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Friday, April 19, 2024

Recipe for bravery + 2 more

Recipe for bravery

A person has strong faith in Ista when they bravely believe and have the internal feeling - “He helps me in ALL situations.” Without that strong faith then the situation will be the opposite - they will be weak, scared, and paralysed. So the braveness that "everything will be fine and Baba will take care and I am secure" comes from Ista. That courage is due to strictness in Ista that everything will be fine.
Think about an opposite scenario. Suppose someone got lost while driving their car, was not doing well in their various engagements, did not know how to act or what to do, or was involved in dangerous situations like a potentially serious accident. Imagine if they do not have anything to fall upon like Ista. In that situation, they will be paralysed or they will cry or get depressed like cowards. There are tens of thousands of examples of this in your neighbourhood. Such frightened and depressed people are pervasive throughout.
So one should understand what is involved in the expression, "If you have Ista you will be brave and everything will be fine as Baba will save the situation." If anyone does not have that feeling then they will be paralysed like a coward and be terrified.
When a child trusts its mother then it remains bravely calm. That babe does not get paralysed. But if it does not have its mother then what? Then it will be terrified and cry out loudly and not stop crying. So Ista brings courage that, "I am under His divine shelter and nobody can do me harm."
Humans and animals - both are alike on this point. That is to say when they are with their master they feel more brave.

Why faith in Parama Purusa Ista makes one courageous 

Some may wonder why cowardliness is so closely related with having a weak link and a low degree of faith in Parama Purusa (Ista). The reason is that when one thinks of Ista then immediately they gain strength. It is just like if your uncle is a king, and you live in his kingdom, then if he gives you his full support in your land dispute case, you will gain great confidence and strength knowing that your uncle's support is behind you and that he will do whatever is needed to gain victory. Same is the case when the provincial lieutenant is your best friend, then you feel quite brave and strong when you are residing in that province.
Likewise, when you know that Parama Purusa is the most powerful Entity, and when you think that He is your Parama Purusa Baba and He is always with you, then one can never succumb to cowardliness. Rather you will feel very courageous and strong. Fear only comes when one feels powerless. And it is impossible to feel powerless when you feel Ista's presence along with you. On a related plane, we see this with animals as well. Horses and dogs - even elephants - gain strength and courage when they know their master is with them. And certainly as sadhakas, when one feels that Parama Purusa (Ista) is with them then a tremendous, positive vibration - i.e. great force - is generated from within, by His grace.
The chief difference between the mundane examples noted above and one's link with the Sadguru Baba (Ista) is that the Parama Purusa (Ista) is with you all the time - everywhere. His power is almighty thus all 24 hrs He can destroy every problem even before that problem arises. He is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. In all times and in all situations, He is there guiding you to victory. In contrast, a king or a lieutenant may not even realize you are in problem, and even if they do, their power and abilities can wane at any moment. In that case they cannot be depended upon. Whereas Parama Purusa is eternal and always watching for your welfare. And without faith in Parama Purusa Baba, proper sadhana and spiritual progress are but a dream.

Regardless of how much wealth, intelligence, power, and post one has, in their life they also have experienced times when they feel helpless. Because human beings are not all-powerful. If one has faith in Ista, one always remains calm and brave in the face of any problem. Whatever is occurring in the entire universe, the energy behind that action comes from Parama Purusa. When one has full faith in Him then there will be a direct connection and one will feel the supply of energy. The degree of faith one has brings that same degree of courage and bravery. Without faith in Ista, sadhana becomes a meaningless ritual, and the person remains a coward.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Observe uncompromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of the Iśt́a (Goal)." (1)

Ananda Vanii says, "Be firm on sixteen points. Unite all the righteous forces. All the tall talks of the evil forces will be silenced.." (2)
In Him,

1. Caryacarya - 2, Sixteen Points, Point #10
2. Ananda Vanii #44

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Those who don’t seek You

“Tumi nei kon kháne go, bolo more bolo more…” (Prabhát Samgiita #4537)


Parama Purusa, please tell me where You are not - let me know where You do not reside. In which nook and corner are You not existing. Baba, You are everywhere. Wherever I look, I see You there - in all the ten directions. You reside in the rivers and ponds, at the bottom of the ocean, from the desert to the deep forest, and also on top of the highest mountain peak. You are all-pervading.

