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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Trendy progressives vs AM + 5 more

Trendy progressives vs AM


Those not adequately familiar with Ananda Marga philosophy get confused and wrongly conclude that all of the ideas espoused by progressive liberals are parallel to Ananda Marga ideology. But they should know that the definition of progressive in Ananda Marga is very different from the way western liberals use the term.

In Ananda Marga, progressive means moving forward towards the spiritual Goal. In contrast, liberal progressives adopt a matter-centered approach, i.e. materialism. That is why they are merely so-called progressives. Many of the things so-called progressives advocate, Ananda Marga does not support. Further down in this email are some clear-cut examples.

Just born out of reaction - devoid of rationality

Think of it this way. If Mr. A’s entire modus operandi is just to oppose whatever Mr. B does, that means Mr. A does not have an ideology of their own. Everything they do is born out of reaction. So soon they will get frustrated and tired, and will invariably give up. Similarly, so-called progressive liberals automatically oppose whatever the religions do - without even using their rational brain. For example, take the case of intoxicants. The religious right is against the use of intoxicants, therefore “progressive” liberals automatically support the availability and use of intoxicants. Those so-called progressives have no guiding philosophy of their own; just they do everything out of reaction to the church. And there are many such examples.

The aim of Ananda Marga is altogether different. Ananda Marga ideology supports whatever is beneficial for the physical, psychic, and spiritual development of human beings, and opposes those things which hamper development in those three realms. We follow the measuring scale of rationality, and always support those activities which enhance the welfare and all-round development of all peoples. That means we may appreciate some things that the religious right supports, and some things that the religious right opposes. Thus we are not aligned with the so-called progressives who by definition oppose everything that the religious right supports.

Here are some examples that progressive liberals advocate but which are not supported by Ananda Marga.

“Progressives” mindlessly oppose

For instance:
(a) Religion is against premarital affairs so “progressive-minded” people appreciate premarital relations.
(b) Religion opposes suicide, so now “progressives” are in support of legalising suicide and assisted suicide.
(c) Religion opposes liquor, so “progressives” support it.
(d) Religion opposes drugs, so now “progressives” are in support of legalising drugs.
(e) Religion opposes marijuana, so now “progressives” are pleased as marijuana has become legal in many places.
(f) Religion is against pornography, so “progressive-minded” people appreciate pornography.
(g) Religion opposes degrading films, so now “progressives” support them.
(h) Religion opposes scantily clad females, so “progressives” fully support this.
(i) Religion adamantly opposes prostitution, so “progressive” people approve of prostitution.
(j) Religion opposes gay and lesbian relations (LGBTQ), and “progressives” support of gay marriage & LBGTQ issues etc.

Essentially, whatever the church does, so-called progressive-minded people in the society oppose. Whereas the approach of Ananda Marga is the path of rationality. We support those activities that are beneficial to humanity and oppose those things which are harmful.

Neither degeneration of “progressives” nor dogma of religion

It is important to bear in mind that religion itself is a mixed bag. Some of their edicts are proper, but on many, many occasions religious views are completely bogus. Nowadays, in the west, the ”progressives” are frustrated and disgusted with all the religions. So they automatically reject everything that the religions support in the social sphere. But Ananda Marga does not support the blind ways of such so-called progressives either.

Today’s outlandish dress code, pornography, general lewdness, perverted writings and cinema, degrading music and songs etc, are all in reaction to religion. Progressives support those things because those so-called progressives automatically oppose the conservative religious right on all fronts. This type of reaction and irrational approach has been gaining steam over the past 50 - 60 years. It is part of their blanket reaction against religion. Such progressive people blindly oppose religion, regardless of whether those are positive or negative points for society.

Thus, on the one hand, the degrading elements of pseudo-culture are widely embraced by so-called progressives. And, on the other hand, over the centuries religion has done so much to damage the build up of a neo-humanistic society. The suppressive tactics of religion have reduced human beings to inert, non-thinking people. Religion does not want people to use their brain or analytical mind. Their designated approach is that people should blindly follow religious edicts and become an unquestioning adherent of their dogma.


In our Ananda Marga, we neither support the degrading, materialistic ways of those blind progressives, nor the dogmatic, closed-minded approach of the religions. The path of Ananda Marga is wholly rational. Once freed from the suffocating doctrines of religion, and once aware about the indulgent ways of so-called progressives, the common people will eagerly adopt an approach to life where logical and analytical thinking are encouraged. By this open-minded, rational approach, people will naturally pick up on the dharmic teachings of Ananda Marga and discard their own persons. degenerating habits etc. That will be fertile ground for neo-humanism and spirituality.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Now as a human being, what should one do? One should follow the path of rationality. Rationality is a treasure of humanity that no animal possesses. And those who possess the inner asset of devotion within their hearts and follow the path of rationality in dealing with the external world, must be victorious. They alone can accomplish worthy deeds in this world." (1)

in Him,

Not for all

Some may wonder why the gay movement is gaining so much traction around the world, especially in western nations. If we dig down, it becomes apparent that this movement is fueled not so much by support for the gay community as it is a result of the huge backlash against organised religion. People have embraced materialism and think that everything religion does is dogmatic. So to show oneself as being “open-minded” and “progressive”, one has to oppose the church - on each and every issue, mindlessly. And that is what we see happening nowadays. So religion opposes gay and lesbian relations, and “progressives” support of gay marriage etc.

~ In-depth study ~

Prout philosophy states, "The worst propounders of dogma --the kings of dogma -- do not want people to develop mental clarity. They do not want the penetrating illumination of the sun's light to pierce through the mists of dogma. They do not want people to bathe in the radiant light of the day and stand under the clear, unclouded sky...In fact, the very attempt to find the path of rationality [is] considered blasphemous." (2)

According to the above teaching, in the dogmatic religions like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam etc, the lay people are not allowed to freely express their thoughts. Doing so is viewed as being against the code - i.e. sinful. For this reason their followers mostly keep quiet and do not say a word about any controversial topic.

