - everywhere. You are my everything. You have blessed me with the feeling that, "You are mine and mine alone." I want to keep You with me always. Please be gracious and remain in my heart eternally. You are with me now and will remain with me forever. You alone are mine - no one else.

O' Supreme Entity, Baba, I long for You in the depths of my being. Except You, I do not want any thing. You and I - the two of us - will remain in one corner of my deserted heart forever and ever. We will be there together, eternally. That is my longing; that is my desire. You are my shelter and You are the base of my life.

Those who went away in the past and those who will come in the future, I also speak on their behalf. I represent the feeling of their mind. Nobody is lowly or insignificant; everyone is Yours. All are part of one divine family. No one is downtrodden; all belong to You.

O' Parama Purusa, whatever right or wrong I do, by Your grace I always keep You in my mind, in my heart. I surrender unconditionally unto You. In my shravana and in my manana [1], I go on singing Your song - Your glory. It is Your blessing. Baba, Your qualities are endless and You have infinite forms. All the flora and fauna - all that is mobile and immobile - everything is part and parcel of Your cosmic expression. You are manifesting Yourself in countless ways, yet You remain mine and mine alone.

Baba, You are the Polestar of my life; You are my everything. Please keep me under Your shelter...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3238:

[1] Manana & Shravana: Here Baba explains both the special meaning and intrinsic value of the devotional practices of manan and shravan.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "To attain Him human beings have to take recourse to shravana (constantly hearing His name), manana (constantly ideating on Him) and nididya'sana (constantly meditating on Him). The Supreme Entity is Gurha, that is, He is lying hidden in the innermost recess of the human entity. To attain Him one must penetrate deep within oneself, and for that the development of an introversial outlook is essential." (Tattva Kaomudi-3)

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Dogmatic idols should be preserved in museums

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Sometimes it so happens that people instead of convincing superstitious people, injure their sentiments by their behaviour. A perusal of history shows that the antagonists of idolatry have, on many occasions, destroyed beautiful temples which were unique examples of architecture. They destroyed the beautiful images which represented the expressions of sculptural art. All these acts are extremely violent, because they cause severe pain to the idolaters, and consequently the idol-worshippers adopt an obstinate attitude towards idols even though they are fully convinced that idol-worship is futile. As a result, not only is the spiritual progress of the idol-worshippers hampered, but the progress of the whole human society is retarded. It is worth noting that even if in any country all the people without exception give up idolatry, the spiritual aspirants, who follow the principles of Brahmacarya, will preserve images carefully in museums out of appreciation for sculpture and aesthetic taste. They will not destroy these beautiful works in any circumstances. Destroying a work of art also results in the destruction of the sense of subtle appreciation, and this is in no way proper.” (1)

Note: In the recent past, and in the Moghul period, Muslims rampantly and senselessly destroyed idols, and still around the world they are pulverizing idols and artistic religious artifacts etc. In our human history, Hindus also disfigured and destroyed Buddhist idols when Buddhism was banished from India. Now those very same idols are showcased and preserved around India in museums and other historical places.

In our Ananda Marga the approach is very different. Margiis will never do such adharmic things. Rather it is our duty to safeguard and preserve the fine arts - from all cultural and religions expressions. In the future when people are educated and follow neo-humanism and rational ideas, they will give up their idol worship and all those idols will be preserved in a museum - for the sake of history and aesthetic value.

Those who do not appreciate the fine arts become violent and vile. That is why our Ananda Marga philosophy encourages the fine arts: painting, drawing, sculpture, music, theatre, cartooning, drama, poetry, literature, and dance etc. At the same time, Ananda Marga teachings do not condone art for art’s sake. Instead the aim is art for “service and blessedness.”

Lastly, remember, degraded, vulgar, sensual, and crude expressions are not appreciated as fine art, rather they are pseudo-culture.

1. Guide to Human Conduct, Ahimsa

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:1. PS #3238: In my life I want only You, both in happiness & in sorrow
2. Posting: How to solve this crisis
3. IT: Dogmatic idols should be preserved in museums
4. Links