Supreme Entity, You are ever-present in fire, air, and in the far distant blue sky - You are in all places. You are also on the Earth, and at the same time in the remote galaxies and nebulae and roots of gigantic trees. You are in all places and directions. You are everywhere, ever-present in the burning desert, the vast ocean, and at the same time in green vegetation, savanna, all directions. Also You are in the most horrifying Cimmerian darkness - Parama Purusa Baba You are omnipresent. You never go anywhere because Your being is saturated within each and every particle of this entire creation. You made us realize this truth through Your various expressions, including reporting and dharma samiiksa.

Omnipresent Entity, in search of You, so many are moving around facing so much suffering, wandering from one tiirtha to another, both in their own land and in far away places. Every location, all around, they are uselessly searching You in the external world. Baba, some commemorate so-called mahaprayan and declare that You are no more. Unfortunately, they do not search You within - in the deep core of their heart. Instead they travel around from one spot to the next, even after facing various pains and tortures for their penance. They just waste their time searching You in the external world. Those who don't seek You within never get You. Only virtuous and dharmic persons find You within, inside their mind and heart through their sadhana, shravan, manan, nididhyásana, kiirtan, dhyána etc. Such bhaktas realise that You are always sitting inside - smiling.

Baba, You are ever-present at each place. You are Parama Purusa and Taraka Brahma. You never leave me - always I am on Your lap. It is Your grace...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sign of proper human beings

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Parama Purusa will be pleased when you serve His creation - not only human beings, but also plants, animals, and the rest of creation. That is bhu'ta yajina, pitr yajina, and nr yajina are to be performed. Those who have this feeling are human beings in the real sense of the term." (1) 

Note: Service is an indisputable part of human life. Ananda Marga is unique in that our approach to service is not limited to helping other human beings. We are to work for the welfare of all creation including animals, plants, other primitive life forms, and even inanimate objects. Those who are not inclined to serve all of creation cannot be thought of as true human beings. Living a life solely in pursuit of one’s selfish ends will not do. One has to cultivate the desire to serve one and all. 

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, service is unilateral. One serves others without wanting or expecting anything in return. If there is a give and take involved then it is business, not service. Only those with the sincere desire to serve are real human beings. Those involved in selfish pursuits in the name of social service are not up to the mark. In materialistic societies, people are primarily guided by self-interest and carnal pleasures. Theirs is not a life of social service. Though, in order to garner prestige, they engage in endeavours that look like they are doing social service.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Requirements for Sádhaná

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why military needed

Prout philosophy states, “Everywhere in the manifested or unmanifested universe there is a ceaseless fight going on between Vidyá and Avidyá. For running a government we require strong military and police forces, for in society there is also the fight between Vidyá and Avidyá. Even within one’s self such a fight will continue. Those countries which cry for disarmament are also preparing within for war. Even after the establishment of a universal government we will require military and police forces for maintaining peace.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

= Section: Important Teaching ==

Third limb of ayurveda

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The third health-determining element is kapha, or the liquid, viscous portion of the body. Excess kapha creates spontaneous heat within the body which manifests externally as fever...Ginger is the enemy of kapha, the destroyer of kapha. Thus one name of ginger in ayurveda is kapha’ri. Similarly, arum or elephant root is the destroyer of arsha [piles] so arum in Sanskrit is called arsha’ri or arshaghnii.” (1)

Note: The first two health determining elements are va’yu and pitta.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 3, Kakubh to Kavaśńa (Discourse 17)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Only people of low intellect get attracted to communism

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Countries which have both laborious and intellectually developed citizens have never accepted communism. For example, Karl Marx was born in Germany but his theory was not accepted there. Similarly, England gave shelter to Marx but did not accept his theory. The cooperative movement first started in England and the spirit of cooperation is reflected in many aspects of British society; consequently, Marxism has not been able to get a foothold in Britain. Japan is surrounded by communist countries like the Soviet Union, North Korea and China but it did not accept communism. The citizens of these countries, as well as of some other countries, are both laborious and intellectually developed, hence they have rejected Marxism.” (1)

Note: In India there was only state where communism was accepted for several decades. You are surely aware about that state.

1. Defects of Communism – Excerpt C