Prout philosophy states, “Human expressions are trifarious. Human beings have unquenchable, infinite physical longings and out of these physical longings capitalism came into existence. Capitalists toil day and night for money. This may be a natural desire but physical objectivity is finite, hence the infinite desire to accumulate finite physical objects is a psychic ailment. Human beings also have unquenchable, infinite psychic longings, and out of these excessive psychic longings psychic ailments arise and people become abnormal. The object of psychic longings associated with physicalities is also finite, but the object of pure psychic longing is infinite. Your psychic body and physical objectivity are always separate and so the seed of dualism arises. But the attainment of spiritual objectivity means bridging the gulf between the self and the object, and in this attainment lies peace. The psychic ailments mentioned above also lead to clash with others and create many have-nots. We have to divert physical longings to psychic and spiritual longings to avoid a fratricidal war, and thereby safeguard human rights.” (3)

1. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism: Disc 3
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, 'Religious Dogma'
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Topic ==

Sad state of such persons

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who are egotistic will not accept their mistake even when they discover it. They will say, “You see, it seems I made a mistake and So-and-so has pointed it out. This is a great insult to me – I cannot tolerate it! Though he may have spoken the truth, it is beneath my dignity to accept it. It is too humiliating! If I even admit that I have harmed the people, that will be a great slur on my character – how can I allow that to happen? So I will continue to maintain that what I have done is right. This may harm people, but I must make sure that my prestige is not injured.” (1)

1. Liberation of Intellect - Neohumanism Is the Ultimate Shelter (Discourse 11)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Liberation necessary in all realms of life

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The effort to attain liberation from economic bondage, political slavery and all sorts of social dependence in the physical world, is the liberation from staticity in the crude world. In order to attain liberation from worldly bondages of this sort, human beings will have to make conscious efforts.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If a certain country is held in bondage to another country, then that subjugated country will have to wage war in order to attain liberation from the chains of slavery. That is why liberation from worldly bondages is essential for human beings. We have noticed that wherever there is worldly subservience – whether economic, political or social – the proper development of the innate qualities, or the genius of human beings, remains remote. That is why in every sphere of life liberation is necessary; liberation from the bondage of staticity is a must.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Liberation From Staticity

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Inherent rights of women

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The status of women in prehistoric human society was the same as that of independent females of any living species. The women, just like the men, spent their days in the lap of nature singing, dancing, laughing and playing. These conditions continued throughout the period when there was no human society as such and continued into the matriarchal age. But when the patriarchal social system came into being, the rights of women began gradually to be curtailed.” (1)

History bears testimony that decades ago - around the globe - females did not have any rights. They were subservient to males in all respects. Females were viewed as not having the same potentialities of men - as if they were far inferior. Because of this repression and suppression, their service to society was also limited in scope. In many regions, females have since gained freedom, and people now recognise that females are not less in any way. They are comparable to men in all types of fields.Earlier they were subservient so their potential was suppressed. The key point is that freedom is important.

So when working with others one should must not suppress them, otherwise society will not benefit from their full potentialities. It is equally true in unit families as in the larger society.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 9, From Matriarchy to Patriarchy – Excerpt A

== Section: News From May 2017==

Analogy of donkey & Dada Rudrananda

Courtesy of WhatsApp - STO Forum:  It is obvious that this below news is not original content by Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

एक कुम्हार  गणेश जी की मूर्ती बनाता था। किसी ने एक बड़ी मूर्ति गणेश जी की बनाने का आर्डर दिया।
एक दिन जब गणेश जी की मूर्ती तैयार हो गई, तब उसने उस मूर्ति को गधे को सजाकर उस पर रख कर उस व्यक्ति को देने जा रहा था। जिस रास्ते से गधा जा रहा था। उस वक्त गधे ने देखा की उस रास्ते पर जो भी लोग थे या जो लोग गुजर रहे थे, वे सब लोग हाथ जोड़ कर नमस्कार कर रहे है। 
इस पर गधे को यह समझ आई कि उसकी समाज में बहुत इज्ज़त है इसलिए सब लोग उस की तरफ देख कर उसको नमस्कार कर रहे हैं। इस कारण से गधे को अपने ऊपर घमंड हो गया।
उसके बाद जब कुम्हार मूर्ति को पहुंचाने के बाद उस गधे को उसी रास्ते से वापिस ले रहा था। तब गधे ने देखा , कि कोई भी नमस्कार नही कर रहा है,तो गधे ने समझा ,कि शायद पब्लिक का ध्यान दूसरी तरफ होगा। तो गधे ने पब्लिक का ध्यान अपनी तरफ आकर्षित करने के लिए "ढेंचु ढेंचु" करने लगा। तो भी लोगो ने नमस्कार नहीं किया। फिर गधा अपनी भद्दी आवाज में ढेंचु ढेंचु  लगातार कड़ाने लगा। तब कुछ लोगो ने गधे को डंडो से पिटाई कर  दिया।
फिर गधे को समझ  आया।कि लोग मूर्ति  को नमस्कार कर रहे थे। उसको नहीं।
उसी गधे के अनुसार रुद्रानंद भी समझते है, कि जो आनंदनगर या जमालपुर DMS में मार्गी भाई आते है  वह उनकी (रुद्रानंद) वजह सीट हे।यह रुद्रानद की भूल हे। 

अंतर सिरफ इतना है कि वह गधा कुम्हार का पशु रूपी था।

Courtesy of WhatsApp - STO Forum:  It is obvious that this above news is not original content by Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

== Section 3: Links ==