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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Pollution in sadhana + 3 more


Pollution in sadhana


For the highest attainment, two distinct qualities are needed. The mind must be both (a) clean and (b) concentrated.

Think of it this way. If you look in the water to see your reflection then two things are needed. The water must be clear, and the water must be still. Without both those attributions, one cannot see their reflection in the water. Likewise, in order to ideate properly in dhyana, those same two qualities are needed.

Firstly, the mind must be clear - i.e. pure or clean just like that water. That means the mind must have the earnest desire to move on the spiritual path: Love for the dhyeya (Goal). In this regard, other lessons and aspects of sadhana are very beneficial such as iishvara pranidhana, cakra shodhana (5th lesson), Guru Puja, Kiirtan, etc.

Secondly, the mind must be concentrated. That is, it must not move all over the place. Rather it should remain quiet and still in one place - and not be hounded by any other thoughts. Only the thought of the Goal.

By regular dhyana, a sweet and intimate relation with Him will arise within the dry heart, by His grace.

Understanding about mental colour

You know when you think any mundane thought the mind gets coloured. All mundane thoughts are related with something worldly. And every worldly entity has its inherent colour. So by thinking about the world, the mind gets polluted, soiled, coloured.

For example, a meat-eater thinks about meat so the colour of the meat dyes his citta. The mind gets stained. Even if you think about something worldly that is sentient, then again the mind gets coloured. In spirituality, colour is treated as a bondage. This next example may also be helpful for some. If someone is infatuated with the opposite sex etc, then their mind will be coloured by that object. And that idea will dominate the mind.

When we do sadhana, due to constantly thinking about Parama Purusa, the mundane colour fades from the mind and one becomes colourless. Because Parama Purusa is colourless. So one way to become colourless is to do sadhana, and the other way is to do Guru puja. That expedites the process. Another name of Guru puja is the offering of colours, i.e. mental colours, varn´a´rghyada´na.

A good sadhaka’s mind is filled with righteous thinking, whereas a thief’s mind is filled with lowly thinking. That is why in one of Baba’s discourses He described a fake yogi’s mind as: Mana ná ráuṋgáile ráuṋgáile yogi kápaŕá.

Here the term colour has been used. O' fake yogi, you coloured your clothes but did not dye your mind in His thought. By this example, one can understand that in the spiritual realm what colour is. You know the mind of some Wts is coloured with politics, and others with bhakti, and others with business etc. By this way one will understand about colour.

How to become colourless

As one's practice of dhyana grows then the sadhaka becomes more and more like Parama Purusa. That is, one sheds their colours by offering them unto Him. And in that way, when one is not shackled by so many worldly attachments, the sadhaka becomes more and more fixed on the Goal. And in a spontaneous moment the feeling arises in the mind that, "Parama Purusa is mine and mine alone." This is the beautiful process that happens through dhyana.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "'By surrendering all the colours of my mind to You, I want to become colourless.' This surrender to the Supreme Consciousness propels human beings towards Him. So this colour festival is not merely an outward play; it is purely a psycho-spiritual phenomenon. This very psycho-spiritual phenomenon is operating behind the process of varn´a´rghyada´na [offering of colours]. 'O Lord, make me colourless so that I may move towards You without any hesitation'." (1)

By His divine grace, every sadhaka feels that sweetest level of bhakti in their life.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "This bhakti is a heavenly attribution, and this heavenly attribution is enjoyed by human beings." (2)

in Him,

1. Neo-Humanism: Liberation of Intellect, 'Inner Asset'
2. Subhasita Samgraha-17, 1 June 1986 DMC, Kolkata

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

After wiping away darkness You have come 

"A'lo jhariye madhu ks'ariye a'ndha'r sa'riye tumi esecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1233)


My Parama Purusa, You have come, showering refulgence, exuding nectar, and wiping away all darkness. You have arrived - making the flowers blossom and spreading happiness and bliss. By Your august presence, my hopes and longings have been fulfilled. WIth Your supreme manifestation, everything has changed.

Baba, in the anticipation of Your advent, living beings were waiting with deep yearning and melancholic longing in their heart. In the hope of Your arrival, they patiently began watching for Your coming - constantly looking towards Your path. The painful longing of bhaktas resonated in Your heart and You could no longer remain distant. You have come pouring the basket of prema - satisfying everyone's soul. The sleeping humanity has gotten new life by Your krpa’.

Parama Purusa Baba, that river which dried up and evaporated in the desert of materialism, and that spiritual song which was lost in the oblivion, You have mercifully  brought the current of that river and the tune of those songs along with You.

Baba, with Your auspicious blessing, You have inundated hearts with the nectar of bhakti. This is Your causeless grace...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1233:

[1] The inner idea is that when Parama Purusa comes and inundates the heart with deep bhakti, then all those feelings of love, which had dried up, start to blossom. In the above song, the river signifies the flow of bhakti and the song and melody refers to that subtler expression of inner spiritual feeling.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Warning; vanity of knowledge

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who have vanity of knowledge, although they do not expressly beseech this from the Supreme, but rather think inwardly that the Supreme should bestow an enormous wealth of knowledge upon them -- this type of person is reborn as vidya'dhara." (1)

Note: Vidya'dhara is one type of microvita that is under punishment. Such type of unfortunate beings got degenerated and became microvita. So they are suffering and yearn to once again get human life. But this will occur only after they escape from the noose of the long-term bondage and state of punishment etc.

1. Yoga Psychology, Are Ghosts Hallucinations?

== Section 4: Links ==