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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

That day + 2 more


That day


During a general darshan in 1978, Baba first started talking about the bhukti pradhan system. On that occasion, Baba told how margiis will feel more accountable and will take on more responsibility with this newly introduced BP system. Overall it will have a very beneficial effect on the various social service projects of AMPS.

Bhukti Pradhan system: self-cleaning of AMPS

Invariably Wts are transferred from one place to another, so the general public is not familiar with the newly posted WT. Nor is the new Wt familiar with those sympathizers and that local service project. That adversely affects the overall consistency in establishing and overseeing those social service endeavours. In consequence, the project suffers a lot.

With the newly given BP system, local margiis will be more involved and take greater responsibility in running the local service projects. Since they live locally there will be a stronger bond and continuous link with the general public. That will help those projects thrive and our organization will grow very fast. With the introduction and implementation of the BP system, family persons and Wt acaryas worked side-by-side in coordinated cooperation to establish the ideology.

Note: Other religious organizations rarely transfer their monks and that is why they have public support. But keeping those monks in one place brings about the degeneration of those monks. So in our system, transfer postings are a must as this protects our Wt cadre.

Another facet Baba introduced was the system of pointing out where both family people and Wts have the right and duty to point out the defects of Ananda Margiis, whether they be monks or family people. This is completely revolutionary as family people were never empowered in this way in the past. Baba guides us that because of this unique system of self-cleaning, our organization (AMPS) will grow by leaps and bounds. Because if anyone is going against 16 Pts or the ideology, they will be rectified at the earliest. With the system of coordinated cooperation, there will be proper control of Wts by margiis and due control of margiis by Wts. So the conduct of both will be proper, and the organization will serve society - on and on.

Coordinated cooperation between Wts and margiis

Just after that famous darshan in 1978, Baba, in a loving and smiling manner, addressed all the acaryas who were sitting there. Baba said, "You workers (Wts), will you allow margiis to work side by side with you in coordinated cooperation?"

All the WT Dadas responded collectively and said, "Yes, Baba."

Note: But in certain cases, some Central Dadas were just mechanically accepting what Baba was telling because in their heart of hearts they were not pleased to give any rights to family margiis.

After that, Baba again in a smiling way asked all the margiis who were present there in that general darshan, "Will you, (margiis), be able to work side by side with WT Dadas?"

Then all the margiis responded with joy, "Yes, Baba."

Baba blessed both

Then our Beloved Baba was in a very blissful mood and said, "My sons & My daughters are My two hands and have equal rights. The role of family persons is from bottom to top. And I, (Baba), have made such a system that family persons are on the Purodha Board also."

After this general darshan, Baba asked margiis to sing bhajans. Then Baba graciously blessed all present with His varabhaya mudra. In this way the general darshan blissfully concluded.

BP system ruined by unscrupulous people

In the wake of the ongoing power struggle and division in our AMPS, there is much debate about how our organisation is to proceed - and get back on track. One key point is that we must never lose sight of the fact that our AMPS structure is built on the pillar of coordinated cooperation between family margiis and wholetimers. It is not that margiis are forced to take a back-seat role. The running of AMPS is to be shared in a rational way. That is Baba's guideline and the above story helps remind us of this fact. But now margii BPs are forced to play a subservient role.

Yet that is not the way things are supposed to me. The great boon Baba has given is: The bhukti pradhan system enables family persons to work side-by-side with Wts in coordinated fashion. Indeed if this had been done all along since 1990 then we would certainly not be facing the situation in which we find ourselves today.

Prior to 1990 everything was proper; but ever since then, the approach of coordinated cooperation has been disbanded. The various group leaders are the main cause as they altered all the rules, curtailed margii rights, and the BP system was cut down. Mostly puppets were given the post, and by that way those Wts at the helm proceeded according to their own liking. Thus with no control on those various WT groups, the scene became a power-hungry, group clash.
Since 1990 margiis have been denied the opportunity to work alongside Wts in coordinated cooperation. Rather a certain league of Wts obliterated the margii voice. Now again, we must review the history and remind ourselves of Guru’s grand plan.

Baba introduced the BP system

In review, after coming out of jail in 1978, our Baba the Sadguru started giving more and more new programs - including the system of bhukti pradhan (BP). The introduction of the BP system was a revolutionary step as Baba has given equal rights to margiis and WTs to run the organization with coordinated cooperation.

Until now, in human history, not a single guru or religious head could dare give equal rights to the family people and monks. Only Sadguru Baba has graced humanity by bestowing these rights because our Beloved Baba is Taraka Brahma. Yet, in this situation, some Wts like Sarvatmananda and Rudrananda were internally upset; they could not digest this idea of sharing the leadership of the organisation with family margiis.


In the present day situation when our organisation is facing a serious crisis, and different factions of avadhuta groups have balkanised Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, in this crucial time it is the demand of the day to implement the unique BP system which Baba has given. Ideologically-minded margiis and Wts must work side by side in the administration. Devoid of this, all these problems cannot be solved.

This is the time when we have to think again why Baba has given the unique system that family margiis and WTs are to jointly run the organisation with coordinated cooperation.

Unfortunately due to extreme lust of power and terrible group clash, after 1990 Baba's system could not get implemented in the real sense. And in the absence of this, the present day catastrophe has come. But if this system of Bhukti Pradhan rights had not been curtailed and the system was functioning properly then surely the present day negative scenario would not have arrived.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

“What is coordinated cooperation”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In every field of collective life there should be cooperation among the members of society. Where this cooperation is between free human beings, each with equal rights and mutual respect for each other, and each working for the welfare of the other, it is called “coordinated cooperation”. Where people do something individually or collectively, but keep themselves under other people’s supervision, then it is called “subordinated cooperation”. In each and every stratum of life, we should do everything with coordinated cooperation and always avoid subordinated cooperation.” (1)

Here is more info on this topic:

1. Proutist Economics, Cooperatives

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

There is a ray of hope

"Tamasár pare áshár áloka, púvákáshe raunga eneche, ár ghumáiyo ná, 
bhulok dyulok mánavatá d́eke caleche...." (Prabhat Samgiita #4699)


Now, after the long darkness, there is a ray of hope. The crimson colour is appearing in the eastern horizon, and the auspicious dawn is approaching. O’ human being of the physical and psychic worlds, humanity is calling you. Arise, awaken, do not sleep any longer; leave the rotten dogma and groupism and become a neo-humanist.

In this new era of neo-humanism, no one will remain downtrodden, suffer from a lack of hope, or hang their head in despair. No person will lie in the dust neglected. All will feel that their life has become meaningful. There will not be any stains of dogma or injustice in society. The hue of the new dawn, the era of peace and freedom, has appeared. The days of cimmerian darkness are fading away.

With fear and panic, let the owls and demons of darkness go away. There is no scope for remaining depressed and hopeless. The most close, the nearest and dearest Entity, Parama Purusa Baba has come. With His divine blessing we have to serve all, marching forward, by His grace….

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Proper industrialization

Prout philosophy says, "In the field of industry, the necessity of both small-scale and large-scale industries will have to be accepted. For example, the requisite amount of yarn needed to meet the demand for cloth in a self-sufficient unit may be produced by many big yarn mills. Here the production of yarn can be treated as a large-scale industry, and with the help of this industry, numerous small-scale industries will prosper. Viable weavers' cooperatives can be established, centred on each yarn mill. Weavers will then get the opportunity to weave cloth while remaining in their own homes. They will no longer be required to leave their homes at the call of a distant large-scale industry. At the same time the weaving industry will not suffer even during times of war, because everything will be within easy reach."

"The acceptance of both small-scale and large-scale industries does not mean that old machinery is to be encouraged. With the development of science, advanced machinery will have to be utilized. The attempt to stop the use of sugar by advertising the benefits of molasses, or to campaign against mill-made cloth by extolling the virtues of khadi, is senseless. As long as advanced mechanization and scientific decentralization have not been adopted, molasses, hand-spun cloth and similar enterprises should be encouraged, and their importance to the rural economy must be accepted.

"Where industrialization is intended to plunder profits, obviously the policy of decentralization is not likely to be supported. But where industrialization is intended to meet the requirements of society, there can be no objection to the policy of decentralization." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #8

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Mother cannot feel its pain

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The mother who feels so much love and affection for her child that she sacrifices everything in life for its comfort and welfare, mercilessly slices young kai fish [walking fish] into pieces without the slightest emotional feeling. The young kai fish cry out in the agony of death, but the cruel heart of the human mother does not melt.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section 4: Links ==

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Other topics of interest